McMaster says Radical Islam term is "not helpful"

Are Muslims so damn fragile that calling out the shitstains among them sends them into uncontrollable fits of crying?



I don't get offended when white supremacists are called out. There are elements in every walk of life that need to be called out and cowering in fear that someone may be offended if you do so is pathetic.
You should see the pseudocons lose their shit when I call the KKK "Christian terrorists".

Goose, meet gander.

Wow....what a great historical image of you democrats.....
Unlike the dems and libs, republicans and conservatives do not all constantly repeat the same talking points and propaganda.

Thinking for yourself is a crime in libville, but a compliment in conville.

But the lib puppets and drones will not understand this.
Way to not address the topic at all and go the partisan route!

I did address the topic. Not all republicans think and say the same things. All democrats do.

the OP is a study in the contrast between left and right.

sorry, if it was too complex for you.
Not complex, just idiotic. Anybody that thinks a group of millions of people all share the exact same viewpoints is not rational. Thanks for trying though

I was speaking in generalities. "in general" most democrats all spout the same rhetoric and the same talking points. Yes, there may be exception, but they are very few. Manchin of WV is the only one I can think of.
Unlike the dems and libs, republicans and conservatives do not all constantly repeat the same talking points and propaganda.

Thinking for yourself is a crime in libville, but a compliment in conville.

But the lib puppets and drones will not understand this.
Way to not address the topic at all and go the partisan route!

I did address the topic. Not all republicans think and say the same things. All democrats do.

the OP is a study in the contrast between left and right.

sorry, if it was too complex for you.

All Democrats do. Now that is the No. 1 stupid of the day. Let someone else win once in a while.

are you dumb enough to claim that all of you dems and libs do not recite daily from the same book of talking points? really?

If you are saying that, then you get the dumbass post of the day award (to put on the mantle with the 100 or so that you already have)
Said the tard fresh off cPac weekend where the once pro trade party cheered the end of TPP and a host of other reversals that Trump brought to their doorstep. For you to think that there is any difference in how both parties operate is laughable. Both parties have flip flops, debates, controversy, free thinkers and blind partisanship. If the Dems were so united in their thinking then Hillary would be president right now.

wrong again, the dems were united in their thinking, that's why she lost. Because their thinking was not in sync with the American voters.
Unlike the dems and libs, republicans and conservatives do not all constantly repeat the same talking points and propaganda.

Thinking for yourself is a crime in libville, but a compliment in conville.

But the lib puppets and drones will not understand this.

Too funny. Too Goddam funny.

the truth is many times funny. But it is still the truth. Give us a list of quotes from dems and libs where they have gone against Obama, Clinton, or the puppet masters who control all of you.

Start with the massive Democratic opposition to Obama's support for trade agreements.

Now apologize.

I asked for quotes, not lies. which dems disagreed with obozo on trade? what exactly did they say against their messiah?

Now apologize.

Bernie Sanders you fuckwit, and his millions of supporters.

Yeah, right Bernie, the guy that the DNC cheated out of the primary. The dem party is run by the super delegates and the people at the top. You dem voters are not considered by your masters to have any viewpoints except the ones they tell you to have.
the truth is many times funny. But it is still the truth. Give us a list of quotes from dems and libs where they have gone against Obama, Clinton, or the puppet masters who control all of you.

Start with the massive Democratic opposition to Obama's support for trade agreements.

Now apologize.

I asked for quotes, not lies. which dems disagreed with obozo on trade? what exactly did they say against their messiah?

Now apologize.

Bernie Sanders you fuckwit, and his millions of supporters.
Game over. NY wins. Nicely done!

To be fair, winning a debate with Redfish is nothing to brag about.

since neither you or any of your libtardian friends have never won one, you really would not know. But keep it up, your stupidity is a never ending source of amusement.
In this day and age the liberal mindset is that it is wrong to call a spade a spade.
McMasters was brought up in that mindset.
Unlike the dems and libs, republicans and conservatives do not all constantly repeat the same talking points and propaganda.

Thinking for yourself is a crime in libville, but a compliment in conville.

But the lib puppets and drones will not understand this.
Way to not address the topic at all and go the partisan route!

