*Meanwhile G-D's Watching The Jews*

You haven't yet, so nobody is holding their breath waiting for your utterly predictable lying and support for vermin.
I’ll remind of one. You claimed that Palestinians were stealing Israeli land

That’s a lie

You claimed that Palestinians “came from somewhere else”

Another lie. Both are true of Israel though
Like israel has for the last thirty years?

Tried that already.

What else you got? The entire world is listening.
Israel stopped building settlements? Israel removed Illegal West Bank settlements?

Israel committed to a two state solution?

Israel lifted the blockade of two million people in Gaza?

Israel has done none of that
Israel stopped building settlements? Israel removed Illegal West Bank settlements?
Are you not following the discussion?

Israel gave Palestinians very clear conditions that did not involve purging Hamas. And that didn't work.

Got anything else?

Palestinians never accepted anything short of 1967 borders. Which was a lie anyway, given their other rhetoric. And they never stopped committing terrorist acts in Israel. Can't negotiate with terrorists.
Are you not following the discussion?

Israel gave Palestinians very clear conditions that did not involve purging Hamas. And that didn't work.

Got anything else?

Palestinians never accepted anything short of 1967 borders. Which was a lie anyway, given their other rhetoric. And they never stopped committing terrorist acts in Israel. Can't negotiate with terrorists.
That's bullshit. What conditions would have resulted in removal of the illegal settlements?
Of course liberal Democrats like Lesh and Fort Fun Indiana are defending vermin like the Jews and the Muslims.
Sorry bout that,

1. So tedious this argument is, where do these people come from???
2. This thread is about the Jews, and what they do next.
3. So hard to get this back on track.

Sorry bout that,

1. So tedious this argument is, where do these people come from???
2. This thread is about the Jews, and what they do next.
3. So hard to get this back on track.

Aside from killing a lot of Gaza residents...what else do you have
The wall won't really help with the fentanyl coming in to the USA because 90% of the fentanyl is coming in illegally, through our legal border crossings, via mac truck or cars, not in a backpack and on foot.

Close to 90% of that fentanyl is seized at ports of entry. Immigration authorities say it is smuggled mostly by U.S. citizens, as well as other travelers who are legally authorized to cross. Virtually none is seized from migrants who are seeking asylum.
Aug 7, 2023

Part 1: Investigating how illicit fentanyl is actually getting into the U.S. - NPR
Solving any problem often takes a combination of various solutions. A permanent, impenetrable wall would help solve a number of problems, including drug trafficking.
Go ahead and make your point. I think you will find that peole can condemn actions by Israel And still feel like they have every right to retaliate against Hamas.
I don’t disagree but I stand by my position that Israeli encroachment on the West Bank and their treatment of Gaza are the root cause of what is now happening.

Mexico is lobbing missiles into Texas by way of producing with China, deadly drugs that have murdered 350,000 Americans since Biden opened the borders on the first day of his presidency. That's about the same number as those who died defending the Constitutional union in the War between the States in the 1860s.

Hasn't Biden get money from foreign third-world countries by way of Foreign Aid Packages by his own admission in a viral video that swept the internet in or around his last year as Vice President? And now that he's the POTUS, he thinks the Constitution can't touch him, and we aren't certain he went on the righteous bandwagon or stuck with pickpocket strategies that funded for him a fully paid-for presidency regardless of what the American people voted on as individuals, and the sum total of their votes. 350,000 American deaths in the last 3 years from fentanyl poisoning originating in the country of Mexico by way of orchestrations by Chinese chemists sent to Mexico to do in the United States of America's future soldier-aged persons who mistakenly do drugs to feel good due to its popularity in Hollyweird.
Yes, though Trump has less to do with viruses than does the Biden crime family. The Japanese-Brazilian mutation of SARS2, K417N/T, links precisely to the same amino acids linked to the mutation of the mu-opioid receptor. That will precisely link to Johnson & Johnson's division, Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The CDC never changed a single thing on their SARS2 internet pages except this K417N/T mutation, which went for the most part, undetected by anyone.

Joe Biden attended the wedding of Hynansky. As we have shown elsewhere, there is a Hynansky study for the mu-opioid receptor. duh, must be a coincidence. Vote Biden 2024.
  1. We already are being invaded from Mexico,
  2. The Federal government is complicit,
  3. The government of Texas is complicit,
  4. Border sheriffs are owned by the Cartels, and
  5. We the People are doing NOTHING
Sinaloa Cowboys have been linked to the Catholic mafia since that protection racket moved into the region to establish "social ladders." It did this to establish a similar drug trafficking protection racket. Jimmy Carter's family mimicked it by moving into a part of south Georgia, which like Sinaloa, was not very populated. duh
  1. We already are being invaded from Mexico,
  2. The Federal government is complicit,
  3. The government of Texas is complicit,
  4. Border sheriffs are owned by the Cartels, and
  5. We the People are doing NOTHING
Sorry bout that,

1. Nice post, I have reviewed it, and you, (Frank), have just about got it down.
2. The truthfulness is being reviewed.
3. I will get back once its completed.
4. I will give you an (A) for effort though.

Last edited:
Yet Obama and administration disagree.

The question won’t go away: Did President Obama and administration officials mislead the public when they initially claimed that the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi began “spontaneously” in response to an anti-Muslim video?

Benghazi Timeline - FactCheck.org

That's the belief when the news first broke. You're not a critical thinker by any stretch of imagination
Sinaloa Cowboys have been linked to the Catholic mafia since that protection racket moved into the region to establish "social ladders." It did this to establish a similar drug trafficking protection racket. Jimmy Carter's family mimicked it by moving into a part of south Georgia, which like Sinaloa, was not very populated. duh

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