McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits

Yeah, I'll just wait for you to produce any evidence that most community colleges and technical schools are scams.

Let me know when you have some actual facts.

Fine, we can leave family out of it. And no, you don't get credit for what family members do, and I never said anything like that. But when you lose you father to a useless war, you deserve more than to be called unpatriotic and self-centered. And THAT is the truth.

I'll stop calling him "self-centered" when he shows some compassion for others and stops trying to justify selfishness.

because basically, every post from this clown is "I got mine, fuck you."

Because that is what you are looking for.

No, because that's what every post this guy makes is.

I don't want gun control because I might have to fill out a form.

I don't want kids at the McDonalds to get a fair wage because I don't want to pay 10 cents more for a burger.

And how about any evidence or links that most community colleges, technical schools and trade schools are scams?? Go that yet?

"I'm going to stomp my little feet until you do my research for me!!!"

Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt the feelings of all "IIT Graduate?"

Department Of Consumer Affairs Advising New Yorkers On How To Recognize Trade School Scams « CBS New York

“It’s really just unacceptable and it’s happening to too many New Yorkers,” said Jonathan Mintz, Department of Consumer Affairs Commissioner.

Garvin Gittens of Brooklyn is one such victim.

“I felt cheated and the past two years of my life was for nothing and I have to start all over again,” he told CBS 2’s Vanessa Murdock.

Garvin spent more than $25,000 to attend a trade school, Katharine Gibbs School for graphic design.
I'll stop calling him "self-centered" when he shows some compassion for others and stops trying to justify selfishness.

because basically, every post from this clown is "I got mine, fuck you."

Because that is what you are looking for.

No, because that's what every post this guy makes is.

I don't want gun control because I might have to fill out a form.

I don't want kids at the McDonalds to get a fair wage because I don't want to pay 10 cents more for a burger.

And how about any evidence or links that most community colleges, technical schools and trade schools are scams?? Go that yet?

"I'm going to stomp my little feet until you do my research for me!!!"

Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt the feelings of all "IIT Graduate?"

Department Of Consumer Affairs Advising New Yorkers On How To Recognize Trade School Scams « CBS New York

“It’s really just unacceptable and it’s happening to too many New Yorkers,” said Jonathan Mintz, Department of Consumer Affairs Commissioner.

Garvin Gittens of Brooklyn is one such victim.

“I felt cheated and the past two years of my life was for nothing and I have to start all over again,” he told CBS 2’s Vanessa Murdock.

Garvin spent more than $25,000 to attend a trade school, Katharine Gibbs School for graphic design.

You demand that unskilled laborers deserve a "living wage". You insist that they are worth good money, simply because they show up. You claim that expecting them to be responsible for their OWN education is abusing them.

Then when I point out that so many are ignoring the opportunities to learn a skill, you dismiss it by claiming "most are scams". You made the claim. You have to back it up or admit it is a lie.

Are there scam outfits out there? Sure!! But it certainly isn't "most", as you claimed.

You learn to weld, lay bricks, do plumbing or electrical wiring and you will have a skilled trade that can earn you a living. There is absolutely no reason people cannot do this instead of begging to be paid well for being stupid.

I worked three jobs to get through college, including service in the National Guard.

So then why are you always whining about people not making enough bagging burgers?

Because I'm smart enough to realize that if they can fuck with the kid bagging burgers, they can fuck with a college educated professional with 20 years of experience.

If you have skills and experience you should be taking care of yourself. If you can't that again is your own problem.
You see, your problem is you think you are one of the 1%, or that they are on the same side as you. They see you as cannon fodder.

I don't think any such thing. I know what I make and I know how to live well beneath my means. I save more of my income than I spend. If you knew how to handle your money maybe you wouldn't be so afraid of getting screwed.

Which makes me vastly better than you. I served my country while you were out doing, I don't know, pulling wings off flies or something.

I don't fall for the patriotism crap.

My father did and it got him killed in a useless so called war that was nothing but a politician's game of brinksmanship.

Yes, the fact you don't care about America or anyone but yourself comes out in every post.

I don't care about a piece of dirt or a brightly colored rag. I care about the people in my life. It's this country and it's so called leaders that don't give a shit about us.

If it did then hundreds of thousands of brave men and women, fathers, mothers sons and daughters would not have had their lives so easily wasted for no reason and those lucky enough to survive the poor decisions of the government are left to languish and die while waiting for the care they earned and deserve.
I'll stop calling him "self-centered" when he shows some compassion for others and stops trying to justify selfishness.

because basically, every post from this clown is "I got mine, fuck you."

Because that is what you are looking for.

No, because that's what every post this guy makes is.

I don't want gun control because I might have to fill out a form.

