Media Matters donors Revealed

Any proof anyone is "funding" the Tea Partiers??

Freedomworks, American crossroads, Koch brothers, you know the list. The funny thing will be when all the people from 2010 start looking for that pile of funding to find it gone this summer, maybe we will see what the tea party would have looked like without the lobbyist money and the paid media attention.

And how is it that you see the Tea Party as being the equivalent of Media Matters, again? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds an awful lot like a "Quick, look over there!" diversion from the topic.

Perhaps you could stop dishonestly pretending that the issue here is "Ohmigod, there are conservative organizations being funded by conservative people!" - as though we're all going to believe there's something wrong with that, simply because you scream "Koch Brothers!" really loudly - and deal with the REAL question of "here's an organization pretending to foster neutral, objective media coverage, and it turns out to be a Democrat front".
Any proof anyone is "funding" the Tea Partiers??

Freedomworks, American crossroads, Koch brothers, you know the list. The funny thing will be when all the people from 2010 start looking for that pile of funding to find it gone this summer, maybe we will see what the tea party would have looked like without the lobbyist money and the paid media attention.

And how is it that you see the Tea Party as being the equivalent of Media Matters, again? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds an awful lot like a "Quick, look over there!" diversion from the topic.

Perhaps you could stop dishonestly pretending that the issue here is "Ohmigod, there are conservative organizations being funded by conservative people!" - as though we're all going to believe there's something wrong with that, simply because you scream "Koch Brothers!" really loudly - and deal with the REAL question of "here's an organization pretending to foster neutral, objective media coverage, and it turns out to be a Democrat front".

All they had to see was the name Koch and of course off the deep end they go.
Any proof anyone is "funding" the Tea Partiers??

seriously. please try not to be intentionally obtuse.

at least i hope it's intentional.

from that bastion of liberal thought, US News and World Reports

Tea Party Funding Koch Brothers Emerge From Anonymity

Few in America had heard about the third-richest Americans, brothers David and Charles Koch, until just recently. Aside from David Koch’s gifts to the Lincoln Center in New York and the naming of a theater after him, few outside a small, elite circle would recognize the name or know how to pronounce it. (“Koch” as in “coke”)

For decades, they were under the radar. They and their father had amassed an incredible fortune, mainly in the oil business. Their privately held company revenues last year were estimated at $100 billion. Each brother is worth $21.5 billion. That is a very big “B” in both cases.

For many years, they have been involved in politics but not terribly open or transparent about it. It is true that David Koch ran as vice president on the 1980 Libertarian ticket, to the right of Ronald Reagan. According to New York Times columnist Frank Rich, “his campaign called for the abolition not just of Social Security, federal regulatory agencies and welfare but also of the FBI, the CIA, and public schools.” Since the Libertarian party’s 1 percent showing in 1980, David Koch has very much been behind the scenes, until now. [See who donates the most to your member of Congress.]

Jane Mayer, of The New Yorker, in her 10,000 word piece last August, peeled the cover off the onion of the Koch brothers' empire. And she focused not only on their personal wealth and family, but on their political empire building

But it has now come out how involved they have been in funding Tea Party groups, Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, and Citizens for a Sound Economy ($12 million). [Check out a roundup of political cartoons on the Tea Party.]

We do know, from Mayer’s reporting, that the Koch brothers have personally given over $2 million to candidates over the last 12 years, their PAC has contributed $8 million to candidates, and they have spent $50 million on lobbying. The Charles Koch Foundation has given $48 million, and another foundation they control gave $28 million. David Koch’s foundation gave more than $120 million. According to Mayer, $196 million dollars in total was distributed in the last 10 years to conservative causes and institutions.

That all, as they say, is not chicken feed, and it begs the question: How in the heck did they stay under the radar for as long as they did?

Part of the reason is that much of what they did was not reportable but, more important, until recently they were not pouring the millions into campaigns through advertising and expenditures allowed due to the Citizens United Supreme Court case. [Read the U.S. News debate: Is the Citizens United decision hurting democracy?

Tea Party Funding Koch Brothers Emerge From Anonymity - Peter Fenn (

First of all, the only thing that's "intentionally obtuse" here is the attempt to pretend that the Tea Party is either a) equivalent to Media Matters, or b) the topic here AT ALL.

