McDonald's may be liable for worker lawsuits


But you certainly don't mind them threatening someone's children. Which puts you on a disgustingly low level.

One more time, it's only "Class Warfare" when we fight back. And then it's all, "But think of the children."

I am. I'm thinking of the children of working folks.

Horseshit! When you and I first started discussing this it was because those union thugs had threatened the woman's children because not all the workers on the construction site were union.

Some were union and some were not. You (and your ilk) don't give a rat's ass about the nonunion workers, because they haven't PAID you to care. And you don't give a rat's ass about their children either.

And you said the woman executive who ran the construction division deserved to be attacked or have her children threatened & harmed.

No, it is not about the workers. It is about buying power. It is about demanding a piece of every worker's paycheck, whether you do them any good or not. And when the union demands drive the company under, the union guys wave goodbye and move on to a new place, leaving the workers to fend for themselves.

It was not just the 1%ers that screwed up and caused the 2008 collapse. How many people bought houses they couldn't afford? Are you saying the 1%ers are responsible for that too? lol

I'll tell it to anyone who knows how the banking and investment systems work. The rich don't have their money in vaults in their dungeon. It is just as accessible from outside the country. By the time there was enough of a fundamental change in the laws (including burning the US Constitution), the truly rich will have moved their money.

The Romanovs?? lol Believe it or not, the world has changed a bit since 1917.

But you keep praying for your socialist revolution, and I'll keep being a capitalist. You'll keep losing and I'll stay where I am.

Actually, shit is going to get very bad because of "Capitalists" like you.

And if you think they are going to save you a seat on the Gulfstream, think again.

First off, it is a fantasy of yours.

Second, the militias are more dangerous than your "people's revolution" of poor people, and they damn sure won't fold to become socialists.

And, as I said, it won't be an over night thing. I can relocate as well.

Hours worked and the act of working are small parts of a larger package.
It is typical of the pro union pro labor believer to claim that merely 'putting in time' is enough to gain increases in wage....It isn't. One must do their assigned tasks well. They must then show they are capable of handling more responsibility. They must show they are capable of learning new skills and implementing those skills....At that point they become eligible for wage increases.
No one has been able to define a living wage. That is because it is a theory. In other words it doesn't exist except in the minds of those who want something for nothing.

That would be fine if we lived in a world based on merit and recognition.

We don't.

I've seen coworkers fired because they were gay.

If they had proof of that they would have won a law suit. If there is no proof it didn't happen
I've seen asskissers promoted to management who had no idea what they were doing.

They obviously did now something about human relations. You're just pissed because you don't

I've seen people fired for running up medical bills.

Again if you could prove that you would have won a law suit.
I've seen people fired because their ex-girlfriends traded up to fucking the manager.

If you don't know enough not to fuck the boss then that's your problem

I know plenty of companies with 80% to 90% retention.

You disbelieve him for what reason?

But you expect us to believe you were fired for your medical bills? lmao

No, i don't expect you to believe that. In fact, I know that your worldview would be absolutely destroyed if you had to accept that fact, so I am happy to let you live in your fantasy world that I would make that up for some reason.

But it really happened. Just saying.

No, the reason why I believe Skull is because even though I've worked for some real, honest to god douchebag assholes in my time, not a one of them came off as callous to people and their problems as he does.

Once again you have no clue as to how I treat my people.

I'd tell you but you'll just call me a liar.

And I am not talking about people like those who work for me who actually have skills and ahev worked to not only maintain but to improve their skills.

I am talking about people who choose not to improve their skills so as to get better paying jobs and yet still demand they get paid the same as someone who has worked to gain marketable skills.

A simple concept that you are incapable of understanding.
I would sing outside my home for money before I apply at Mcdonald's

Yeah you have probably never really worked very hard either.

People stay at fast food jobs because they want to. They are relatively easy jobs that require absolutely no skill.

People who keep these jobs forever have no ambition no desire to improve themselves and their pay reflects that.

If you don't like what you're paid the get another fucking job.

I swear with your incessant whining that you must break more glasses than an opera star.

ANd once again, Skull can't really defend the fact he's kind of a horrible human being, so he has to attack others.

Conservatism- an ongoing rationalization of selfishness.

This post needs to be in the dictionary under "projection"!
First of all, because you still have not defined "living wage".

