McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits


You've written resumes and Skull Pilot actually gives money to support charities.

Who is the "I got mine" type again?

Oh, and please point out where either Skull Pilot or I said anything resembling "I got mine, fuck you"? I don't see it.

I see the need for charities to be a profound failure.

It means we have all that human potential out there that we are wasting.

"It's okay that i'm cheating the burger flippers because I gave a few bucks to a charity."

Um, no. Not really.
What you got was a "woe is me" attitude and an assumption that all employers are the same. And you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't support that.

I had an employer that I had worked for for only 3 years find out my wife and I needed money for a lawyer to fight a child custody battle. He found out because I had asked about getting access to or borrowing against my 401k. He called me and we talked for about 10 mins, then he wired me $5k. I paid him back without interest.

NO, what I've got is a realistic attitude that as much as they glad hand you and pretend to be your friend when they can get something out of you, they'll turn on you in an instant if you slip on some ice and destroy your knee.

That's what I've learned.

That's how I am. No Second Chances.

You've written resumes and Skull Pilot actually gives money to support charities.

Who is the "I got mine" type again?

Oh, and please point out where either Skull Pilot or I said anything resembling "I got mine, fuck you"? I don't see it.

I see the need for charities to be a profound failure.

Exactly the government and the country have failed the very people they put in harm's way and yet you still wave the flag.
It means we have all that human potential out there that we are wasting.

You mean like settling for bagging burgers for the rest of your life and whining that you are entitled to more but don't actually do anything about it?
What you got was a "woe is me" attitude and an assumption that all employers are the same. And you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't support that.

I had an employer that I had worked for for only 3 years find out my wife and I needed money for a lawyer to fight a child custody battle. He found out because I had asked about getting access to or borrowing against my 401k. He called me and we talked for about 10 mins, then he wired me $5k. I paid him back without interest.

NO, what I've got is a realistic attitude that as much as they glad hand you and pretend to be your friend when they can get something out of you, they'll turn on you in an instant if you slip on some ice and destroy your knee.

That's what I've learned.

That's how I am. No Second Chances.

Good no second chances means you can get canned for one mistake.

Glad to see you're coming around.
Yeah, I would guess you would want to debate me on that. You have nothing to say that isn't bullshit.

I am talking about solutions, and you just want to stomp your feet and threaten people, so idiots who have taken no responsibility for their own careers can make more money.


I've made my position clear enough. further debate would be pointless.

You guys don't have "solutions'. You just want to justify your "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality.

I used to think like that. Then I ran up some medical bills and got a real education.

What you got was a "woe is me" attitude and an assumption that all employers are the same. And you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't support that.

I had an employer that I had worked for for only 3 years find out my wife and I needed money for a lawyer to fight a child custody battle. He found out because I had asked about getting access to or borrowing against my 401k. He called me and we talked for about 10 mins, then he wired me $5k. I paid him back without interest.

That's the beauty of small business in my opinion. I know all of my employees I have had them all over to my home together and separately.

I just lent one of them 2500 interest free to get a new engine for his truck. We agreed that I will withhold money from his check each pay period until it's paid back.
They are doing the work? Flipping burgers, wrapping them and stuffing them in a sack is worth a living wage? LMAO!!

Sure. Why not? Certainly better then them not making a living wage, and then having to tap the tax payer for Section 8, SNAP and Medicaid.

And yes, you can learn plumbing, welding and other trades on the job. But let me guess, you want them paid for being a welder or plumber, even though they are learning the trade? After all, "...THEY ARE DOING THE FUCKING WORK!!!!". So the employer has to pay their higher wages, pay for their training, and let them leave when they get finished? Yeah, that'll happen.

If they want people to stay, they should offer better benefits. What I've found is that most people who leave jobs it's usually because management took them for granted when they shouldn't.

There's never going to be a day when I'm going to sympathize with an employer.

I would think that would be fine for a kid just starting out, but my two co-workers who had about 20 years experience each were in the same boat of not being considered for 90% of jobs in our field. And they took bigger pay cuts in the recession than I did because of it.

It is funny that your arguments always fall back on this type of nonsense:
That the rich are abusing everyone else. Those of us who don't buy into your crap are apologists for the rich. Colleges, technical schools and trade schools are scams. All business owners are assholes who screw their employees over.

Well, I've never met one who didn't. And I don't think my experiences are atypical.

But unions are honest and good? lmao

And you insist on all of this without an iota of proof. You are delusional.

I think Unions are organized thuggery. Sometimes you got to be a thug to beat a thug.