I don't want kids at the McDonalds to get a fair wage because I don't want to pay 10 cents more for a burger.

And how about any evidence or links that most community colleges, technical schools and trade schools are scams?? Go that yet?

"I'm going to stomp my little feet until you do my research for me!!!"

Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt the feelings of all "IIT Graduate?"

Department Of Consumer Affairs Advising New Yorkers On How To Recognize Trade School Scams « CBS New York

“It’s really just unacceptable and it’s happening to too many New Yorkers,” said Jonathan Mintz, Department of Consumer Affairs Commissioner.

Garvin Gittens of Brooklyn is one such victim.

“I felt cheated and the past two years of my life was for nothing and I have to start all over again,” he told CBS 2’s Vanessa Murdock.

Garvin spent more than $25,000 to attend a trade school, Katharine Gibbs School for graphic design.

Oh, and if Gittens expected to be able to transfer trade school credits to a college to apply to a bachelor's degree, he obviously was clueless.

Like most things, a little research on you own can save you a lot of heartache later.

But I guess we should just close down ALL the trade schools, technical schools, and small colleges, right? Since most are scams??
Yeah, I'll just wait for you to produce any evidence that most community colleges and technical schools are scams.

Let me know when you have some actual facts.

Good, go stomp your little feet that I'm not debating what you want to talk about.

Trade schools are a scam. Community colleges are a bigger scam.

Yeah, I would guess you would want to debate me on that. You have nothing to say that isn't bullshit.

I am talking about solutions, and you just want to stomp your feet and threaten people, so idiots who have taken no responsibility for their own careers can make more money.


You demand that unskilled laborers deserve a "living wage". You insist that they are worth good money, simply because they show up. You claim that expecting them to be responsible for their OWN education is abusing them.

No, I expect them to get a living wage BECAUSE THEY ARE DOING THE FUCKING WORK!!!!

Not because they got a fake degree from a diploma mill.

the work has a value. And splitting that value 80/20 owner to worker as opposed to 50/50 because you have a degree in something just shows the silliness of it all.

Then when I point out that so many are ignoring the opportunities to learn a skill, you dismiss it by claiming "most are scams". You made the claim. You have to back it up or admit it is a lie.

Are there scam outfits out there? Sure!! But it certainly isn't "most", as you claimed.

I would even call universities "scams" to a degree. This whole notion that "everyone needs college" comes from two things.

First, the desire of colleges to make a shitload of money selling what amounts to a piece of paper.

The second being that High Schools are so bad at doing their jobs that a mere HS Diploma is sort of worthless.

Just another method the 1%ers have of keeping us in our place. Nothing like starting out life with 60K in College debt.

You learn to weld, lay bricks, do plumbing or electrical wiring and you will have a skilled trade that can earn you a living. There is absolutely no reason people cannot do this instead of begging to be paid well for being stupid.

Yes, but you can learn that on the job.

Nor do I think graduating college makes you smart. It just means that you sat around for four years partying and listening to pompous college professors.

Now, going back to my last wonderful experience as a buyer where I got let go after running up too many medical bills. The big advantage I had over the other two buyers who were let go within a year at that company (All of us being in our forties with lots of experience) was that I had a college degree and they didn't. So I got picked up within two weeks while they spent months finding other jobs.

But did having a college degree in history make me a better buyer? Nope. Being a supply Sergeant in the Army did, working for 22 years in logistics management did.
Yeah, I would guess you would want to debate me on that. You have nothing to say that isn't bullshit.

I am talking about solutions, and you just want to stomp your feet and threaten people, so idiots who have taken no responsibility for their own careers can make more money.


I've made my position clear enough. further debate would be pointless.

You guys don't have "solutions'. You just want to justify your "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality.

I used to think like that. Then I ran up some medical bills and got a real education.

Oh, and if Gittens expected to be able to transfer trade school credits to a college to apply to a bachelor's degree, he obviously was clueless.

Like most things, a little research on you own can save you a lot of heartache later.

But I guess we should just close down ALL the trade schools, technical schools, and small colleges, right? Since most are scams??

I think they should be better regulated and more affordable.

That's neither here nor there, though.

Fine, we can leave family out of it. And no, you don't get credit for what family members do, and I never said anything like that. But when you lose you father to a useless war, you deserve more than to be called unpatriotic and self-centered. And THAT is the truth.

I'll stop calling him "self-centered" when he shows some compassion for others and stops trying to justify selfishness.

because basically, every post from this clown is "I got mine, fuck you."

I'll wager that I give more to charities than you do.

I help my employees with a generous continuing ed benefit so they can better themselves. In fat I just sent a person to a week long manager training seminar at no expense to her.

