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Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision

I would like to see someone on the Court who DIDN'T go to Yale or Harvard Law Schools (considered the best because of prestige only). Notre Dame Law School is also a prestige outfit, but at least it's not a continuation of HavardYaleYaleHarvardYaleHarvardHarvardYale.

And as much as I hate those burnt orange motherfuckers, UT Austin Law School is much better than any of the three mentioned above when it comes to actually BEING A LAW SCHOOL (a/k/a teaching people how to actually practice law, what a fucking concept, right?). Hell, I would take a Baylor Law grad over a HarvardYaleHavardYale any day of the week and twice on Thor's Day. And, fuck Baylor.
As a Notre Dame graduate and professor, Barrett would break the Supreme Court law degree duopoly. All eight current justices hold degrees from one of two — and only two — law schools, Harvard and Yale.

Democrats Post Job Listing For Supreme Court Nominee Accusers.

Barrett has an impressive resume and an inspiring story. She has articulated a powerful defense of originalism, the method of interpreting the Constitution according to its original public meaning.

1. Barrett’s background
Amy Coney Barrett graduated from Notre Dame Law School first in her class. She has taught there for decades — and continues to teach there while serving as a judge on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. After graduation, she clerked at the Supreme Court for Justice Antonin Scalia. As Princeton professor Robert P. George noted, even fellow clerks who disagreed with Barrett admired her intellect. Harvard Law School professor Noah Feldman described her as “a brilliant lawyer.”

Barrett and her husband have seven children, ranging in age from 5 to 16. They adopted two of them from Haiti. One of her sons also has “special needs.” As someone who excelled as a legal scholar and reached the pinnacle of her profession as a Supreme Court Justice, Barrett would be an example to women hoping to combine a flourishing family life with a professional vocation.

Barrett's 3 yrs of service on the 7th Circuit represents more experience than Barack Obama’s appointee, Justice Elena Kagan, who had never served as a judge prior to her nomination to the Supreme Court.

As an Ivy League grad, I second your point about only Ivy grads on the court.
Congratulations! Nothing wrong with them being included, but, hearing from a broader set of voices improves discussion. ACB is Solid Addition. Very Smart Woman with a great mind.
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision

The ONLY reason this woman is being considered, is to strip women of the right to abortions. Such an individual should be attacked because HER religion is not the religion of the American people. Separation of Church and State. Regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, the rights of women should be upheld.
Leap in a fire and burn, witch.

The original witch trials burned the wise women: the mid-wives, the healers, the independent women. Little has changed. Today conservatives vilify independent women. Strong smart women terrify conservative men. Because we can't be controlled or told what to do.

Sooooo......why did Republicans get women the vote, over the Democrat filibuster????

Caught you lying again, huh?
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision

The ONLY reason this woman is being considered, is to strip women of the right to abortions. Such an individual should be attacked because HER religion is not the religion of the American people. Separation of Church and State. Regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, the rights of women should be upheld.
Leap in a fire and burn, witch.

Do you have any idea the level of pollution that one would cause???????
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision
Funny how they don't attack Biden for being a Catholic?

Be fair.....he's not really a Catholic.....he's for abortion.

"Priests, prudence, politics: Why Joe Biden was refused Holy Communion at a Catholic Mass"
Wonder what the globalist commie fake pope would have his yap dogs like cardinal Tobin say. I wonder what they will say in regards to an actual faithful Catholic, unlike the pro choice perverted priests and bishops and cardinals pushing the globalist liberation theology under this marxist pope in an utterly compromised blackmailed Church.
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New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision

The ONLY reason this woman is being considered, is to strip women of the right to abortions. Such an individual should be attacked because HER religion is not the religion of the American people. Separation of Church and State. Regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, the rights of women should be upheld.

The Bill of Rights protects religion from the power of the state, not vice versa.

As far as the Right to Abort up through the moment of birth, there is nothing in the Constitution about that. I know that in our big, failed liberal cities, when a gal is in labor and an ambulance arrives, they always ask if she wants to go to the hospital or the abortuary. But that isn't a human right.

It protects BOTH.

Your bullshit about abortion is being deliberately ignored because it's not based on fact or reality.

