Medical Nazis steal a newborn in Hawaii

My Polio Story Is An Inconvenient Truth To Those Who Refuse Vaccines

In 1949, the year I was hit by the poliovirus, 42,000 cases of polio were reported in the United States and 2,720 people died, most of them children.
I was diagnosed with paralytic poliomyelitis, which is experienced in less than 1 percent of poliovirus infections. Not only did it immobilize me completely from the neck down, it also attacked my lungs. It was August, a popular month for polio, and I was six years old.

The lack of compassion expressed by these people is startling. I’ve never interacted with a vaccine refuser who cared one way or the other about my life as a polio survivor. They don’t want to hear about it because I’m an inconvenient truth, just like all the other polio survivors I know. On Facebook, I’m lectured and attacked by arrogant people who claim they know a lot more than I do about polio.

My Polio Story Is An Inconvenient Truth To Those Who Refuse Vaccines

In 1949, the year I was hit by the poliovirus, 42,000 cases of polio were reported in the United States and 2,720 people died, most of them children.
I was diagnosed with paralytic poliomyelitis, which is experienced in less than 1 percent of poliovirus infections. Not only did it immobilize me completely from the neck down, it also attacked my lungs. It was August, a popular month for polio, and I was six years old.

The lack of compassion expressed by these people is startling. I’ve never interacted with a vaccine refuser who cared one way or the other about my life as a polio survivor. They don’t want to hear about it because I’m an inconvenient truth, just like all the other polio survivors I know. On Facebook, I’m lectured and attacked by arrogant people who claim they know a lot more than I do about polio.

If this is you or whoever it it is this does not give you the right to demand what another has to do or accept. That is not lack of compassion it is merely fact.

A particularly serious and well-documented set of refusals occurred in Nigeria. Between July 2003 and August 2004, five northern Nigerian states suspended the use of OPV. Zamfara, Kaduna, Bauchi and Niger states rejoined National Immunisation Days within a few months but Kano state authorities did not allow vaccination to resume until a year later (IRIN, 2004IRIN. (2004). Two more northern states ban polio vaccination. Retrieved from = 48720).

The boycotts proved a huge setback for polio eradication. Incidence in Nigeria jumped from 202 in 2002 to 1143 in 2006 and Nigerian strains of the virus spread across Africa and beyond (Aylward & Heymann, 2005Aylward, R. B., & Heymann, D. L.(2005). Can we capitalize on the virtues of vaccines? Insights from the polio eradication initiative.American Journal of Public Health, 95,773–777. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2004.055897). Outbreak response activities cost the GPEI over $500 million (Kaufmann & Feldbaum,2009Kaufmann, J., & Feldbaum, H. (2009).Diplomacy and the polio immunization boycott in Northern Nigeria. Health Affairs, 28,1091–1101. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.28.4.1091).

The boycotts ostensibly came about in response to rumours, endorsed by high-ranking public figures, that OPV was an American conspiracy to spread HIV and cause infertility in Muslim girls..."
An attorney friend was one of the first to successfully sue for Polio Vaccine injury for a client of his. The parents had no clue because they were not given warning that the vaccine could actually cripple their child or cause death. That was in the 1980's. That child's parents were not given an informed choice.

Today, fact sheets on polio published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, warn parents that the inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) can cause “serious problems or even death…[49]”

Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccine Program Caused 47,500 Cases of Paralysis Dea

A particularly serious and well-documented set of refusals occurred in Nigeria. Between July 2003 and August 2004, five northern Nigerian states suspended the use of OPV. Zamfara, Kaduna, Bauchi and Niger states rejoined National Immunisation Days within a few months but Kano state authorities did not allow vaccination to resume until a year later (IRIN, 2004IRIN. (2004). Two more northern states ban polio vaccination. Retrieved from = 48720).

The boycotts proved a huge setback for polio eradication. Incidence in Nigeria jumped from 202 in 2002 to 1143 in 2006 and Nigerian strains of the virus spread across Africa and beyond (Aylward & Heymann, 2005Aylward, R. B., & Heymann, D. L.(2005). Can we capitalize on the virtues of vaccines? Insights from the polio eradication initiative.American Journal of Public Health, 95,773–777. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2004.055897). Outbreak response activities cost the GPEI over $500 million (Kaufmann & Feldbaum,2009Kaufmann, J., & Feldbaum, H. (2009).Diplomacy and the polio immunization boycott in Northern Nigeria. Health Affairs, 28,1091–1101. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.28.4.1091).