Now she did sign a contract that spelled out a pro rated repay if she leaves my employment but that is prudence on my part nothing more.

I only respect people who actually try. I have no respect for people who don't try and whine, like you.
So then why are you always whining about people not making enough bagging burgers?

Because I'm smart enough to realize that if they can fuck with the kid bagging burgers, they can fuck with a college educated professional with 20 years of experience.

If you have skills and experience you should be taking care of yourself. If you can't that again is your own problem.

I don't think any such thing. I know what I make and I know how to live well beneath my means. I save more of my income than I spend. If you knew how to handle your money maybe you wouldn't be so afraid of getting screwed.

I don't fall for the patriotism crap.

My father did and it got him killed in a useless so called war that was nothing but a politician's game of brinksmanship.

Yes, the fact you don't care about America or anyone but yourself comes out in every post.

I don't care about a piece of dirt or a brightly colored rag. I care about the people in my life. It's this country and it's so called leaders that don't give a shit about us.

If it did then hundreds of thousands of brave men and women, fathers, mothers sons and daughters would not have had their lives so easily wasted for no reason and those lucky enough to survive the poor decisions of the government are left to languish and die while waiting for the care they earned and deserve.

You make Misanthropes everywhere proud.

Fine, we can leave family out of it. And no, you don't get credit for what family members do, and I never said anything like that. But when you lose you father to a useless war, you deserve more than to be called unpatriotic and self-centered. And THAT is the truth.

I'll stop calling him "self-centered" when he shows some compassion for others and stops trying to justify selfishness.

because basically, every post from this clown is "I got mine, fuck you."

I'll wager that I give more to charities than you do.

I help my employees with a generous continuing ed benefit so they can better themselves. In fat I just sent a person to a week long manager training seminar at no expense to her.

Now she did sign a contract that spelled out a pro rated repay if she leaves my employment but that is prudence on my part nothing more.

I only respect people who actually try. I have no respect for people who don't try and whine, like you.

Yup, I must be a terrible person because I don't approve of your selfishness.

That must be it.

Not that i was screwed over by an employer and no longer buy into their bullshit.

Because that couldn't humanly be possible.
Because I'm smart enough to realize that if they can fuck with the kid bagging burgers, they can fuck with a college educated professional with 20 years of experience.

If you have skills and experience you should be taking care of yourself. If you can't that again is your own problem.

I don't think any such thing. I know what I make and I know how to live well beneath my means. I save more of my income than I spend. If you knew how to handle your money maybe you wouldn't be so afraid of getting screwed.

Yes, the fact you don't care about America or anyone but yourself comes out in every post.

I don't care about a piece of dirt or a brightly colored rag. I care about the people in my life. It's this country and it's so called leaders that don't give a shit about us.

If it did then hundreds of thousands of brave men and women, fathers, mothers sons and daughters would not have had their lives so easily wasted for no reason and those lucky enough to survive the poor decisions of the government are left to languish and die while waiting for the care they earned and deserve.

You make Misanthropes everywhere proud.

How much did you give to help veterans that are ignored by the government that put them in harms way last year?

Not one fucking red cent I'll bet.

You demand that unskilled laborers deserve a "living wage". You insist that they are worth good money, simply because they show up. You claim that expecting them to be responsible for their OWN education is abusing them.

No, I expect them to get a living wage BECAUSE THEY ARE DOING THE FUCKING WORK!!!!

Not because they got a fake degree from a diploma mill.

the work has a value. And splitting that value 80/20 owner to worker as opposed to 50/50 because you have a degree in something just shows the silliness of it all.

Then when I point out that so many are ignoring the opportunities to learn a skill, you dismiss it by claiming "most are scams". You made the claim. You have to back it up or admit it is a lie.

Are there scam outfits out there? Sure!! But it certainly isn't "most", as you claimed.

I would even call universities "scams" to a degree. This whole notion that "everyone needs college" comes from two things.

First, the desire of colleges to make a shitload of money selling what amounts to a piece of paper.

The second being that High Schools are so bad at doing their jobs that a mere HS Diploma is sort of worthless.

Just another method the 1%ers have of keeping us in our place. Nothing like starting out life with 60K in College debt.

You learn to weld, lay bricks, do plumbing or electrical wiring and you will have a skilled trade that can earn you a living. There is absolutely no reason people cannot do this instead of begging to be paid well for being stupid.

Yes, but you can learn that on the job.

Nor do I think graduating college makes you smart. It just means that you sat around for four years partying and listening to pompous college professors.

Now, going back to my last wonderful experience as a buyer where I got let go after running up too many medical bills. The big advantage I had over the other two buyers who were let go within a year at that company (All of us being in our forties with lots of experience) was that I had a college degree and they didn't. So I got picked up within two weeks while they spent months finding other jobs.

