Medical Journal Suggests Loss of Employment for Any Person Who Refuses to Take COVID-19 Vaccine

It shouldn`t be difficult to have a data base of everyone who has had the vaccine. Employers won`t need to ask. Its also a way of finding out if the job applicant has a measurable IQ.

That's assuming you consider violating multiple laws and people's civil rights to be "not difficult".

Your post is also a way of finding out if you have a measurable IQ. Clearly, the answer is no.
This pressure of private businesses has been going on for a century in Canada. Instead of health officials, it's covert police on behalf of the government and/or their "gang".

Welcome to your future. So many wanted to move to Canada, but it seems you are importing the rest of the worlds socialists ways. As I've screamed 1000x, even to some heavy hitters on twitter who understand history, "the worst aspect of socialism is not economic...."

Welcome to centralized, unrelenting power. We are seeing it unfolding across the West due to this pandemic like never before.

Hopefully our Constitution with its 10th Amendment will retard the growth of a 'centralized, unrelenting power'. I can't figure out how so many people ignore the fact, in all of our history, that absolute power crushes humanity and is inherently corrupt.

Because people tend to think THEY will be immune to that law if they have the power.
It shouldn`t be difficult to have a data base of everyone who has had the vaccine. Employers won`t need to ask. Its also a way of finding out if the job applicant has a measurable IQ.

What of the people who take the vaccine when they were completely healthy and then 15 years down the road they are told by their doctor, "remember that vaccine that we gave you that was developed in China (or some other low wage shytehole), well, it turns out we didn't do the necessary 10 year case study and unfortunately you have _____________ problem because of it".

What would their I.Q be?
Yes, buts it's all still just a distraction.
Pretty much every post by Conservatives here complains about some leftist atrocity or injustice........

BUT none of these are random or arbitrary. They are the result of extremely well thought out, well planned strategies taking in consideration human emotions.

Every one of these posts actually points back to Agenda21 but the vast majority of people STILL don't get it.
They will keep guessing until they read the document below and undertand the How, why and when. It's all there.
Until they're read this, most are just shooting from the hip with no idea how organized this movement against America really is
Medical Journal Suggests Loss of Employment for Any Person Who Refuses to Take COVID-19 Vaccine

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine has suggested that “substantive penalties” be used to enforce compliance in taking the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine, including loss of employment.

The journal published an article on June 26 titled, “Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.” They suggested that the suspension of employment would be a less coercive manner of enforcing vaccine compliance than fines or other criminal penalties.

The report states that “state mandates should not be structured as compulsory vaccination (absolute requirements); instead, noncompliance should incur a penalty.”

Latest: ANTIFA Throws What Appears to be a BOMB At the Hatfield Federal Courthouse

“Nevertheless, because of the infectiousness and dangerousness of the virus, relatively substantive penalties could be justified, including employment suspension or stay-at-home orders for persons in designated high-priority groups who refuse vaccination. Neither fines nor criminal penalties should be used, however; fines disadvantage the poor, and criminal penalties invite legal challenges on procedural due-process grounds. Both are bad public health policy for a Covid-19 vaccine because they may stoke distrust without improving uptake,” the report continues.

The authors of the report are particularly perturbed that fewer than half of Americans plan to get the COVID-19 inoculation when it is available. They are focused on public policy proposal that would coerce more Americans into getting stuck with the shot.

What country do we live in again?

Medical Fascism.

The situation is that across the World how many peoples die EVERY year from the flu? About the same as COVID-19 and for often the SAME reason they are old or they already are sick and have weak immune systems. The majority of healthy peoples who get the flu do not die from it, they recover, about the same as COVID-19 which has a 96% recovery rate for healthy peoples.

We do NOT FORCE ENTIRE populations to have the flu vaccine OR lose their job. We do NOT say that an ENTIRE population has to have the flu vaccine because for eg. 200.000 have died from the flu. What we do is we already vaccinate the At Risk groups which are the old and the already sick with weak immune systems.