Second, because the unskilled ARE paid a decent wage, for what they bring, as I have shown. However, you decided to spout off about it being below the poverty line, so I am engaging you so you will learn something.

And because I am still waiting to hear what you are hoping the judiciary will do for your union thugs. You know, the ones you want to be above the law.

Keep trying to take the subject off topic, because you can't defend your position.

you work for a living, you should get a living wage. Period.

Or we can just let everyone go on welfare.

What you guys don't seem to get is that when you pay someone below living wage, they get food stamps, they get Section 8 housing, they get ObamaPhones (er... ReaganPhones, but nevermind) they get MedicAid.

All stuff you are paying for, anyway.

Again, if you aren't capable of decency, you should be capable of common sense.

$26k a year is not a living wage (still undefined btw)? I looked up some apartments and you can get one for under $700 a month in Tampa. There is a public transportation system. So someone could rent an apt for $700, keep the power bill around $100 a month, spend $200 on transportation, have a couple of misc bills for $75 each and even save $100 a month. All that on $2,000 a month. (net of $1700, after losing 15% to federal taxes)

Looks like a single wage earned making $500 a week could live on it. Get a Roommate and it would be even cheaper.

But that would require EFFORT, which Joey the parasite is incapable of.
Joe is just another angry underachiever who blames others for his own actions.

I've probably accomplished more than you have, and I have the degrees and medals and certificates to show for it.

Doesn't take away from the fact that most employers are scumbags who'd sell their own mothers for the right price.

I have had few problems with my employers being scumbags. The couple of times in my life I did, I found a better job.

I think you might be your own worst enemy. If you go to work with this "We deserve more money!" and "The rich are assholes who will screw us over" nonsense, I would imagine you are disliked by your co-workers AND your employers.

I suspect Joey's coworkers might have voted him "most likely to get caught taking a shit in the manager's office". He may also have gotten the coveted "most likely to be removed from the premises in a straitjacket" award.
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I know plenty of companies with 80% to 90% retention.

You disbelieve him for what reason?

But you expect us to believe you were fired for your medical bills? lmao

No, i don't expect you to believe that. In fact, I know that your worldview would be absolutely destroyed if you had to accept that fact, so I am happy to let you live in your fantasy world that I would make that up for some reason.

But it really happened. Just saying.

No, the reason why I believe Skull is because even though I've worked for some real, honest to god douchebag assholes in my time, not a one of them came off as callous to people and their problems as he does.

Once again you have no clue as to how I treat my people.

I'd tell you but you'll just call me a liar.

And I am not talking about people like those who work for me who actually have skills and ahev worked to not only maintain but to improve their skills.

I am talking about people who choose not to improve their skills so as to get better paying jobs and yet still demand they get paid the same as someone who has worked to gain marketable skills.

A simple concept that you are incapable of understanding.

You hiring truck drivers? :) Class B CDL, air brake, tank & passenger endorsements.
Neither does working a register with pictures of the food on it. lol

But the pressure, stress, and constant verbal and sometimes physical abuse from customers sure as fuck does.

It is a mindless, no-skill job that could probably be done by a trained chimp.

Would you be outraged if that 'trained' chimp was physically abused in their workplace?

I guess you believe that low wage workers deserve to be threatened?
Neither does working a register with pictures of the food on it. lol

But the pressure, stress, and constant verbal and sometimes physical abuse from customers sure as fuck does.

Sorry but if you think bagging burgers is a pressure filled job then you obviously have not worked very much

You don't know what pressure is. Its a fast paced environment with a lot of pressure placed on you to work quickly. I am sure other jobs are just as bad but at least you don't go to work wondering if a customer will spit in your face.
Stephanie clearly believes that it is acceptable for a business to refuse their workers overtime when it may be required, or to deduct hours from their rosters for no reason at all. Stephanie is a dumb bitch, obviously.

To note - the same thing happens here, too. No overtime when we clock off after an 8 hour maximum shift, extra hours are removed to avoid paying overtime, and we are expected to work off the clock.

All that is illegal. Stephanie would like to see it commonplace.

Every state has labor boards that can penalize a business that is breaking labor laws. Employees just have to file a grievance to have it investigated. My big problem with this is that potential lawsuits involving bad franchisees could negatively affect franchisees who are doing nothing wrong. One bad ruling could negatively affect hundreds of good franchisees.
But the pressure, stress, and constant verbal and sometimes physical abuse from customers sure as fuck does.