The boycotts ostensibly came about in response to rumours, endorsed by high-ranking public figures, that OPV was an American conspiracy to spread HIV and cause infertility in Muslim girls..."
The United States is not Nigeria.

A particularly serious and well-documented set of refusals occurred in Nigeria. Between July 2003 and August 2004, five northern Nigerian states suspended the use of OPV. Zamfara, Kaduna, Bauchi and Niger states rejoined National Immunisation Days within a few months but Kano state authorities did not allow vaccination to resume until a year later (IRIN, 2004IRIN. (2004). Two more northern states ban polio vaccination. Retrieved from = 48720).

The boycotts proved a huge setback for polio eradication. Incidence in Nigeria jumped from 202 in 2002 to 1143 in 2006 and Nigerian strains of the virus spread across Africa and beyond (Aylward & Heymann, 2005Aylward, R. B., & Heymann, D. L.(2005). Can we capitalize on the virtues of vaccines? Insights from the polio eradication initiative.American Journal of Public Health, 95,773–777. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2004.055897). Outbreak response activities cost the GPEI over $500 million (Kaufmann & Feldbaum,2009Kaufmann, J., & Feldbaum, H. (2009).Diplomacy and the polio immunization boycott in Northern Nigeria. Health Affairs, 28,1091–1101. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.28.4.1091).

The boycotts ostensibly came about in response to rumours, endorsed by high-ranking public figures, that OPV was an American conspiracy to spread HIV and cause infertility in Muslim girls..."
The United States is not Nigeria.
nigeria is a good example of what happens when conspiracy nuts are able to dictate policy.
My Polio Story Is An Inconvenient Truth To Those Who Refuse Vaccines

In 1949, the year I was hit by the poliovirus, 42,000 cases of polio were reported in the United States and 2,720 people died, most of them children.
I was diagnosed with paralytic poliomyelitis, which is experienced in less than 1 percent of poliovirus infections. Not only did it immobilize me completely from the neck down, it also attacked my lungs. It was August, a popular month for polio, and I was six years old.

The lack of compassion expressed by these people is startling. I’ve never interacted with a vaccine refuser who cared one way or the other about my life as a polio survivor. They don’t want to hear about it because I’m an inconvenient truth, just like all the other polio survivors I know. On Facebook, I’m lectured and attacked by arrogant people who claim they know a lot more than I do about polio.

If this is you or whoever it it is this does not give you the right to demand what another has to do or accept. That is not lack of compassion it is merely fact.

Like the writer of the article said- she is regularly attacked by those who have no first hand experience with polio and post all sorts of crap.

A particularly serious and well-documented set of refusals occurred in Nigeria. Between July 2003 and August 2004, five northern Nigerian states suspended the use of OPV. Zamfara, Kaduna, Bauchi and Niger states rejoined National Immunisation Days within a few months but Kano state authorities did not allow vaccination to resume until a year later (IRIN, 2004IRIN. (2004). Two more northern states ban polio vaccination. Retrieved from = 48720).

The boycotts proved a huge setback for polio eradication. Incidence in Nigeria jumped from 202 in 2002 to 1143 in 2006 and Nigerian strains of the virus spread across Africa and beyond (Aylward & Heymann, 2005Aylward, R. B., & Heymann, D. L.(2005). Can we capitalize on the virtues of vaccines? Insights from the polio eradication initiative.American Journal of Public Health, 95,773–777. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2004.055897). Outbreak response activities cost the GPEI over $500 million (Kaufmann & Feldbaum,2009Kaufmann, J., & Feldbaum, H. (2009).Diplomacy and the polio immunization boycott in Northern Nigeria. Health Affairs, 28,1091–1101. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.28.4.1091).

The boycotts ostensibly came about in response to rumours, endorsed by high-ranking public figures, that OPV was an American conspiracy to spread HIV and cause infertility in Muslim girls..."
The United States is not Nigeria.

Exactly-we eradicated polio through vaccination.

Unlike Nigeria
We should suspend the Constitution too....after all, It's for your own good.

nothing unConstitutional about mandatory vaccines

We will see.

