Media Silent About Huge Kentucky Election Win – Jenean Hampton

Oh please, Kim Davis has nothing to do with the Lt Governor being black and the alleged media blackout. Nobody gives a shit about who gets elected Lt. Gov outside of their respective states, even then most people do not care. This is just another lame attempt by you shoehorn your anti-gay obsession into every thread. Don't you have 40,000 whiny threads you've started where can you do that?

Well, don't let the facts get in the way of your constant lying LGBT propaganda machine. You know I said governor, not Lt. Governor (though she's a black republican, a growing phenomenon thanks in enormous part to blacks feelings about normal marriage and children...and your sick/twisted agenda being affixed to the democratic party like a malignant carbuncle)

Matt Bevin defeated Democrat Jack Conway to become Governor of Kentucky, the first Republican elected to that office in 44 years. He will replace Governor Steve Beshear.... Bevin won in part by rallying Evangelical Christians, and used the Kim Davis saga to successful effect, visiting the Rowan County Clerk and speaking at the rally supporting Davis the day she was freed from jail. Bevin called on Beshear to issue an executive order accommodating Davis’ wishes to not have to issue licenses to gay couples. Republican Matt Bevin, Who Backed Kim Davis to Rally Evangelicals, Elected Governor of Kentucky

By the way, this the first time you used the word 'governor' in your posts in this thread. I am sure you did elsewhere in your imagination but in reality you are full of shit. Too bad, so sad.
Oh please, Kim Davis has nothing to do with the Lt Governor being black and the alleged media blackout. Nobody gives a shit about who gets elected Lt. Gov outside of their respective states, even then most people do not care. This is just another lame attempt by you shoehorn your anti-gay obsession into every thread. Don't you have 40,000 whiny threads you've started where can you do that?

Well, don't let the facts get in the way of your constant lying LGBT propaganda machine. You know I said governor, not Lt. Governor (though she's a black republican, a growing phenomenon thanks in enormous part to blacks feelings about normal marriage and children...and your sick/twisted agenda being affixed to the democratic party like a malignant carbuncle)

Matt Bevin defeated Democrat Jack Conway to become Governor of Kentucky, the first Republican elected to that office in 44 years. He will replace Governor Steve Beshear.... Bevin won in part by rallying Evangelical Christians, and used the Kim Davis saga to successful effect, visiting the Rowan County Clerk and speaking at the rally supporting Davis the day she was freed from jail. Bevin called on Beshear to issue an executive order accommodating Davis’ wishes to not have to issue licenses to gay couples. Republican Matt Bevin, Who Backed Kim Davis to Rally Evangelicals, Elected Governor of Kentucky

This thread is about the Lt. Gov and has noting to do with gay marriage. Stop trying to shoehorn your into obsession into every thread.
Who did this black woman defeat? Was she win on her own or did she just "win" because she's on the Governor's ticket? For example, Condi Rice didn't win in 2004. Bush won and appointed her to a cabinet position. Condi herself didn't run for or win anything.

See why? She's a black, conservative REPUBLICAN! The media cannot tolerate this. It's against all they believe in.

Meet Jenean Hampton, First Black Statewide Officeholder in Kentucky @ Meet Jenean Hampton, First Black Statewide Officeholder in Kentucky

Because she didn't win anything. Her white boss did.

Hampton, who ran as the now Governor-elect Matt Bevin's running mate

So she didn't win anything. Maybe that's why the media didn't report on it.
Because she didn't win anything. Her white boss did.....Hampton, who ran as the now Governor-elect Matt Bevin's running mate....So she didn't win anything. Maybe that's why the media didn't report on it.

Yes, because I'm sure the media would love to advertise a black woman republican and the republican governor who snuggled up to Kim Davis right before the election...and won handily because of it. Purple Kentucky turns bright red for the first time in 44 years... Dems in KY? You can thank the other colors of the rainbow for that one..

And that darned Texas bathroom seems the cult got a bit overweening a bit too soon and people have had ENOUGH. A black woman republican personifies that middle voters are done with the twisted far left taking over the democratic party. That really is the long and the short of the story...that the media's long rainbow-arm is trying to shove down down down.
Interesting article:

Currently NO black governors.

Currently only two black Lt. governors...both republican.


How does that happen.

Both sides should address that one.
Why? Don't we want the best possible person in the job anymore. Black, white green whodafuck cares?
The point is the GOP is acting like they're the party for blacks just because one black woman is a lt gov in one red state. Bfd.

Do we even vote in lt govs or was she appointed by the white gov?
You don't know? Then why are you even here?
I come seeking truth and answers. You give me neither.

Are you a know it all?
I know how Lt Governors are elected.
Interesting article:

Currently NO black governors.

Currently only two black Lt. governors...both republican.


How does that happen.

Both sides should address that one.
Why? Don't we want the best possible person in the job anymore. Black, white green whodafuck cares?
The point is the GOP is acting like they're the party for blacks just because one black woman is a lt gov in one red state. Bfd.