Try searching his posts for his opinion about Obama not using the terminology if you want a really good laugh.

Obama would not say "radical Islamic terrorists". Do you have any idea why? Hint: not the same reason as the new security chief.

Yes, exactly the same reason. But then you still believe the birther crap, so its not like logic reason and sanity are strong with you.

No, its not the same reason. Obama would not say it because he was afraid of offending the religion that he admires. Remember Obama said "the muslim call to worship is the most beautiful sound on earth". Would a Christian or Jew say that?

I don't care where he was born, but I would like to know how he paid the very expensive tuition at Harvard and Columbia and why no one who was at those schools during those years remembers him.

Could you please post his transcripts from those colleges? Then the matter would be settled.
So what he's entitled to his opinion just as people are entitled to agree or disagree with it.

He's entitled to his opinions, but he's not entitled to his own set of facts. Saying that liberals all wake up, read a set of talking points and parrot them all day long is idiocy. Yes, it's his opinion, but he states it as a fact.

When every dem and lib comes out and uses the exact same words------------are you saying that's just coincidence? Are you that naïve?
Start with the massive Democratic opposition to Obama's support for trade agreements.

Now apologize.

I asked for quotes, not lies. which dems disagreed with obozo on trade? what exactly did they say against their messiah?

Now apologize.

Bernie Sanders you fuckwit, and his millions of supporters.
Game over. NY wins. Nicely done!

To be fair, winning a debate with Redfish is nothing to brag about.

since neither you or any of your libtardian friends have never won one, you really would not know. But keep it up, your stupidity is a never ending source of amusement.

I'm pretty sure I won the debate with you in which you insist that Trump won the popular vote.
So what he's entitled to his opinion just as people are entitled to agree or disagree with it.

He's entitled to his opinions, but he's not entitled to his own set of facts. Saying that liberals all wake up, read a set of talking points and parrot them all day long is idiocy. Yes, it's his opinion, but he states it as a fact.

When every dem and lib comes out and uses the exact same words------------are you saying that's just coincidence? Are you that naïve?

When has that ever happened specifically?
Rutt Rohh... Trumps new National Security Advisor backs up the Obama stance on the term Radical Islam saying that it is not helpful for the cause of fighting Terrorism.

So we're supposed to lie about the reason they are engaging in terrorism?

You're supposed to show some respect for the Muslims who aren't terrorists, for example the thousands of Iraqi soldiers who are systematically defeating ISIS.

Hence the reason the adjective "radical" precedes Islam, so what is the problem?

Have you ever noticed the hysterical reaction you get from conservatives if anyone ever refers to a Christian terrorist as a Christian terrorist?
If they perform an act of terrorism they are not a Christian… Are they? Of course they aren't.

Islam commands its followers to kill people they disagree with. Shit for brains


Muslims are sanctified by the blood of murdered kafirs. If the prophet of Islam, Mohammed, was alive today he would be sitting on death row somewhere waiting for his execution.

What is important to understand is that none of these depraved and criminal acts are seen as crimes to Muslims, except if they are committed by someone else. They are all holy, divine acts that their own prophet indulged in and therefore they have been given the stamp of validation as the moral code to be emulated by all Muslim men. They are all Sunna [The traditional portion of Muslim law based on Muhammad’s words or acts, accepted (together with the Koran) as authoritative by Muslims].