Second, you and your ilk are the only ones still naive enough to think US News and World Report is NOT a "bastion of liberal thought". But then, you believe that anyone who doesn't openly declare conservatives to be demons and calling for publicly boiling them in oil to be "too right-wing", so I'm less than impressed.
Any proof anyone is "funding" the Tea Partiers??

seriously. please try not to be intentionally obtuse.

at least i hope it's intentional.

from that bastion of liberal thought, US News and World Reports

Tea Party Funding Koch Brothers Emerge From Anonymity

Few in America had heard about the third-richest Americans, brothers David and Charles Koch, until just recently. Aside from David Koch’s gifts to the Lincoln Center in New York and the naming of a theater after him, few outside a small, elite circle would recognize the name or know how to pronounce it. (“Koch” as in “coke”)

For decades, they were under the radar. They and their father had amassed an incredible fortune, mainly in the oil business. Their privately held company revenues last year were estimated at $100 billion. Each brother is worth $21.5 billion. That is a very big “B” in both cases.

For many years, they have been involved in politics but not terribly open or transparent about it. It is true that David Koch ran as vice president on the 1980 Libertarian ticket, to the right of Ronald Reagan. According to New York Times columnist Frank Rich, “his campaign called for the abolition not just of Social Security, federal regulatory agencies and welfare but also of the FBI, the CIA, and public schools.” Since the Libertarian party’s 1 percent showing in 1980, David Koch has very much been behind the scenes, until now. [See who donates the most to your member of Congress.]

Jane Mayer, of The New Yorker, in her 10,000 word piece last August, peeled the cover off the onion of the Koch brothers' empire. And she focused not only on their personal wealth and family, but on their political empire building

But it has now come out how involved they have been in funding Tea Party groups, Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, and Citizens for a Sound Economy ($12 million). [Check out a roundup of political cartoons on the Tea Party.]

We do know, from Mayer’s reporting, that the Koch brothers have personally given over $2 million to candidates over the last 12 years, their PAC has contributed $8 million to candidates, and they have spent $50 million on lobbying. The Charles Koch Foundation has given $48 million, and another foundation they control gave $28 million. David Koch’s foundation gave more than $120 million. According to Mayer, $196 million dollars in total was distributed in the last 10 years to conservative causes and institutions.

That all, as they say, is not chicken feed, and it begs the question: How in the heck did they stay under the radar for as long as they did?

Part of the reason is that much of what they did was not reportable but, more important, until recently they were not pouring the millions into campaigns through advertising and expenditures allowed due to the Citizens United Supreme Court case. [Read the U.S. News debate: Is the Citizens United decision hurting democracy?

Tea Party Funding Koch Brothers Emerge From Anonymity - Peter Fenn (

First of all, the only thing that's "intentionally obtuse" here is the attempt to pretend that the Tea Party is either a) equivalent to Media Matters, or b) the topic here AT ALL.

Second, you and your ilk are the only ones still naive enough to think US News and World Report is NOT a "bastion of liberal thought". But then, you believe that anyone who doesn't openly declare conservatives to be demons and calling for publicly boiling them in oil to be "too right-wing", so I'm less than impressed.

The point is the same sort of groups fund right wing causes.
they dont think anyone should be allowed to support left leaning causes.

They try to keep left leaning ideas from being discussed

Actually, "they" don't think anyone should be allowed to support left-leaning causes . . . and then wander around declaring they're all about objectivity. In other words, "they" don't believe anyone should be allowed to misrepresent themselves . . . and I know how much liberals resent that idea, given the crimp it would put in their standard modus operandi.

We're perfectly happy to discuss your crackpot, pie-in-the-sky, what-does-reality-have-to-do-with-anything leftist ideas, but we're not going to allow you to get away with lying about them.
Freedomworks, American crossroads, Koch brothers, you know the list. The funny thing will be when all the people from 2010 start looking for that pile of funding to find it gone this summer, maybe we will see what the tea party would have looked like without the lobbyist money and the paid media attention.

And how is it that you see the Tea Party as being the equivalent of Media Matters, again? Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds an awful lot like a "Quick, look over there!" diversion from the topic.

Perhaps you could stop dishonestly pretending that the issue here is "Ohmigod, there are conservative organizations being funded by conservative people!" - as though we're all going to believe there's something wrong with that, simply because you scream "Koch Brothers!" really loudly - and deal with the REAL question of "here's an organization pretending to foster neutral, objective media coverage, and it turns out to be a Democrat front".

