Meanwhile...America's Favorite Lovers have just involved Obama in the FBI Text Scandal

FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'

9/2/16...Comey wanted them to prepare talking points because the POTIS wanted to know
everything they were doing.

Bless their hearts.

I can't keep the popcorn poppin' quick enough.

Hilarious! CNN's Erin Burnett just debunked the hell out of this lying NaziCon fake news conspiracy theory with facts and dates. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) has no honor left.

Shut up twit.

"Lisa Page, the FBI official accused of harboring an anti-Trump bias, sent a text message in September 2016 saying that then-President Obama wanted "to know everything" about the FBI's probe into Hillary Clinton
Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonOvernight Cybersecurity: Tillerson proposes new cyber bureau at State | Senate bill would clarify cross-border data rules | Uber exec says 'no justification' for covering up breachGrassley to Sessions: Policy for employees does not comply with the law'Homeland' in the Trump era tackles the 'deep state'MORE's use of a private email server"

Yes, about Russian collusion - because President Obama was preparing to meet with Putin. Damn, are you really that fucking dumb and uninformed? Didn't Senator Johnson's last conspiracy theory wake you up?

Sen. Johnson backs off 'secret society' claim - CNNPolitics -

Stupid fuck, it's about her Server and email issue. You won't get away with being a lying partisan hack with me Shitting Bull.

Hey tool, time for facts: Clinton investigation was halted in september, after Comey has cleared her. Comment was clearly about RUSSIA INVESTIGATION.

Obama confronted Putin in early September at China's G20 about hacking, which falls in timeline with Page's comment about his inquiries into that investigation.


Fuck lying scum Republicans like Ron Johnson.
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And by the way, this is Ron Johnson spreading fake news LAST TIME

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings offsite,"

Read Sen. Ron Johnson's evolving views on whether there's a secret society at the FBI

What the fuck is wrong with these Republican assholes.
Progressive liberal assholes.

..Ron Johnson is a....Progressive liberal???

Or is that your head exploding and you having not brains left over to coherently respond?
And by the way, this is Ron Johnson spreading fake news LAST TIME

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings offsite,"

Read Sen. Ron Johnson's evolving views on whether there's a secret society at the FBI

What the fuck is wrong with these Republican assholes.
Progressive liberal assholes.

..Ron Johnson is a....Progressive liberal???

Or is that your head exploding and you having not brains left over to coherently respond?
If it is fake news, it is the GOP. Fox Rush Hannity excetera excetera is a joke for ignoramuses only.
Wowsa, the snowflakes being in denial of the hypocrisy of Obama and the obvious criminal activity in which the FBI updated him on the Crooked Hillary email scandal AND the "insurance policy" in case The Donald won is remarkable to witness. The brainwashing by MSNBC and CNN does work apparently. :p

Did a Google and Obama is in hiding or Google is intentionally blocking Obama as a topic. Apparently one story is out he is taking a trip to Monterey.

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A sitting president using government agencies to spy on political opponents during a presidential election, this is why Dem's had to be defeated they are corrupt as hell.
It does make you wonder why Obama didn't fix it so Hillary won, doesn't it? LOL
He did fix it and she Still did Not win
They were so perplexed and thus concluded-Russians
A sitting president using government agencies to spy on political opponents during a presidential election, this is why Dem's had to be defeated they are corrupt as hell.
It does make you wonder why Obama didn't fix it so Hillary won, doesn't it? LOL
He did fix it and she Still did Not win
They were so perplexed and thus concluded-Russians

that really is amazing

they had the whole government apparatus working against Trump

they spied on him and knew his every move

they wrote extensive phony Dossiers about him

***YET*** they still could not win


their message must be really REALLY crappy

A sitting president using government agencies to spy on political opponents during a presidential election, this is why Dem's had to be defeated they are corrupt as hell.
It does make you wonder why Obama didn't fix it so Hillary won, doesn't it? LOL
He did fix it and she Still did Not win
They were so perplexed and thus concluded-Russians

that really is amazing

they had the whole government apparatus working against Trump

they spied on him and knew his every move

they wrote extensive phony Dossiers about him

***YET*** they still could not win


their message must be really REALLY crappy

We played very fair because there was no way we could lose... Except for Comey.
And by the way, this is Ron Johnson spreading fake news LAST TIME

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings offsite,"

Read Sen. Ron Johnson's evolving views on whether there's a secret society at the FBI

What the fuck is wrong with these Republican assholes.
Progressive liberal assholes.

..Ron Johnson is a....Progressive liberal???

Or is that your head exploding and you having not brains left over to coherently respond?
I have no idea what you are talking about. I just pulled your own stupidity against yourself.
A sitting president using government agencies to spy on political opponents during a presidential election, this is why Dem's had to be defeated they are corrupt as hell.
It does make you wonder why Obama didn't fix it so Hillary won, doesn't it? LOL
He did fix it and she Still did Not win
They were so perplexed and thus concluded-Russians

that really is amazing

they had the whole government apparatus working against Trump

they spied on him and knew his every move

they wrote extensive phony Dossiers about him

***YET*** they still could not win


their message must be really REALLY crappy

when did they spy on him?
On behalf of Hillary Clinton
This is shocking news...NOT!

It's like discovering the e-mail from Hitler that he knew about the Holocaust.

Sure, everyone knew he knew, but where is the proof?
I am constantly shocked to learn that a sitting US president should deem if fit to be appraised of suspicions the Russians are infiltrating, if not colluding, a presidential campaign

not at all. but i'd never get you to understand why you and i may differ on what makes something "honest". since you're hellbent on you and ONLY you being "right" then what are my options?

you're not into honesty, you're into being right.

not always the same, hos.