  • Molested his wife – six-year-old Baby Aisha. One of Baby Aisha’s wifely duties was to clean semen stains from the prophet’s clothes. The prophet would take a bath with Baby Aisha and ‘thigh’ with Baby Aisha, meaning she was too small to be penetrated so he would take his penis and rub it up and down her thighs and against her vagina. Being a man of ‘mercy’ he did not penetrate Baby Aisha until she was nine.
  • Raped Baby Aisha when she was nine (texts have altered her age when Muslims could not explain why their prophet married and consummated the marriage with a small child. Koranic texts makes it clear that Mohammed married her when she was six years old. For a marriage to be legally deemed valid it had to be sexually consummated. The Hadith clearly proves that Mohammed was a notorious pedophile). Advocated sex with baby girls.
  • Raped a retarded woman. Murdered a woman. Had sex with his dead aunt.
  • Captured women and raped them. Kept women as sex slaves. Muhammad had sex with 61 women: many he raped. There is no consensual sex between a child girl and a man. There is no consensual sex between a master and his sex slave. There is no consensual sex between a woman conquered in war and her husband conqueror. All such sexual acts are rape. RAPE IS RAPE.
  • Had eleven wives at one time. Sexually abused his wives. Raped his wives. Forced sex during their menstruation including Baby Aisha. Mentally abused his wives. Can you imagine taking a child (or any aged woman) and molesting with your hand/fist her menstruating vagina?
  • Beheaded his enemies. 600/900 Jewish men at one massacre. Had Jewish boys as young as 13 years old beheaded after pulling down their pants and inspecting groin for pubic hair.
  • Ordered the murder, torture, terrorization of Christians and Jews if they did not convert to Islam. Forced Christians and Jews from Saudi Arabia (the mass exile).
  • Assassinated people for insulting him or Islam. Established totalitarian rule. Had followers and their families burnt alive in their homes for missing prayer.
  • Ordered the extermination, torture and terrorization of kafirs. Instigated 60 massacres and personally participated in 27 of them.
  • Owned and sold slaves. Enslaved women and children.
  • Called his black slaves pug noses and compared them to Satan.
  • Treated his black slaves as beasts of burden.
  • Lied and cheated. Mohammed encouraged his men to lie to deceive someone in order to get what he wanted.
  • Caused division and hatred. Ordered no befriending with Christians and Jews.
  • Subjugated and oppressed Muslim women. Required them to cover their faces.
  • Married his daughter–in–law.
  • Approved prostitution.
  • Encouraged the rape of women in front of their husbands.
  • Recommended wife beating. Hit his wife – Baby Aisha.
  • Murdered prisoners of war. Committed acts of terror.
  • Advocated suicide attacks.
  • Executed apostates and homosexuals.
  • Beat children who didn’t pray. Abolished adoption.
  • Honor killings of Muslim women and children.
  • Beat alcoholics. Lied.
  • Stoned adulators to death. Stoned a woman to death after she had given birth.
  • Ordered thief’s hands/feet chopped off.
  • Tortured a man out of greed.
  • Looted and plundered.
  • Preached hate for people of other religions.
  • Extorted money from other religions
  • Forced conversions to Islam
  • Allowed his companions to execute, behead, rape and enslave.

References to prophet Mohammed’s crimes:

Hat tip to our reader Craig for the due diligence in providing the references to these claims.

— Muhammad’s marriage to 6yr old Aisha-(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234 and 236).

— Aisha cleans Muhammad’s semen stains-(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 229-233),

— Muhammad fondling Aisha during her ‘Menses’- (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 298-300, Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 1, Number 0270)

— Muhammad liked to have intercourse with Aisha and his other wives when they were menstruating (Sahih Muslim, Book 003, Number 0577-0579),

— He also loved to recite the Quran when his wives were in Menses while lying between their legs!-(Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 296), (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 639)

— Muhammad married his adopted Son’s wife called ‘Zaynab’ after lusting for her and then banned Adoption in Islam- (Surah 33:37,Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 305, Sahih Muslim, Book 008, Number 3330, Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 516,The History of Al-Tabari: The Victory of Islam, translated by Michael Fishbein, 1997], Volume VIII, pp. 2-3)

— Muhammad having sex with his dead Aunt in the Grave-( “Kanz Al Umal” (The Treasure of the Workers, by Ali Ibn Husam Aldin, commonly known as Al-Mutaki Al-Hindi. He based his book on the hadiths and sayings listed in “Al-Jami Al-Saghir,” written by Jalal ul-Din Al-Suyuti.)

— ‘I (Muhammad) put on her my shirt that she may wear the clothes of heaven, and I slept with her in her coffin (grave) that I may lessen the pressure of the grave. She was the best of Allah’s creatures to me after Abu Talib’… The prophet was referring to Fatima , the mother of Ali. “The Arabic word used here for slept is “Id’tajat,” and literally means “lay down” with her. It is often used to mean, “Lay down to have sex.”