I do know that the SCOTUS refused a case that originated in NY. SCOTUS may have ducked the issue for the time being, but it’s almost a certainty that the legality of forcing vaccinations with no exemptions will end up being decided by the court.

For me, the issue is not about being “anti-vaccination". It is about the state mandating away your right to informed consent. Even if vaccinations were proven 100 percent safe, ( which they aren't) it would still be unethical for the state to mandate you put them into your body against your will.
except that not having them endangers the health of the public at large

Not really. Most people will elect to get the vaccination whether it is mandatory or not. The tiny percentage that might refuse are no more of a public health risk than foreign visitors. Should we vaccinate all foreign visitors before they can enter the country? What about illegals? Should we round them up, swab their arms and immunize them?

immigrants and visitors are required to be vaccinated

Sorry, but there are tens of millions of ILLEGALS in the USA. . Are you going to round them all up and vaccinate them?

A particularly serious and well-documented set of refusals occurred in Nigeria. Between July 2003 and August 2004, five northern Nigerian states suspended the use of OPV. Zamfara, Kaduna, Bauchi and Niger states rejoined National Immunisation Days within a few months but Kano state authorities did not allow vaccination to resume until a year later (IRIN, 2004IRIN. (2004). Two more northern states ban polio vaccination. Retrieved from = 48720).

The boycotts proved a huge setback for polio eradication. Incidence in Nigeria jumped from 202 in 2002 to 1143 in 2006 and Nigerian strains of the virus spread across Africa and beyond (Aylward & Heymann, 2005Aylward, R. B., & Heymann, D. L.(2005). Can we capitalize on the virtues of vaccines? Insights from the polio eradication initiative.American Journal of Public Health, 95,773–777. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2004.055897). Outbreak response activities cost the GPEI over $500 million (Kaufmann & Feldbaum,2009Kaufmann, J., & Feldbaum, H. (2009).Diplomacy and the polio immunization boycott in Northern Nigeria. Health Affairs, 28,1091–1101. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.28.4.1091).

The boycotts ostensibly came about in response to rumours, endorsed by high-ranking public figures, that OPV was an American conspiracy to spread HIV and cause infertility in Muslim girls..."
The United States is not Nigeria.
right... here polio affects us differently for some reason...

grow up. vaccines save lives.
nothing unConstitutional about mandatory vaccines

We will see.

I do know that the SCOTUS refused a case that originated in NY. SCOTUS may have ducked the issue for the time being, but it’s almost a certainty that the legality of forcing vaccinations with no exemptions will end up being decided by the court.

For me, the issue is not about being “anti-vaccination". It is about the state mandating away your right to informed consent. Even if vaccinations were proven 100 percent safe, ( which they aren't) it would still be unethical for the state to mandate you put them into your body against your will.
except that not having them endangers the health of the public at large

Not really. Most people will elect to get the vaccination whether it is mandatory or not. The tiny percentage that might refuse are no more of a public health risk than foreign visitors. Should we vaccinate all foreign visitors before they can enter the country? What about illegals? Should we round them up, swab their arms and immunize them?

immigrants and visitors are required to be vaccinated

Sorry, but there are tens of millions of ILLEGALS in the USA. . Are you going to round them all up and vaccinate them?

"When Jodi Ferris unknowingly unleashed the wrath of Social Services at Penn State Hershey Medical Center by questioning the necessity of the Hepatitis B vaccine for her newborn daughter, little did she know just how big a can of worms she was opening.​
A study reported in the journal Apoptosis just weeks ago indicates that this controversial vaccine normally injected into newborns within hours of birth induces liver damage primarily due to the presence of the toxic vaccine adjuvant aluminum hydroxide.........................."
New Study: Hepatitis B Vaccine Damages The Liver | The Healthy Home Economist

"When Jodi Ferris unknowingly unleashed the wrath of Social Services at Penn State Hershey Medical Center by questioning the necessity of the Hepatitis B vaccine for her newborn daughter, little did she know just how big a can of worms she was opening.​
A study reported in the journal Apoptosis just weeks ago indicates that this controversial vaccine normally injected into newborns within hours of birth induces liver damage primarily due to the presence of the toxic vaccine adjuvant aluminum hydroxide.........................."
New Study: Hepatitis B Vaccine Damages The Liver | The Healthy Home Economist

Doesn't sound very toxic.
And the amount in a shot is going to be small enough that the OP's brain is going to seem large by comparison.

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