*Meanwhile G-D's Watching The Jews*

So what happens to the 2 million people on Gaza and 3 million in the West Bank.

Kill em all????

They CAME from Israel and the places they are in now.

I have not heard an answer to that

No, they don't 'come from there', and whether they live or die is up to their Muslim brothers, not Israel. And yes, you've heard the best answers, and it's a bed they made for themselves. Nobody ford them to be scum, and nobody forced them to murder and rape. You sound lie you believe they're human. They aren't, they loved being paid to be total pieces of shit, same as Nazis, same as bandit gangs, same as any other gangster 'community'. Now race over there and take care of them yourself if you really care so much about their reaping what they sowed. Most adults are done with pandering to them and with their apologists and fellow travellers. The world is soon to be a much tougher place to be a slimey fuck up in.
So you’re all in with a 21st century Holocaust


People have lost their minds here

Your pieces of shit literally have a Charter that advocates a holocaust; go fuck yourself and your fake 'humanitarian' bullshit. Nobody is playing that any more. You got your wish, now run along and dance over your success. The provocations worked like you and Hamas wanted them to. Too bad the results you wanted aren't going to go your way as hoped.
If you can't make a point without this hyperbolic nonsense, then you don't actually have any points to make.
What? You’re talking about killing 5 million people and you accuse ME of hyperbole?

Let me remind you. I asked if they should die and your response was “probably”
Your pieces of shit literally have a Charter that advocates a holocaust; go fuck yourself and your fake 'humanitarian' bullshit. Nobody is playing that any more. You got your wish, now run along and dance over your success. The provocations worked like you and Hamas wanted them to. Too bad the results you wanted aren't going to go your way as hoped.
NONE of this my wish you fucking asshole
If you can't make a point without this hyperbolic nonsense, then you don't actually have any points to make.
What? You’re talking about
No, they don't 'come from there', and whether they live or die is up to their Muslim brothers, not Israel. And yes, you've heard the best answers, and it's a bed they made for themselves. Nobody ford them to be scum, and nobody forced them to murder and rape. You sound lie you believe they're human. They aren't, they loved being paid to be total pieces of shit, same as Nazis, same as bandit gangs, same as any other gangster 'community'. Now race over there and take care of them yourself if you really care so much about their reaping what they sowed. Most adults are done with pandering to them and with their apologists and fellow travellers. The world is soon to be a much tougher place to be a slimey fuck up in.
When you start saying that “they” ( five million residents of Gaza and the West Bank) are not human… you’re done.

You’re no better than they are… or than Hitler for that matter
All of them? I doubt that. Total up all that have been killed. They have babies faster than that.
Great. Now we’re getting somewhere.

What do you propose to do about the West Bank? That’s a kettle ready to boil over if Israel continues to do what they have been doing.

What do you propose to do about the residents of Gaza who are being killed and made homeless (and probably pretty angry about that) that are not supporters of Hamas. There are many hundreds of thousands of them.
What do you propose to do about the West Bank? That’s a kettle ready to boil over if Israel continues to do what they have been doing.
I am not sure. That's tough. I suppose you wait for them to commit terrorist acts then go kill the terrorists.
I'd rather Mexico lob missiles than send in millions of foot soldiers. Build the wall. America First!!!
The wall won't really help with the fentanyl coming in to the USA because 90% of the fentanyl is coming in illegally, through our legal border crossings, via mac truck or cars, not in a backpack and on foot.

Close to 90% of that fentanyl is seized at ports of entry. Immigration authorities say it is smuggled mostly by U.S. citizens, as well as other travelers who are legally authorized to cross. Virtually none is seized from migrants who are seeking asylum.
Aug 7, 2023

Part 1: Investigating how illicit fentanyl is actually getting into the U.S. - NPR
The wall won't really help with the fentanyl coming in to the USA because 90% of the fentanyl is coming in illegally, through our legal border crossings, via mac truck or cars, not in a backpack and on foot.
Wait, that undermines one of the 2.5 talking points the cult has.

This won't end well.
I am not sure. That's tough. I suppose you wait for them to commit terrorist acts then go kill the terrorists.
How about trying to set the conditions so that they don’t feel that’s their only recourse?

Ya know… stop taking their land and maybe removing the existing “settlements”
What? You’re talking about
When you start saying that “they” ( five million residents of Gaza and the West Bank) are not human… you’re done.

You’re no better than they are… or than Hitler for that matter

Yeah says the low life trying to work up a pity party for a people' who have advocated mass murders and cheered on terrorism against civilians for their entire sorry existence. Quit pissing on our legs already, we know you're all for eradicating anybody who stands in your way of commie dystopia and have zero problems with genocides, so go join your friends.
The wall won't really help with the fentanyl coming in to the USA because 90% of the fentanyl is coming in illegally, through our legal border crossings, via mac truck or cars, not in a backpack and on foot.

Close to 90% of that fentanyl is seized at ports of entry. Immigration authorities say it is smuggled mostly by U.S. citizens, as well as other travelers who are legally authorized to cross. Virtually none is seized from migrants who are seeking asylum.
Aug 7, 2023

Part 1: Investigating how illicit fentanyl is actually getting into the U.S. - NPR

So shut it down until Mexico sees fit to take care of their own problem; they all know who and where the shit comes from. If GM can't ship itself stuff from Mexico tough shit, they can move their factories back here.

And quit listening to NPR; they're worthless liars and delusional halfwits.

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