Why are YOU so determined to control women's reproductive functions? What's in it for you. More poor children, who will grow up stunted and incapable of contributing to society? Is that what you're going for? Unending poverty and slums?

The problem is that we lose the tremendous contributions that the aborted kid would have provided to society. How does it benefit you if a kid that would have cured cancer is killed at the hands of an abortionist? The tremendous Italian priest, Padre Pio, heard a confession from a gal for abortion and she didn't understand the big deal. Pio had spiritual gifts and explained how the boy she killed was destined to be Pope and reform the Church.

Oh brother------Most women who have abortions do so because they can not take care of the kid when you get right down to it. These women do not have kids who cure cancer. You have the irresponsible ones who use it for birth control-------these women do not make good mothers or have good offspring. These are the ones that kids that grow to become SCOTT PETERSON who killed off his wife and unborn child later in the pregnancy. The reason is that intelligent people who aren't psychopaths (which both characteristics are GENETIC) have their healthy offspring or take steps to avoid pregnancy to begin with.

Then you have the ones who have abortions because there is something wrong with the fetus----these children do not grow up to cure cancer either. These children a burden on their families and societies if they live-----------often suffering lifelong themselves. Which btw, if you increase the number of these burdens on society--at some point society cant' care for them and they simply get warehoused and abuse....the higher the number of these kids that survive, the higher percentage of them that suffer from abuse as resources are limited and for each one born less resources are available for the others.

Then you have the ones where most sane women would have abortion with--the offspring of rapes and incest---------again personality is largely genetic.
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision

The ONLY reason this woman is being considered, is to strip women of the right to abortions. Such an individual should be attacked because HER religion is not the religion of the American people. Separation of Church and State. Regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, the rights of women should be upheld.

The Bill of Rights protects religion from the power of the state, not vice versa.

As far as the Right to Abort up through the moment of birth, there is nothing in the Constitution about that. I know that in our big, failed liberal cities, when a gal is in labor and an ambulance arrives, they always ask if she wants to go to the hospital or the abortuary. But that isn't a human right.

It protects BOTH.

Your bullshit about abortion is being deliberately ignored because it's not based on fact or reality.

Why are YOU so determined to control women's reproductive functions? What's in it for you. More poor children, who will grow up stunted and incapable of contributing to society? Is that what you're going for? Unending poverty and slums?

The problem is that we lose the tremendous contributions that the aborted kid would have provided to society. How does it benefit you if a kid that would have cured cancer is killed at the hands of an abortionist? The tremendous Italian priest, Padre Pio, heard a confession from a gal for abortion and she didn't understand the big deal. Pio had spiritual gifts and explained how the boy she killed was destined to be Pope and reform the Church.

That's a very optimistic view of what happens to the children of the poor in the USA and as always with conservatives, it has no basis in fact.

80% of the women who have abortions, do so because they're poor. There have been all kinds of studies done on "unwanted children", and what happens to them as they grow up. None of it is pretty. If you born poor in the USA today, you have a 2% chance of becoming a productive member of society, and working your way out of poverty. So of those 800,000 lives you'll be saving, 784,000 of them will grown up to be poor and a drain on taxpayers.

A recent study followed up with women who had tried to get an abortion, and failed to do so. Mostly because they couldn't get the money to pay for it. None of the women in the study were better off. Some were homeless. All were both emotionally and financially worse off than before they had the baby, even if they gave the baby up for adoption.

So you're proposal would increase the number of people living in poverty in the USA by 3/4 of a million people per year. That's 3/4 of a million more poor children who will need food stamps, education, and health care, all paid for by the government, because they're families are too poor to feed and raise them. Every single year, In 20 years, that 15 million more Americans being supported by the State on the backs of hard working tax payers.

Is that what you really want? Millions upon millions more poor people to be fed, clothed and educated on the taxpayers' dollar, and likely to be a drain on the public purse, all of their lives?
Wonder what the globalist commie fake pope would have his yap dogs like cardinal Tobin. I wonder what they will say in regards to an actual faithful Catholic, unlike the pro choice perverted priests and bishops and cardinals pushing the globalist liberation theology under this marxist pope in an utterly compromised blackmailed Church.

Did you get enough right wing globalist buzzwords into your bullsit post there Owl?

