McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits


I learned a lot from people like yourself, I learned that they are selfish, self-centered, have no clue about the real business world, are bitter. They hate anyone that has a better life than their life and are extremely jealous of that.

If something bad happens to the rich guy, they deserve it, if something happens to you, it is the rich guys fault, they are out to get you.

You can't please these people and they don't change, the are a negative force in business and you have to watch them because they will screw you first chance they get.

Actually, the only people I see doing the screwing are the people in the corner offices.

I've seen people fired when they sustained work related injuries, have had medical issues, saw one lady who was fired for being gay.

This is what happens when you let the cocksuckers off the leash.
What you got was a "woe is me" attitude and an assumption that all employers are the same. And you refuse to listen to anything that doesn't support that.

I had an employer that I had worked for for only 3 years find out my wife and I needed money for a lawyer to fight a child custody battle. He found out because I had asked about getting access to or borrowing against my 401k. He called me and we talked for about 10 mins, then he wired me $5k. I paid him back without interest.

NO, what I've got is a realistic attitude that as much as they glad hand you and pretend to be your friend when they can get something out of you, they'll turn on you in an instant if you slip on some ice and destroy your knee.

That's what I've learned.

That's how I am. No Second Chances.

Good no second chances means you can get canned for one mistake.

Glad to see you're coming around.

The one mistake is usually trusting these people.

Never got canned because I made a mistake.

Did get reprimanded once because an employee who was blowing the REgional Manager lied about instructions she gave. Everyone knew it was bullshit, but that was the politics of it.

Oh, yeah, her great new system never worked right and was never implemented.
I think Unions are organized thuggery. Sometimes you got to be a thug to beat a thug.

Shouldn't be like that, but that's the way it is.

But you have already said that you approve of the union's thuggery. In fact, you applauded it.

And it is funny that you now claim that it is organized thuggery, but you want to change that. While every other option is dismissed as worthless. lol

You had a few bad experiences and now you claim all employers will screw their employees every chance they get. Talk about self-centered reasoning.

ANy option coming from you guys is fucking worthless. They usually involve screwing working people at every oppurtunity.

I have great options.

Mandatory Living Wage Laws.

Mandatory workers rights laws.

OSHA, the EEOC, and the NRLB should be as feared as the IRS.

I would even go so far to say that we should replace industry-wide unions with Works Councils like they have in Germany. (Something that is actually prohibited by American Law.)
JoeB, the system you hate so much has provided more opportunities for more people than any socialist system you can name.

In 2008 there were 6.7 million households worth $1 million or more. In 2010 there were 8.4 million households worth $1 million or more. In 2013 there were 9.6 million.

So 2.9 million households topped $1 million in net worth in the worst economy since the great depression. Think those were union jobs doing that?
Do you think those people expected to be paid something for doing very little? Do you think all of them screwed people over to get there, or did they create companies that supplied top paying jobs?

Again, guy, that's wonderful if you are part of the 1%. The system works very well for the 1%.

It doesn't work so well for the bottom 40% that have less than 1% of the wealth in this country.
JoeB, since you base your opinion of all employers on a few events in your life, let's look at a few examples where the employer went above and beyond for their employees.

Let's not and say we did.

I simply don't give a fuck.

Of course you don't. That has been obvious from the beginning.

You want to use your examples as justification for your hate filled rants. And seeing any contradictory examples would mean that not all bosses are that way.
JoeB, since you base your opinion of all employers on a few events in your life, let's look at a few examples where the employer went above and beyond for their employees.

Let's not and say we did.

I simply don't give a fuck.

Of course you don't. That has been obvious from the beginning.

You want to use your examples as justification for your hate filled rants. And seeing any contradictory examples would mean that not all bosses are that way.

Those things didn't happen to me, so they don't count and I don't care about them.
I think Unions are organized thuggery. Sometimes you got to be a thug to beat a thug.

Shouldn't be like that, but that's the way it is.

But you have already said that you approve of the union's thuggery. In fact, you applauded it.

And it is funny that you now claim that it is organized thuggery, but you want to change that. While every other option is dismissed as worthless. lol

You had a few bad experiences and now you claim all employers will screw their employees every chance they get. Talk about self-centered reasoning.

ANy option coming from you guys is fucking worthless. They usually involve screwing working people at every oppurtunity.

I have great options.

Mandatory Living Wage Laws.

Mandatory workers rights laws.

OSHA, the EEOC, and the NRLB should be as feared as the IRS.

I would even go so far to say that we should replace industry-wide unions with Works Councils like they have in Germany. (Something that is actually prohibited by American Law.)

