Median Household Incomes D O W N under Obama! I Do Mean D-O-W-N

Word, bitch.

LOL, awwwww, when you're so math challenged you can't do basic analysis...that's what low lifes do. They say NOTHING. :)

I'm rolling in the floor that you think you could read that graph.

Neither could mac-moron.

What year is it, stupid?

What years were in that graph? That's just for starters.

Yo, idiot Mac....still waiting for you to see how you failed to read the graph.

Secondly, waiting for you to look at the micro data.

But hey...we all know you're too stupid to do that.

Stick with being a stock broker dude.
Yo, it is from yet another source - MSNBC. You know....that right wing source. LMAO

Love watching what a fool you make of yourself.

Median household income down despite jump in Q2 GDP MSNBC

Alex Witt 08/30/14

Median household income down despite jump in Q2 GDP

Jared Bernstein, former Chief Economist for Vice President Biden and Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, joins Alex Witt to explain why the good news this week from the Commerce Department that U.S. corporations reached record profits in the second quarter means little for consumers.
Since Lone Loser and Mac are too stupid to read economic data, perhaps they'll listen to all those left wing sources above explain it to them.

Silly nutter. You live in a fantasy land. This thread was a huge fuck up by a lying loser. You took her side out of some kind of reflex.

Since I went on to prove she was completely correct, you're the nutter huge fuck up of a lying loser
Hey Mac, the sources used in that video I just posted are all left wing:

MSNBC, W Post, and Biden's economist.

I recommend everyone play the short explains it in very simple terms.

Mac - I've just trounced you once again, dude.

You really need to throw in the towel. Idiot.

As for Loner Loser, we've always known how hopeless you were on complex subjects.
Conservatives should be happy to see American incomes lower. Conservatives want us to compete in a global free market of labor costs. Low wage labor in America will get the jobs back from China won't it?

Despite manipulation of economic statistics by libs to pretend the economy is great, everyday Americans know better. There is malaise in the air. All Americans have to do is look at their own household incomes. Study after study shows those median incomes are down under Obama. Many say it's an average of about $4,000 less.

Obama s Economy We ve Fallen And We Can t Get Up -

"many say"? LOL, a typical use of a phrase, common to Fox News Talking heads and ditto heads:

The Appeal to Popularity has the following form:
  1. Most people approve of X (have favorable emotions towards X).
  2. Therefore X is true.
Silly nutter. You live in a fantasy land. This thread was a huge fuck up by a lying loser. You took her side out of some kind of reflex.

Since I went on to prove she was completely correct, you're the nutter huge fuck up of a lying loser

Hey Kaz. We all know how small LL's brain is when it comes to math, but are you used to seeing Mac show such ineptness when it comes to stats?

I keep giving sources from the left AND right that confirm what you and I are saying yet Mac is completely incapable of reading the stats.

Is that typical for him?
American labor is producing more, but just getting a smaller share:


That's a dream chart for the conservative anti-labor anti-union crowd.

So why are you trying to blame Obama for something YOU PEOPLE want?
Conservatives should be happy to see American incomes lower. Conservatives want us to compete in a global free market of labor costs. Low wage labor in America will get the jobs back from China won't it?


You are absolutely correct. Dumb bitch econchick is all for lower wages to make American corporations more competitive in that "global economy" all the right wingers love.

But when the wages DO come down (and that has been the right wing assholes goal for some time) then all of a sudden those same low wages are a problem.

What the fuck is wrong with people like an econochick? Why do people like her hate the American worker?
Conservatives should be happy to see American incomes lower. Conservatives want us to compete in a global free market of labor costs. Low wage labor in America will get the jobs back from China won't it?


We'll be happy when your hero is out of office since he screws up foreign policy AND the economy.

It's right there on the left sourced video I just played ya. :)
Conservatives should be happy to see American incomes lower. Conservatives want us to compete in a global free market of labor costs. Low wage labor in America will get the jobs back from China won't it?


You are absolutely correct. Dumb bitch econchick is all for lower wages to make American corporations more competitive in that "global economy" all the right wingers love.

But when the wages DO come down (and that has been the right wing assholes goal for some time) then all of a sudden those same low wages are a problem.

What the fuck is wrong with people like an econochick? Why do people like her hate the American worker?

Awwww, all the little union dittoheads that put the idiot in office are trying to deflect the mess he made with the economy.

Sorry, most Americans aren't as stupid as you are. LOL
Wait for it. Econo chick will soon be claiming that she is all for higher wages for American workers.And that there is no way that her ilk supports union busting and forcing wage concessions by having companies threaten to off shore American jobs.
Econbitch. You all for unions now? That's how wages are increased here in America. You all for unions now?
Conservatives should be happy to see American incomes lower. Conservatives want us to compete in a global free market of labor costs. Low wage labor in America will get the jobs back from China won't it?


You are absolutely correct. Dumb bitch econchick is all for lower wages to make American corporations more competitive in that "global economy" all the right wingers love.

But when the wages DO come down (and that has been the right wing assholes goal for some time) then all of a sudden those same low wages are a problem.

What the fuck is wrong with people like an econochick? Why do people like her hate the American worker?

Awwww, all the little union dittoheads that put the idiot in office are trying to deflect the mess he made with the economy.

Sorry, most Americans aren't as stupid as you are. LOL

Breaking unions, taking away bargaining rights, etc., all the sort of anti-labor initiatives that you support,

contribute to lower median incomes in America.

I guess you can't see the incongruity of your two positions, side by side.
Hey Mac, the sources used in that video I just posted are all left wing:

MSNBC, W Post, and Biden's economist.

I recommend everyone play the short explains it in very simple terms.

Mac - I've just trounced you once again, dude.

You really need to throw in the towel. Idiot.

As for Loner Loser, we've always known how hopeless you were on complex subjects.

Simple people like "very simple terms"; it's why conservatives rarely question dogma, doing so requires both research and thought - simply is easy.

See Wildman for an example.

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