— Muhammad and the Quran sanctioned sex with your wives and ‘married’ slave girls-(Quran – 70:22-30, 23:5,6, 4:24, 33:50), — Muhammad speaks of sex with Slave Girls- (Sahih Bukhari – Volume 3, #432, Volume 9, #506, Volume 5, #637, Sahih Muslim, Volume 2, #3371)

— Muhammad disagreed with ‘coitus interruptus’ with slave girls- he supported RAPE.

— Muhammad forces a 17 yr old Jewish girl called Safiyyah to marry him and rapes her on the same day her husband and family are killed in the battle of Khaibar (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 522, Volume 1, Book 8, Number 367).

— Al Tabari reported in his (‘The History of al-Tabari: The Victory of Islam’, Translated by Michael Fishbein) that even some of Muhammad’s wives and companions were shocked that he forced Safiyyah to marry him after beheading her husband, brother and father.
Too funny. Too Goddam funny.

the truth is many times funny. But it is still the truth. Give us a list of quotes from dems and libs where they have gone against Obama, Clinton, or the puppet masters who control all of you.

Start with the massive Democratic opposition to Obama's support for trade agreements.

Now apologize.

I asked for quotes, not lies. which dems disagreed with obozo on trade? what exactly did they say against their messiah?

Now apologize.

Bernie Sanders you fuckwit, and his millions of supporters.

Yeah, right Bernie, the guy that the DNC cheated out of the primary. The dem party is run by the super delegates and the people at the top. You dem voters are not considered by your masters to have any viewpoints except the ones they tell you to have.

Nice attempt at obfuscation. But the point remains, YOU WERE WRONG.
I asked for quotes, not lies. which dems disagreed with obozo on trade? what exactly did they say against their messiah?

Now apologize.

Bernie Sanders you fuckwit, and his millions of supporters.
Game over. NY wins. Nicely done!

To be fair, winning a debate with Redfish is nothing to brag about.

since neither you or any of your libtardian friends have never won one, you really would not know. But keep it up, your stupidity is a never ending source of amusement.

I'm pretty sure I won the debate with you in which you insist that Trump won the popular vote.

wrong again. I never said that he won the PV. I said if we could remove all of the illegal votes, fraudulent votes, and multiple votes he may have won the PV. But it really doesn't matter, we elect presidents by the EC.

So no, you are still waiting for your first win.
So what he's entitled to his opinion just as people are entitled to agree or disagree with it.

He's entitled to his opinions, but he's not entitled to his own set of facts. Saying that liberals all wake up, read a set of talking points and parrot them all day long is idiocy. Yes, it's his opinion, but he states it as a fact.

When every dem and lib comes out and uses the exact same words------------are you saying that's just coincidence? Are you that naïve?

When has that ever happened specifically?

almost daily. listen to Schumer, Pelosi, Reid, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash Post. They all use the same words and bring up the same rants on the same days. Try to pay attention.
Bernie Sanders you fuckwit, and his millions of supporters.
Game over. NY wins. Nicely done!

To be fair, winning a debate with Redfish is nothing to brag about.

since neither you or any of your libtardian friends have never won one, you really would not know. But keep it up, your stupidity is a never ending source of amusement.

I'm pretty sure I won the debate with you in which you insist that Trump won the popular vote.

wrong again. I never said that he won the PV. I said if we could remove all of the illegal votes, fraudulent votes, and multiple votes he may have won the PV. But it really doesn't matter, we elect presidents by the EC.

So no, you are still waiting for your first win.

Now you're lying about lying.
So what he's entitled to his opinion just as people are entitled to agree or disagree with it.

He's entitled to his opinions, but he's not entitled to his own set of facts. Saying that liberals all wake up, read a set of talking points and parrot them all day long is idiocy. Yes, it's his opinion, but he states it as a fact.

When every dem and lib comes out and uses the exact same words------------are you saying that's just coincidence? Are you that naïve?

When has that ever happened specifically?

almost daily. listen to Schumer, Pelosi, Reid, CNN, MSNBC, NY times, Wash Post. They all use the same words and bring up the same rants on the same days. Try to pay attention.

So you have no specific examples.
If they perform an act of terrorism they are not a Christian… Are they? Of course they aren't.


The classic circular argument.

When it comes to motivation, an act is a Christian act if the person committing thinks it's a Christian act. Religion is personal.

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