Logic dictates that with COVID-19 the ONLY ones who should be mandatory vaccinated are the old and the already sick with weak immune systems and like with the flu IF those two At Risk groups are vaccinated then the chance of getting COVID-19 diminishes rapidly.

But we know from the beginning Logic has played NO part in all of this. Never in HISTORY have we quarantined HEALTHY peoples, you ONLY quarantine the ALREADY sick and those who are At Risk like old peoples.

There have been previous Pandemics, for example in the 1950s between 1957-1958 there was an Asian Flu Pandemic again like nearly ALL these things it originated in China and then spread and killed approx 1 millions but there was NO World Wide lockdown, certain things were closed but it was not across the board like the insane lockdown we all have had. When a vaccine became available peoples were NOT FORCED to have it OR lose their jobs.

In 1968 again the World could thank China for giving it The Hong Kong Flu and this between 1968-1968 killed approx between 1 millions to 4 millions across the World and the majority of the deaths were in the group 65 years and older. The reproduction rate of The Hong Kong Flu was about the SAME as COVID-19 it was 1.80 but there was NO World Wide lockdown. When a vaccine became available peoples were NOT FORCED to have it OR lose their jobs.

And so if we look at the 1957-1958 Asian Flu Pandemic and the death rate and the vaccine reaction and we look at the 1968-1969 Hong Kong Flu Pandemic and the death rate and the vaccine reaction and we look at the COVID-19 death rate and the vaccine reaction of IF you do NOT have the vaccine you lose your job then what are we to conclude?

The only logical conclusion is that there is with COVID-19 an ulterior motive, the first indication of this ulterior motive has been unlike previous Pandemics they are HAPPY to risk the COLLAPSE of the ENTIRE Western Economy and with that HUNDREDS of MILLIONS UNEMPLOYED, they are ALREADY beginning to DEMAND ANOTHER total LOCKDOWN which would CERTAINLY DESTROY the ENTIRE Western Economy and literally make HUNDREDS of MILLIONS UNEMPLOYED and UNLIKE EVERY other Pandemic that the World has had they are saying that you will be FORCED to get the vaccine OR you will be PERSONALLY RUINED, you will lose your job, probably lose your house because mortgage payments cannot be paid, you will not be able to buy enough food to feed your family because your finances are now limited to either Welfare OR spending ALL your savings. The Medical Fascists will effectively then be holding a gun to someones head - get the vaccine OR starve.

Considering they are obsessed with tracking every human available, so they know what they are doing, who they are seeing, where they are going, what they are buying etc they obviously will have a tracking system as to who has been vaccinated couple this with the fanatical push to have a Cashless Society where they want every human chipped with ALL personal information in the chip and where if you buy something they will just scan your hand or whatever and that's the automatic payment and then you can see where all of this is heading:

TOTAL Government CONTROL of EVERY human being.

With the Cancel Culture thing we can see that can be developed into what China already has The Social Credit Score. This where IF you do something OR say something that the Authority deems Wrong Do or Wrong Think then you get Negative marks and when like in China you get Negative marks you are DEPRIVED of certain things, these things could be you are now NOT allowed to go to restaurants or the cinema or visit parks or other recreation things, these things could ALSO mean that when you go out to buy food and your hand is scanned the payment is REFUSED and considering there would be no other alternative method of paying as cash would have been abolished you would have no way of feeding yourself.

Governments need to throw these Medical Fascists overboard, they are IF given the opportunity put the Western World onto the slippery slope to the WORST type of Tyranny. Governments need to ONLY use basic common sense and TRUST their populations to also use basic common sense, which is EXACTLY what Governments and populations did throughout history whenever we have had these Pandemics.

