Medicare and private insurance should not pay for unvaccinated who get Covid

Are you concerned about those who say yes to the vaccine and become seriously ill and die?
They are doing everything they can to prevent the disease, so you cannot put blame. It is those who do not do everything they can to prevent the disease.
My concern is not for those who say no to the vaccine and become serious ill. They brought this on themselves. It is those that can't take the vaccine such as people with have severely allergic reaction (anaphylaxis), children who are too young for the vaccine, the mentally ill who are on their own, those that are vaccinated and have breakthrough cases, and the families of covid19 deaths. And it's not just the disease itself that I am concerned, it's the side effects of the epidemic, loss of jobs, loss of businesses, increases in crime rates, increase in suicide rates, and loss of education of our young..

So when we ask, plead, and put pressure on the unvaccinated, it is not just to save their lives, it is to save our society, and our nation. The longer we allow this virus to spread, the more likely it is that it will produce a genetically distinct variant that is so virulent that science can not respond fast enough to save us. In other words, the doomsday scenario. Although this is unlikely, the more it spreads the more likely it becomes.

The numbers aren't good enough for me, sorry.

Breakthroughs by the Numbers​

In Los Angeles County, where 69% of residents over age 12 have been fully vaccinated, COVID-19 cases are rising, and so, too, are cases that break through the protection of the vaccine.

In June, fully vaccinated people accounted for 20%, or 1 in 5, COVID cases in the county, which is the most populous in the United States. The increase mirrors Delta's rise. The proportion of breakthrough cases is up from 11% in May, 5% in April, and 2% in March, according to the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.

In the United Kingdom, which is collecting the best information on infections caused by variants, the estimated effectiveness of the vaccines to prevent an illness that causes symptoms dropped by about 10 points against Delta compared with Alpha (or B.1.1.7).

After two doses, vaccines prevent symptomatic infection about 79% of the time against Delta, according to data compiled by Public Health England. They are still highly effective at preventing hospitalization, 96% after two doses.

Out of 229,218 COVID infections in the United Kingdom between February and July 19, 28,773 — or about 12.5% — were in fully vaccinated people. Of those breakthrough infections, 1,101, or 3.8%, required a visit to an emergency room, according to Public Health England. Just 474, or 2.9%, of fully vaccinated people required hospital admission, and 229, or less than 1%, died.

I'm concerned about the 17 people who died due to lightening strikes last year. And yes I am concerned about the 3 confirmed deaths due to a Covid-19 vaccine out of 340 million doses. However, I am far more concern for the over 600,000 who have died of Covid in the US and the daily death's of of over 300 a day which is projected to rise to over 1500 a day within 4 weeks.
Wow are you uninformed.
And those high risk behaviors cause higher costs for us insured and also cost us more in taxes. So your behavior does affect my costs of insurance, so you want to cost control one's dangerous behaviors, then why not all?

Smokers and drinkers can effect other's health.

Ahhh.. the joys of socialism. Won't it be fun when government has an excuse to control every fucking thing we do!?!
Ahhh.. the joys of socialism. Won't it be fun when government has an excuse to control every fucking thing we do!?!
If people want to run down this road, I can see it. Pretty dumb but I think it has been a longtime coming.
Hmmm…smokers put us all in danger as do alcoholics.
And what about people with genetic problems - issues they could pass on to their children? They shouldn't be allowed procreate. Why should we have to pay for their birth defects?
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They are doing everything they can to prevent the disease, so you cannot put blame. It is those who do not do everything they can to prevent the disease.
WTF. I have no intention of dying from the vax, so that you can be happy that I tried to prevent the disease. Damn that’s fucked up.

You’re putting too much faith in a vax offered by criminal entities that have murdered more Americans than all wars combined, has full indemnity, is making billions, and on and on.
I can identify people who have no hope of ever dealing with reality. In this case that would be you. My responses are to point out how stupid and dangerous people like you are. Hopefully people will say I do not want to be like petro.
I could care less what an internet troll like you thinks of me.

Lay off the Shame CampaignTM, asshat. It's not working. You are a detriment to the cause you champion.
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Polio was once one of the most feared diseases in the U.S. In the early 1950s, before polio vaccines were available, polio outbreaks caused more than 15,000 cases of paralysis each year. Following introduction of vaccines—specifically, trivalent inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) in 1955 and trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) in 1963—the number of polio cases fell rapidly to less than 100 in the 1960s and fewer than 10 in the 1970s.

Not before the peak for me, maybe you.

