Median Household Incomes D O W N under Obama! I Do Mean D-O-W-N

I'm not quiet. I'm just waiting for you to prove that median household income is down in 2014.

That...and I'm still laughing at you for being an economist who doesn't check the data sources that she uses. Too funny.

Here you go. Now you can show that as a man of integrity having been proved the truth you'll go on an Obama bashing rant about what a terrible job he's done for the typical American family.

Household Incomes Fall In August Down 8.2 Under Obama -

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the Recovery as During the Recession The Weekly Standard

Even liberal fact check: "America is still gaining jobs under President Obama, but millions more live in poverty, typical household incomes have not kept pace with inflation, and the federal debt is up nearly 90 percent and on pace to double before he leaves office. Stockholders, meanwhile, are far wealthier than they were the day he was sworn in."

Obama 8217 s Numbers October Update

Obama s Accelerating Downward Spiral For America - Forbes

Household income down 8.2 percent since Obama took office study shows Fox News

Ooops, this is like putting the ball so far outta the park even the Yankees would be afraid to hire ya. :)

You hit a ball out of the park. You don't put it. Maybe that's why you swing and miss do often.

I guess when you don't understand the complex topic at hand you look for the chip in my tie nail color...or try to find a misspelling....something small ball like that.

And I can "put" the ball somewhere if I want.

Typical Nazi Lib.
I'm not quiet. I'm just waiting for you to prove that median household income is down in 2014.

That...and I'm still laughing at you for being an economist who doesn't check the data sources that she uses. Too funny.

Here you go. Now you can show that as a man of integrity having been proved the truth you'll go on an Obama bashing rant about what a terrible job he's done for the typical American family.

Household Incomes Fall In August Down 8.2 Under Obama -

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the Recovery as During the Recession The Weekly Standard

Even liberal fact check: "America is still gaining jobs under President Obama, but millions more live in poverty, typical household incomes have not kept pace with inflation, and the federal debt is up nearly 90 percent and on pace to double before he leaves office. Stockholders, meanwhile, are far wealthier than they were the day he was sworn in."

Obama 8217 s Numbers October Update

Obama s Accelerating Downward Spiral For America - Forbes

Household income down 8.2 percent since Obama took office study shows Fox News

Ooops, this is like putting the ball so far outta the park even the Yankees would be afraid to hire ya. :)

You hit a ball out of the park. You don't put it. Maybe that's why you swing and miss do often.

I get it right all the time, shit for brains.

And you know it.

Or maybe you're too stupid to see it when people have to admit I'm right. LOL
I'm not quiet. I'm just waiting for you to prove that median household income is down in 2014.

That...and I'm still laughing at you for being an economist who doesn't check the data sources that she uses. Too funny.

Here you go. Now you can show that as a man of integrity having been proved the truth you'll go on an Obama bashing rant about what a terrible job he's done for the typical American family.

Household Incomes Fall In August Down 8.2 Under Obama -

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the Recovery as During the Recession The Weekly Standard

Even liberal fact check: "America is still gaining jobs under President Obama, but millions more live in poverty, typical household incomes have not kept pace with inflation, and the federal debt is up nearly 90 percent and on pace to double before he leaves office. Stockholders, meanwhile, are far wealthier than they were the day he was sworn in."

Obama 8217 s Numbers October Update

Obama s Accelerating Downward Spiral For America - Forbes

Household income down 8.2 percent since Obama took office study shows Fox News

Ooops, this is like putting the ball so far outta the park even the Yankees would be afraid to hire ya. :)

You hit a ball out of the park. You don't put it. Maybe that's why you swing and miss do often.

I like how you're the one who's balls got kicked in and you're the one back being snarky.

Didn't man up to admitting your challenge was wrong or the implication of that. I knew you had no manhood, I just gave you the chance to show it. Again...
I'm not quiet. I'm just waiting for you to prove that median household income is down in 2014.

That...and I'm still laughing at you for being an economist who doesn't check the data sources that she uses. Too funny.

Here you go. Now you can show that as a man of integrity having been proved the truth you'll go on an Obama bashing rant about what a terrible job he's done for the typical American family.

Household Incomes Fall In August Down 8.2 Under Obama -

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the Recovery as During the Recession The Weekly Standard

Even liberal fact check: "America is still gaining jobs under President Obama, but millions more live in poverty, typical household incomes have not kept pace with inflation, and the federal debt is up nearly 90 percent and on pace to double before he leaves office. Stockholders, meanwhile, are far wealthier than they were the day he was sworn in."

Obama 8217 s Numbers October Update

Obama s Accelerating Downward Spiral For America - Forbes

Household income down 8.2 percent since Obama took office study shows Fox News

Ooops, this is like putting the ball so far outta the park even the Yankees would be afraid to hire ya. :)

You hit a ball out of the park. You don't put it. Maybe that's why you swing and miss do often.

