Medicare should start at age 50...

You are just being stubborn, ignorant, close minded and you are not listening. You also need to get into the real world. I just saw you telling someone who makes $200,000 K a year that you could buy and sell them. So, Mr. Rich guy, piss off with your judgement. Yes, I'm a commy. I hate Trump. I can't wait till the criminal is out of office. I have real great healthcare now but unlike you, I may not be this rich forever. Something could go wrong and I could find myself needing a job somewhere else and run into the same trouble I showed you people over 40 have. Companies do discriminate against us.

So it would be nice to know that if you reach 50 and you still have to work, you can go on medicare. AND, those companies can legally hire you but refuse you healthcare. That's what we need to do. We need to tell companies if you hire a person over 50, you do not have to buy them healthcare. If they want to they can of course but they can also hire that older person knowing that the person has their own healthcare.

Yes insurance is optional. You can turn it down. But who's going to do that?

First off, that clown doesn't know enough to end a question with a "?" and you believe he's making $200K a year? I ain't rich but I am proud enough to take care of myself without Uncle Sam holding my dick to piss. I was making less than $300 a month to shoot communists when I was 20 so if anybody has a case for payback that would be me but I don't think that way. Don't know why you're so mad at me....I just believe anybody who's doing well and doesn't need government benefits shouldn't get them....I do have a right to my opinion...I've earned it (pun).
If you don’t want wealthy seniors to get benefits then don’t take their money. Simple.
The retirement age needs to be increased to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, so we should be working longer. Common sense.

When Social Security was instituted in 1935, the average life expectancy was 60. Only 5.4% of the population was over 65. SS was intended for people who beat the odds, it was not intended for everyone to collect.

When Medicare was added in 1965, average life expectancy was 70. United States - Life expectancy at birth 1965

At that time, 9 percent of the population was over 65.

Today, 15 percent of the population is over 65. A smaller and smaller percentage of the population is carrying a larger and larger percentage. This is unsustainable.

If you think a retirement age of 70 is unfair, just imagine how unfair a retirement age of 65 was in 1935.

Most people in their 50's can't wait to retire. And most people who work at age 68 do so because they have to.

How about this. How about you can't draw social security until you are 70 but you can get medicare at 60?
How about not giving our benefits to illegals?
I will tell you why. They don’t ask if you wish to participate. They reach into your paycheck without your permission and take the funds out with the promise that you will receive medical care upon age 65. I signed no contracts asked for nothing. They took my money same as the wealthy guy. Got it now?

"got" what "now"? Don't mouth off to me, boy....I paid in too...always figured if I needed it it would be there...don't need it so why should I take it? I spoke to Ross Perot about this once and he told me he sends his SS check back to the Treasury...I thought that was cool. But can grab every cent you think is coming to you with your grubby little hands and think that's righteous...I think it's low-down.
How about not giving our benefits to illegals?

Who believes that? and the other fraud posing as a conservative. Nobody here has ever been tougher on illegals than me...I live in have no idea what that shit is all about until it's a couple blocks away so STFU.
I will tell you why. They don’t ask if you wish to participate. They reach into your paycheck without your permission and take the funds out with the promise that you will receive medical care upon age 65. I signed no contracts asked for nothing. They took my money same as the wealthy guy. Got it now?

"got" what "now"? Don't mouth off to me, boy....I paid in too...always figured if I needed it it would be there...don't need it so why should I take it? I spoke to Ross Perot about this once and he told me he sends his SS check back to the Treasury...I thought that was cool. But can grab every cent you think is coming to you with your grubby little hands and think that's righteous...I think it's low-down.
First off I am not a boy. I am a woman and secondly if you don’t want to take it that’s your prerogative. Nextly, did you know if you opt out of Medicare you forefit you social security also? You are generous if you want to gift the gov with that amount of money but the rest of us don’t. Got it now?
How about not giving our benefits to illegals?

Who believes that? and the other fraud posing as a conservative. Nobody here has ever been tougher on illegals than me...I live in have no idea what that shit is all about until it's a couple blocks away so STFU.
Shove it right back up your ass. I don’t like ugly. I think you are a libtard.
First off I am not a boy. I am a woman and secondly if you don’t want to take it that’s your prerogative. Nextly, did you know if you opt out of Medicare you forefit you social security also? You are generous if you want to gift the gov with that amount of money but the rest of us don’t. Got it now?

You're neither a boy or a're an idiot. You don't have to use your Medicare benefits if you choose not to. I'm entitled to Medicare and VA...I've never used either. If I got bitten by a mohave rattler I might since that can cost $100K for antivenom. I have car insurance for any injury I may get in traffic. I run and depend on self-defense for dogs and nutcases I encounter. And I'm not "gifting" anybody for anything...if you have no pride, go ahead and soak the government for money you don't need and then look in the mirror and try to justify it.
I am confused. What does your wife’s age have to do with you being on Medicare?
Seriously? I can't retire until my wife is eligible for Medicare.
Why should anyone be benefitted by allowing them to retire early simply because they married someone 5 years older? You can retire and either sign up for Part B, or get on your wife's private HI as a spouse.
You are just being stubborn, ignorant, close minded and you are not listening. You also need to get into the real world. I just saw you telling someone who makes $200,000 K a year that you could buy and sell them. So, Mr. Rich guy, piss off with your judgement. Yes, I'm a commy. I hate Trump. I can't wait till the criminal is out of office. I have real great healthcare now but unlike you, I may not be this rich forever. Something could go wrong and I could find myself needing a job somewhere else and run into the same trouble I showed you people over 40 have. Companies do discriminate against us.

