Medical Nazis steal a newborn in Hawaii

anti-vaxer conspiracy loons endanger everyone

7 Biggest Lies Spread by the Anti-Vaccine Movement, Debunked by Science

not interested in your crazy
People are not interested in your vaccines. It really is simple keep them to your own and leave the rest alone.

Actually the vast majority of people do want to protect their children by the simplest and most effective way known to man- preventive vaccines.

I am old enough to remember polio survivors on crutches- my parents were always thankful that the vaccine was available when I was a child.

I have no issues with most vaccinations. But some people do.

That is why should always be up to the individual or the parents.
no. we dont leave public health up to half-wotd that read something online and now believe they know more than the entire medical community

Sorry, but yes we do.

Vaccinations are not mandatory.
not everywhere. and the guy in HI in the op likely refused vitamin k

but that said, we should make them mandatory
You have another source for this phony story?
The dad's FB account is link in the story contact him.

So you don't have another source for the fake story. Thanks!
F' off. I don't need another source I'm good with being able to contact the original source.

Of course you don't need a source other than a pulled Facebook post......of course....
If people make a choice for their own children and you still want to force what you believe onto them you are the fascist.

Which of course does nothing to prove that the claim in the OP actually happened.
People are not interested in your vaccines. It really is simple keep them to your own and leave the rest alone.

Actually the vast majority of people do want to protect their children by the simplest and most effective way known to man- preventive vaccines.

I am old enough to remember polio survivors on crutches- my parents were always thankful that the vaccine was available when I was a child.

I have no issues with most vaccinations. But some people do.

That is why should always be up to the individual or the parents.
no. we dont leave public health up to half-wotd that read something online and now believe they know more than the entire medical community

Sorry, but yes we do.

Vaccinations are not mandatory.
not everywhere. and the guy in HI in the op likely refused vitamin k

but that said, we should make them mandatory

We should suspend the Constitution too....after all, It's for your own good.

Actually the vast majority of people do want to protect their children by the simplest and most effective way known to man- preventive vaccines.

I am old enough to remember polio survivors on crutches- my parents were always thankful that the vaccine was available when I was a child.

I have no issues with most vaccinations. But some people do.

That is why should always be up to the individual or the parents.
no. we dont leave public health up to half-wotd that read something online and now believe they know more than the entire medical community

Sorry, but yes we do.

Vaccinations are not mandatory.
not everywhere. and the guy in HI in the op likely refused vitamin k

but that said, we should make them mandatory

We should suspend the Constitution too....after all, It's for your own good.

nothing unConstitutional about mandatory vaccines
The dad's FB account is link in the story contact him.

So you don't have another source for the fake story. Thanks!
F' off. I don't need another source I'm good with being able to contact the original source.

Of course you don't need a source other than a pulled Facebook post......of course....
If people make a choice for their own children and you still want to force what you believe onto them you are the fascist.

Which of course does nothing to prove that the claim in the OP actually happened.
The father of the child had all of his information about the incident open for all to see until an attorney stepped forward to help them. I could care less if you believe that or not. I am not into just letting this country go over to fascist from the extreme left or the extreme right who fills their pocket books by forcing their will on other people without a fight.
I have no issues with most vaccinations. But some people do.

That is why should always be up to the individual or the parents.
no. we dont leave public health up to half-wotd that read something online and now believe they know more than the entire medical community

Sorry, but yes we do.

Vaccinations are not mandatory.
not everywhere. and the guy in HI in the op likely refused vitamin k

but that said, we should make them mandatory

We should suspend the Constitution too....after all, It's for your own good.

nothing unConstitutional about mandatory vaccines
It is if you or your manufacturers are taking any chance on someone else's freedom of health choices. Vaccine are a gambling game that big pharma setup and many parents do not want to play your game.
no. we dont leave public health up to half-wotd that read something online and now believe they know more than the entire medical community

Sorry, but yes we do.

Vaccinations are not mandatory.
not everywhere. and the guy in HI in the op likely refused vitamin k

but that said, we should make them mandatory

We should suspend the Constitution too....after all, It's for your own good.

nothing unConstitutional about mandatory vaccines
It is if you or your manufacturers are taking any chance on someone else's freedom of health choices. Vaccine are a gambling game that big pharma setup and many parents do not want to play your game.
no. don't be stupid.
Sorry, but yes we do.

Vaccinations are not mandatory.
not everywhere. and the guy in HI in the op likely refused vitamin k

but that said, we should make them mandatory

We should suspend the Constitution too....after all, It's for your own good.

nothing unConstitutional about mandatory vaccines
It is if you or your manufacturers are taking any chance on someone else's freedom of health choices. Vaccine are a gambling game that big pharma setup and many parents do not want to play your game.
no. don't be stupid.
Don't be a fascist!
I have no issues with most vaccinations. But some people do.