Here's the reality, Owl, and not the idiotic Q-Anon "globalist world domination" garbage you fools are buying into, but real shit. The Roman Catholic Church has been a tool of rulers and kings the world over since the days of the Roman Emperors. The Catholic Church followed their Roman rulers throughout Europe virtually forcing conquered peoples into conversion to Christianity, and increasing the wealth and influence of the Church, throughout the white European Nations and establishing the Roman church as the dominant Christian religion in the world, until the Reformation.

The Roman legions and the Roman Church were a 1-2 combination. A conquering army to hold power, and the priests who came after preaching "peace and love", and eschewing earthly rewards to earn a place in the Kingdom of Heaven for all eternity. Burning pagans at the stake as "witches" helped cement the deal.

Everywhere power resides, unchecked, the Roman Church is there to preach "peace and love". The Church encourages the poor to breed, to keep the low-born busy providing for all of the little mouths, with little time to think about how screwed they are trying to raise 10 kids.

It's also ironic that anyone would ever let the leaders of an organization who lead the most unnatural and perverted of lives, to dictate our sexual mores or our family lives. These are people who have made vows of celebacy and never married or experienced adult relationships. It's like asking someone who is deaf and blind to establish the rules and standards for music and dance.

The Roman Catholic Church today, it's heirarchy and structure, are unchanged from the times of the Roman Emperors. Countries which have established Roman Catholicism as the state religion and banned abortion, are among the poorest in the world. They are cesspools of poverty and deprivation. Brazil, the Phillipines, Venezuela. All have banned abortion.

Banning abortion doesn't stop rich wantons from getting rid the results of a promiscuous lifestyle. It vastly increases the number of poor people being born. People who are not going to become rich or successful. People whose parents can't afford to feed or cloth them. Where poor people have a dozen kids, and rich people don't.

Countries which ban abortion, quickly turn into "shithole" countries.
Wonder what the globalist commie fake pope would have his yap dogs like cardinal Tobin. I wonder what they will say in regards to an actual faithful Catholic, unlike the pro choice perverted priests and bishops and cardinals pushing the globalist liberation theology under this marxist pope in an utterly compromised blackmailed Church.

Did you get enough right wing globalist buzzwords into your bullsit post there Owl?

Here's the reality, Owl, and not the idiotic Q-Anon "globalist world domination" garbage you fools are buying into, but real shit. The Roman Catholic Church has been a tool of rulers and kings the world over since the days of the Roman Emperors. The Catholic Church followed their Roman rulers throughout Europe virtually forcing conquered peoples into conversion to Christianity, and increasing the wealth and influence of the Church, throughout the white European Nations and establishing the Roman church as the dominant Christian religion in the world, until the Reformation.

The Roman legions and the Roman Church were a 1-2 combination. A conquering army to hold power, and the priests who came after preaching "peace and love", and eschewing earthly rewards to earn a place in the Kingdom of Heaven for all eternity. Burning pagans at the stake as "witches" helped cement the deal.

Everywhere power resides, unchecked, the Roman Church is there to preach "peace and love". The Church encourages the poor to breed, to keep the low-born busy providing for all of the little mouths, with little time to think about how screwed they are trying to raise 10 kids.

It's also ironic that anyone would ever let the leaders of an organization who lead the most unnatural and perverted of lives, to dictate our sexual mores or our family lives. These are people who have made vows of celebacy and never married or experienced adult relationships. It's like asking someone who is deaf and blind to establish the rules and standards for music and dance.

The Roman Catholic Church today, it's heirarchy and structure, are unchanged from the times of the Roman Emperors. Countries which have established Roman Catholicism as the state religion and banned abortion, are among the poorest in the world. They are cesspools of poverty and deprivation. Brazil, the Phillipines, Venezuela. All have banned abortion.

Banning abortion doesn't stop rich wantons from getting rid the results of a promiscuous lifestyle. It vastly increases the number of poor people being born. People who are not going to become rich or successful. People whose parents can't afford to feed or cloth them. Where poor people have a dozen kids, and rich people don't.