I like how you're the one who's balls got kicked in and you're the one back being snarky.

Didn't man up to admitting your challenge was wrong or the implication of that. I knew you had no manhood, I just gave you the chance to show it. Again...

Silly nutter. You live in a fantasy land. This thread was a huge fuck up by a lying loser. You took her side out of some kind of reflex.

I've made the case. The median household income is on the rise...has been for a few years now.

This is not even a challenge. My balls have been stroked in this thread. Feeling fine.
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Despite manipulation of economic statistics by libs to pretend the economy is great, everyday Americans know better. There is malaise in the air. All Americans have to do is look at their own household incomes. Study after study shows those median incomes are down under Obama. Many say it's an average of about $4,000 less.

Obama s Economy We ve Fallen And We Can t Get Up -
the simple idea that Obama is to blame for wages being lower is laughable at best. All one has to do is look at a minimum wage thread to understand that wages have been stale for decades. While the top % is going up and up.

I mean one could easily break down the whole rightwing talking points about having to earn you higher pay, but if wages are really down, does that mean the american public is just that lazy that they don't want to work for it? Or, is there something else at play here like others have been talking about for decades.

So remember folks, Income is down which is obama's fault, but when we talk about raising wages we can't do that other wise we will lose our collective shits over it. All the while complaining that inflation is killing people in the wallet..
Also, since IDB is quite well-known in the industry for its political slant, I thought I would go to the source, Sentier Research. According to the IDB piece, the growth/loss figures are inflation-adjusted, not gross, and I can't find that data yet. This graph provided by Sentier looks similar to the pattern in post 106, above, with MHI increasing over the last few years (the red line).

Also, the chart in post 106 clearly shows that the upper income strata has enjoyed a significantly higher rate of increase than the lower strata for quite some time.

My guess is that IDB is just being IDB, which is partisan right. And, as we all know, partisans give cherry-picked information and data whenever possible in order to push their agenda. Both ends of the spectrum.

Anyone in finance or economics knows to consult and carefully analyze several sources before making an observation, claim or prediction. Unless, of course, their only goal is to simply push their political agenda without regard to honesty. In that case, they're less of an economist and more just another partisan pundit.

Source: Sentier Medians and the Household Income Index HII

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Also, since IDB is quite well-known in the industry for its political slant, I thought I would go to the source, Sentier Research. According to the IDB piece, the growth/loss figures are inflation-adjusted, not gross, and I can't find that data yet. This graph provided by Sentier looks similar to the pattern in post 106, above, with MHI increasing over the last few years (the red line).

Also, the chart in post 106 clearly shows that the upper income strata has enjoyed a significantly higher rate of increase than the lower strata for quite some time.

My guess is that IDB is just being IDB, which is partisan right. And, as we all know, partisans give cherry-picked information and data whenever possible in order to push their agenda. Both ends of the spectrum.

Anyone in finance or economics knows to consult and carefully analyze several sources before making an observation, claim or prediction.

Source: Sentier Medians and the Household Income Index HII


Cool chart. I wish I had thought of going to the source like that. Well done.
Also, since IDB is quite well-known in the industry for its political slant, I thought I would go to the source, Sentier Research. According to the IDB piece, the growth/loss figures are inflation-adjusted, not gross, and I can't find that data yet. This graph provided by Sentier looks similar to the pattern in post 106, above, with MHI increasing over the last few years (the red line).

Also, the chart in post 106 clearly shows that the upper income strata has enjoyed a significantly higher rate of increase than the lower strata for quite some time.

My guess is that IDB is just being IDB, which is partisan right. And, as we all know, partisans give cherry-picked information and data whenever possible in order to push their agenda. Both ends of the spectrum.

Anyone in finance or economics knows to consult and carefully analyze several sources before making an observation, claim or prediction. Unless, of course, their only goal is to simply push their political agenda without regard to honesty. In that case, they're less of an economist and more just another partisan pundit.

Source: Sentier Medians and the Household Income Index HII


We all know you're a fucking idiot, mac. You're a flaming liberal who claims you don't fall on one side or the other.

Your use of statistics is mindnumbingly ignorant.

I started as a liberal being indoctrinated by the same academic idiots you're indoctrinated by.

Except I broke away from the brainwashing.

You have not.

Your stats are laughable.

And stop telling us you're not a liberal.

I'm not quiet. I'm just waiting for you to prove that median household income is down in 2014.

That...and I'm still laughing at you for being an economist who doesn't check the data sources that she uses. Too funny.

Here you go. Now you can show that as a man of integrity having been proved the truth you'll go on an Obama bashing rant about what a terrible job he's done for the typical American family.

