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Mechanics Of Satanic Enslavement

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rtwngAvngr said:
So it is religious afterall.

Once again he takes a post that says, "This isn't religious because of this..." and attempts to take the portion he doesn't want to read, discount it, and put forward a deliberate misconception based in truly dogmatic belief in whatever anti-mason site he comes on today.

No, it is not religious, it is traditional ceremonies like any other fraternity might use to induct new members. That there is an Obligation and an Oath and an expectation in a belief in Deity does not make it religious, it is just another requirement. Such as the person must be physically qualified (able to kneel, rise, use the right hand to take handshakes, etc.) Does that make it a sport? Rubbish.
rtwngAvngr said:
Masonry has two firm religious beliefs, the belief in ONE creator and an immortal soul. Since these are relgious beliefs, that means it's more than a fraternity. Why don't you go read something instead of just parading around like an idiobot?
Belief in ONE God does not require that all believe in the same ONE God or even acknowledge the legitimacy of anyone else's beliefs. You must all have a monotheistic faith. Not the same monotheistic faith. Not the nonexistant (but for you existant) Freemason monotheistic faith. Quit demonizing charitable people.
Regardless of how you want to spin it, anything that demands a belief in one true god is more than a fraternity. I'm sorry. And additionally the religious beliefs it clearly espouses are at odds with christianity. Cry all you want.
rtwngAvngr said:
Masonry has two firm religious beliefs, the belief in ONE creator and an immortal soul. Since these are relgious beliefs, that means it's more than a fraternity. Why don't you go read something instead of just parading around like an idiobot?

Which is exactly what you are doing. They are requirements, like the physical requirements I put forward before. Those physical requirements don't make Freemasonry a sport any more than these requirements make it a religion.

It is silly to attempt to equate the two.
no1tovote4 said:
Which is exactly what you are doing. They are requirements, like the physical requirements I put forward before. Those physical requirements don't make Freemasonry a sport any more than these requirements make it a religion.

It is silly to attempt to equate the two.

Anything that demands a belief in a god is not a fraternity. I'm sorry.
rtwngAvngr said:
Anything that demands a belief in a god is not a fraternity. I'm sorry.
fra·ter·ni·ty (frə-tûr'nĭ-tē)
n., pl. -ties.
A body of people associated for a common purpose or interest, such as a guild.
A group of people joined by similar backgrounds, occupations, interests, or tastes: the fraternity of bird watchers.
A chiefly social organization of men students at a college or university, usually designated by Greek letters.
Roman Catholic Church. A sodality.
The quality or condition of being brothers; brotherliness.
and RWA's addition:
Must explicity be non-religious.
rtwngAvngr said:
Anything that demands a belief in a god is not a fraternity. I'm sorry.

Rubbish. A fraternity can set requirements that are compelling to them traditionally. Since the Obligation is taken and the Oath to seal it mentions God, they believe that it would not bind you if you were an Atheist and therefore require you believe in God (one way or another). They do not ask anybody to set aside their beliefs for some mythic "masonic God", in fact they expect you to follow your own beliefs.

It is just one requirement among many, just as physical requirements don't make it a sport this requirement doesn't change the fact that it is a fraternity.

The Knights of Columbus are another fraternity, they require Catholic beliefs but that doesn't change that they are a Fraternity nor make their Fraternity their religion. It is silly to equate the two, just plain silly. I can't become a "knight of columbus" because I am not Catholic, that doesn't mean that they are not a fraternity, only that I do not meet one of their requirements.

I would bet that there are fraternities that require their members to be atheist, that doesn't mean that they are not a fraternity, it just means that their fraternal order requires Atheistic beliefs.

Some more lies.
• The source(s) of freemasonry can be traced back to Nimrod. The legend of "the craft" in the old constitutions refers to Nimrod as one of the founders of Masonry. (Found on page 601 of the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, by A.G.Mackey, M.D., McClure Publishing Co., Philadelphia.)

• Masonry is just a veiled form of Satanism using occult terminology to hide itself from the initiate until he is so fully involved that it is nearly impossible to escape.