Shouldn't be like that, but that's the way it is.

But you have already said that you approve of the union's thuggery. In fact, you applauded it.

And it is funny that you now claim that it is organized thuggery, but you want to change that. While every other option is dismissed as worthless. lol

You had a few bad experiences and now you claim all employers will screw their employees every chance they get. Talk about self-centered reasoning.
What you got was a "woe is me" attitude and an assumption that all employers are the same. And you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't support that.

I had an employer that I had worked for for only 3 years find out my wife and I needed money for a lawyer to fight a child custody battle. He found out because I had asked about getting access to or borrowing against my 401k. He called me and we talked for about 10 mins, then he wired me $5k. I paid him back without interest.

NO, what I've got is a realistic attitude that as much as they glad hand you and pretend to be your friend when they can get something out of you, they'll turn on you in an instant if you slip on some ice and destroy your knee.

That's what I've learned.

That's how I am. No Second Chances.

No second chances, unless you are some idiot who wasted their opportunities for an education and now want to be paid good money for doing something that a machine can do better.

No second chances, unless you have no skills and have done nothing to develop any skills. Then you want second, third and more chances to make a good living.
I've made my position clear enough. further debate would be pointless.

You guys don't have "solutions'. You just want to justify your "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality.

I used to think like that. Then I ran up some medical bills and got a real education.

What you got was a "woe is me" attitude and an assumption that all employers are the same. And you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't support that.

I had an employer that I had worked for for only 3 years find out my wife and I needed money for a lawyer to fight a child custody battle. He found out because I had asked about getting access to or borrowing against my 401k. He called me and we talked for about 10 mins, then he wired me $5k. I paid him back without interest.

That's the beauty of small business in my opinion. I know all of my employees I have had them all over to my home together and separately.

I just lent one of them 2500 interest free to get a new engine for his truck. We agreed that I will withhold money from his check each pay period until it's paid back.

But....but...but you are an employer, so you MUST be evil and wanting to screw your employees!!!! lmao
JoeB, the system you hate so much has provided more opportunities for more people than any socialist system you can name.

In 2008 there were 6.7 million households worth $1 million or more. In 2010 there were 8.4 million households worth $1 million or more. In 2013 there were 9.6 million.

So 2.9 million households topped $1 million in net worth in the worst economy since the great depression. Think those were union jobs doing that?
Do you think those people expected to be paid something for doing very little? Do you think all of them screwed people over to get there, or did they create companies that supplied top paying jobs?
Oh, just another tidbit to show how delusional you are.

If they raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, and the burger flipper works 40 hrs, the gross pay is $600 a week. Take 15% federal taxes out, and they net $510 a week.

A couple of days ago you claimed $500 a week was poverty wages. And that is BEFORE these fine citizens paid their union dues.
JoeB, since you base your opinion of all employers on a few events in your life, let's look at a few examples where the employer went above and beyond for their employees.

Of course, you have already been given two good examples of where an employer took money from their own pocket to help an employee, but there are more.

In 2010, a co-worker of mine was diagnosed with colon cancer. We were working on a fiber optic job in Chattanooga. He started his treatment, but was so sick and weak from the treatments that he had trouble getting to work. He had been with the company for 5 or 6 years. He was put on an easier schedule and his work was divided among the rest of us. He worked a couple of days a week, as he was able. His pay never changed. His weekly checks were the same as always, and he kept his insurance. The job was finished before his chemo was, but the company kept the warehouse, and had him stay in Chattanooga for an additional 9 months, so he could finish.

My ex-father-in-law had a heart attack at his job (cabinet manufacturing plant & nonunion). The company kept him on the payroll as long as they could. When they could not do it any longer, the company owner paid my father-in-law's insurance premiums (out of his own pocket) until he was able to get his disability (almost 7 months) so he could continue to receive quality care.

Now you have 4 examples of employers taking care of their employees without union interference.

Of course, I doubt you will accept these, since it would require you adjust your opinion that all wealthy employers will screw their employees at every chance.
I hope McDonalds closes every franchise contract in North America rather than be held hostage by a bunch of crybabies. In fact, I would like to see all fast food chains eliminated so our big, bloated, fat fucking nation can take a lunch hour and support local owned cafe.
JoeB, at least you are consistent.

You do not discuss. Every time I have seen you post about wages it amounts to the same thing. "Rich people are abusing us, we should TAKE their money". No real dialogue, just rants about "rich people". You ignore the facts of the economic situation by trying to make everyone but the rich a victim.