Also in modern history as MOST of these Pandemics have originated in China then perhaps the Western World should just quarantine China, put China on Severe Lockdown, sever ALL links on EVERY LEVEL with China, DEPORT ALL Chinese BACK to China and PERMANENTLY ban ALL flights to and from China. To me the Western World would benefit GREATLY from the DEMISE of China and it's influence.
Last edited:
Yes, buts it's all still just a distraction.
Pretty much every post by Conservatives here complains about some leftist atrocity or injustice........

BUT none of these are random or arbitrary. They are the result of extremely well thought out, well planned strategies taking in consideration human emotions.

Every one of these posts actually points back to Agenda21 but the vast majority of people STILL don't get it.
They will keep guessing until they read the document below and undertand the How, why and when. It's all there.
Until they're read this, most are just shooting from the hip with no idea how organized this movement against America really is
John Birch Society? :laughing0301:
Yes, buts it's all still just a distraction.
Pretty much every post by Conservatives here complains about some leftist atrocity or injustice........

BUT none of these are random or arbitrary. They are the result of extremely well thought out, well planned strategies taking in consideration human emotions.

Every one of these posts actually points back to Agenda21 but the vast majority of people STILL don't get it.
They will keep guessing until they read the document below and undertand the How, why and when. It's all there.
Until they're read this, most are just shooting from the hip with no idea how organized this movement against America really is
John Birch Society?

DEMOCRATS :laughing0301:
It shouldn`t be difficult to have a data base of everyone who has had the vaccine. Employers won`t need to ask. Its also a way of finding out if the job applicant has a measurable IQ.

That's assuming you consider violating multiple laws and people's civil rights to be "not difficult".

Your post is also a way of finding out if you have a measurable IQ. Clearly, the answer is no.

the issue can be mediated by state laws ----for various
professions ----and various types of jobs---ie DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
Yes, buts it's all still just a distraction.
Pretty much every post by Conservatives here complains about some leftist atrocity or injustice........

BUT none of these are random or arbitrary. They are the result of extremely well thought out, well planned strategies taking in consideration human emotions.

Every one of these posts actually points back to Agenda21 but the vast majority of people STILL don't get it.
They will keep guessing until they read the document below and undertand the How, why and when. It's all there.
Until they're read this, most are just shooting from the hip with no idea how organized this movement against America really is
John Birch Society? :laughing0301:

Why laugh at a truth you are too lazy to seek out?

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Yes, buts it's all still just a distraction.
Pretty much every post by Conservatives here complains about some leftist atrocity or injustice........

BUT none of these are random or arbitrary. They are the result of extremely well thought out, well planned strategies taking in consideration human emotions.

Every one of these posts actually points back to Agenda21 but the vast majority of people STILL don't get it.
They will keep guessing until they read the document below and undertand the How, why and when. It's all there.
Until they're read this, most are just shooting from the hip with no idea how organized this movement against America really is
John Birch Society? :laughing0301:

Why laugh at a truth you are too lazy to seek out?

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

God Bless good people like you who know better

We are at war and they laugh because they know most are still unaware.
Yes, buts it's all still just a distraction.
Pretty much every post by Conservatives here complains about some leftist atrocity or injustice........

BUT none of these are random or arbitrary. They are the result of extremely well thought out, well planned strategies taking in consideration human emotions.

Every one of these posts actually points back to Agenda21 but the vast majority of people STILL don't get it.
They will keep guessing until they read the document below and undertand the How, why and when. It's all there.
Until they're read this, most are just shooting from the hip with no idea how organized this movement against America really is
John Birch Society? :laughing0301:

Why laugh at a truth you are too lazy to seek out?

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

God Bless good people like you who know better

We are at war and they laugh because they know most are still unaware.

I'v been following these things for 3 decades.
Medical Journal Suggests Loss of Employment for Any Person Who Refuses to Take COVID-19 Vaccine

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine has suggested that “substantive penalties” be used to enforce compliance in taking the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine, including loss of employment.

The journal published an article on June 26 titled, “Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.” They suggested that the suspension of employment would be a less coercive manner of enforcing vaccine compliance than fines or other criminal penalties.