Countries which ban abortion, quickly turn into "shithole" countries.
The Roman Empire was of pagan gods for several centuries. It became Christian during its last couple of centuries before the fall and the beginning of the Dark Ages.
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision

The ONLY reason this woman is being considered, is to strip women of the right to abortions. Such an individual should be attacked because HER religion is not the religion of the American people. Separation of Church and State. Regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, the rights of women should be upheld.
Leap in a fire and burn, witch.

The original witch trials burned the wise women: the mid-wives, the healers, the independent women. Little has changed. Today conservatives vilify independent women. Strong smart women terrify conservative men. Because we can't be controlled or told what to do.

Sooooo......why did Republicans get women the vote, over the Democrat filibuster????

Caught you lying again, huh?

Hey stupid!! Why are you bringing up stuff that Republicans did 100 years ago, as proof that today's Republican Party isn't a criminally corrupt organization which is suppressing the votes of poor people, women, and non-whites.

What have Republicans dones in the past 40 years to benefit women?
  • opposed the Equal Rights Amendment
  • opposed women's right to determine her own life
  • opposed pay equity legislation
  • allowed employers to remove reproductive health from their employee healthcare insurance
  • opposed mandated maternity leave
  • designated rape, incest, pregnancy, and childbirth as "pre-existing" conditions
  • opposed family and sick leave for employees
  • opposed a national child care program
  • opposed same sex marriage which overwhelming disadvantages Lesbian couples since they don't have a male family member
  • allowed the Violence Against Women Act to expire
  • crashed the economy 3 times throwing millions of women out of work. Women and minorities are disproportionately affected by these economic crashes, all losing their jobs at much higher rates than white males.
So don't tell what Republicans did for blacks 160 years ago, and what they did for women 100 years ago, tell about what the Republican Party of Donald J. Trump is doing for women right fucking now.
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision

The ONLY reason this woman is being considered, is to strip women of the right to abortions. Such an individual should be attacked because HER religion is not the religion of the American people. Separation of Church and State. Regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, the rights of women should be upheld.
Leap in a fire and burn, witch.

The original witch trials burned the wise women: the mid-wives, the healers, the independent women. Little has changed. Today conservatives vilify independent women. Strong smart women terrify conservative men. Because we can't be controlled or told what to do.

Sooooo......why did Republicans get women the vote, over the Democrat filibuster????

Caught you lying again, huh?

Hey stupid!! Why are you bringing up stuff that Republicans did 100 years ago, as proof that today's Republican Party isn't a criminally corrupt organization which is suppressing the votes of poor people, women, and non-whites.

What have Republicans dones in the past 40 years to benefit women?
  • opposed the Equal Rights Amendment
  • opposed women's right to determine her own life
  • opposed pay equity legislation
  • allowed employers to remove reproductive health from their employee healthcare insurance
  • opposed mandated maternity leave
  • designated rape, incest, pregnancy, and childbirth as "pre-existing" conditions
  • opposed family and sick leave for employees
  • opposed a national child care program
  • opposed same sex marriage which overwhelming disadvantages Lesbian couples since they don't have a male family member
  • allowed the Violence Against Women Act to expire
  • crashed the economy 3 times throwing millions of women out of work. Women and minorities are disproportionately affected by these economic crashes, all losing their jobs at much higher rates than white males.
So don't tell what Republicans did for blacks 160 years ago, and what they did for women 100 years ago, tell about what the Republican Party of Donald J. Trump is doing for women right fucking now.

I love getting under your scales, which is what the your ubiquitous vulgarity proves.
Wonder what the globalist commie fake pope would have his yap dogs like cardinal Tobin. I wonder what they will say in regards to an actual faithful Catholic, unlike the pro choice perverted priests and bishops and cardinals pushing the globalist liberation theology under this marxist pope in an utterly compromised blackmailed Church.

Did you get enough right wing globalist buzzwords into your bullsit post there Owl?

Here's the reality, Owl, and not the idiotic Q-Anon "globalist world domination" garbage you fools are buying into, but real shit. The Roman Catholic Church has been a tool of rulers and kings the world over since the days of the Roman Emperors. The Catholic Church followed their Roman rulers throughout Europe virtually forcing conquered peoples into conversion to Christianity, and increasing the wealth and influence of the Church, throughout the white European Nations and establishing the Roman church as the dominant Christian religion in the world, until the Reformation.