In many industries OSHA is as feared as the IRS. I have made a comfortable living as a safety professional, making sure that OSHA didn't bite.
I think Unions are organized thuggery. Sometimes you got to be a thug to beat a thug.

Shouldn't be like that, but that's the way it is.

But you have already said that you approve of the union's thuggery. In fact, you applauded it.

And it is funny that you now claim that it is organized thuggery, but you want to change that. While every other option is dismissed as worthless. lol

You had a few bad experiences and now you claim all employers will screw their employees every chance they get. Talk about self-centered reasoning.

ANy option coming from you guys is fucking worthless. They usually involve screwing working people at every oppurtunity.

Absolute bullshit. You can lie all you want, but neither Skull Pilot nor I have advocated anything that is designed to screw employees, to say nothing of doing it every chance we get.
Let's not and say we did.

I simply don't give a fuck.

Of course you don't. That has been obvious from the beginning.

You want to use your examples as justification for your hate filled rants. And seeing any contradictory examples would mean that not all bosses are that way.

Those things didn't happen to me, so they don't count and I don't care about them.

Oh, so now who is the one lacking compassion? If it didn't happen to you it doesn't matter and you don't care? What a selfish prick.
JoeB, the system you hate so much has provided more opportunities for more people than any socialist system you can name.

In 2008 there were 6.7 million households worth $1 million or more. In 2010 there were 8.4 million households worth $1 million or more. In 2013 there were 9.6 million.

So 2.9 million households topped $1 million in net worth in the worst economy since the great depression. Think those were union jobs doing that?
Do you think those people expected to be paid something for doing very little? Do you think all of them screwed people over to get there, or did they create companies that supplied top paying jobs?

Again, guy, that's wonderful if you are part of the 1%. The system works very well for the 1%.

It doesn't work so well for the bottom 40% that have less than 1% of the wealth in this country.

Since 2.9 million moved into the 1%, it shows that you can move up if you are willing to work to get there. No, there is no guarantee. But if you do nothing you are guaranteed to get that back.

Since 2.9 million moved into the 1%, it shows that you can move up if you are willing to work to get there. No, there is no guarantee. But if you do nothing you are guaranteed to get that back.

Actually, I kind of doubt your numbers... But that isn't the point.

What you are garunteed is that a few will get rich on the backs of others.

Until people stop putting up with that shit.
Of course you don't. That has been obvious from the beginning.

You want to use your examples as justification for your hate filled rants. And seeing any contradictory examples would mean that not all bosses are that way.

Those things didn't happen to me, so they don't count and I don't care about them.

Oh, so now who is the one lacking compassion? If it didn't happen to you it doesn't matter and you don't care? What a selfish prick.

1) I have no real proof they happened.
2) I could probably list all the good things done by Hitler.. Which would make him sound like a nice guy if you ignore all the bad things he did. You can't excuse the Holocaust by mentioning how nice the Autobahn is.
Those things didn't happen to me, so they don't count and I don't care about them.

Oh, so now who is the one lacking compassion? If it didn't happen to you it doesn't matter and you don't care? What a selfish prick.

1) I have no real proof they happened.
2) I could probably list all the good things done by Hitler.. Which would make him sound like a nice guy if you ignore all the bad things he did. You can't excuse the Holocaust by mentioning how nice the Autobahn is.

The fact that you compare employers to Hitler shows that you are delusional.

Absolute bullshit. You can lie all you want, but neither Skull Pilot nor I have advocated anything that is designed to screw employees, to say nothing of doing it every chance we get.

You mean other than wanting to keep people at starvation wages if they don't have the level of education you think is appropriate...

As opposed to you wanting workers to be replaced by robots?

Cuz that's all that forcing fast food restaurants to raise wages is going to accomplish, bub.

Absolute bullshit. You can lie all you want, but neither Skull Pilot nor I have advocated anything that is designed to screw employees, to say nothing of doing it every chance we get.

You mean other than wanting to keep people at starvation wages if they don't have the level of education you think is appropriate...

Oh, so expecting people to be responsible for their own lives and take responsibility for bad choices is the same as screwing them at every opportunity?

Weren't you the one screaming "No Second Chances!"?
Papageorgio's icon following my earlier post on America being a "fat fucking, bloated, nation" is too funny:lol:

Absolute bullshit. You can lie all you want, but neither Skull Pilot nor I have advocated anything that is designed to screw employees, to say nothing of doing it every chance we get.

You mean other than wanting to keep people at starvation wages if they don't have the level of education you think is appropriate...

As opposed to you wanting workers to be replaced by robots?

Cuz that's all that forcing fast food restaurants to raise wages is going to accomplish, bub.

Yeah, right.

If they could replace people with robots that don't piss off the customers, they'd do that now.

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