Meanwhile...America's Favorite Lovers have just involved Obama in the FBI Text Scandal

^^^lots of words, said nothing^^^

Has a single nutbag admitted that the texts were not it referring to Hillary Clinton investigation in any way?

Come on. Just try to be honest.

Lone, it can mean a lot of different things, including what you have stated.

It really makes little difference though, because whatever is going on will come out.


The daily briefs to the President. That, and they have not only the supposedly missing Clinton e-mails, but e-mails from Obamas private account, including the private accounts of most of his administration including Lynch. Trust me, everyone already knows what went down and most of the players who were involved.

Either your side is going to be vindicated, or buried. Someone(s) is lying, and we are all going to find out which side it is.

I know you can't stand Trump, and that is fine. But look at it this way--------> Were it not for him being basically an outsider that was not involved in all of this crap, you and I would never know if the Repubs were screwing you, the Democrats were screwing me, or they both were screwing all of us. That should be what all of us want to know more than anything.

Regardless of the outcome, both political institutions will survive after they jettison the people responsible. It might be uncomfortable for one, or both of us, but in the end, we will all be better off!

Speak for yourself. I've always known that the GOP was screwing us. Trump gets no credit for exposing anything. Damn. You are blind.

Sorry you feel that way. Like I said, maybe you are correct. All I am saying is------->now we get to find out!
^^^lots of words, said nothing^^^

Has a single nutbag admitted that the texts were not it referring to Hillary Clinton investigation in any way?

Come on. Just try to be honest.

Lone, it can mean a lot of different things, including what you have stated.

It really makes little difference though, because whatever is going on will come out.


The daily briefs to the President. That, and they have not only the supposedly missing Clinton e-mails, but e-mails from Obamas private account, including the private accounts of most of his administration including Lynch. Trust me, everyone already knows what went down and most of the players who were involved.

Either your side is going to be vindicated, or buried. Someone(s) is lying, and we are all going to find out which side it is.

I know you can't stand Trump, and that is fine. But look at it this way--------> Were it not for him being basically an outsider that was not involved in all of this crap, you and I would never know if the Repubs were screwing you, the Democrats were screwing me, or they both were screwing all of us. That should be what all of us want to know more than anything.

Regardless of the outcome, both political institutions will survive after they jettison the people responsible. It might be uncomfortable for one, or both of us, but in the end, we will all be better off!

the ONLY thing we should be after now is NOT vindication for our emotional outbursts and preferences, but the truth.

if xyz actions were taken that were illegal then 123 needs to go to jail.

take the names off the players and just look at the game they are playing. would the actions being done by the left as all this comes out were being done by the right, would you defend the right?

if "no" then no way in hell should you defend the left.

justice is, or is supposed to be, blind. we punish actions the people take moreso than the people. we get to the people if they don't get it over time. if you are ok with everything obama so far has been proven to have done, then you must be ok with trump doing the same or similar activities. if you'd bury trump for spying on the democrats, we bury the democrats if proven they spied.

the problem is "proof" can mean almost anything these days that makes you *feel* morally superior.

i want the truth of what happened to come out.
i want to do our best to restore whatever credibility we can back into our government across the board. regardless of who is right or wrong we would be hard pressed to be more dysfunctional as a country than we are today.
and i want the people who committed crimes (not people i hate just because) to be locked up and show "we the people" that there is a "justice for all"

And by the way, this is Ron Johnson spreading fake news LAST TIME

"That secret society — we have an informant that's talking about a group that were holding secret meetings offsite,"

Read Sen. Ron Johnson's evolving views on whether there's a secret society at the FBI

What the fuck is wrong with these Republican assholes.
Progressive liberal assholes.

..Ron Johnson is a....Progressive liberal???

Or is that your head exploding and you having not brains left over to coherently respond?
I have no idea what you are talking about. I just pulled your own stupidity against yourself.

Just read retard, then you would know what I'm talking about and instead of posting off-the-fucking-wall nonsense, you could actually RESPOND in some sane way.

A sitting president using government agencies to spy on political opponents during a presidential election, this is why Dem's had to be defeated they are corrupt as hell.
It does make you wonder why Obama didn't fix it so Hillary won, doesn't it? LOL
He did fix it and she Still did Not win
They were so perplexed and thus concluded-Russians

that really is amazing

they had the whole government apparatus working against Trump

they spied on him and knew his every move

they wrote extensive phony Dossiers about him

***YET*** they still could not win


their message must be really REALLY crappy

We played very fair because there was no way we could lose... Except for Comey.

liar the evidence is proving otherwise

and fuck you if you support that sort of behavior from our government
A sitting president using government agencies to spy on political opponents during a presidential election, this is why Dem's had to be defeated they are corrupt as hell.
It does make you wonder why Obama didn't fix it so Hillary won, doesn't it? LOL
He did fix it and she Still did Not win
They were so perplexed and thus concluded-Russians

that really is amazing

they had the whole government apparatus working against Trump

they spied on him and knew his every move

they wrote extensive phony Dossiers about him

***YET*** they still could not win


their message must be really REALLY crappy

when did they spy on him?

title 1 fisa warrants (which they got) allow that
One would have to be a complete idiot to think Obama was out of the loop, and that he had no idea the FBI was actively trying to undermine Trump's candidacy. He was calling ALL the shots and everyone knows it.

I don't discount that Obama might have his fingers involved,
but have NO doubt the people in the FBI especially believed the same way Obama did...ideologically!

I wouldn't be surprised though if he didn't micro-manage the issue as he has bragged how much better he was at managing then the people that worked for him and I quote:

When David Plouffe, his campaign manager, first interviewed for a job with him in 2006, the senator gave him a warning:
“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,” he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director.
“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
I don't discount that Obama might have his fingers involved,
but have NO doubt the people in the FBI especially believed the same way Obama did...ideologically!

I wouldn't be surprised though if he didn't micro-manage the issue as he has bragged how much better he was at managing then the people that worked for him and I quote:

When David Plouffe, his campaign manager, first interviewed for a job with him in 2006, the senator gave him a warning:
“I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it,” he said. “It’s hard to give up control when that’s all I’ve known.”
Obama said nearly the same thing to Patrick Gaspard, whom he hired to be the campaign’s political director.
“I think I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters,” Obama told him. “I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”

And he could probably diagnose prostate problems better than the quack doctors medicaid uses since he's married to another man. :pinkygirly:

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