McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits


I own a business that employs 12 people. I have to make at least 70K a month just to keep the doors open.

I have to keep hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment in working order.

I have to comply with OSHA regulations, DEA regulations, EPA regulations and various other government crap.

You have to stuff burgers in a bag.

You know nothing about pressure.

Wow? 70K a month? I write over $100,000 in Purchase Orders EVERY DAY, dude.

Another small businessman who thinks he's Bill Gates. I deal with you guys every day, usually incredibly full of yourselves.
Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.

Listen up little girl, I've been working 30 more years then you have been alive... so don't come on here telling me what I would to see...If any of that you described was happening then it's up to YOU FIRST to confront your employer about and if it isn't settled then a threat of a lawsuit might make them look twice about things...
It already is illegal here to do any of that. and usually what happens if it is caught by the employee they take to labor relations...they will resolve it usually and one is, they will fine the company and compensating the employee who was injured by it all...have you sued or been sued by someone? It take a lot time and MONEY guess who it won't hurt and guess who it will?
oh well, I hope this doesn't create another Utopia I mean disaster for you and people like you...good luck to you

Well, then what's your problem with this ruling, then?

McDonald's has insulated itself from the bad behavior of franchise owners by saying, "Hey, that's with the Franchise owner"... even though the Franchise owner benefits by the brand name and distribution system, etc.

So McDonald's can be held liable for bad Franchise owners now.

Sounds fair to me.

Stephanie wants to keep protecting wallstreet billionaires & punishing workers & mainstreet franchise owners. McDonalds corporate got federal bailout money & gave their workers & franchise owners the shaft. Too big too fail is bullshit. It's about time the little guy was bailed out.
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First off, it is a fantasy of yours.

Second, the militias are more dangerous than your "people's revolution" of poor people, and they damn sure won't fold to become socialists.

And, as I said, it won't be an over night thing. I can relocate as well.

Oh, yeah. Fat old gun nuts who are scared of black people. That's your typical NRA gun nut.

Again, when things get bad, most people never see it coming. Pick up a history book once in a while.

Someone needs to save you people from yourselves.

The way things happened "way back when", and the way things happen now are VERY different.

I own a business that employs 12 people. I have to make at least 70K a month just to keep the doors open.

I have to keep hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment in working order.

I have to comply with OSHA regulations, DEA regulations, EPA regulations and various other government crap.

You have to stuff burgers in a bag.

You know nothing about pressure.

Wow? 70K a month? I write over $100,000 in Purchase Orders EVERY DAY, dude.

Another small businessman who thinks he's Bill Gates. I deal with you guys every day, usually incredibly full of yourselves.

Yeah, you write $100,000 in purchase orders with someone else's money.

Also, he said nothing about what business he actually does, just the minimum to keep the place open. I work bid on projects for millions of dollars. But it's not MY money. That does make a huge difference.

And for someone who claims to be all about the workers, you sure are derogatory of business owners. You DO realize that business owners (especially small business owners) create the jobs for your workers to be half-assed about?

First off, it is a fantasy of yours.

Second, the militias are more dangerous than your "people's revolution" of poor people, and they damn sure won't fold to become socialists.

And, as I said, it won't be an over night thing. I can relocate as well.

Oh, yeah. Fat old gun nuts who are scared of black people. That's your typical NRA gun nut.

Again, when things get bad, most people never see it coming. Pick up a history book once in a while.

Someone needs to save you people from yourselves.

The way things happened "way back when", and the way things happen now are VERY different.

Not really.

Frankly, the most recent example I could think of was the Iranian Revolution. Yeah, the Shah got out in time. Most of his cronies got shot.

Hey, maybe instead of spending time thinking about how you can escape the consequences of your fucked up policies, maybe you can spend some time thinking about fixing them.
And for someone who claims to be all about the workers, you sure are derogatory of business owners. You DO realize that business owners (especially small business owners) create the jobs for your workers to be half-assed about?

No, you see, you've got it backwards. Business owners profit off the work done by workers. Which is why they should treat them fairly, pay them a living wage and not do horseshit like fuck with their health care coverage because a Magic Sky Pixie said abortion was bad.

and when workers are happy and well-compensated- get this- they actually tend to be more productive and spend more.

Hence, why we enjoyed our greatest prosperity when we had the highest level of unionization in this country. Happy, well compensated workers living a decent life.
Oh, yeah. Fat old gun nuts who are scared of black people. That's your typical NRA gun nut.

Again, when things get bad, most people never see it coming. Pick up a history book once in a while.

Someone needs to save you people from yourselves.

The way things happened "way back when", and the way things happen now are VERY different.

Not really.

Frankly, the most recent example I could think of was the Iranian Revolution. Yeah, the Shah got out in time. Most of his cronies got shot.

Hey, maybe instead of spending time thinking about how you can escape the consequences of your fucked up policies, maybe you can spend some time thinking about fixing them.

I do want to fix some policies. But giving unions a free pass on laws is not the answer.

And your fervent prayer that everyone with money dies in a revolution is sick.

Oh btw, your example of the Shah in Iran is ridiculous. Yes, he got out and his cronies died. Do you think I am one of the cronies of a dictator?