So it would be nice to know that if you reach 50 and you still have to work, you can go on medicare. AND, those companies can legally hire you but refuse you healthcare. That's what we need to do. We need to tell companies if you hire a person over 50, you do not have to buy them healthcare. If they want to they can of course but they can also hire that older person knowing that the person has their own healthcare.

Yes insurance is optional. You can turn it down. But who's going to do that?

First off, that clown doesn't know enough to end a question with a "?" and you believe he's making $200K a year? I ain't rich but I am proud enough to take care of myself without Uncle Sam holding my dick to piss. I was making less than $300 a month to shoot communists when I was 20 so if anybody has a case for payback that would be me but I don't think that way. Don't know why you're so mad at me....I just believe anybody who's doing well and doesn't need government benefits shouldn't get them....I do have a right to my opinion...I've earned it (pun).
But we do need those benefits. You must be lying about making as much as you say you do because people who make a lot of money also spend a lot of money. And they don't want to be punished for being successful.

So you are saying that a "rich" person when they reach 67 should pay $350 a month for private healthcare rather than go on medicare? I would agree maybe if you have $10 million or more in the bank but even then, why should that person be punished? Did they pay into the system? Then they should not have to pay $5000 a year for healthcare from age 67-87. That's 20 years. That's $100,000 you want them to pay? If they live to 97 that's $150,000. So, how rich does this person have to be before you want to fuck them over?

Better to have them retire early and give that job to a generation x or Y person.

I think we should send 60 year olds to Syria and Iraq. One way ticket. Problem solved.
But we do need those benefits. You must be lying about making as much as you say you do because people who make a lot of money also spend a lot of money. And they don't want to be punished for being successful.

Ah there it just called me a liar..../conversation.
I will tell you why. They don’t ask if you wish to participate. They reach into your paycheck without your permission and take the funds out with the promise that you will receive medical care upon age 65. I signed no contracts asked for nothing. They took my money same as the wealthy guy. Got it now?

"got" what "now"? Don't mouth off to me, boy....I paid in too...always figured if I needed it it would be there...don't need it so why should I take it? I spoke to Ross Perot about this once and he told me he sends his SS check back to the Treasury...I thought that was cool. But can grab every cent you think is coming to you with your grubby little hands and think that's righteous...I think it's low-down.

Did you cry about paying too much in taxes all these years? If you did, that's weird you were such a whiner all those years but then when you retire you suddenly turned generous?

Also, I have met many conservative Republicans who

a. Lost their jobs and went right to the unemployment line, rather than go work at McD's like they said they would. They said they would never collect unemployment. But then as soon as they're out of a job say, "I paid into that, I deserve it".

b. Swore they'd never take disability but as soon as they got Lupis or in a car accident they applied for disability.

Republicans are people who lack empathy. They don't think it would ever happen to them. But when it does, they change their tune so fast.
But we do need those benefits. You must be lying about making as much as you say you do because people who make a lot of money also spend a lot of money. And they don't want to be punished for being successful.

Ah there it just called me a liar..../conversation.

Are you a conservative? I don't know any Republican who is interested in paying more than they have to for anything.

Again, did you cry all your working life about how much in taxes you paid?

From what you are telling me you sound like a rich liberal. Only a rich liberal would give up their social security and medicare for the good of the whole.

And even that's stupid. Are your grandkids rich? Then why not take your social security checks and put it in their college funds?

Something doesn't smell right here.
Health care is too important to ever be put in the hands of stupid bueracrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups.

The government fucks up everything.
especially when those "bureaucrats" have a 20 something percent approval rating...
You are just being stubborn, ignorant, close minded and you are not listening. You also need to get into the real world. I just saw you telling someone who makes $200,000 K a year that you could buy and sell them. So, Mr. Rich guy, piss off with your judgement. Yes, I'm a commy. I hate Trump. I can't wait till the criminal is out of office. I have real great healthcare now but unlike you, I may not be this rich forever. Something could go wrong and I could find myself needing a job somewhere else and run into the same trouble I showed you people over 40 have. Companies do discriminate against us.

So it would be nice to know that if you reach 50 and you still have to work, you can go on medicare. AND, those companies can legally hire you but refuse you healthcare. That's what we need to do. We need to tell companies if you hire a person over 50, you do not have to buy them healthcare. If they want to they can of course but they can also hire that older person knowing that the person has their own healthcare.

Yes insurance is optional. You can turn it down. But who's going to do that?