The Roman legions and the Roman Church were a 1-2 combination. A conquering army to hold power, and the priests who came after preaching "peace and love", and eschewing earthly rewards to earn a place in the Kingdom of Heaven for all eternity. Burning pagans at the stake as "witches" helped cement the deal.

Everywhere power resides, unchecked, the Roman Church is there to preach "peace and love". The Church encourages the poor to breed, to keep the low-born busy providing for all of the little mouths, with little time to think about how screwed they are trying to raise 10 kids.

It's also ironic that anyone would ever let the leaders of an organization who lead the most unnatural and perverted of lives, to dictate our sexual mores or our family lives. These are people who have made vows of celebacy and never married or experienced adult relationships. It's like asking someone who is deaf and blind to establish the rules and standards for music and dance.

The Roman Catholic Church today, it's heirarchy and structure, are unchanged from the times of the Roman Emperors. Countries which have established Roman Catholicism as the state religion and banned abortion, are among the poorest in the world. They are cesspools of poverty and deprivation. Brazil, the Phillipines, Venezuela. All have banned abortion.

Banning abortion doesn't stop rich wantons from getting rid the results of a promiscuous lifestyle. It vastly increases the number of poor people being born. People who are not going to become rich or successful. People whose parents can't afford to feed or cloth them. Where poor people have a dozen kids, and rich people don't.

Countries which ban abortion, quickly turn into "shithole" countries.
The Roman Empire was of pagan gods for several centuries. It became Christian during its last couple of centuries before the fall and the beginning of the Dark Ages.

Yes it was, and at that time, the Romans were very big on keeping life in the conquered states the same as it was prior to their takeover, allowing local customs and religions to continue. They installed tame puppet kings, and business and religion continued as usual. Think Herod, the Romans and the Jews in the historical accounts in the Bible. Jesus became a problem when he was called the "King of the Jews", and Judas betrayed Jesus because Jesus wasn't there to liberate the Jews from the Romans.

But the Roman Empire lasted 1000 years. Constantine legalized Christianity in 313 AD, converted to Christianity, and proclaimed the Roman Catholic Church the State Religion in 380 AD. Except for about 40 years, and under two speific Roman dictators, Christianity while not a mainstream religion, wasn't really persecuted by Rome, unless Christians attacked the Roman Gods.

Christianity was never persecuted in the manner that Hollywood has claimed. Nero blamed Christians for starting the Great Fire and had several Christians torn apart by dogs for the burning of Rome. It is widely believed that Nero himself started the fire, but Christianity was considered a supersticious cult at the time, so it was easy to blame them and get away with it. Kind of like Trump is blaming Democrats for covid19 right now.

By the time the last Roman Emperor in the west was overthrown in 476, Christianity had consolidated power throughout Europe and was the only religion on the continent, and the British Isles, although the Celts were still strong in the remote regions. The Germans kept their Christmas Trees and calling the Sun Goddess back at the Winter Soltice using pine boughs to ward off evil spirits (the true meaning of the Christmas Tree), other symbols of their pagan religions (Easter Eggs for spring fertility festival) but they were co-opted into the Jesus narrative.
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision

The ONLY reason this woman is being considered, is to strip women of the right to abortions. Such an individual should be attacked because HER religion is not the religion of the American people. Separation of Church and State. Regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, the rights of women should be upheld.
Leap in a fire and burn, witch.

The original witch trials burned the wise women: the mid-wives, the healers, the independent women. Little has changed. Today conservatives vilify independent women. Strong smart women terrify conservative men. Because we can't be controlled or told what to do.

Sooooo......why did Republicans get women the vote, over the Democrat filibuster????

Caught you lying again, huh?

Hey stupid!! Why are you bringing up stuff that Republicans did 100 years ago, as proof that today's Republican Party isn't a criminally corrupt organization which is suppressing the votes of poor people, women, and non-whites.