We're the FBI agents referring to Obama wanting to know everything about Hillary Clinton's email server?

Simple, honest question.

simple question - did obama or did obama not get mail from a server he said he didn't know about?

gosh - these are fun quid pro quo questions! you don't answer the way i want i can mock you too, now!

I'm sorry. I don't know what that question is even about.

Did he get email from Hillary Clinton? I'm sure he did.

From her private server he said he didn't know about.

Man. You sure don't want to answer the question.


Is that what you are saying in order to avoid answering my simple question dealing with today's news?

We're the FBI agents referring to Obama wanting to know everything about Hillary Clinton's email server?

Simple, honest question.

simple question - did obama or did obama not get mail from a server he said he didn't know about?

gosh - these are fun quid pro quo questions! you don't answer the way i want i can mock you too, now!

I'm sorry. I don't know what that question is even about.

Did he get email from Hillary Clinton? I'm sure he did.

From her private server he said he didn't know about.

Man. You sure don't want to answer the question.


Is that what you are saying in order to avoid answering my simple question dealing with today's news?
Is that what you are hearing?

Well folks, seems everything, or almost everything that has been reported before by these outlets have come to pass, has it not! Meanwhile, over at the Democratic arm of the media, they have actually had to fire/remove/suspend reporters for lying, or misinformation, yes-)

Now then, let me give TOT and a few other Conservatives on here something they haven't heard yet because it is off the radar, in fact, so far off the radar, that this might be a revelation to you, lol.

QUESTION-------------> When law enforcement catches a drunk driver, a rapist, a burglar, etc..............what are the odds that it was the perps 1st rodeo? How many times have we seen and heard that so-and-so was arrested for this rape/robbery/drunk driving accident, and we find out they are tied to a string of these things, just got caught this time, which opened the floodgates on answers to other "incidents" in the past!

Do we remember 2012-) What if someone told you that a lot of sniffing by a certain group of intelligence people, were actually looking into "irregularities" right after the BENGHAZI incident, leading up to the 2012 election-) Oh yes, yes.........this investigation is NOT about Benghazi, but rather what the Obama administration did IMMEDIATLY following that incident; which of course included, you guessed it, HILLARY!

What did they do? No need to speculate, maybe nothing, but remember usually when caught it is discovered that the perp(s) had been using the same scam far longer than the one incident they got busted for-)

Why should we think this group of people have pulled this before along with investigators? Ummmm, just look up how Obama defeated Ryan for the senate seat that propelled him to the Presidency. That should give you a little taste of how Obama/Chicago politics works.

Just keep plenty of popcorn handy, this could get even worse for the Dems than even we imagined-) Thing is, if they can get it back 2012, know what that means! Well, I don't want to tell the Leftists on here, they are Americans, and we don't need a mass suicide-)
^^^lots of words, said nothing^^^

Has a single nutbag admitted that the texts were not it referring to Hillary Clinton investigation in any way?

Come on. Just try to be honest.
^^^lots of words, said nothing^^^

Has a single nutbag admitted that the texts were not it referring to Hillary Clinton investigation in any way?

Come on. Just try to be honest.

Lone, it can mean a lot of different things, including what you have stated.

It really makes little difference though, because whatever is going on will come out.


The daily briefs to the President. That, and they have not only the supposedly missing Clinton e-mails, but e-mails from Obamas private account, including the private accounts of most of his administration including Lynch. Trust me, everyone already knows what went down and most of the players who were involved.

Either your side is going to be vindicated, or buried. Someone(s) is lying, and we are all going to find out which side it is.

I know you can't stand Trump, and that is fine. But look at it this way--------> Were it not for him being basically an outsider that was not involved in all of this crap, you and I would never know if the Repubs were screwing you, the Democrats were screwing me, or they both were screwing all of us. That should be what all of us want to know more than anything.

Regardless of the outcome, both political institutions will survive after they jettison the people responsible. It might be uncomfortable for one, or both of us, but in the end, we will all be better off!
^^^lots of words, said nothing^^^

Has a single nutbag admitted that the texts were not it referring to Hillary Clinton investigation in any way?

Come on. Just try to be honest.

Lone, it can mean a lot of different things, including what you have stated.

It really makes little difference though, because whatever is going on will come out.


The daily briefs to the President. That, and they have not only the supposedly missing Clinton e-mails, but e-mails from Obamas private account, including the private accounts of most of his administration including Lynch. Trust me, everyone already knows what went down and most of the players who were involved.

Either your side is going to be vindicated, or buried. Someone(s) is lying, and we are all going to find out which side it is.

I know you can't stand Trump, and that is fine. But look at it this way--------> Were it not for him being basically an outsider that was not involved in all of this crap, you and I would never know if the Repubs were screwing you, the Democrats were screwing me, or they both were screwing all of us. That should be what all of us want to know more than anything.

Regardless of the outcome, both political institutions will survive after they jettison the people responsible. It might be uncomfortable for one, or both of us, but in the end, we will all be better off!

Speak for yourself. I've always known that the GOP was screwing us. Trump gets no credit for exposing anything. Damn. You are blind.
And by the way, this is Ron Johnson spreading fake news LAST TIME

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings offsite,"

Read Sen. Ron Johnson's evolving views on whether there's a secret society at the FBI

What the fuck is wrong with these Republican assholes.
Progressive liberal assholes.

..Ron Johnson is a....Progressive liberal???

Or is that your head exploding and you having not brains left over to coherently respond?
I have no idea what you are talking about. I just pulled your own stupidity against yourself.

Just read retard, then you would know what I'm talking about and instead of posting off-the-fucking-wall nonsense, you could actually RESPOND in some sane way.

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