Median Household Incomes D O W N under Obama! I Do Mean D-O-W-N


Yo mac, where'd ya run off to.

I'm still waiting for the light to go off, hun.

Remember when I tried to teach you dumb asses about weighting???

Median Household Incomes D O W N under Obama!

That's been part of the GOP plan for the last 20 years. Everyone knows that.
And thanks for bumping this thread.....having this title on the first page is exactly my goal.....damn you're a useful idiot, LL.

You hope that the thread gets long so people don't bother looking at the beginning......when you made an ass of yourself. I get it.

I don't care how long it long as the title is in people's faces.

And your WORD'g my thread does exactly that.

Damn, not only are you stupid at math, but you don't even listen when I try to teach you other little facets of information wars, LOL.
The only one making an ass of themselves is you loner loser....and mac...but mac will finally get it. You won't.
You think this thread title being seen by USMB members is going to sway the election? Is that it?

Here try reading this....this has lot less math for you to try to process, dummy:

The Presidential race is boiling down to one dominant issue: which party's policies will do more to help the financially stressed American middle class. President Obama's campaign theme is that Mitt Romney and the Republicans cater to the rich, while Mr. Obama cares about struggling families.

He may care, but he sure hasn't done much for them. New income data from the Census Bureau, tabulated by former Census income specialists at the nonpartisan economic consulting firm Sentier Research, reveal that the three-and-a-half years of the Obama Presidency have done enormous harm to middle-class households................................
I'd love to stay and hold you and mac's hand, Loner Loser....but gotta go....

Mac ran off and you're not trainable.....goodness I did try, LOL...

Buh bye.....I have at least another dozen articles I'll be pulling out saying the same thing.

Gawd you're so fun to fuck with.
Also, since IDB is quite well-known in the industry for its political slant, I thought I would go to the source, Sentier Research. According to the IDB piece, the growth/loss figures are inflation-adjusted, not gross, and I can't find that data yet. This graph provided by Sentier looks similar to the pattern in post 106, above, with MHI increasing over the last few years (the red line).

Also, the chart in post 106 clearly shows that the upper income strata has enjoyed a significantly higher rate of increase than the lower strata for quite some time.

My guess is that IDB is just being IDB, which is partisan right. And, as we all know, partisans give cherry-picked information and data whenever possible in order to push their agenda. Both ends of the spectrum.

Anyone in finance or economics knows to consult and carefully analyze several sources before making an observation, claim or prediction. Unless, of course, their only goal is to simply push their political agenda without regard to honesty. In that case, they're less of an economist and more just another partisan pundit.

Source: Sentier Medians and the Household Income Index HII


We all know you're a fucking idiot, mac. You're a flaming liberal who claims you don't fall on one side or the other.

Your use of statistics is mindnumbingly ignorant.

I started as a liberal being indoctrinated by the same academic idiots you're indoctrinated by.

Except I broke away from the brainwashing.

You have not.

Your stats are laughable.

And stop telling us you're not a liberal.


Funny, I have hardcore left winger BillyERock1991 calling me a right wing idiot in another thread.

You folks are a hoot, seriously.

I provided (1) Census Bureau data and (2) data taken directly from the study sourced in the IDB opinion piece. The piece you sourced.

You have provided (1) IDB's dependably conservative interpretation of part of the study and (2) your traditional posing, preening, personal insults and name-calling.

Yeah, I'm pretty happy with that.

As I understand it, you're an economics student or some kind of trainee in economics. If you're going to take economic positions like this, where you transparently hang your proverbial hat on one badly biased source, I'm assuming that you're not planning on being taken seriously as a traditional economist. Are you planning on being a "pundit", someone who has some kind of basic credentialing and then goes on political talk shows to push your hardcore partisan agenda? Goodness knows, there aren't enough of those people running around.

Because after observing your posts and your behavior here, that has to be the assumption. You're clearly incapable of, or unwilling to engage in, careful, dispassionate analysis.

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Income will remain down as long as educate cost is high and illegals are employed and companies and individuals hire them, and they are allowed to operate as self employed...
But this problem is not just Oblama's doing since every president since Carter has had this problem. It will never go away since that is how the rich want it played out...
But if it makes you feel superior(?) or sedate to blame just one person, by all means do, it shows us your true single minded focus...

It was all Bush's fault but with the Obama Admin. no one is to blame because everyone is at fault.