All they had to see was the name Koch and of course off the deep end they go.

It’s the MSNBC talking point, probably feed to them by Media Matters, then spewed out by the clones.
well well..


Left-wing foundations lavish millions on Media Matters

Published: 12:50 AM 02/17/2012 | Updated: 1:06 AM 02/17/2012

By David Martosko, The Daily Caller

Relying on tax returns and websites of wealthy U.S. foundations, a Daily Caller investigation has revealed the sources of more than $28.8 million in funding collected by the liberal Media Matters for America since 2003, the year before its formal incorporation. That sum represents 54 percent of every dollar the organization has raised in its history, making Media Matters a principally foundation-driven — not citizen-supported — activist group.
That's some big-problem, huh??



seriously. please try not to be intentionally obtuse.

at least i hope it's intentional.

from that bastion of liberal thought, US News and World Reports

Tea Party Funding Koch Brothers Emerge From Anonymity - Peter Fenn (

First of all, the only thing that's "intentionally obtuse" here is the attempt to pretend that the Tea Party is either a) equivalent to Media Matters, or b) the topic here AT ALL.

Second, you and your ilk are the only ones still naive enough to think US News and World Report is NOT a "bastion of liberal thought". But then, you believe that anyone who doesn't openly declare conservatives to be demons and calling for publicly boiling them in oil to be "too right-wing", so I'm less than impressed.

The point is the same sort of groups fund right wing causes.

No, dimwit, the POINT is that Media Matters purports to not BE a "left-wing cause". What is it about the concept of lying that just bounces off the liberal mind instead of sinking in and being understood?

Media Matters has been running around, holding itself out as some sort of objective group just concerned about making sure news coverage is truthful and accurate. The fact that no one believed their bullshit doesn't mean you get to just shrug and pretend they were open and honest about being a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.
First of all, the only thing that's "intentionally obtuse" here is the attempt to pretend that the Tea Party is either a) equivalent to Media Matters, or b) the topic here AT ALL.

Second, you and your ilk are the only ones still naive enough to think US News and World Report is NOT a "bastion of liberal thought". But then, you believe that anyone who doesn't openly declare conservatives to be demons and calling for publicly boiling them in oil to be "too right-wing", so I'm less than impressed.

The point is the same sort of groups fund right wing causes.

No, dimwit, the POINT is that Media Matters purports to not BE a "left-wing cause". What is it about the concept of lying that just bounces off the liberal mind instead of sinking in and being understood?

Media Matters has been running around, holding itself out as some sort of objective group just concerned about making sure news coverage is truthful and accurate. The fact that no one believed their bullshit doesn't mean you get to just shrug and pretend they were open and honest about being a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.

MediaMatters has never claimed to be "objective".

In fact, their mission statement says:
Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.

They've never claimed to not be partisan.
First of all, the only thing that's "intentionally obtuse" here is the attempt to pretend that the Tea Party is either a) equivalent to Media Matters, or b) the topic here AT ALL.

Second, you and your ilk are the only ones still naive enough to think US News and World Report is NOT a "bastion of liberal thought". But then, you believe that anyone who doesn't openly declare conservatives to be demons and calling for publicly boiling them in oil to be "too right-wing", so I'm less than impressed.

The point is the same sort of groups fund right wing causes.

No, dimwit, the POINT is that Media Matters purports to not BE a "left-wing cause". What is it about the concept of lying that just bounces off the liberal mind instead of sinking in and being understood?

Media Matters has been running around, holding itself out as some sort of objective group just concerned about making sure news coverage is truthful and accurate.
.....But, you Teabaggers would PREFER....


[ame=]The Fox Effect: How Roger Ailes Turned a Network into a Propaganda Machine - YouTube[/ame]​
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First of all, the only thing that's "intentionally obtuse" here is the attempt to pretend that the Tea Party is either a) equivalent to Media Matters, or b) the topic here AT ALL.

Second, you and your ilk are the only ones still naive enough to think US News and World Report is NOT a "bastion of liberal thought". But then, you believe that anyone who doesn't openly declare conservatives to be demons and calling for publicly boiling them in oil to be "too right-wing", so I'm less than impressed.

The point is the same sort of groups fund right wing causes.

