Media Played A Drumbeat On A Single Narrative.

You dont expect? The government does not operate under your expectations.
It is not the Police Board, it is the Capitol Police Board

Not congresses expertise? Yet they wrote the rules, regulations, and laws as well as approved the daily and emergency operating procedures that the Capitol Police follow.

You dont expect the Seargent at Arms to brief Nancy Pelosi during an emergency? You really dont know anything about what went on, how the government operates.

Moroner is. well, a moron. :dunno:
No, the dishonesty came from your false dichotomy. Those were you words.

I simply repeated what you yourself stated about security at the Capitol. Do you really need me to go back and repost your very own words?
Lame, you've 'made up' an entire scenario in your head that he was going there for nefarious reasons, but you can't explain how or why that was the case.

Apparently not intimidating enough to make any difference whatsoever. The left already knows this, since their violent escapades have resulted in nothing.

So basically, everything that you think he 'intended' is pure conjecture and made up by you. That's all you had to say.
So what was the point of the Trump rally and protest?

Trump said they were there to demand that Congress do the right thing, which in his mind was to stop the votes being counted for Biden.
I absolutely have. I know for a fact that Steven Sund never had the conversation with Pelosi.

You're either completely clueless, or just not very good at your word smithing. Steven Sund didn't have to have a 'conversation' with her, there's a formal process and chain of command.
Where did I say that security was "extremely lax"?


Because when Trump got into the limo and demanded to be taken to the Capitol, the Secret Service told him no since they didn't have enough security there.
You're either completely clueless, or just not very good at your word smithing. Steven Sund didn't have to have a 'conversation' with her, there's a formal process and chain of command.
Great. Then why did you bring up Sund's testimony?
Many things. What he didn't testify to was having any conversation with Nancy Pelosi before January 6th.

I'm not going to try to read your mind.

You like to use 'conversation' because you are intentionally being obtuse to not lose the argument. I never claimed he had a 'conversation' with her. What he did do, through the proper channels and chain of command is request more security and the NG.

Because when Trump got into the limo and demanded to be taken to the Capitol, the Secret Service told him no since they didn't have enough security there.
So you didn't repeat my words at all, which is why you claimed.
You like to use 'conversation' because you are intentionally being obtuse to not lose the argument. I never claimed he had a 'conversation' with her. What he did do, through the proper channels and chain of command is request more security and the NG.
The claim is that Nancy Pelosi refused the National Guard. There's no evidence to support that claim. The testimony available indicates that no one asked Pelosi for permission to have National Guard before the riot began.

Facts are that Sund never formally requested National Guard before the riot. He mentioned it informally with the Seargents at Arms who turned him down.

It never got to Pelosi.
Great. Then why did you bring up Sund's testimony?

Because he was there, and intimately knows what happened. And it shows your 'opinions' to be lies. He's also not a Trump supporter, but because what he stated goes against every narrative you've been fed, you can't face any truth. It's quite pathetic really.
The claim is that Nancy Pelosi refused the National Guard. There's no evidence to support that claim. The testimony available indicates that no one asked Pelosi for permission to have National Guard before the riot began.

Facts are that Sund never formally requested National Guard before the riot. He mentioned it informally with the Seargents at Arms who turned him down.

It never got to Pelosi.

You're full of shit.
No. Thank them for sounding the alarm, showing what was happening live, and keeping up the pressure on those that attacked the capital on Jan 6. Punish the trumpers on Election Day, that support what was done at our capital, during their attack.
You are very deceitful here, as usual. The Jan6th Committee refused to call in eye-witnesses who had a different point of view from that which the Prosecutors did criminalize in order to prosecute. Trump NOR any President, would stupidly call up thousands of troops to be on guard/ready to attack his own supporters --when he wants to overthrow a GOVT like Dems claim. DUH???

You are very dishonest on this website, so it makes sense that you are okay with the Dems leaving it out of the evidence pool that they turned down Trump's offer of 10K troops --because you know what that EXPOSES about the Democrats.
Blocked by Trumps wayward Neo GOP because they knew it would be bad for Benedict Donald when they dug up the truth of the matter. Like the Majority leader said.

January 6th was a disgrace.

American citizens attacked their own government. They used terrorism to try to stop a specific piece of democratic business they did not like.

Fellow Americans beat and bloodied our own police. They stormed the Senate floor. They tried to hunt down the Speaker of the House. They built a gallows and chanted about murdering the vice president.

They did this because they had been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on Earth – because he was angry he'd lost an election.

Former President Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful dereliction of duty.


I said weeks ago: There is no question that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day.

The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.
And their having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories, and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on planet Earth.

No he isn't, fucking Communist. Protests like that are cheered by you fucks att.the time, so long as they are about Leftist causes like the 2020 Burn Loot Murder riots which you supported, dumbass.
What I said was accurate, you just don't want to hear it.

But go ahead and attempt to disprove this.

Directly out of the horses mouth.
You said there wasn't enough security. And you're right, there wasn't.
There wasn't enough security for the president to go there.

That doesn't mean security was "extremely lax".

That's an extremely dishonest mischaracterization of what I said. A far cry from just "repeating" it. You really don't see how dishonest you are being, do you?

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