That is why should always be up to the individual or the parents.
no. we dont leave public health up to half-wotd that read something online and now believe they know more than the entire medical community

Sorry, but yes we do.

Vaccinations are not mandatory.
not everywhere. and the guy in HI in the op likely refused vitamin k

but that said, we should make them mandatory

We should suspend the Constitution too....after all, It's for your own good.

nothing unConstitutional about mandatory vaccines

We will see.

I do know that the SCOTUS refused a case that originated in NY. SCOTUS may have ducked the issue for the time being, but it’s almost a certainty that the legality of forcing vaccinations with no exemptions will end up being decided by the court.

For me, the issue is not about being “anti-vaccination". It is about the state mandating away your right to informed consent. Even if vaccinations were proven 100 percent safe, ( which they aren't) it would still be unethical for the state to mandate you put them into your body against your will.
no. we dont leave public health up to half-wotd that read something online and now believe they know more than the entire medical community

Sorry, but yes we do.

Vaccinations are not mandatory.
not everywhere. and the guy in HI in the op likely refused vitamin k

but that said, we should make them mandatory

We should suspend the Constitution too....after all, It's for your own good.

nothing unConstitutional about mandatory vaccines

We will see.

I do know that the SCOTUS refused a case that originated in NY. SCOTUS may have ducked the issue for the time being, but it’s almost a certainty that the legality of forcing vaccinations with no exemptions will end up being decided by the court.

For me, the issue is not about being “anti-vaccination". It is about the state mandating away your right to informed consent. Even if vaccinations were proven 100 percent safe, ( which they aren't) it would still be unethical for the state to mandate you put them into your body against your will.
except that not having them endangers the health of the public at large
Sorry, but yes we do.

Vaccinations are not mandatory.
not everywhere. and the guy in HI in the op likely refused vitamin k

but that said, we should make them mandatory

We should suspend the Constitution too....after all, It's for your own good.

nothing unConstitutional about mandatory vaccines

We will see.

I do know that the SCOTUS refused a case that originated in NY. SCOTUS may have ducked the issue for the time being, but it’s almost a certainty that the legality of forcing vaccinations with no exemptions will end up being decided by the court.

For me, the issue is not about being “anti-vaccination". It is about the state mandating away your right to informed consent. Even if vaccinations were proven 100 percent safe, ( which they aren't) it would still be unethical for the state to mandate you put them into your body against your will.
except that not having them endangers the health of the public at large

Not really. Most people will elect to get the vaccination whether it is mandatory or not. The tiny percentage that might refuse are no more of a public health risk than foreign visitors. Should we vaccinate all foreign visitors before they can enter the country? What about illegals? Should we round them up, swab their arms and immunize them?

Then, why bother?
Even with their vitamin K shots using a synthetic K there is a one in five hundred chance of a severe adverse reaction. Looks like they are gambling with other peoples children to me for profits.
sure there is
The studies and adverse reporting results are in the links I gave you but you seem to prefer to make asinine comments as a troll instead of looking at the data.
your links are conspiracy minded crap.

show me the respected health organization that corroborates your claim
The government reporting system must be a conspiracy in your mind to because that is what is used at that website. The links are there you just are denying them.

"There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety... No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge." "I think public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as irrational without sufficient studies of causation." - Dr Bernadine Healy, MD (Former Director, National Institute of Health and Former President, American Red Cross)

"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good." "The manufacturers of these vaccines know they are worthless but they go on selling them anyway." - Dr J Anthony Morris, PhD (Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist, US FDA)
What is the great deal of evidence that proves that immunization does more harm than good?
not everywhere. and the guy in HI in the op likely refused vitamin k

but that said, we should make them mandatory

We should suspend the Constitution too....after all, It's for your own good.

nothing unConstitutional about mandatory vaccines

We will see.

I do know that the SCOTUS refused a case that originated in NY. SCOTUS may have ducked the issue for the time being, but it’s almost a certainty that the legality of forcing vaccinations with no exemptions will end up being decided by the court.

For me, the issue is not about being “anti-vaccination". It is about the state mandating away your right to informed consent. Even if vaccinations were proven 100 percent safe, ( which they aren't) it would still be unethical for the state to mandate you put them into your body against your will.
except that not having them endangers the health of the public at large

Not really. Most people will elect to get the vaccination whether it is mandatory or not. The tiny percentage that might refuse are no more of a public health risk than foreign visitors. Should we vaccinate all foreign visitors before they can enter the country? What about illegals? Should we round them up, swab their arms and immunize them?

immigrants and visitors are required to be vaccinated
Even with their vitamin K shots using a synthetic K there is a one in five hundred chance of a severe adverse reaction. Looks like they are gambling with other peoples children to me for profits.
sure there is
The studies and adverse reporting results are in the links I gave you but you seem to prefer to make asinine comments as a troll instead of looking at the data.
your links are conspiracy minded crap.

show me the respected health organization that corroborates your claim
The government reporting system must be a conspiracy in your mind to because that is what is used at that website. The links are there you just are denying them.

