Should "work until you are dead" be the national policy?

Security contracting specializing in large events but willing to do anything down to personal security. It was way more than 5 days a week when we had a contract, and the contractees were horrible people most of the time, which is what drove me to sell even though I like the field work.

And I'm under non-competes and an exclusive consulting contract for 3 more years as part of the sale.
Ask them if they'd like some help when someone calls in sick. Tell them you don't want full time or insurance just part time work

Or maybe you'd like to come work for me. I work with some guys who were sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune.

Ask them if they'd like some help when someone calls in sick. Tell them you don't want full time or insurance just part time work

Or maybe you'd like to come work for me. I work with some guys who were sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune.

You are "A-Team" for sure.... :auiqs.jpg:

They just want us to curl up and die

Noted podcaster and conservative thought leader Ben Shapiro said on his show Tuesday, “It's insane that we haven't raised the retirement age in the United States.”

He continued: “No one in the United States should be retiring at 65 years old. Frankly, I think retirement itself is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of health problem. Everybody that I know who is elderly, who has retired, is dead within five years.”

So, what do you all think, should everyone work until they are dead and just give up this silly idea of retiring?
I think it isn't the government's business to dictate when or if a person retires. I vote for letting each person decide when or if he/she will retire. Those who are wise will arrange their affairs so that they have that choice. Some enjoy what they do and do not want to ever retire. They should have that choice.

And the foolish may so squander their choices, options, opportunities in life that they are in a situation in which they cannot retire. But liberty isn't liberty unless it allows people to be stupid.
Republicans want you to spend your wealth in your golden years. So when you die you have nothing. The corporations want to take it all. The last corporation being the old folks home. Very expensive. And when you run out of money they start sucking off medicare.

Social security and medicare allow middle class people to retire. Let's say the average 65 year old American has $200k in the bank. Call it $700 a month in interest payments. You can't live on that. Especially if you have to pay for healthcare as a old person. Republicans are insane.

Now give that person $1300 a month in social security and suddenly they have $2000 a month to live on.

We as a society created social security. It's a great idea. It sucks if you die at 59 but great if yo live to be 79. It covers everyone who paid in.

How much have we paid in compared to how much has been taken out? What about all the people who pay in and don't college one dime? Does the money we put in have compounding interest?

Republicans say they'd do better if they didn't have to pay in. Liars. They know they'd just spend the money. Corporate America and Rich Americans know that's a lie. But they don't care. They just want the tax cuts but they have to cut something before they can get more tax cuts for themselves. Social Security and Medicare are their targets. And Republicans argue "it's their money".
You're lying.
yea i read that....
Ok, that's what kinda work I did. My specialty was large event security. If you need security for say a concert with 2-300 stage crew 10,000 spectators, and 5 or so principal protectees I can plan it for you from gate security through multiple egress routes for the principals and even overwatch with snipers and bomb sniffing dogs on crowd duties. And I have done it everywhere from Alabama to Israel and everywhere in between. On the small gigs during the last year I owned the company I got a certain K-pop star out of Belize hours ahead of a paternity suit and chaperoned 3 Japanese Idols decked out like anime characters in full "uwu" girl mode through mardi gras. And damn those kids could party!
Harry gets a taxpayer paid pension.
i paid into it.....have had knee surgery,lower back sometimes sciaticas up,been attacked numerous times by dogs,a rooster once,had to deal with asshole customers off and on....and last but not least....some of the shittiest postal managers to butt heads with almost weekly,some real shitty people....i earned every fucking penny of it....
Ok, that's what kinda work I did. My specialty was large event security. If you need security for say a concert with 2-300 stage crew 10,000 spectators, and 5 or so principal protectees I can plan it for you from gate security through multiple egress routes for the principals and even overwatch with snipers and bomb sniffing dogs on crowd duties. And I have done it everywhere from Alabama to Israel and everywhere in between. On the small gigs during the last year I owned the company I got a certain K-pop star out of Belize hours ahead of a paternity suit and chaperoned 3 Japanese Idols decked out like anime characters in full "uwu" girl mode through mardi gras. And damn those kids could party!
allright crep sounds like you had an interesting job.....

Noted podcaster and conservative thought leader Ben Shapiro said on his show Tuesday, “It's insane that we haven't raised the retirement age in the United States.”

He continued: “No one in the United States should be retiring at 65 years old. Frankly, I think retirement itself is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of health problem. Everybody that I know who is elderly, who has retired, is dead within five years.”

So, what do you all think, should everyone work until they are dead and just give up this silly idea of retiring?
^ Leftist fag

Noted podcaster and conservative thought leader Ben Shapiro said on his show Tuesday, “It's insane that we haven't raised the retirement age in the United States.”

He continued: “No one in the United States should be retiring at 65 years old. Frankly, I think retirement itself is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of health problem. Everybody that I know who is elderly, who has retired, is dead within five years.”

So, what do you all think, should everyone work until they are dead and just give up this silly idea of retiring?
Ben Shapiro is entitled to his opinion. He's quite brilliant but on this topic he is too constrained to his own experience. I would agree that anyone who does not have real interests outside of work might want to consider part-time or volunteering to keep yourself active and engaged.
You're lying.
Bullshit. I'll give you an example. When Republicans are in charge, they deregulate the credit card industries and allow predatory lending. Why would they do that?

George Bush deregulated the banks. Said they didn't have to keep as much cash on hand in case of emergency. Then he caused the Great Recession. Was that on purpose? Sure seemed like it. A lot of odd shit happened when he was POS. I mean POTUS.

Noted podcaster and conservative thought leader Ben Shapiro said on his show Tuesday, “It's insane that we haven't raised the retirement age in the United States.”

He continued: “No one in the United States should be retiring at 65 years old. Frankly, I think retirement itself is a stupid idea unless you have some sort of health problem. Everybody that I know who is elderly, who has retired, is dead within five years.”

So, what do you all think, should everyone work until they are dead and just give up this silly idea of retiring?
I retired 13 years ago and am still doing fine. Everyone's different and I think that if you've worked for decades and can afford to retire, retire, unless you don't want to.
I retired 13 years ago and am still doing fine. Everyone's different and I think that if you've worked for decades and can afford to retire, retire, unless you don't want to.
All the people I know in their 50s with $3 million or more are retiring. Not working till they die.

Why are we not surprised?

Oh it’s true about my 50 something millionaire friends. They all want to retire not work more.

My brother may go back but as a consultant. Not a 8 to 6 6 day a week employee he is now. He’s walking away from $1.7 million a year. He’s had enough.

Now, you make $40k a year. You want to keep doing that or you must?

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