How long has the MRNA been studied? 20 years at least

Live vaccines are used to protect against:

Messenger RNA vaccines—also called mRNA vaccines​

Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades and this technology was used to make some of the COVID-19 vaccines. mRNA vaccines make proteins in order to trigger an immune response. mRNA vaccines have several benefits compared to other types of vaccines, including shorter manufacturing times and, because they do not contain a live virus, no risk of causing disease in the person getting vaccinated.

mRNA vaccines are used to protect against:

Yeah, experimental.
Hold the manufacturer's liable, and release ALL negative reactions to the vaccines. Or do you not believe in freedom of information?
People have a right to make their own risk assessment regarding their health care without the blind partisan propaganda constantly spewed out.

Frankly it makes me even more hesitant.
I could care less what an internet troll like you thinks of me.

Lay off the Shame CampaignTM, asshat. It's not working. You are a detriment to the cause you champion.
They aren’t going to stop with the Shame Campaign because their leaders won’t. They don’t realize this will backfire on them.

This from Matt Tabbi…

Now this new vaccine debate has been amped to 11. The universal consensus of the “Powerhouse Roundtable” types is that it’s time to start opening the whoop-ass cans on the vaccine-hesitant, yanking services and civil liberties from those murderous holdouts who are, the president tells us, “killing people.” They do this acting like the public doesn’t remember the messaging from the Biden-Harris campaign last year, which was talked about at the time as being irresponsible precisely because it set a precedent of urging the public to distrust the vaccine. Biden repeatedly came out with statements like:

When we finally do, God willing, get a vaccine, Who’s going to take the shot? Who’s going to take the shot? You going to be the first one to say, “Put me — sign me up, they now say it’s OK”?
Twitter avatar for @pbhushan1Prashant Bhushan @pbhushan1
See what Biden & Harris said about the Vaccines & the need for full trials, complete data & transparency, when they were candidates. See what they say now, despite lack of trials, data & transparency of Vaccines even now Image
July 19th 2021
195 Retweets498 Likes

The Vaccine Aristocrats
They aren’t going to stop with the Shame Campaign because their leaders won’t. They don’t realize this will backfire on them.

This from Matt Tabbi…

Now this new vaccine debate has been amped to 11. The universal consensus of the “Powerhouse Roundtable” types is that it’s time to start opening the whoop-ass cans on the vaccine-hesitant, yanking services and civil liberties from those murderous holdouts who are, the president tells us, “killing people.” They do this acting like the public doesn’t remember the messaging from the Biden-Harris campaign last year, which was talked about at the time as being irresponsible precisely because it set a precedent of urging the public to distrust the vaccine. Biden repeatedly came out with statements like:

Twitter avatar for @pbhushan1Prashant Bhushan @pbhushan1
See what Biden & Harris said about the Vaccines & the need for full trials, complete data & transparency, when they were candidates. See what they say now, despite lack of trials, data & transparency of Vaccines even now Image
July 19th 2021
195 Retweets498 Likes
The Vaccine Aristocrats
The shame campaign will not stop because all of you idiots should be ashamed. History will paint you for what you are; cowards with an inability to deal with the real world so you make lies up to meet your own needs. A dangerous group who were a very large shit stain on US history.
They aren’t going to stop with the Shame Campaign because their leaders won’t. They don’t realize this will backfire on them.

This from Matt Tabbi…

Now this new vaccine debate has been amped to 11. The universal consensus of the “Powerhouse Roundtable” types is that it’s time to start opening the whoop-ass cans on the vaccine-hesitant, yanking services and civil liberties from those murderous holdouts who are, the president tells us, “killing people.” They do this acting like the public doesn’t remember the messaging from the Biden-Harris campaign last year, which was talked about at the time as being irresponsible precisely because it set a precedent of urging the public to distrust the vaccine. Biden repeatedly came out with statements like:

Twitter avatar for @pbhushan1Prashant Bhushan @pbhushan1
See what Biden & Harris said about the Vaccines & the need for full trials, complete data & transparency, when they were candidates. See what they say now, despite lack of trials, data & transparency of Vaccines even now Image
July 19th 2021
195 Retweets498 Likes
The Vaccine Aristocrats
Frankly the notion of holding others responsible for what "nature" as they claim created, is total insanity.
Shall we ask reparations for the thousands upon thousands killed by the seasonal flu and other bugs for decades, since no one wore masks, and many didn't vaccinate?
Soon as I hear the hysterical hyperbole of " you are killing others " I quit paying attention.
The shame campaign will not stop because all of you idiots should be ashamed. History will paint you for what you are; cowards with an inability to deal with the real world so you make lies up to meet your own needs. A dangerous group who were a very large shit stain on US history.
Piss off Karen.
You further harm your cause.

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