The report states that “state mandates should not be structured as compulsory vaccination (absolute requirements); instead, noncompliance should incur a penalty.”

Latest: ANTIFA Throws What Appears to be a BOMB At the Hatfield Federal Courthouse

“Nevertheless, because of the infectiousness and dangerousness of the virus, relatively substantive penalties could be justified, including employment suspension or stay-at-home orders for persons in designated high-priority groups who refuse vaccination. Neither fines nor criminal penalties should be used, however; fines disadvantage the poor, and criminal penalties invite legal challenges on procedural due-process grounds. Both are bad public health policy for a Covid-19 vaccine because they may stoke distrust without improving uptake,” the report continues.

The authors of the report are particularly perturbed that fewer than half of Americans plan to get the COVID-19 inoculation when it is available. They are focused on public policy proposal that would coerce more Americans into getting stuck with the shot.

What country do we live in again?

At the End all vaccine dissents get murdered by police or troops.
Finally humanity dies.
Medical Journal Suggests Loss of Employment for Any Person Who Refuses to Take COVID-19 Vaccine

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine has suggested that “substantive penalties” be used to enforce compliance in taking the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine, including loss of employment.

The journal published an article on June 26 titled, “Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.” They suggested that the suspension of employment would be a less coercive manner of enforcing vaccine compliance than fines or other criminal penalties.

The report states that “state mandates should not be structured as compulsory vaccination (absolute requirements); instead, noncompliance should incur a penalty.”

Latest: ANTIFA Throws What Appears to be a BOMB At the Hatfield Federal Courthouse

“Nevertheless, because of the infectiousness and dangerousness of the virus, relatively substantive penalties could be justified, including employment suspension or stay-at-home orders for persons in designated high-priority groups who refuse vaccination. Neither fines nor criminal penalties should be used, however; fines disadvantage the poor, and criminal penalties invite legal challenges on procedural due-process grounds. Both are bad public health policy for a Covid-19 vaccine because they may stoke distrust without improving uptake,” the report continues.

The authors of the report are particularly perturbed that fewer than half of Americans plan to get the COVID-19 inoculation when it is available. They are focused on public policy proposal that would coerce more Americans into getting stuck with the shot.

What country do we live in again?

At the End all vaccine dissents get murdered by police or troops.
Finally humanity dies.

Integrity has a price.
Medical Journal Suggests Loss of Employment for Any Person Who Refuses to Take COVID-19 Vaccine

An article in the New England Journal of Medicine has suggested that “substantive penalties” be used to enforce compliance in taking the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine, including loss of employment.

The journal published an article on June 26 titled, “Ensuring Uptake of Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.” They suggested that the suspension of employment would be a less coercive manner of enforcing vaccine compliance than fines or other criminal penalties.

The report states that “state mandates should not be structured as compulsory vaccination (absolute requirements); instead, noncompliance should incur a penalty.”

Latest: ANTIFA Throws What Appears to be a BOMB At the Hatfield Federal Courthouse

“Nevertheless, because of the infectiousness and dangerousness of the virus, relatively substantive penalties could be justified, including employment suspension or stay-at-home orders for persons in designated high-priority groups who refuse vaccination. Neither fines nor criminal penalties should be used, however; fines disadvantage the poor, and criminal penalties invite legal challenges on procedural due-process grounds. Both are bad public health policy for a Covid-19 vaccine because they may stoke distrust without improving uptake,” the report continues.

The authors of the report are particularly perturbed that fewer than half of Americans plan to get the COVID-19 inoculation when it is available. They are focused on public policy proposal that would coerce more Americans into getting stuck with the shot.

What country do we live in again?

At the End all vaccine dissents get murdered by police or troops.
Finally humanity dies.

Integrity has a price.

Of course.
The NWO's vaccine exterminates humanity
Hopefully our Constitution with its 10th Amendment will retard the growth of a 'centralized, unrelenting power'. I can't figure out how so many people ignore the fact, in all of our history, that absolute power crushes humanity and is inherently corrupt.

