*Meanwhile G-D's Watching The Jews*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. Not going to preserve your people from these animals?
2. Jews are being decimated little by little by animals.
3. And are doing little to protect themselves.
4. Can you imagine what we would do to Mexico it they start lobbing missiles into Texas, then came in and killed people, and then took hostages into Mexico.
5. I can and what we would be seeing now is a fist up in their asses!!!!
6. We would't think twice.

Sorry bout that,

1. Not going to preserve your people from these animals?
2. Jews are being decimated little by little by animals.
3. And are doing little to protect themselves.
4. Can you imagine what we would do to Mexico it they start lobbing missiles into Texas, then came in and killed people, and then took hostages into Mexico.
5. I can and what we would be seeing now is a fist up in their asses!!!!
6. We would't think twice.

please refer to the "blackjack pershing" article in wikipedia.

yes, we did respond by sending troops into mexico to chase pancho villa. those troops, including patton, did not kill innocents, women or children.
If you want to find an example here make it accurate.

Imagine that we fight a war or two with Mexico and essentially destroy their government. Then we drive hundreds of thousands of Mexicans into camps over their southern border.

Then we allow radical Americans to begin taking land from Mexicans and carving up their northern territories… effectively making the people in them prisoners with few rights.

Begin THERE and make your example
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Sorry bout that,

1. Not going to preserve your people from these animals?
2. Jews are being decimated little by little by animals.
3. And are doing little to protect themselves.
4. Can you imagine what we would do to Mexico it they start lobbing missiles into Texas, then came in and killed people, and then took hostages into Mexico.
5. I can and what we would be seeing now is a fist up in their asses!!!!
6. We would't think twice.

4. "Can you imagine what we would do to Mexico it they start lobbing missiles into Texas, then came in and killed people, and then took hostages into Mexico."

Mexico is lobbing missiles into Texas by way of producing with China, deadly drugs that have murdered 350,000 Americans since Biden opened the borders on the first day of his presidency. That's about the same number as those who died defending the Constitutional union in the War between the States in the 1860s.

Hasn't Biden get money from foreign third-world countries by way of Foreign Aid Packages by his own admission in a viral video that swept the internet in or around his last year as Vice President? And now that he's the POTUS, he thinks the Constitution can't touch him, and we aren't certain he went on the righteous bandwagon or stuck with pickpocket strategies that funded for him a fully paid-for presidency regardless of what the American people voted on as individuals, and the sum total of their votes. 350,000 American deaths in the last 3 years from fentanyl poisoning originating in the country of Mexico by way of orchestrations by Chinese chemists sent to Mexico to do in the United States of America's future soldier-aged persons who mistakenly do drugs to feel good due to its popularity in Hollyweird.

Mexico is lobbing missiles into Texas by way of producing with China, deadly drugs that have murdered 350,000 Americans since Biden opened the borders on the first day of his presidency. That's about the same number as those who died defending the Constitutional union in the War between the States in the 1860s.

Hasn't Biden get money from foreign third-world countries by way of Foreign Aid Packages by his own admission in a viral video that swept the internet in or around his last year as Vice President? And now that he's the POTUS, he thinks the Constitution can't touch him, and we aren't certain he went on the righteous bandwagon or stuck with pickpocket strategies that funded for him a fully paid-for presidency regardless of what the American people voted on as individuals, and the sum total of their votes. 350,000 American deaths in the last 3 years from fentanyl poisoning originating in the country of Mexico by way of orchestrations by Chinese chemists sent to Mexico to do in the United States of America's future soldier-aged persons who mistakenly do drugs to feel good due to its popularity in Hollyweird.
Wow your insanity continues

Mexico is lobbing missiles into Texas by way of producing with China, deadly drugs that have murdered 350,000 Americans since Biden opened the borders on the first day of his presidency. That's about the same number as those who died defending the Constitutional union in the War between the States in the 1860s.

Hasn't Biden get money from foreign third-world countries by way of Foreign Aid Packages by his own admission in a viral video that swept the internet in or around his last year as Vice President? And now that he's the POTUS, he thinks the Constitution can't touch him, and we aren't certain he went on the righteous bandwagon or stuck with pickpocket strategies that funded for him a fully paid-for presidency regardless of what the American people voted on as individuals, and the sum total of their votes. 350,000 American deaths in the last 3 years from fentanyl poisoning originating in the country of Mexico by way of orchestrations by Chinese chemists sent to Mexico to do in the United States of America's future soldier-aged persons who mistakenly do drugs to feel good due to its popularity in Hollyweird.
Deaths due to fentanyl increased during Trump but you left that out, in fact:

Drug Overdoses - Data Details - Injury Facts​

National Safety Council
https://injuryfacts.nsc.org › ... › Drug Overdoses

Preventable drug overdose deaths in the U.S. increased 58% since 2019. 98268 people died—an increase of 781% since 1999.
Sorry bout that,

1. Not going to preserve your people from these animals?
2. Jews are being decimated little by little by animals.
3. And are doing little to protect themselves.
4. Can you imagine what we would do to Mexico it they start lobbing missiles into Texas, then came in and killed people, and then took hostages into Mexico.
5. I can and what we would be seeing now is a fist up in their asses!!!!
6. We would't think twice.


It's just another land grab

Between 2012 and 2018, Netanyahu gave Qatar approval to transfer a cumulative sum of about a billion dollars to Gaza, at least half of which reached Hamas, including its military wing. According to the Jerusalem Post, in a private meeting with members of his Likud party on March 11, 2019, Netanyahu explained the reckless step as follows: The money transfer is part of the strategy to divide the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.

Anyone who opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state needs to support the transfer of the money from Qatar to Hamas. In that way, we will foil the establishment of a Palestinian state (as reported in former cabinet member Haim Ramon’s Hebrew-language book “Neged Haruach”, p. 417).
please refer to the "blackjack pershing" article in wikipedia.

yes, we did respond by sending troops into mexico to chase pancho villa. those troops, including patton, did not kill innocents, women or children.
The people of Gaza selected Hamas knowing what their object was. The only true innocents are the children who suffer under the parent's bad decision making. However there is nothing to be done about that. Dependent children will always suffer the fate that their parents choose.
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We’ll go! Wait. You’re still here
Like I said, I am a veteran.

I hear Biden is putting a Transexual Admiral in charge. The pink brigade may get to see combat. Biden is torn, send in the pink brigade or surrender.

I see you are on the side of surrender.
Sorry bout that,

1. Not going to preserve your people from these animals?
2. Jews are being decimated little by little by animals.
3. And are doing little to protect themselves.
4. Can you imagine what we would do to Mexico it they start lobbing missiles into Texas, then came in and killed people, and then took hostages into Mexico.
5. I can and what we would be seeing now is a fist up in their asses!!!!
6. We would't think twice.

  1. We already are being invaded from Mexico,
  2. The Federal government is complicit,
  3. The government of Texas is complicit,
  4. Border sheriffs are owned by the Cartels, and
  5. We the People are doing NOTHING

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