• On July 14, 1889, the "grand pontiff" of universal free masonry, Albert Pike, issued instructions to the 23 supreme councils of the world. He said,

"That which we must say to the crowd is: We worship a god, but it is the god that one adores without superstition." And he also said, "To you sovereign grand inspectors general, we say this, that you may repeat it to the brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees - the Masonic Religion should be by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine." And again said, "If Lucifer were not God, would Adonay (Jesus - God of Christians)... calumniate [speak evil of] him?" - "Yes, Lucifer is God..."

• Let no man deceive himself! The demoniac doctrines of masonry are diametrically opposed to Biblical Christianity. No believer in the Lord Jesus Christ can have any part in masonry and be true to the Lord.

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?" (2Cor.6:14,15)

"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (2Cor.11:14,15)

Still more filthy lies.
There is indeed, as we have established, a very definite link between the Egyptian Mystery Religion and the Masonic Lodge. This link can be readily established from the words of Masonic authors and testimony can be provided to remove all reasonable doubt. In the book, The Meaning of Masonry, by Past Provincial Grand Registrar, W.L. Wilmshurst, we find the statement:

I am acquainted, for instance, with an Egyptian ceremonial system, some 5,000 years old, which taught precisely the same things as Masonry does,...

In the book, Freemasonry Its Hidden Meaning, by George H. Steinmetz, we find the statement:

Regardless of the origin of the modern lodge, or of the name "Freemason," we can, after freeing the symbolism of modern adaptations, discern in Freemasonry the outline of the teachings of the ancient mysteries of Egypt.

In the same book Mr. Steinmetz makes the statement connecting Freemasonry and the Egyptian mysteries.

If the symbols can be consistently interpreted in this manner, throughout the three degrees we have confirmed Freemasonry to be the reincarnation of the Ancient Mysteries of Egypt".

33" Mason Manly P. Hall relates the efforts of early Masonic historians to link Hiram Abiff to the Egyptian Mystery Religion.

Early Masonic historians such as Albert Mackey, Robert Freke Gould and Albert Pike were of a single purpose in their efforts to establish a definite correspondence between the Hiramic legend of Freemasonry and the Osiris myth as expounded in the initiatory rituals of the Egyptians.

From The Lost Keys of Freemasonry by 33° Manly P. Hall:

Man is a god in the making, and as in the mystic myths of Egypt on the potter's wheel he is being molded.
rtwngAvngr said:
WHich bullet pointed fact do you dispute?
The last bullet point implies that a "good" Christian can't socialize, gather, recognize, or really do much of anything except attempt to prostletyze non "good" Christians. Jehova's witnesses think like that. Are you a witness?
more lies

Freemasons go back to the Mystery Religions of Egypt and Babylon, which were also very secreted societies. They consisted of a priesthood craft that kept the highest esoteric learning of that time confined to their inner circle and basically used their knowledge to manipulate and control the rest of the populace.

This is a theme that is traceable throughout all secret societies. Recall Moses was sent by the Angel of Yahweh into Egypt to show the tremendous power and “signs and wonders of the Holy Spirit.” Moses was about to confront the “great power” of the Egyptian priesthood who were actually magicians and masterful sorcerers (Jannes and Jambres), and who had extensive esoteric knowledge.

These priests used this knowledge to deceive the people and even to manipulate the rulers of Egypt. For example, it has been recently revealed that the ancient Egyptians employed electric eels to produce ‘electric shock’ for purposes of mind control.

“The Egyptians, in the time of Moses, were proficient in all the arts and sciences,* ... Their language was mystical, and their priests secured the mysteries of their religion from the knowledge of the vulgar or uninitiated by symbols and hieroglyphics, comprehensible alone to those of their order. The fraternity of ancient Egypt was denominated by the Hiero-Laotomi, or Sacred Builders. They were a selected caste, and connected with the government and priesthood, being in fact Masons of the priestly order; whilst the ordinary Masons or articifers were of an inferior caste... Moses was initiated into the secrets and mysteries of the priestly order when in Egypt...(A Dictionary of Freemasonry , pg. 8)”
rtwngAvngr said:
This is funny shit:

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The ClayTaurus said:
The last bullet point implies that a "good" Christian can't socialize, gather, recognize, or really do much of anything except attempt to prostletyze non "good" Christians. Jehova's witnesses think like that. Are you a witness?

Remember, the guy who wrote that is a homo.
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