Medicare should start at age 50...

I can't disagree with that except the program is already going insolvent in a few years.
That's what so sad. Paying into this crap so long and unable to use it.

Yep. Here's something nobody has considered, and it chaps my ass. The issue on healthcare in this country has become a political football, when it shouldn't be. The simple fact is, in the richest country in the world, being able to go to the doctor when your sick, or getting medicine should not require a second mortgage, or a bankruptcy. And the company you work for should not be the place you get it either.

If we had a Medicare for all system in this country, or even if we had what you suggest, it would allow millions of people to retire early, or just quit their jobs, that they are in right now only because they have insurance through their job, and be able to start their own businesses, just work part time doing something else, or being caregivers to other family members.

This would create millions of job openings almost immediately for younger people who are in dead end jobs, or dont have work, and are stuck at home, which everybody knows someone in that position or are in it themselves. It would save companies billions by no longer having to cover employees, freeing up money for reinvestment or giving raises to their employees.

This isn't about welfare or politics, but is just common sense, and for those who just can't let that go, the system could be put into place that does not allow anyone in the country illegally to access it through any number of ways, by a strict identification process that only allows citizens to participate.
The retirement age should be 72. People are living longer now.

Living longer? True, but my wife already has an artificial hip, cataract surgery, and may require extensive knee surgery or replacement soon. I guess she can still do her current job from a wheelchair, if they will fix her computer screens so she can see.
People who are under 50. Those over 50 should be able to retire at the age that the retirement age was when they turned 50. Would not impact your wife.

Congratulations Mr. Moto! Almost everyone is in that category, or they are already retired!
I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).

I have the exact opposite, but yet eerily similar problem. My wife turned 62 last week. She could retire at the end of the month, but that would leave us both without any medical coverage. If she retires when she hits 65 and becomes eligible for Medicare, that still leaves me out in the cold. That means, she has to continue working to provide us with health insurance until I turn 65 and we can both go on Medicare and that is 6 years in the future.

I can't seem to find a job at my age with health insurance that pays anything except poverty wages in this area, so I am looking at putting my house on the market and moving.
One would think that the Navy would provide medical insurance for Admirals and acting captains who do not know the properties of O2

You just cannot resist the temptation to demonstrate your stupidity can you?

I a not an Admiral, I was a Command Duty Officer (CDO) as a Lieutenant, and the Navy doesn't provide medical benefits to those they forced out due to overmanning in the 1990s.

I see you still haven't found the quote to disprove your lie about not understanding how O2 reacts in a fire.

Why don't you get back on topic before I report your dumb ass again?
True I suppose, the Navy really does not need potato peelers claiming to be the Captain who believe that Oxygen is flammable...……………….


You have been reported for continuous trolling. STFU, you lying sack of shit!
I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).

I have the exact opposite, but yet eerily similar problem. My wife turned 62 last week. She could retire at the end of the month, but that would leave us both without any medical coverage. If she retires when she hits 65 and becomes eligible for Medicare, that still leaves me out in the cold. That means, she has to continue working to provide us with health insurance until I turn 65 and we can both go on Medicare and that is 6 years in the future.

I can't seem to find a job at my age with health insurance that pays anything except poverty wages in this area, so I am looking at putting my house on the market and moving.
One would think that the Navy would provide medical insurance for Admirals and acting captains who do not know the properties of O2

You just cannot resist the temptation to demonstrate your stupidity can you?

I a not an Admiral, I was a Command Duty Officer (CDO) as a Lieutenant, and the Navy doesn't provide medical benefits to those they forced out due to overmanning in the 1990s.

I see you still haven't found the quote to disprove your lie about not understanding how O2 reacts in a fire.

Why don't you get back on topic before I report your dumb ass again?
True I suppose, the Navy really does not need potato peelers claiming to be the Captain who believe that Oxygen is flammable...……………….


You have been reported for continuous trolling. STFU, you lying sack of shit!
Well if you cant win an argument claim that the winner is a trolling russian spy.

The fact is that if you have no health insurance you could buy obamacare or make your wife work another 6 years.

Great plan
The retirement age should be 72. People are living longer now.

Living longer? True, but my wife already has an artificial hip, cataract surgery, and may require extensive knee surgery or replacement soon. I guess she can still do her current job from a wheelchair, if they will fix her computer screens so she can see.
People who are under 50. Those over 50 should be able to retire at the age that the retirement age was when they turned 50. Would not impact your wife.

Congratulations Mr. Moto! Almost everyone is in that category, or they are already retired!
When I retire I begin full time day trading......

Retirement is for the dead
I have the exact opposite, but yet eerily similar problem. My wife turned 62 last week. She could retire at the end of the month, but that would leave us both without any medical coverage. If she retires when she hits 65 and becomes eligible for Medicare, that still leaves me out in the cold. That means, she has to continue working to provide us with health insurance until I turn 65 and we can both go on Medicare and that is 6 years in the future.