I own a business that employs 12 people. I have to make at least 70K a month just to keep the doors open.

I have to keep hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment in working order.

I have to comply with OSHA regulations, DEA regulations, EPA regulations and various other government crap.

You have to stuff burgers in a bag.

You know nothing about pressure.

Wow? 70K a month? I write over $100,000 in Purchase Orders EVERY DAY, dude.

And you own nothing. You've built nothing. You have no stake. You are at the mercy of another. I'm not. BTW that's the minimum I have to make not what we make.

Another small businessman who thinks he's Bill Gates. I deal with you guys every day, usually incredibly full of yourselves.

I never said anything of the sort. And I don't deal with assholes like you. That's one of the benefits of owning a business.

I do want to fix some policies. But giving unions a free pass on laws is not the answer.

And your fervent prayer that everyone with money dies in a revolution is sick.

Oh btw, your example of the Shah in Iran is ridiculous. Yes, he got out and his cronies died. Do you think I am one of the cronies of a dictator?

Actually, I think you are a tool.

Sorry. You are like most other of the non-1% that support this fucking insanity that's probably going to get a lot of people killed and has already weakened America.

I own a business that employs 12 people. I have to make at least 70K a month just to keep the doors open.

I have to keep hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment in working order.

I have to comply with OSHA regulations, DEA regulations, EPA regulations and various other government crap.

You have to stuff burgers in a bag.

You know nothing about pressure.

Wow? 70K a month? I write over $100,000 in Purchase Orders EVERY DAY, dude.

And you own nothing. You've built nothing. You have no stake. You are at the mercy of another. I'm not. BTW that's the minimum I have to make not what we make.

Guy, you're at the mercy of your customers. that's even worse.

And, yeah, actually, I've built a lot. I could walk you through my plant any given day and point out 20 things that I've improved by finding smart deals or coming up with better processes.

But keep having contempt for working people,that's done the country so much good.

Another small businessman who thinks he's Bill Gates. I deal with you guys every day, usually incredibly full of yourselves.

I never said anything of the sort. And I don't deal with assholes like you. That's one of the benefits of owning a business.

You probably are kissing the ass of someone like me every day. Some low-level "nobody" who makes the decisions.

Seriously, small businesses. Got to love them. All the arrogance and stupidity of big business and little of the competence.
Wow? 70K a month? I write over $100,000 in Purchase Orders EVERY DAY, dude.

And you own nothing. You've built nothing. You have no stake. You are at the mercy of another. I'm not. BTW that's the minimum I have to make not what we make.

Guy, you're at the mercy of your customers. that's even worse.
Tell me is it better to make a little bit from each of 5000 people or to depend on one person for everything you make?

We have steadily expanded our customer base. How many streams of income does your one boss give you?

And, yeah, actually, I've built a lot. I could walk you through my plant any given day and point out 20 things that I've improved by finding smart deals or coming up with better processes.

That's funny.

But keep having contempt for working people,that's done the country so much good.

I've already explained this to you but you don't listen. I have nothing but respect for people who work to improve their skills. I have no respect for people who refuse to improve themselves. If you work at a fast food joint for 20 years and never get a promotion then you deserve what you get.

Another small businessman who thinks he's Bill Gates. I deal with you guys every day, usually incredibly full of yourselves.

I never said anything of the sort. And I don't deal with assholes like you. That's one of the benefits of owning a business.

You probably are kissing the ass of someone like me every day. Some low-level "nobody" who makes the decisions.

You know nothing. My wife and I make the decisions in this business. All of the decisions.

Seriously, small businesses. Got to love them. All the arrogance and stupidity of big business and little of the competence.

Keep flapping your gums. I look forward to the next round of whining when you get shit canned from this job too.

Seriously, small businesses. Got to love them. All the arrogance and stupidity of big business and little of the competence.

Keep flapping your gums. I look forward to the next round of whining when you get shit canned from this job too.

Well, of course you are.

You enjoy pulling the wings off of flies. You're a heartless selfish asshole who enjoys the suffering of others and considers selfishness a virtue. I'm sorry to be the one to point these things out to you, but you really are a horrible person.

I'll probably quit this job (after six years) long before they let me go. they'd need two or three people to do what I do currently, and their track record on hiring buyers hasn't been great. In the six years I've been there, I've seen a dozen come and go.

Here's the thing. This bunch isn't that bad. There hasn't been any great act of douchebaggery like firing people because they were sick or gay. (The whole incident with the manager firing someone in a love triangle. That manager is now 'working at home' and his girlfriend was forced to quit because his old girlfriend complained.).

But it doesn't pay well. so I'm ready to move on.

Seriously, small businesses. Got to love them. All the arrogance and stupidity of big business and little of the competence.

Keep flapping your gums. I look forward to the next round of whining when you get shit canned from this job too.

Well, of course you are.

You enjoy pulling the wings off of flies. You're a heartless selfish asshole who enjoys the suffering of others and considers selfishness a virtue. I'm sorry to be the one to point these things out to you, but you really are a horrible person.

OOHH that from an anonymous ass wipe on a message board. I'm cut to the quick.

