Media Blackout: 12-Year-Old Unarmed White Boy Shot to Death by Black Suspect


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Media Blackout: 12-Year-Old Unarmed White Boy Shot to Death by Black Suspect
Dave Gibson 11/29/2014Uncategorized

Keith Passmore
Savannah, Ga. – On Nov. 22, only two days before St. Louis County District Attorney Bob McCulloch announced the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson, which resulted in massive riots in Ferguson, a little boy was shot in the head while he sat in a vehicle minding his own business.

The victim, 12-year-old Keith Passmore, was sitting inside a pick up truck on Vicksburg Drive, with his uncle, Christopher Martin, 20, when a black male approached the passenger side of the truck and shouted “open up.” Martin immediately hit the gas pedal, and that’s when the suspect shot the child through the closed window, according to police.

Read more at Media Blackout 12-Year-Old Unarmed White Boy Shot to Death by Black Suspect Universal Free Press

Where are the protest and anger? Where is cnn and msnbc???
On November 22nd, a white 12 year old was targeted for an execution style murder by an adult black male in Savannah GA.
The local media has been censoring race from the story. If the races had been reversed, it would have been an instant nation-wide media event. Instead it was a heavily censored “hush crime.”
Keith Passmore, 12, attended a birthday party for another black kid on November 22nd. When he was leaving an adult black male decided it would be fun to murder him. After Passmore got in a pickup truck to go home, a black male walked up to the truck and shot Passmore execution style.
Police say that others at the party are not co-operating. The birthday party occurred in a black neighborhood and police have encountered a uniform wall of silence, even though there was undoubtedly witnesses.

Media Blackout 12 yr old Savannah GA boy executed in racial hate crime

Both really are kids murdered for the hell of it. I guess being white means you're worthless.
Two white children that were slaughtered by a black for no reason. No media coverage at all.

Yet, whites are the racist ones???
Two white children that were slaughtered by a black for no reason. No media coverage at all.

Yet, whites are the racist ones???

On November 22nd, a white 12 year old was targeted for an execution style murder by an adult black male in Savannah GA.
The local media has been censoring race from the story. If the races had been reversed, it would have been an instant nation-wide media event. Instead it was a heavily censored “hush crime.”
Keith Passmore, 12, attended a birthday party for another black kid on November 22nd. When he was leaving an adult black male decided it would be fun to murder him. After Passmore got in a pickup truck to go home, a black male walked up to the truck and shot Passmore execution style.
Police say that others at the party are not co-operating. The birthday party occurred in a black neighborhood and police have encountered a uniform wall of silence, even though there was undoubtedly witnesses.

Media Blackout 12 yr old Savannah GA boy executed in racial hate crime

Both really are kids murdered for the hell of it. I guess being white means you're worthless.

Or, whites have no political capital to exploit

We all know that when a black kills a white, it doesn't matter. It's the double standard, remember?

I'll refresh the rules for those who may have forgotten...

1). Only whites are racist. (This is the most important rule to remember.)
2). Black on white violence and crime is not to be mentioned.
3). Black rioting, looting, burning and property destruction is "understandable."
4). Blacks all deserve special treatment, quotas and handouts.
5). Never deviate from these rules.
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This poor child thought he could actually befriend a black child and go visit his friend in a black neighborhood and get away with it.

It's not over. Whoever this white child was visiting is next.
This poor child thought he could actually befriend a black child and go visit his friend in a black neighborhood and get away with it.

It's not over. Whoever this white child was visiting is next.

NNNOoooooo!!!!! mean black and white people have never been friends without violence.
That's your factual statement????...color me shocked.
This poor child thought he could actually befriend a black child and go visit his friend in a black neighborhood and get away with it.

It's not over. Whoever this white child was visiting is next.

NNNOoooooo!!!!! mean black and white people have never been friends without violence.
That's your factual statement????...color me shocked.
Of course black and white people have been friends. It is just very risky today. As we see, this little white boy went to visit his black friend in a black neighborhood. He is now a dead little white boy. If he had not gone on this visit he would be a living little white boy. Perhaps the answer is that whites and blacks can be friends as long as the friendship takes place in white neighborhoods.

There is no way to avoid the obvious.
okay, Im speaking up on the behalf of my best friend. Keith David Passmore was my one and only friend for almost 2 and a half years. I am not writing this post to insult anyone or point fingers but I know for sure that keith was at a party. I know that, that may be the point where people turn their heads in the first place at the thought of a twelve year old boy at a party. This kid was the happiest and most hopeful person I have ever met and not a day goes by where I don't think about him. I cannot believe the lack of media coverage this crime has got because with the help of the media maybe more people at that party would have spoken up. It makes me so angry that I know if the roles where switched then the whole world would know about it despite people that sat beside him at lunch didn't even know the full story. I don't see where the line is drawn for which lives matter more but I don't think there should be . all lives are equal and the only thing that separates the worth is what god judges. I think that it unfair to the family to leave them with no closure because the killer would never be found. What would you think if this was your child or better yet, your best friend.

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