Oh, and dumb ass....very few people have ever heard of the LEFT leaning organization you used to continue your HACK posts.

But more importantly, if you actually knew how to read data, you'd see the problems right in their report.


My favorite post in this thread. The left leaning organization I used to continue my HACK posts!!!

I assume LL stands for LoneLaugher? I put that dumb bitch on ignore. All she does is troll and bait you with bullshit questions.

The forum is much more enjoyable without her nonsense.

LMAO. In other words, please don't ask you questions and disturb your hard earned fantasies. You and chicky babe like living with your heads up your asses.
I assume LL stands for LoneLaugher? I put that dumb bitch on ignore. All she does is troll and bait you with bullshit questions.

The forum is much more enjoyable without her nonsense.

LMAO. In other words, please don't ask you questions and disturb your hard earned fantasies. You and chicky babe like living with your heads up your asses.

The weird thing.......Gramps and I have discussed my gender on more than one occasion. He must have some recall issues.
I assume LL stands for LoneLaugher? I put that dumb bitch on ignore. All she does is troll and bait you with bullshit questions.

The forum is much more enjoyable without her nonsense.

LMAO. In other words, please don't ask you questions and disturb your hard earned fantasies. You and chicky babe like living with your heads up your asses.

The weird thing.......Gramps and I have discussed my gender on more than one occasion. He must have some recall issues.

To much bong work for gramps?
Despite manipulation of economic statistics by libs to pretend the economy is great, everyday Americans know better. There is malaise in the air. All Americans have to do is look at their own household incomes. Study after study shows those median incomes are down under Obama. Many say it's an average of about $4,000 less.

Obama s Economy We ve Fallen And We Can t Get Up -

Don't forget who runs the peoples house - HoR.

They write the tax code that continues to trickle money UPWARDS.

Also, since IDB is quite well-known in the industry for its political slant, I thought I would go to the source, Sentier Research. According to the IDB piece, the growth/loss figures are inflation-adjusted, not gross, and I can't find that data yet. This graph provided by Sentier looks similar to the pattern in post 106, above, with MHI increasing over the last few years (the red line).

Also, the chart in post 106 clearly shows that the upper income strata has enjoyed a significantly higher rate of increase than the lower strata for quite some time.

My guess is that IDB is just being IDB, which is partisan right. And, as we all know, partisans give cherry-picked information and data whenever possible in order to push their agenda. Both ends of the spectrum.

Anyone in finance or economics knows to consult and carefully analyze several sources before making an observation, claim or prediction. Unless, of course, their only goal is to simply push their political agenda without regard to honesty. In that case, they're less of an economist and more just another partisan pundit.

Source: Sentier Medians and the Household Income Index HII


We all know you're a fucking idiot, mac. You're a flaming liberal who claims you don't fall on one side or the other.

Your use of statistics is mindnumbingly ignorant.

I started as a liberal being indoctrinated by the same academic idiots you're indoctrinated by.

Except I broke away from the brainwashing.

You have not.

Your stats are laughable.

And stop telling us you're not a liberal.


Funny, I have hardcore left winger BillyERock1991 calling me a right wing idiot in another thread.

You folks are a hoot, seriously.

I provided (1) Census Bureau data and (2) data taken directly from the study sourced in the IDB opinion piece. The piece you sourced.

You have provided (1) IDB's dependably conservative interpretation of part of the study and (2) your traditional posing, preening, personal insults and name-calling.

Yeah, I'm pretty happy with that.

As I understand it, you're an economics student or some kind of trainee in economics. If you're going to take economic positions like this, where you transparently hang your proverbial hat on one badly biased source, I'm assuming that you're not planning on being taken seriously as a traditional economist. Are you planning on being a "pundit", someone who has some kind of basic credentialing and then goes on political talk shows to push your hardcore partisan agenda? Goodness knows, there aren't enough of those people running around.

Because after observing your posts and your behavior here, that has to be the assumption. You're clearly incapable of, or unwilling to engage in, careful, dispassionate analysis.


Yo, dumbass, you're too fucking stupid to even see what years you showed in the graph.

You need to stick to wheeezling people out of money with your stock brokerage job.

I'm a trainee? No, shit for brains, masters in econ and partially through the doctorate. Your econ training? ZEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I can't help what uneducated morons you and Loner Loser are.


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