Medicare should start at age 50...

It's always amazed me, at least until I realized today's democrats have always been communists, that the American people never had a choice about joining those programs. The same money, invested in the private sector, thru two depressions and countless recessions, has averaged a 10%, nearly 3 times what the government averages. The Rats borrowed from SS leaving behind IOUs....when we opened the box, they were gone, worthless. Now they even TAX the benefits they want you to believe THEY gave you. Barry the Fairy said:...."you didn't build that business, we did." Except they were never there to make buying and price decisions, size and cost of the facility, how to handle the regulation maze, how many employees to have, wat equipment to buy or lease...none of it. Yet there they were April 15th with their hand out demanding a third of what you worked for and worried about in the middle of the night. Don't pay, you go to prison and lose everything to an IRS who can literally walk into your home and demand to see what you have in your wallet, open your drawers and cupboards and take anything of value. The mafia never had a fraction of that kind of horror for Americans and yet some here don't believe any of it is wrong and want more of it out of spite and envy.

Wrong. Those programs are the most popular programs ever enacted. FDR was popularly elected FOUR times by the people for a reason. .....

Yes, the same reason why Soviet Premiers, and Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi were elected over and over again "by the people."
The retirement age should be 72. People are living longer now.

Living longer? True, but my wife already has an artificial hip, cataract surgery, and may require extensive knee surgery or replacement soon. I guess she can still do her current job from a wheelchair, if they will fix her computer screens so she can see.
Jim Lehrer: Which beings us to our final question. Governor Bush, both you and the Vice-President have offered plans to provide prescription drugs for the elderly. What makes your plan superior?

Al Gore: Jim, I’d like to interrupt here and answer that question as if it were my turn to speak. Jim, let me tell about a friend of mine. [ holds up a picture of an elderly woman ] Her name is Etta Munsen. She’s 94, she’s a widow living on Social Security in Sparta, Tennessee. Etta was born with only one kidney. She also suffers from poilo, spinal menengitis, lung, liver, and pancreatic cancer, an enlarged heart, diabetes, and a rare form of styctic acne. Now, several recent strokes, along with an unfortunate shark attack, have left her paralyzed and missing her right leg under the knee. Just last week she woke from a coma to find that, due to a hospital mix-up, her left arm had been amputated, infected with syphillis, and then reattached.

Jim Lehrer: Mr. Vice-President, we are short of time..

Al Gore: As you can imagine, Jim.. Etta’s prescription drug bills are staggering. They run to nearly $113 million a day! And she tells me that some weeks she has to choose between eating and treating her Lyme Disease. Now, under my plan, Etta’s prescription drugs would be covered. Under my opponent’s plan, her house would be burned to the ground. And that is wrong. That is just wrong!

Jim Lehrer: Governor Bush? Response?

George W. Bush: I believe that some of those figures may be in-ock-urate.

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Wrong. Those programs are the most popular programs ever enacted. FDR was popularly elected FOUR times by the people for a reason. Because Republicans suck. There is no Republican past, present, or future that could ever win an election popularly by the people for President. And the way the population demographics are fast changing, those future elections arent looking real good either.

And as far as the IRS goes, Amazon and Exxon Mobil got refunds last year, and the working poor paid 25.6 % of their income in taxes while the CEOs of those companies paid 23%. Nobody has any sympathy for your tax whine.

Listen creep, I owned a business for 30 years with your stinking democrats stealing money they didn't earn in taxes. You're a fucking zero who hangs out on multiple message boards trying to become a mod so you can shut down Cons laughing at your sorry ass. You've never owned a're a clerk...a homely face in a sea of homely faces, killing yourself in some neon lit cubicle, trying to insult your betters and plotting revenge like Walter Mitty...what a punk.
Wrong. Those programs are the most popular programs ever enacted. FDR was popularly elected FOUR times by the people for a reason. Because Republicans suck. There is no Republican past, present, or future that could ever win an election popularly by the people for President. And the way the population demographics are fast changing, those future elections arent looking real good either.

And as far as the IRS goes, Amazon and Exxon Mobil got refunds last year, and the working poor paid 25.6 % of their income in taxes while the CEOs of those companies paid 23%. Nobody has any sympathy for your tax whine.

Listen creep, I owned a business for 30 years with your stinking democrats stealing money they didn't earn in taxes. You're a fucking zero who hangs out on multiple message boards trying to become a mod so you can shut down Cons laughing at your sorry ass. You've never owned a're a clerk...a homely face in a sea of homely faces, killing yourself in some neon lit cubicle, trying to insult your betters and plotting revenge like Walter Mitty...what a punk.

Taxation is not theft no matter what the talking heads tell you. My suggestion is quit listening to their right wing drivel before you pop a blood vessel.
Taxation is not theft no matter what the talking heads tell you. My suggestion is quite listening to their right wing drivel before you pop a blood vessel.

Money taken when not earned is theft.....borrow a dictionary and look it up.
I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).

It should start at age 75.

But Trump’s old worshippers who claim to hate Big Gubmint want to receive government entitlements and suckle on Big Gubmint’s big teet!
I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).

Get elected to Congress. They voted for instant and lifetime Medicare and huge LIFETIME salaries for themselves.

If 99% of Americans DEMANDED Congressional Reform, Congress' reply would be "Go Fuck Yourselves"

Congress takes care of Congress and the rich and powerful. "We The People" can suck it.

Members of Congress do not get lifetime salaries.

"Congressional pension is a pension made available to members of the United States Congress. As of 2019, members who participated in the congressional pension system are vested after five (5) years of service. A full pension is available to members 62 years of age with 5 years of service; 50 years or older with 20 years of service; or 25 years of service at any age. A reduced pension is available depending upon which of several different age/service options is chosen. If Members leave Congress before reaching retirement age, they may leave their contributions behind and receive a deferred pension later.[1] The current pension program, effective January 1987, is under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), which covers members and other federal employees whose federal employment began in 1984 or later. This replaces the older Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) for most members of congress and federal employees."

Congressional pension - Wikipedia
I am confused. What does your wife’s age have to do with you being on Medicare?
Seriously? I can't retire until my wife is eligible for Medicare.
Why should anyone be benefitted by allowing them to retire early simply because they married someone 5 years older? You can retire and either sign up for Part B, or get on your wife's private HI as a spouse.

If you retire, and are eligible for Medicare, your spouse's private insurance will NOT cover you!

Have a nice day!

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