First off, that clown doesn't know enough to end a question with a "?" and you believe he's making $200K a year? I ain't rich but I am proud enough to take care of myself without Uncle Sam holding my dick to piss. I was making less than $300 a month to shoot communists when I was 20 so if anybody has a case for payback that would be me but I don't think that way. Don't know why you're so mad at me....I just believe anybody who's doing well and doesn't need government benefits shouldn't get them....I do have a right to my opinion...I've earned it (pun).
Again everyone deserves the same benefits, treating people different because of racial sexual or socio economic status is illegal in the USA.

So you are advocating for criminality
But we do need those benefits. You must be lying about making as much as you say you do because people who make a lot of money also spend a lot of money. And they don't want to be punished for being successful.

Ah there it just called me a liar..../conversation.

Are you a conservative? I don't know any Republican who is interested in paying more than they have to for anything.

Again, did you cry all your working life about how much in taxes you paid?

From what you are telling me you sound like a rich liberal. Only a rich liberal would give up their social security and medicare for the good of the whole.

And even that's stupid. Are your grandkids rich? Then why not take your social security checks and put it in their college funds?

Something doesn't smell right here.
He is a liberal wannabee injun…………….

He hates anyone doing well not killing babies
I was going to say, something is not adding up here.
The retirement age needs to be increased to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, so we should be working longer. Common sense.

When Social Security was instituted in 1935, the average life expectancy was 60. Only 5.4% of the population was over 65. SS was intended for people who beat the odds, it was not intended for everyone to collect.

When Medicare was added in 1965, average life expectancy was 70. United States - Life expectancy at birth 1965

At that time, 9 percent of the population was over 65.

Today, 15 percent of the population is over 65. A smaller and smaller percentage of the population is carrying a larger and larger percentage. This is unsustainable.

If you think a retirement age of 70 is unfair, just imagine how unfair a retirement age of 65 was in 1935.
If you think a retirement age of 70 is unfair, just imagine how unfair a retirement age of 65 was in 1935.
what about those with outdoor jobs that beat the hell out of you physically over 30 years and may not be able to go that far?.....
We all had to do what you have to do-that's why you plan ahead. Eat out one a week period. I think SS should be pushed to 65 from 62-they don't get insurance till 65 anyway and it would make it solvent longer.

It's time to MEANS TEST both SS and Medicare....why should folks who are still making good money in their 60's be on a government plan intended as a safety net? If I were King I'd send seniors making over $100K a year a note saying: "Congratulations! You've done so well financially you are no longer eligible for government programs designed for those who didn't do as well as you!" It should be a matter of pride not to accept funds you don't really need and could go to somebody who really does need them.

I am going to guess that SS and Medicare are on average worth about $20,000 a year. So you think a person who makes $100,000 a year should have to give up $20,000 a year? Doesn't seem fair.
Health care is too important to ever be put in the hands of stupid bueracrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups.

The government fucks up everything.
especially when those "bureaucrats" have a 20 something percent approval rating...

...and represents a constituency of welfare queens and Illegals. You know, those sorry assholes that think they are entitled to have somebody else to pay their bills just because they are alive.
The retirement age needs to be increased to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, so we should be working longer. Common sense.

When Social Security was instituted in 1935, the average life expectancy was 60. Only 5.4% of the population was over 65. SS was intended for people who beat the odds, it was not intended for everyone to collect.

When Medicare was added in 1965, average life expectancy was 70. United States - Life expectancy at birth 1965

At that time, 9 percent of the population was over 65.

Today, 15 percent of the population is over 65. A smaller and smaller percentage of the population is carrying a larger and larger percentage. This is unsustainable.

If you think a retirement age of 70 is unfair, just imagine how unfair a retirement age of 65 was in 1935.
If you think a retirement age of 70 is unfair, just imagine how unfair a retirement age of 65 was in 1935.
what about those with outdoor jobs that beat the hell out of you physically over 30 years and may not be able to go that far?.....
That was just as true, in fact it was more true, of blue collar jobs in 1935. Life and work were far harder on people back then.
The retirement age needs to be increased to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, so we should be working longer. Common sense.

When Social Security was instituted in 1935, the average life expectancy was 60. Only 5.4% of the population was over 65. SS was intended for people who beat the odds, it was not intended for everyone to collect.

When Medicare was added in 1965, average life expectancy was 70. United States - Life expectancy at birth 1965

At that time, 9 percent of the population was over 65.

Today, 15 percent of the population is over 65. A smaller and smaller percentage of the population is carrying a larger and larger percentage. This is unsustainable.

If you think a retirement age of 70 is unfair, just imagine how unfair a retirement age of 65 was in 1935.
If you think a retirement age of 70 is unfair, just imagine how unfair a retirement age of 65 was in 1935.
what about those with outdoor jobs that beat the hell out of you physically over 30 years and may not be able to go that far?.....

Go to every/any company. Show me where all the 60 something year olds are sitting. Sure there might be 1 or 2 or 3 seniors working at your company, but most of the people are in their 20's 30's and 40's.

I saw a senior working at Kohl's department store yesterday. He looked like he was probably successful in his life. But, he's an old dog. The corporation he worked for probably sent him out to pasture. He's not going to ever find a job that pays what he used to make. Of course he would love to get another job in corporate America but no one will hire his old ass. So, he needs to take a job at Kohl's to supplement his income until he can retire.

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