What have Republicans dones in the past 40 years to benefit women?
  • opposed the Equal Rights Amendment
  • opposed women's right to determine her own life
  • opposed pay equity legislation
  • allowed employers to remove reproductive health from their employee healthcare insurance
  • opposed mandated maternity leave
  • designated rape, incest, pregnancy, and childbirth as "pre-existing" conditions
  • opposed family and sick leave for employees
  • opposed a national child care program
  • opposed same sex marriage which overwhelming disadvantages Lesbian couples since they don't have a male family member
  • allowed the Violence Against Women Act to expire
  • crashed the economy 3 times throwing millions of women out of work. Women and minorities are disproportionately affected by these economic crashes, all losing their jobs at much higher rates than white males.
So don't tell what Republicans did for blacks 160 years ago, and what they did for women 100 years ago, tell about what the Republican Party of Donald J. Trump is doing for women right fucking now.

I love getting under your scales, which is what the your ubiquitous vulgarity proves.

You don't get under my scales, Sweety. Why don't you refute my post? Where are your bulleted points proving to me that Republicans aren't undermining your rights at every turn?

No PC is a good little Judas Goat. Happy to turn her life, her freedoms, and her body over to the Republican Party to do with as they see fit. Either PC isn't a woman at all, or she is childless and past the age of child bearing, because no intelligent woman would ever give up the right to choose, even if her choice was always to have the baby.

I'm not nearly as trusting or as gullible as PC. I have no faith in any political party to be right by me. And I won't vote to give them my rights. PC is more than willing to give up her rights and mine too. Stupid is as stupid does.
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision

The ONLY reason this woman is being considered, is to strip women of the right to abortions. Such an individual should be attacked because HER religion is not the religion of the American people. Separation of Church and State. Regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, the rights of women should be upheld.
Leap in a fire and burn, witch.

The original witch trials burned the wise women: the mid-wives, the healers, the independent women. Little has changed. Today conservatives vilify independent women. Strong smart women terrify conservative men. Because we can't be controlled or told what to do.

Sooooo......why did Republicans get women the vote, over the Democrat filibuster????

Caught you lying again, huh?

Hey stupid!! Why are you bringing up stuff that Republicans did 100 years ago, as proof that today's Republican Party isn't a criminally corrupt organization which is suppressing the votes of poor people, women, and non-whites.

What have Republicans dones in the past 40 years to benefit women?
  • opposed the Equal Rights Amendment
  • opposed women's right to determine her own life
  • opposed pay equity legislation
  • allowed employers to remove reproductive health from their employee healthcare insurance
  • opposed mandated maternity leave
  • designated rape, incest, pregnancy, and childbirth as "pre-existing" conditions
  • opposed family and sick leave for employees
  • opposed a national child care program
  • opposed same sex marriage which overwhelming disadvantages Lesbian couples since they don't have a male family member
  • allowed the Violence Against Women Act to expire
  • crashed the economy 3 times throwing millions of women out of work. Women and minorities are disproportionately affected by these economic crashes, all losing their jobs at much higher rates than white males.
So don't tell what Republicans did for blacks 160 years ago, and what they did for women 100 years ago, tell about what the Republican Party of Donald J. Trump is doing for women right fucking now.

I love getting under your scales, which is what the your ubiquitous vulgarity proves.

You don't get under my scales, Sweety. Why don't you refute my post? Where are your bulleted points proving to me that Republicans aren't undermining your rights at every turn?

No PC is a good little Judas Goat. Happy to turn her life, her freedoms, and her body over to the Republican Party to do with as they see fit. Either PC isn't a woman at all, or she is childless and past the age of child bearing, because no intelligent woman would ever give up the right to choose, even if her choice was always to have the baby.

I'm not nearly as trusting or as gullible as PC. I have no faith in any political party to be right by me. And I won't vote to give them my rights. PC is more than willing to give up her rights and mine too. Stupid is as stupid does.

What 'rights'?
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision

The ONLY reason this woman is being considered, is to strip women of the right to abortions. Such an individual should be attacked because HER religion is not the religion of the American people. Separation of Church and State. Regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, the rights of women should be upheld.
Leap in a fire and burn, witch.

The original witch trials burned the wise women: the mid-wives, the healers, the independent women. Little has changed. Today conservatives vilify independent women. Strong smart women terrify conservative men. Because we can't be controlled or told what to do.

Sooooo......why did Republicans get women the vote, over the Democrat filibuster????