Do we even vote in lt govs or was she appointed by the white gov?
You don't know? Then why are you even here?
I come seeking truth and answers. You give me neither.

Are you a know it all?
I know how Lt Governors are elected.
So again, another black you Republicans love showing off but in all reality, she was never even elected by Kentucky Republicans. She SERVES a White Republican Man. So bfd he's got a house mistress or cook who happens to be black. The implication was that she ran and won something. She was just on someone's ticket. My buddy is on some sheriffs ticket in next years election. If that guy wins, my friend may get a job from the man but my friend doesn't get to brag that he won an election. Most Kentuckians probably didn't even know he had a coon on his squad.

See why? She's a black, conservative REPUBLICAN! The media cannot tolerate this. It's against all they believe in.

Meet Jenean Hampton, First Black Statewide Officeholder in Kentucky @ Meet Jenean Hampton, First Black Statewide Officeholder in Kentucky
What I read here is that STILL no black has ever been elected to statewide office in Kentucky. Just like no black has ever been a Republican Presidential nominee let alone become president. Not like us liberals not only nominated a black he won!
Democrats have just over 1 year left to destroy the USA, after that it's all over for them. They lose the black vote, Trump deports their Illegal voters and ID will eliminate the non-living as their most dependable voting bloc

We're gonna have to deport our Mexicans to make room for the human tidal waves of third Arab Muslim shithole people that will soon arrive as a result of the endless bullshit wars waged in the Middle East.
You leftists are incredible.

You don't even bother to check out the woman's history and accomplishments.

Most important, she is one among many women of all races who have served in the military who are stepping up to serve in political offices. Hopefully, thousands more will do so and we can get this national back on the right track.


That's a captain in the USAF
You leftists are incredible.

You don't even bother to check out the woman's history and accomplishments.

Most important, she is one among many women of all races who have served in the military who are stepping up to serve in political offices. Hopefully, thousands more will do so and we can get this national back on the right track.


That's a captain in the USAF
So she's never worked in the private sector EVER? She's always sucked off the government tit. Got it.

Does she get 100% disability like John McCain?

Anyways, doesn't matter who the governor of Kentucky picked as his little buddy. Lets see the tea bagger win an election on her own in a red state. Not ride in on Steve Beshear's coat tails.
And just because 1 black is a tea bagger doesn't mean they should all be tea baggers. That's just as dumb as saying all blacks should always vote Democratic. No one says they should. We say they should based on the issues, if they are poor or middle class. If this girl is middle class, she's voting against her own financial interests. It's just that plain and simple. Same way I would be if I voted GOP. I'm not rich enough.

And white middle class voters aren't the only ones who fall for the libertarian/tea bagger bullshit. Whites don't have a monopoly on stupid.
Why? Don't we want the best possible person in the job anymore. Black, white green whodafuck cares?
The point is the GOP is acting like they're the party for blacks just because one black woman is a lt gov in one red state. Bfd.

Do we even vote in lt govs or was she appointed by the white gov?
You don't know? Then why are you even here?
I come seeking truth and answers. You give me neither.

Are you a know it all?
I know how Lt Governors are elected.
So again, another black you Republicans love showing off but in all reality, she was never even elected by Kentucky Republicans. She SERVES a White Republican Man. So bfd he's got a house mistress or cook who happens to be black. The implication was that she ran and won something. She was just on someone's ticket. My buddy is on some sheriffs ticket in next years election. If that guy wins, my friend may get a job from the man but my friend doesn't get to brag that he won an election. Most Kentuckians probably didn't even know he had a coon on his squad.
So Joe Biden is a servant in the obama White House? He had no effect on the election?
You are about the dumbest racist M'f'er on the damned board.
The point is the GOP is acting like they're the party for blacks just because one black woman is a lt gov in one red state. Bfd.

Do we even vote in lt govs or was she appointed by the white gov?
You don't know? Then why are you even here?
I come seeking truth and answers. You give me neither.

Are you a know it all?
I know how Lt Governors are elected.
So again, another black you Republicans love showing off but in all reality, she was never even elected by Kentucky Republicans. She SERVES a White Republican Man. So bfd he's got a house mistress or cook who happens to be black. The implication was that she ran and won something. She was just on someone's ticket. My buddy is on some sheriffs ticket in next years election. If that guy wins, my friend may get a job from the man but my friend doesn't get to brag that he won an election. Most Kentuckians probably didn't even know he had a coon on his squad.
So Joe Biden is a servant in the obama White House? He had no effect on the election?
You are about the dumbest racist M'f'er on the damned board.
It's not like a black has never won the presidency of the united States, just not any high office in Kentucky. Let me know when a black in kentucky wins on their own. I wont hold my breath. Joe biden didn't win two terms, Obama did. And I voted for that black man twice.

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