Sorry but if you think bagging burgers is a pressure filled job then you obviously have not worked very much

You don't know what pressure is. Its a fast paced environment with a lot of pressure placed on you to work quickly. I am sure other jobs are just as bad but at least you don't go to work wondering if a customer will spit in your face.

I own a business that employs 12 people. I have to make at least 70K a month just to keep the doors open.

I have to keep hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment in working order.

I have to comply with OSHA regulations, DEA regulations, EPA regulations and various other government crap.

You have to stuff burgers in a bag.

You know nothing about pressure.
But the pressure, stress, and constant verbal and sometimes physical abuse from customers sure as fuck does.

It is a mindless, no-skill job that could probably be done by a trained chimp.

Would you be outraged if that 'trained' chimp was physically abused in their workplace?

I guess you believe that low wage workers deserve to be threatened?

So some guy that got cold fries yelled at you?

Poor Baby.

But you certainly don't mind them threatening someone's children. Which puts you on a disgustingly low level.

One more time, it's only "Class Warfare" when we fight back. And then it's all, "But think of the children."

I am. I'm thinking of the children of working folks.

Horseshit! When you and I first started discussing this it was because those union thugs had threatened the woman's children because not all the workers on the construction site were union.

Some were union and some were not. You (and your ilk) don't give a rat's ass about the nonunion workers, because they haven't PAID you to care. And you don't give a rat's ass about their children either.

And you said the woman executive who ran the construction division deserved to be attacked or have her children threatened & harmed.

No, it is not about the workers. It is about buying power. It is about demanding a piece of every worker's paycheck, whether you do them any good or not. And when the union demands drive the company under, the union guys wave goodbye and move on to a new place, leaving the workers to fend for themselves.

Guy, you can remember the conversation any way you want.

Fact is, you can't let the bastards have an inch. And, yes, I think that any tactic used against them is justified, because they will use any tactic against you.

First off, it is a fantasy of yours.

Second, the militias are more dangerous than your "people's revolution" of poor people, and they damn sure won't fold to become socialists.

And, as I said, it won't be an over night thing. I can relocate as well.

Oh, yeah. Fat old gun nuts who are scared of black people. That's your typical NRA gun nut.

Again, when things get bad, most people never see it coming. Pick up a history book once in a while.

Someone needs to save you people from yourselves.

Hours worked and the act of working are small parts of a larger package.
It is typical of the pro union pro labor believer to claim that merely 'putting in time' is enough to gain increases in wage....It isn't. One must do their assigned tasks well. They must then show they are capable of handling more responsibility. They must show they are capable of learning new skills and implementing those skills....At that point they become eligible for wage increases.
No one has been able to define a living wage. That is because it is a theory. In other words it doesn't exist except in the minds of those who want something for nothing.

That would be fine if we lived in a world based on merit and recognition.

We don't.

I've seen coworkers fired because they were gay.

If they had proof of that they would have won a law suit. If there is no proof it didn't happen

Uh, no, she couldn't have. IL didn't have protections for gay workers and it's an "at-will" employment state. But, yeah, she was let go right after she showed up at the company party with her life-partner, who dressed in a man's suit so no one missed the point.

They obviously did now something about human relations. You're just pissed because you don't

Weren't you talking about merit? Stroking the ego of an insecure boss might be "human relations", but it isn't merit. It really doesn't make the company run any better. Usually worse.

I've seen people fired for running up medical bills.

Again if you could prove that you would have won a law suit.

And if you could prove Lois Lerner targeted Teabaggers, you could have impeached Obama by now.

Obviously, lawsuits are hard to win. Also, in my line of work, you really, really don't want your name attached to a lawsuit against an employer.

I've seen people fired because their ex-girlfriends traded up to fucking the manager.

If you don't know enough not to fuck the boss then that's your problem

Wow, guy. So it sounds like your workplace is a joy of sexual harrassment?

You missed the point. she was sleeping with the boss. and then oddly, her ex-boyfriend was let go.

So while I'm sure you can justify these things, the notion of the workplace being a meritocracy is just laughable. Seen too much shit from bad bosses.

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