"There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety... No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge." "I think public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as irrational without sufficient studies of causation." - Dr Bernadine Healy, MD (Former Director, National Institute of Health and Former President, American Red Cross)

"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good." "The manufacturers of these vaccines know they are worthless but they go on selling them anyway." - Dr J Anthony Morris, PhD (Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist, US FDA)
What is the great deal of evidence that proves that immunization does more harm than good?
VAERS reports and suits, payouts, etc. are in previous posts ^^^ go back.
sure there is
The studies and adverse reporting results are in the links I gave you but you seem to prefer to make asinine comments as a troll instead of looking at the data.
your links are conspiracy minded crap.

show me the respected health organization that corroborates your claim
The government reporting system must be a conspiracy in your mind to because that is what is used at that website. The links are there you just are denying them.

"There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety... No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge." "I think public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as irrational without sufficient studies of causation." - Dr Bernadine Healy, MD (Former Director, National Institute of Health and Former President, American Red Cross)

"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good." "The manufacturers of these vaccines know they are worthless but they go on selling them anyway." - Dr J Anthony Morris, PhD (Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist, US FDA)
What is the great deal of evidence that proves that immunization does more harm than good?
VAERS reports and suits, payouts, etc. are in previous posts ^^^ go back.
plus look at all those people getting polio...
So you don't have another source for the fake story. Thanks!
F' off. I don't need another source I'm good with being able to contact the original source.

Of course you don't need a source other than a pulled Facebook post......of course....
If people make a choice for their own children and you still want to force what you believe onto them you are the fascist.

Which of course does nothing to prove that the claim in the OP actually happened.
The father of the child had all of his information about the incident open for all to see until an attorney stepped forward to help them. I could care less if you believe that or not. I am not into just letting this country go over to fascist from the extreme left or the extreme right who fills their pocket books by forcing their will on other people without a fight.

If they were arrested there would be a police report.

Where is the police report?

Polio | U.S. Polio Elimination | CDC
Polio has been eliminated from the United States thanks to widespread polio vaccination in this country. This means that there is no year-round transmission of poliovirus in the United States. Since 1979, no cases of polio have originated in the United States. However, the disease has been brought into the country by travelers with polio. The last time this happened was in 1993. It takes only one traveler with polio to bring the disease into the United States. The best way to keep the United States polio-free is to maintain high immunity (protection) in the population against polio through vaccination.
sure there is
The studies and adverse reporting results are in the links I gave you but you seem to prefer to make asinine comments as a troll instead of looking at the data.
your links are conspiracy minded crap.

show me the respected health organization that corroborates your claim
The government reporting system must be a conspiracy in your mind to because that is what is used at that website. The links are there you just are denying them.

"There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety... No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge." "I think public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as irrational without sufficient studies of causation." - Dr Bernadine Healy, MD (Former Director, National Institute of Health and Former President, American Red Cross)

"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good." "The manufacturers of these vaccines know they are worthless but they go on selling them anyway." - Dr J Anthony Morris, PhD (Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist, US FDA)
What is the great deal of evidence that proves that immunization does more harm than good?
VAERS reports and suits, payouts, etc. are in previous posts ^^^ go back.
Alright then, hysterical links are not convincing, just so you know.
The studies and adverse reporting results are in the links I gave you but you seem to prefer to make asinine comments as a troll instead of looking at the data.
your links are conspiracy minded crap.

show me the respected health organization that corroborates your claim
The government reporting system must be a conspiracy in your mind to because that is what is used at that website. The links are there you just are denying them.

"There are unanswered questions about vaccine safety... No one should be threatened by the pursuit of this knowledge." "I think public health officials have been too quick to dismiss the hypothesis as irrational without sufficient studies of causation." - Dr Bernadine Healy, MD (Former Director, National Institute of Health and Former President, American Red Cross)

"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good." "The manufacturers of these vaccines know they are worthless but they go on selling them anyway." - Dr J Anthony Morris, PhD (Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist, US FDA)
What is the great deal of evidence that proves that immunization does more harm than good?
VAERS reports and suits, payouts, etc. are in previous posts ^^^ go back.
plus look at all those people getting polio...
My neighbor says she has it on Facebook so it must be true.

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