Caught you lying again, huh?
Yup! From the NYT.

The vote came after four hours of debate, during which Democrat Senators opposed to the amendment filibustered to prevent a roll call.​
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision
Funny how they don't attack Biden for being a Catholic?

Be fair.....he's not really a Catholic.....he's for abortion.

"Priests, prudence, politics: Why Joe Biden was refused Holy Communion at a Catholic Mass"
True, but they say he's a devout catholic.....so I just want to know how they can support one for President but not for the Supreme Court
New Democrat vote-getting strategy - Let's piss off the Catholics.

But there are early signs this is going to be ugly, and that her religion will be front and center. That subject came up in 2017 when the Senate approved her as a federal appeals court judge in Chicago.

Media assault on Amy Coney Barrett begins as Trump weighs decision
Funny how they don't attack Biden for being a Catholic?

Be fair.....he's not really a Catholic.....he's for abortion.

"Priests, prudence, politics: Why Joe Biden was refused Holy Communion at a Catholic Mass"
True, but they say he's a devout catholic.....so I just want to know how they can support one for President but not for the Supreme Court

Honesty is not a characteristic on display from the Left.

Nor do they intend so.
The gruesome context of the Barrett nomination is more how it fits into the Conservative theology agenda, "No Lives Matter!" Pope Innocent III decreed that small cribs be installed in churches to accept babies a burden on the financially struggling household's in Scalia's heritage, Italy. The father of that was specifically from Sicily. 800 years ago is not a reach back. Europe retains the concept all over, in recent days and years.

Police in USA know that abandonment happens USA, but the numbers are likely not fully known. Recall The Republicans railed at the $600.00 week unemployment enhancement. Millions were suddenly paid a living wage, in unemployment.

Democrats actually had put into place a remedy for Matthew 25: 14-30. In the Fable-Maker's story--of Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called "Oh Christ," mostly in English: One Third of the service workers were tossed into, "Outer Darkness," as reward for what they had earned.

Gruesome remains in the prayers. "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done: On Earth, as it is in Heaven." Baby Abandonment was Imperial and Roman, in that context, too! And so there is the prayers of the lethal Christian minority dogma--to be found lawful and constitutional.

So Barrett has seven children. Other families have lots of them too.

Now it is shown what is thought to be legal, moral, and just possibly official yet to happen! It is Amendment One, from Republican Conservatives of the Trumped-Up brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut: 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid, even!)
The ONLY reason this woman is being considered, is to strip women of the right to abortions. Such an individual should be attacked because HER religion is not the religion of the American people. Separation of Church and State. Regardless of your personal opinion on abortion, the rights of women should be upheld.

The gruesome context of the Barrett nomination is more how it fits into the Conservative theology agenda, "No Lives Matter!" Pope Innocent III decreed that small cribs be installed in churches to accept babies a burden on the financially struggling household's in Scalia's heritage, Italy. The father of that was specifically from Sicily. 800 years ago is not a reach back. Europe retains the concept all over, in recent days and years.

Police in USA know that abandonment happens USA, but the numbers are likely not fully known. Recall The Republicans railed at the $600.00 week unemployment enhancement. Millions were suddenly paid a living wage, in unemployment.

Democrats actually had put into place a remedy for Matthew 25: 14-30. In the Fable-Maker's story--of Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called "Oh Christ," mostly in English: One Third of the service workers were tossed into, "Outer Darkness," as reward for what they had earned.

Gruesome remains in the prayers. "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done: On Earth, as it is in Heaven." Baby Abandonment was Imperial and Roman, in that context, too! And so there is the prayers of the lethal Christian minority dogma--to be found lawful and constitutional.

So Barrett has seven children. Other families have lots of them too.

Now it is shown what is thought to be legal, moral, and just possibly official yet to happen! It is Amendment One, from Republican Conservatives of the Trumped-Up brand!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut: 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid, even!)

"Interestingly, Barrett’s abortion rulings have not always favored the pro-life side. Last year, she joined an opinion that upheld a Chicago ordinance barring pro-life sidewalk counselors from approaching women entering an abortion clinic. While Barrett likely sympathized with the sidewalk counselors, she upheld the law restraining them — putting the law ahead of her personal beliefs. "

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