No, dimwit, the POINT is that Media Matters purports to not BE a "left-wing cause". What is it about the concept of lying that just bounces off the liberal mind instead of sinking in and being understood?

Media Matters has been running around, holding itself out as some sort of objective group just concerned about making sure news coverage is truthful and accurate. The fact that no one believed their bullshit doesn't mean you get to just shrug and pretend they were open and honest about being a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.

All one would have to do is go to their website, and know what they are about. If one cannot do that, it is not our problem.....Dimwit!
progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.
Its not like they hiding it well, I mean they say what they are about, in their About Us section on their website.

Just like the Heritage foudation:
Heritage’s staff pursues this mission by performing timely, accurate research on key policy issues and effectively marketing these findings to our primary audiences: members of Congress, key congressional staff members, policymakers in the executive branch, the nation’s news media, and the academic and policy communities.
well well..


Left-wing foundations lavish millions on Media Matters

Published: 12:50 AM 02/17/2012 | Updated: 1:06 AM 02/17/2012

By David Martosko, The Daily Caller

Relying on tax returns and websites of wealthy U.S. foundations, a Daily Caller investigation has revealed the sources of more than $28.8 million in funding collected by the liberal Media Matters for America since 2003, the year before its formal incorporation. That sum represents 54 percent of every dollar the organization has raised in its history, making Media Matters a principally foundation-driven — not citizen-supported — activist group.

The list of Media Matters’ foundation funders, 120 in all, reads like a Who’s Who of the American progressive movement, including the far-left Tides Foundation ($4,384,702), George Soros’ Open Society Institutes ($1,075,000), the Ford Foundation ($966,466), the Sandler Foundation ($400,000) — endowed by subprime mortgage lenders Herb and Marion Sandler, who once bankrolled the embattled ACORN organization — and the Schumann Fund for Media and Democracy ($600,000), managed by longtime PBS host Bill Moyers and his son.

They also include the anti-George W. Bush organization ($50,000), the Barbra Streisand Foundation ($85,000), the kids’ shoes-powered Stride Rite Charitable Foundation ($25,000), the Lear Family Foundation ($55,000) — endowed by the TV producer and People for the American Way founder Norman Lear — and the Joyce Foundation ($400,000), whose board of directors included Barack Obama from 1994 to 2002.

(RELATED: See the list of Media Matters’ foundation donors)

lots of comments at site
Read more: Media Matters

Virtually a "Who's Who" of left wing wack jobs. Is it a shock to anybody that the biggest donors are extremely wealthy people from the entertainment industry, the "news" media industry, and banking and finance bottom feeders?
The point is the same sort of groups fund right wing causes.

No, dimwit, the POINT is that Media Matters purports to not BE a "left-wing cause". What is it about the concept of lying that just bounces off the liberal mind instead of sinking in and being understood?

Media Matters has been running around, holding itself out as some sort of objective group just concerned about making sure news coverage is truthful and accurate. The fact that no one believed their bullshit doesn't mean you get to just shrug and pretend they were open and honest about being a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.

MediaMatters has never claimed to be "objective".

In fact, their mission statement says:
Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.

They've never claimed to not be partisan.
as a 501c(3), they are supposed to stay out of politics. they don't.
Political activity

Section 501(c)(3) organizations are subject to limits or absolute prohibitions on engaging in political activities and risk loss of status as tax exempt status if violated.[26]

If they wish to remain politically active, fine. They should lose their tax exempt status. I'm fine with that.
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No, dimwit, the POINT is that Media Matters purports to not BE a "left-wing cause". What is it about the concept of lying that just bounces off the liberal mind instead of sinking in and being understood?

Media Matters has been running around, holding itself out as some sort of objective group just concerned about making sure news coverage is truthful and accurate. The fact that no one believed their bullshit doesn't mean you get to just shrug and pretend they were open and honest about being a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Democrat Party.

MediaMatters has never claimed to be "objective".

In fact, their mission statement says:
Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.

They've never claimed to not be partisan.
as a 501c(3), they are supposed to stay out of politics. they don't.
That's certainly not true.

501c3s are prohibited from endorsing a candidate or party. That's all. They are not supposed to "say out of politics".

There are thousands of 501c3s, on both sides of the aisle, who are heavily involved in politics. is a 501c3. So is the Heritage Foundation.

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