Because people tend to think THEY will be immune to that law if they have the power.

Unfortunately, I think you're right.
Soooo, 99.99% of the people all take the vaccine protecting them, but the 0.01% who don't take it are still such a threat to society they should be stamped out like a bug?

Gee, you've just made my mind up for me: anything the system wants me to do THAT BADLY they are willing to murder me over if I don't comply, I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO RESIST DOING WITH EVERY LAST FIBER OF MY BEING!

Glad one person is still thinking here. Why would they be so hell bent in giving everyone the needle over a 99.8% survival rate disease? People who don't vaccinate are taking their own chances, as they should be able to. If concern for life and the immune compromised were the reason why would Gates and the FDA establishment be pushing cancer-causing Round-up from GMO foods on us? It is utterly laughable anyone thinking it is our best interests that they have in mind.

There is a very good explanation, if you can handle going down this dark road, but why would the following technology be already developed by Defense Department and ready to go about the same time the vaccine is?


End Game: Dr. Warns of Plan to Use DARPA Technology in Vaccine as Control Platform for Humans

Dr. Carrie Madej, is a Internal Medicine Specialist in McDonough, GA and has over 19 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Kansas City Univ Of Medicine Bioscience College Of Osteopathic Medicine medical school in 2001. She is affiliated with medical facilities Piedmont Fayette Hospital and Southern Regional Medical Center. She warns of a hellish plan to control humans through hydrogel technology, already developed, inserted with vaccines, which will become part of the body and provide a lifetime feedback mechanism for total control of humans connected to an artificial intelligence platform.

Dr. Madej at the end of her scholarly presentation laments: "This is real."

Defense One (defense industry magazine):

"Why are pandemics so hard to stop? Often it’s because the disease moves faster than people can be tested for it. The Defense Department is helping to fund a new study to determine whether an under-the-skin biosensor can help trackers keep up — by detecting flu-like infections even before their symptoms begin to show. Its maker, Profusa, says the sensor is on track to try for FDA approval by early next year…. "
Coronavirus Gives A Dangerous Boost To DARPA’s Darkest Agenda:

"Most of these technologies garnering positive media coverage thanks to Covid-19 were developed several years ago. They include the DARPA-funded platforms used to produce DNA and RNA vaccines, classes of vaccine that has never been approved for human use in the U.S. and involve injecting foreign genetic material into the human body. Notably, it is this very class of vaccine, now being produced by DARPA-partnered companies, that billionaire and global health “philanthropist” Bill Gates recently asserted has him “most excited” relative to other Covid-19 vaccine candidates. Yet, key aspects regarding these vaccines and other DARPA “healthcare” initiatives have been left out of these recent positive reports, likely because they provide a window into what is arguably the agency’s darkest agenda."
(Dr. Carrie Madej, Medical biography) (Hydrogels)

The current CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu at about 99.9%

Video at Bitchute: Data Dumper

Hopefully our Constitution with its 10th Amendment will retard the growth of a 'centralized, unrelenting power'. I can't figure out how so many people ignore the fact, in all of our history, that absolute power crushes humanity and is inherently corrupt.

Because people tend to think THEY will be immune to that law if they have the power.

Unfortunately, I think you're right.

That's humans for you.
Soooo, 99.99% of the people all take the vaccine protecting them, but the 0.01% who don't take it are still such a threat to society they should be stamped out like a bug?

Gee, you've just made my mind up for me: anything the system wants me to do THAT BADLY they are willing to murder me over if I don't comply, I HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO RESIST DOING WITH EVERY LAST FIBER OF MY BEING!

Glad one person is still thinking here. Why would they be so hell bent in giving everyone the needle over a 99.8% survival rate disease? People who don't vaccinate are taking their own chances, as they should be able to. If concern for life and the immune compromised were the reason why would Gates and the FDA establishment be pushing cancer-causing Round-up from GMO foods on us? It is utterly laughable anyone thinking it is our best interests that they have in mind.