But did having a college degree in history make me a better buyer? Nope. Being a supply Sergeant in the Army did, working for 22 years in logistics management did.

They are doing the work? Flipping burgers, wrapping them and stuffing them in a sack is worth a living wage? LMAO!!

And yes, you can learn plumbing, welding and other trades on the job. But let me guess, you want them paid for being a welder or plumber, even though they are learning the trade? After all, "...THEY ARE DOING THE FUCKING WORK!!!!". So the employer has to pay their higher wages, pay for their training, and let them leave when they get finished? Yeah, that'll happen.

The reason many employers want the degree is not just for what you learned, but for showing that you can focus and finish a task yourself. You know, be responsible???

It is funny that your arguments always fall back on this type of nonsense:
That the rich are abusing everyone else. Those of us who don't buy into your crap are apologists for the rich. Colleges, technical schools and trade schools are scams. All business owners are assholes who screw their employees over.

But unions are honest and good? lmao

And you insist on all of this without an iota of proof. You are delusional.

How much did you give to help veterans that are ignored by the government that put them in harms way last year?

Not one fucking red cent I'll bet.

I've written dozens of resumes for veterans.

And while I'd love to give to charity, it's kind of my first priority to pay off the thousands of dollars of medical debt I'm stuck with because my employer cut me off at the knees (no pun intended) after I got injured.

How much did you give to help veterans that are ignored by the government that put them in harms way last year?

Not one fucking red cent I'll bet.

I've written dozens of resumes for veterans.

And while I'd love to give to charity, it's kind of my first priority to pay off the thousands of dollars of medical debt I'm stuck with because my employer cut me off at the knees (no pun intended) after I got injured.

So in other words, NOT ONE FUCKING RED CENT
Yeah, I would guess you would want to debate me on that. You have nothing to say that isn't bullshit.

I am talking about solutions, and you just want to stomp your feet and threaten people, so idiots who have taken no responsibility for their own careers can make more money.


I've made my position clear enough. further debate would be pointless.

You guys don't have "solutions'. You just want to justify your "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality.

I used to think like that. Then I ran up some medical bills and got a real education.

What you got was a "woe is me" attitude and an assumption that all employers are the same. And you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't support that.

I had an employer that I had worked for for only 3 years find out my wife and I needed money for a lawyer to fight a child custody battle. He found out because I had asked about getting access to or borrowing against my 401k. He called me and we talked for about 10 mins, then he wired me $5k. I paid him back without interest.

How much did you give to help veterans that are ignored by the government that put them in harms way last year?

Not one fucking red cent I'll bet.

I've written dozens of resumes for veterans.

And while I'd love to give to charity, it's kind of my first priority to pay off the thousands of dollars of medical debt I'm stuck with because my employer cut me off at the knees (no pun intended) after I got injured.

You've written resumes and Skull Pilot actually gives money to support charities.

Who is the "I got mine" type again?

Oh, and please point out where either Skull Pilot or I said anything resembling "I got mine, fuck you"? I don't see it.
They are doing the work? Flipping burgers, wrapping them and stuffing them in a sack is worth a living wage? LMAO!!

Sure. Why not? Certainly better then them not making a living wage, and then having to tap the tax payer for Section 8, SNAP and Medicaid.

And yes, you can learn plumbing, welding and other trades on the job. But let me guess, you want them paid for being a welder or plumber, even though they are learning the trade? After all, "...THEY ARE DOING THE FUCKING WORK!!!!". So the employer has to pay their higher wages, pay for their training, and let them leave when they get finished? Yeah, that'll happen.

If they want people to stay, they should offer better benefits. What I've found is that most people who leave jobs it's usually because management took them for granted when they shouldn't.

There's never going to be a day when I'm going to sympathize with an employer.

The reason many employers want the degree is not just for what you learned, but for showing that you can focus and finish a task yourself. You know, be responsible???

I would think that would be fine for a kid just starting out, but my two co-workers who had about 20 years experience each were in the same boat of not being considered for 90% of jobs in our field. And they took bigger pay cuts in the recession than I did because of it.

It is funny that your arguments always fall back on this type of nonsense:
That the rich are abusing everyone else. Those of us who don't buy into your crap are apologists for the rich. Colleges, technical schools and trade schools are scams. All business owners are assholes who screw their employees over.

Well, I've never met one who didn't. And I don't think my experiences are atypical.

But unions are honest and good? lmao

And you insist on all of this without an iota of proof. You are delusional.

I think Unions are organized thuggery. Sometimes you got to be a thug to beat a thug.

Shouldn't be like that, but that's the way it is.

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