Household Incomes Fall In August Down 8.2 Under Obama -

Incomes Have Dropped Twice as Much During the Recovery as During the Recession The Weekly Standard

Even liberal fact check: "America is still gaining jobs under President Obama, but millions more live in poverty, typical household incomes have not kept pace with inflation, and the federal debt is up nearly 90 percent and on pace to double before he leaves office. Stockholders, meanwhile, are far wealthier than they were the day he was sworn in."

Obama 8217 s Numbers October Update

Obama s Accelerating Downward Spiral For America - Forbes

Household income down 8.2 percent since Obama took office study shows Fox News

Ooops, this is like putting the ball so far outta the park even the Yankees would be afraid to hire ya. :)

You hit a ball out of the park. You don't put it. Maybe that's why you swing and miss do often.

I like how you're the one who's balls got kicked in and you're the one back being snarky.

Didn't man up to admitting your challenge was wrong or the implication of that. I knew you had no manhood, I just gave you the chance to show it. Again...

Silly nutter. You live in a fantasy land. This thread was a huge fuck up by a lying loser. You took her side out of some kind of reflex.

I've made the case. The median household income is on the rise...has been for a few years now.

This is not even a challenge. My balls have been stroked in this thread. Feeling fine.

I can't help you can't read the thread title, shit for brains.


Obama has never come to close to the median income under Bush.

That's what this thread is about. You want a different subject, start your own thread.

  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz

Here dummy. This is the summary of the data:

Economy: Household incomes are still down 4.4% since the recession ended four years ago. Meanwhile, the unemployment picture may be even worse than we think. The Obama "recovery" continues to impress.
According to a report released this week by Sentier Research, the inflation-adjusted median household income remains $2,380 below where it stood when the Obama "recovery" officially started in June 2009 — a drop of 4.4%.
Sentier's monthly data, derived from the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey, show that incomes fell more in the year after the recovery started than it did during the recession itself. And household incomes have basically flat-lined ever since.
"As the unemployment rate and the duration of unemployment remained high," the authors note, "median annual household income continued its decline."
The picture gets even grimmer the deeper you dive into the data. The most vulnerable groups — blacks, Hispanics, female-headed families and the young — have fared far worse under Obama than everyone else.

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Obama s Economy We ve Fallen And We Can t Get Up -
Also, since IDB is quite well-known in the industry for its political slant, I thought I would go to the source, Sentier Research. According to the IDB piece, the growth/loss figures are inflation-adjusted, not gross, and I can't find that data yet. This graph provided by Sentier looks similar to the pattern in post 106, above, with MHI increasing over the last few years (the red line).

Also, the chart in post 106 clearly shows that the upper income strata has enjoyed a significantly higher rate of increase than the lower strata for quite some time.

My guess is that IDB is just being IDB, which is partisan right. And, as we all know, partisans give cherry-picked information and data whenever possible in order to push their agenda. Both ends of the spectrum.

Anyone in finance or economics knows to consult and carefully analyze several sources before making an observation, claim or prediction.

Source: Sentier Medians and the Household Income Index HII


Cool chart. I wish I had thought of going to the source like that. Well done.

LOL, you're too stupid to know how to read graphs. You don't even know which graphs to read. LOL
LOL, I'm waiting for mac to figure out what he screwed up.

What a dunce.
Also, since IDB is quite well-known in the industry for its political slant, I thought I would go to the source, Sentier Research. According to the IDB piece, the growth/loss figures are inflation-adjusted, not gross, and I can't find that data yet. This graph provided by Sentier looks similar to the pattern in post 106, above, with MHI increasing over the last few years (the red line).

Also, the chart in post 106 clearly shows that the upper income strata has enjoyed a significantly higher rate of increase than the lower strata for quite some time.

My guess is that IDB is just being IDB, which is partisan right. And, as we all know, partisans give cherry-picked information and data whenever possible in order to push their agenda. Both ends of the spectrum.

Anyone in finance or economics knows to consult and carefully analyze several sources before making an observation, claim or prediction. Unless, of course, their only goal is to simply push their political agenda without regard to honesty. In that case, they're less of an economist and more just another partisan pundit.

Source: Sentier Medians and the Household Income Index HII


We all know you're a fucking idiot, mac. You're a flaming liberal who claims you don't fall on one side or the other.

Your use of statistics is mindnumbingly ignorant.

I started as a liberal being indoctrinated by the same academic idiots you're indoctrinated by.

Except I broke away from the brainwashing.

You have not.

Your stats are laughable.

And stop telling us you're not a liberal.

you literally said nothing
LOL at Loser acting like he knows how to read the graphs. OMG, I'm rolling in the floor from laughter.


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