Whther you believe it or not I'll give you a little insight as to how I treat my people.

My lowest paid person , a part time receptionist gets 15.75 an hour,

Average of non reception support staff is 18 an hour

My highest paid employee gets 93.5K

Full time employees are offered insurance for 20% of cost or a $5000 dollar a year child care flex account

All employees even part time get sick and vacation time and can participate in the company 401k.

Just a couple months ago as a reward for our highest grossing month ever my wife took all the female employees to a spa for a day. I contacted a local vineyard to set up a wine tasting for them while they were getting massages and facials.

I took the male employees to F1 in Boston for some fun.

So you see you don't know shit about me, my business or anything else for that matter.

I'll probably quit this job (after six years) long before they let me go. they'd need two or three people to do what I do currently, and their track record on hiring buyers hasn't been great. In the six years I've been there, I've seen a dozen come and go.

Here's the thing. This bunch isn't that bad. There hasn't been any great act of douchebaggery like firing people because they were sick or gay. (The whole incident with the manager firing someone in a love triangle. That manager is now 'working at home' and his girlfriend was forced to quit because his old girlfriend complained.).

But it doesn't pay well. so I'm ready to move on.

Yeah it'll take 3 people to replace you.

Sorry but everyone is replaceable. Especially a loud mouth whiner like you.

Yeah it'll take 3 people to replace you.

Sorry but everyone is replaceable. Especially a loud mouth whiner like you.

I'm sure everyone is replaceable. Not everyone is replaced well. this is what you don't get.

Now, ignoring your whole 'not a douchebag in real life, just play one on the internet" spiel, frankly, you really do come off as a horrible person. I don't think you've expressed any sympathy for anyone else, not once. Not that I've seen.

Kids all got mowed down at a school? Don't you dare insist on background checks. That might make it harder for me to get a gun and there are scary Negroes out there.
And for someone who claims to be all about the workers, you sure are derogatory of business owners. You DO realize that business owners (especially small business owners) create the jobs for your workers to be half-assed about?

No, you see, you've got it backwards. Business owners profit off the work done by workers. Which is why they should treat them fairly, pay them a living wage and not do horseshit like fuck with their health care coverage because a Magic Sky Pixie said abortion was bad.

and when workers are happy and well-compensated- get this- they actually tend to be more productive and spend more.

Hence, why we enjoyed our greatest prosperity when we had the highest level of unionization in this country. Happy, well compensated workers living a decent life.

But unions didn't get workers enough. They always wanted more. And the needs of the workers was secondary to the need for the union to show it's muscle.

Employees, especially in small & medium sized businesses, can communicate what they want & need better than a union can. In fact, it is in the union's best interest to keep worker & mgmt in an adversarial relationship.
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The practical effect of nonsense like this will be to push the company toward automation just a little bit harder.

Yeah it'll take 3 people to replace you.

Sorry but everyone is replaceable. Especially a loud mouth whiner like you.

I'm sure everyone is replaceable. Not everyone is replaced well. this is what you don't get.

Now, ignoring your whole 'not a douchebag in real life, just play one on the internet" spiel, frankly, you really do come off as a horrible person. I don't think you've expressed any sympathy for anyone else, not once. Not that I've seen.

Kids all got mowed down at a school? Don't you dare insist on background checks. That might make it harder for me to get a gun and there are scary Negroes out there.

There are hundreds if not thousands of people out there within a 50 mile radius that can do your job better than you.

I have little sympathy for anyone who whines.

If you are working in a job you hate then it's your choice. If you are still making minimum wage after 20 years then that is your choice

I never expect more from anyone than I do from myself.

When I was young I worked 2 3 or 4 jobs at time. I never thought I was entitled to anything. I do not think anyone is entitled to anything. If you want better then go out and earn it.
the real story....If they put people out of jobs you can thank Obama and his administration who has the Unions hands all over this


Disenfranchising Franchises

Another day, another radical move from the Obama administration. In a big win for the more opportunistic corners of the organized-labor movement, the National Labor Relations Board decided this week that, in a range of labor cases involving McDonald’s, it will consider the corporate parents of franchise businesses liable for the labor agreements reached between franchises and their employees. The NLRB has maintained otherwise for 30 years, refusing to consider corporations with franchises to be part of a “joint employer” arrangement.

Why decide that corporations are employers of employees whom they don’t hire, don’t pay, and can’t fire? Because the decision likely makes it easier for employees at franchise businesses to unionize on a national level and to bring wholesale complaints against national corporations. This is a bad deal for franchise owners, of course, who run hundreds of thousands of American small businesses, and it will hurt, or fail to help, their workers.

Those workers have shown little interest in unionization and mass movements that the NLRB decision could enable. Incidentally, a number of the decisions that could change the joint-employment precedent concerned last year’s strikes in which hundreds of fast-food workers (out of the industry’s millions of employees) demanded a $15-an-hour minimum wage. That theoretically national movement is a concoction of Big Labor organizations such as SEIU. They are much less interested in raising McDonald’s workers’ wages than they are in expanding the financial and political resources they can draw on for progressive causes.

ALL of it here:
Disenfranchising Franchises | National Review Online

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