I can't seem to find a job at my age with health insurance that pays anything except poverty wages in this area, so I am looking at putting my house on the market and moving.
One would think that the Navy would provide medical insurance for Admirals and acting captains who do not know the properties of O2

You just cannot resist the temptation to demonstrate your stupidity can you?

I a not an Admiral, I was a Command Duty Officer (CDO) as a Lieutenant, and the Navy doesn't provide medical benefits to those they forced out due to overmanning in the 1990s.

I see you still haven't found the quote to disprove your lie about not understanding how O2 reacts in a fire.

Why don't you get back on topic before I report your dumb ass again?
True I suppose, the Navy really does not need potato peelers claiming to be the Captain who believe that Oxygen is flammable...……………….


You have been reported for continuous trolling. STFU, you lying sack of shit!
Well if you cant win an argument claim that the winner is a trolling russian spy.

The fact is that if you have no health insurance you could buy obamacare or make your wife work another 6 years.

Great plan

Another lie? Quote where I said that!

You just can't help yourself, can you?
The retirement age should be 72. People are living longer now.

Living longer? True, but my wife already has an artificial hip, cataract surgery, and may require extensive knee surgery or replacement soon. I guess she can still do her current job from a wheelchair, if they will fix her computer screens so she can see.
People who are under 50. Those over 50 should be able to retire at the age that the retirement age was when they turned 50. Would not impact your wife.

Congratulations Mr. Moto! Almost everyone is in that category, or they are already retired!
When I retire I begin full time day trading......

Retirement is for the dead

If it were for the brain dead, you would have retired long ago!
The retirement age should be 72. People are living longer now.

Living longer? True, but my wife already has an artificial hip, cataract surgery, and may require extensive knee surgery or replacement soon. I guess she can still do her current job from a wheelchair, if they will fix her computer screens so she can see.
People who are under 50. Those over 50 should be able to retire at the age that the retirement age was when they turned 50. Would not impact your wife.

Congratulations Mr. Moto! Almost everyone is in that category, or they are already retired!
When I retire I begin full time day trading......

Retirement is for the dead

If it were for the brain dead, you would have retired long ago!
You assume that all people are dishwashers like you were
One would think that the Navy would provide medical insurance for Admirals and acting captains who do not know the properties of O2

You just cannot resist the temptation to demonstrate your stupidity can you?

I a not an Admiral, I was a Command Duty Officer (CDO) as a Lieutenant, and the Navy doesn't provide medical benefits to those they forced out due to overmanning in the 1990s.

I see you still haven't found the quote to disprove your lie about not understanding how O2 reacts in a fire.

Why don't you get back on topic before I report your dumb ass again?
True I suppose, the Navy really does not need potato peelers claiming to be the Captain who believe that Oxygen is flammable...……………….


You have been reported for continuous trolling. STFU, you lying sack of shit!
Well if you cant win an argument claim that the winner is a trolling russian spy.

The fact is that if you have no health insurance you could buy obamacare or make your wife work another 6 years.

Great plan

Another lie? Quote where I said that!

You just can't help yourself, can you?
You just force your wife to work another 6 years to support you

Great plan Captain
I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).

This would also make companies want to hire people that age. One reason companies don't hire old people is they cost a lot in medical. If a person at 50 is on medicare then the employer doesn't have to insure them.
I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).
We all had to do what you have to do-that's why you plan ahead. Eat out one a week period. I think SS should be pushed to 65 from 62-they don't get insurance till 65 anyway and it would make it solvent longer.
We all had to do what you have to do-that's why you plan ahead. Eat out one a week period. I think SS should be pushed to 65 from 62-they don't get insurance till 65 anyway and it would make it solvent longer.

It's time to MEANS TEST both SS and Medicare....why should folks who are still making good money in their 60's be on a government plan intended as a safety net? If I were King I'd send seniors making over $100K a year a note saying: "Congratulations! You've done so well financially you are no longer eligible for government programs designed for those who didn't do as well as you!" It should be a matter of pride not to accept funds you don't really need and could go to somebody who really does need them.
We all had to do what you have to do-that's why you plan ahead. Eat out one a week period. I think SS should be pushed to 65 from 62-they don't get insurance till 65 anyway and it would make it solvent longer.

It's time to MEANS TEST both SS and Medicare....why should folks who are still making good money in their 60's be on a government plan intended as a safety net? If I were King I'd send seniors making over $100K a year a note saying: "Congratulations! You've done so well financially you are no longer eligible for government programs designed for those who didn't do as well as you!" It should be a matter of pride not to accept funds you don't really need and could go to somebody who really does need them.
Screw you, why should a guy who paid more taxes get less benefits

Try screwing your brain back in
I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).
Medicare for all. That’s the way to go. It has been proven to be cheaper and more effective then the ludicrously expensive and ineffective for profit system we have now.
It is terribly unjust that thousands of Americans go bankrupt every year due to HC costs.
Health care is too important to ever be put in the hands of stupid bueracrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians, elected by special interest groups.

The government fucks up everything.

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