meanest thing you do to your spouse or loved one


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
on the rare occasion that the hubby has finally pushed all my buttons.....i begin introducing him as my 'ex husband'....of course people i am introducing him too....dont get it...but he sure the hell does....i will do this till he chills....its funny if someone remarks that they didnt know we are divorced....i will admit we are not and tell them i am just trying to get him use to the title.

he did that to me...i would rip his fucking head off
The last winter in the UK saw consistently heavy snowfall. During the winter my wife was spending an inordinate amount of time on Facebook. I secretly changed her password. She thought it was a software glitch.

Early one morning I needed to use the toilet badly, but my wife claimed she was in the bath. I joked that I'd have to take a piss in the garden. To my admitted surprise she bluntly instructed me to do so. Now, I don't know why, seeing as there was snow on the ground (though it was very early), but I popped out to the bottom of the garden for a piss whilst completely naked. It was very early and I'd done it before, though in slightly more hospitable conditions. A few seconds into a thoroughly enjoyable piss I heard the rumbling of my wife rushing down the stairs, then I heard her lock the back door. I rushed up to the window and banged on it. My wife the replied, "Give me the new password, yer fuckin' asshole!". "I feigned ignorance and demanded she open the door. She replied by telling me she'd leave me out in the cold, naked, until a wrote the password in the frost on the window. She actually made me wait until she'd successfully accessed her account before she let me back in. I ran back into the house and called her bitch. She replied by saying, "that'll teach you for being a lyin' asshole".

Married life, eh.
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Early in our marriage he didn't come home or call for dinner once. After waiting too long I cleaned up and never let him know I was angry (I never let him know when I'm mad - I'm passive aggressive)

Unfortunately he did eat when he got home and was sick for three days. I was, 24 and not smart enough to know that chicken left out for hours could make him sick. My defense was my son and I both ate too and we weren't sick, I was preggers as well. So it must have been something he ate when he was out with his buds.

It took me 20 years to finally confess that mistake. Needless to say he doesn't buy it was a mistake :lol:
Ah! the joys of post-nuptial bliss.

Why are still marrried if you can't stand your spouses?

I suspect that some people remain married out love and affection but others remain married out of sheer spite.
I've been wracking my brain trying to think when I was intentionally mean to any of the men with whom I had a long-term relationship.

The best thing I can come up with is I pinched my ex-husband (he was husband at that time) when he had me pinned and was tickling me. I couldn't catch my breath, so I became desperate and pinched him, hard.

He just laughed, but I guess the pinch was hard enough because he did stop.

Now, during the divorce? Heh, another story. :lol:
who said they cant stand their spouse? i love mine,,he is great...but at times he just goes a wee bit overboard and needs a reminder....he is a total control freak...
oooooooo i will start laughing and stop breathing....its the oddest breath just want do anything.....its really scarey but you know you will suddenly gasp and breath husband thinks its a watch this happen
who said they cant stand their spouse? i love mine,,he is great...but at times he just goes a wee bit overboard and needs a reminder....he is a total control freak...

Right, touchy folks here. :lol:

Being perfect is too high a standard for me.
Sometimes I would introduce my wife as "My first wife" if I was mad at her.

Little did I know how prophetic that humorous remark would turn out to be. :eek:
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Me neither. My first wife used to try and manipulate me by saying "do you want me to divorce you" One day I answered back "Yes". She was floored, but it was too late for her.

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