How about you take responsibility for YOUR own life, and expect others to do the same. I am not defending the rich. I am just calling you on your unwillingness to discuss an issue.

And finally, if you want a good income you need to have something to offer besides a warm body. People are paid because of their skills. Some are underpaid, of that there is no doubt. But these are still people with skills.

There's nothing to talk about.

i simply have no interest in trying to reason with the wealthy or their apologists.

None whatsoever.

Nor do I care to hear their opinion of the "economy". We listened to them, we got the worst disaster in 80 years. Sit down, shut up, we don't care.

Any questions?

Yeah I do have a question. What is a "living wage"? You said the guys in Tampa & Sarasota were under the poverty level at $26k a year. So I have asked, and asked, and asked, what you consider a "living wage".

Looks like he brushed off the question again. I'm not sure how you can have an honest dialogue with a person who can formulate what they really want.
I've made my position clear enough. further debate would be pointless.

You guys don't have "solutions'. You just want to justify your "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality.

I used to think like that. Then I ran up some medical bills and got a real education.

What you got was a "woe is me" attitude and an assumption that all employers are the same. And you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't support that.

I had an employer that I had worked for for only 3 years find out my wife and I needed money for a lawyer to fight a child custody battle. He found out because I had asked about getting access to or borrowing against my 401k. He called me and we talked for about 10 mins, then he wired me $5k. I paid him back without interest.

That's the beauty of small business in my opinion. I know all of my employees I have had them all over to my home together and separately.

I just lent one of them 2500 interest free to get a new engine for his truck. We agreed that I will withhold money from his check each pay period until it's paid back.

When I had my business, I used to lend money to employees, interest free. I'd pay there time off because of medical issues or family issues. They were people, people need help, if I can help, then I do. My employees take care of my business and I will help them out as I can. That was just the way it was. My current employer is the same, he is paying for a persons education that works in the company. He has helped others when they had issues. Giving, lending, helping, that is what makes it all work.
What you got was a "woe is me" attitude and an assumption that all employers are the same. And you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't support that.

I had an employer that I had worked for for only 3 years find out my wife and I needed money for a lawyer to fight a child custody battle. He found out because I had asked about getting access to or borrowing against my 401k. He called me and we talked for about 10 mins, then he wired me $5k. I paid him back without interest.

NO, what I've got is a realistic attitude that as much as they glad hand you and pretend to be your friend when they can get something out of you, they'll turn on you in an instant if you slip on some ice and destroy your knee.

That's what I've learned.

That's how I am. No Second Chances.

I learned a lot from people like yourself, I learned that they are selfish, self-centered, have no clue about the real business world, are bitter. They hate anyone that has a better life than their life and are extremely jealous of that.

If something bad happens to the rich guy, they deserve it, if something happens to you, it is the rich guys fault, they are out to get you.

You can't please these people and they don't change, the are a negative force in business and you have to watch them because they will screw you first chance they get.
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Yeah, I'll just wait for you to produce any evidence that most community colleges and technical schools are scams.

Let me know when you have some actual facts.

Good, go stomp your little feet that I'm not debating what you want to talk about.

Trade schools are a scam. Community colleges are a bigger scam.

Joey-to-English translation: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude: you lied and got called on it! Just ONCE in your wasted life, man up and admit it!
Yeah, I would guess you would want to debate me on that. You have nothing to say that isn't bullshit.

I am talking about solutions, and you just want to stomp your feet and threaten people, so idiots who have taken no responsibility for their own careers can make more money.


I've made my position clear enough. further debate would be pointless.

You guys don't have "solutions'. You just want to justify your "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality.

I used to think like that. Then I ran up some medical bills and got a real education.

Dude, too many words. "I concede" would have been much easier to type.

You've written resumes and Skull Pilot actually gives money to support charities.

Who is the "I got mine" type again?

Oh, and please point out where either Skull Pilot or I said anything resembling "I got mine, fuck you"? I don't see it.

I see the need for charities to be a profound failure.

Exactly the government and the country have failed the very people they put in harm's way and yet you still wave the flag.

Uh, yeah, guy. That's what it means to be an American.

But I'm sure Somalia would happily welcome you and your copy of Atlas Shrugged.

It means we have all that human potential out there that we are wasting.

You mean like settling for bagging burgers for the rest of your life and whining that you are entitled to more but don't actually do anything about it?

Maybe some people are just meant to bag burgers.

Here's the thing. If I'm putting that burger in my body, I want the person who bagged it to be happy with his lot in life.

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