There is a very good explanation, if you can handle going down this dark road, but why would the following technology be already developed by Defense Department and ready to go about the same time the vaccine is?


End Game: Dr. Warns of Plan to Use DARPA Technology in Vaccine as Control Platform for Humans

Dr. Carrie Madej, is a Internal Medicine Specialist in McDonough, GA and has over 19 years of experience in the medical field. She graduated from Kansas City Univ Of Medicine Bioscience College Of Osteopathic Medicine medical school in 2001. She is affiliated with medical facilities Piedmont Fayette Hospital and Southern Regional Medical Center. She warns of a hellish plan to control humans through hydrogel technology, already developed, inserted with vaccines, which will become part of the body and provide a lifetime feedback mechanism for total control of humans connected to an artificial intelligence platform.

Dr. Madej at the end of her scholarly presentation laments: "This is real."

Defense One (defense industry magazine):

"Why are pandemics so hard to stop? Often it’s because the disease moves faster than people can be tested for it. The Defense Department is helping to fund a new study to determine whether an under-the-skin biosensor can help trackers keep up — by detecting flu-like infections even before their symptoms begin to show. Its maker, Profusa, says the sensor is on track to try for FDA approval by early next year…. "
Coronavirus Gives A Dangerous Boost To DARPA’s Darkest Agenda:

"Most of these technologies garnering positive media coverage thanks to Covid-19 were developed several years ago. They include the DARPA-funded platforms used to produce DNA and RNA vaccines, classes of vaccine that has never been approved for human use in the U.S. and involve injecting foreign genetic material into the human body. Notably, it is this very class of vaccine, now being produced by DARPA-partnered companies, that billionaire and global health “philanthropist” Bill Gates recently asserted has him “most excited” relative to other Covid-19 vaccine candidates. Yet, key aspects regarding these vaccines and other DARPA “healthcare” initiatives have been left out of these recent positive reports, likely because they provide a window into what is arguably the agency’s darkest agenda."
(Dr. Carrie Madej, Medical biography) (Hydrogels)

The current CDC survival rate of all people who get COVID-19 is about 99.8%, versus flu at about 99.9%

Video at Bitchute: Data Dumper

Now you've done it. Prepare for crucifixtion. :bow3:
It shouldn`t be difficult to have a data base of everyone who has had the vaccine. Employers won`t need to ask. Its also a way of finding out if the job applicant has a measurable IQ.

What of the people who take the vaccine when they were completely healthy and then 15 years down the road they are told by their doctor, "remember that vaccine that we gave you that was developed in China (or some other low wage shytehole), well, it turns out we didn't do the necessary 10 year case study and unfortunately you have _____________ problem because of it".

What would their I.Q be?

That has happened before, the 1976 Swine Flu vaccination scandal. Healthy peoples who were given that vaccine years later developed a paralysing disease called Guillain-Barre Syndrome where the immune system attacks the Central Nervous System.



the FACTS are that vaccines are MANDATORY for all kinds of situations.------PUBLIC SCHOOL, MILITARY,
EMPLOYMENT IN HOSPITALS ----etc The wording of the DEMAND seems abrupt do me-----but it really not so FAR OUT

It's very far-out. It's one thing to have a vaccine as a requirement of 'entry' into a school (which can be exempted, btw) or a military or health care professional position...another entirely to require a vaccine to keep your a bank, a carwash, a grocery store, etc. I don't know how they get around HIPPAA with this one.

It seems to me that if it is determined that avoiding a
vaccination constitutes a public health issue-----it CAN
be imposed on people who interact with the public. It is all a matter of HOW MUCH AND HOW SEVERE is the risk. It seems to me that you got HIPAA all wrong. The law does not ensure that public health officials are NOT ENTITLED------they are. There are all kinds of
REPORTABLE conditions

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