Medicare should start at age 50...

I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).

Get elected to Congress. They voted for instant and lifetime Medicare and huge LIFETIME salaries for themselves.

If 99% of Americans DEMANDED Congressional Reform, Congress' reply would be "Go Fuck Yourselves"

Congress takes care of Congress and the rich and powerful. "We The People" can suck it.
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I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).
It's the least we could do, but it makes too much sense. You could then have access to free market Medicare Advantage Plans or Medicare Supplements to fill in the gaps.

After we hit age 50 health insurance premiums start popping.

It makes plenty of sense, but since our "leaders" are no longer allowed to either communicate or innovate, nothing happens, and we just sit here screaming at each other.
This would also make companies want to hire people that age. One reason companies don't hire old people is they cost a lot in medical. If a person at 50 is on medicare then the employer doesn't have to insure them.

Most companies' insurance programs are optional so that's no reason not to hire seasoned citizens. The major problem these days is not knowing how to thumb-fuck a smart phone like some twenty-something or being too old for an insurance company to trust you in a company car. Smart companies welcome older, wiser, less apt to be impetuous, people who know how the world operates.
I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).
We all had to do what you have to do-that's why you plan ahead. Eat out one a week period. I think SS should be pushed to 65 from 62-they don't get insurance till 65 anyway and it would make it solvent longer.
Medicare is 65; it is automatic enrollment on your 65th birthday. I retired at 57. We paid for private insurance in the interim.
I mean, if we've been already been forced to pay for this shit for 30 years, why not make it usable for the people that need it?
Face it - Medicare at 65 is useless to retirees at 60-65. I will not be able to retire until I'm 70 years old because my wife is 5 years younger than me.

At the very minimum, Medicare should kick in at minimum retirement age (62).

I have the exact opposite, but yet eerily similar problem. My wife turned 62 last week. She could retire at the end of the month, but that would leave us both without any medical coverage. If she retires when she hits 65 and becomes eligible for Medicare, that still leaves me out in the cold. That means, she has to continue working to provide us with health insurance until I turn 65 and we can both go on Medicare and that is 6 years in the future.

I can't seem to find a job at my age with health insurance that pays anything except poverty wages in this area, so I am looking at putting my house on the market and moving.

You might very well be a victim of ageism.
A very real problem that many-many-may folks age 50 plus have had to deal with.
It is beyond difficult to find a good job you are qualified for, when you are competing with people literally half your age, who, the employer knows is willing to work for less, take on projects with no more pay "for the experience" and jump through hopes hoping to get a promotion.
My ex wife has tons of experience in office management, A/P and numerous software systems. After the company she worked for sold out, she lost her job. Two years later and she is working in retail.
Bonz has even more experience in high end administration, and top level executive support. Despite being superbly qualified for numerous openings, she repeatedly lost out to newly graduated kids with zero experience. Over and over. It took her 3 years to find a job that she is not overly qualified for.
Look dopey I make the money you quoted, why should I get no benefits while paying for others.

Closet liberal exposed

I doubt that. The people that actually make that kind of money don't need the benefits, PERIOD. Should that change at some point in their life, they'd qualify...otherwise, no.
We all had to do what you have to do-that's why you plan ahead. Eat out one a week period. I think SS should be pushed to 65 from 62-they don't get insurance till 65 anyway and it would make it solvent longer.

It's time to MEANS TEST both SS and Medicare....why should folks who are still making good money in their 60's be on a government plan intended as a safety net? If I were King I'd send seniors making over $100K a year a note saying: "Congratulations! You've done so well financially you are no longer eligible for government programs designed for those who didn't do as well as you!" It should be a matter of pride not to accept funds you don't really need and could go to somebody who really does need them.
That’s wrong. These people paid into the system same as you did. It’s the damn people who don’t pay into it that shouldn’t get it.
That’s wrong. These people paid into the system same as you did. It’s the damn people who don’t pay into it that shouldn’t get it.

You paid for every other kind of insurance during your life, why should SS and Medicare be forced to reimburse you for what you paid to be covered? It's very simple....neither program has any money dedicated to they must find a way to remain solvent...nobody wants higher taxes to pay for it so means-testing is the only solution. It should be a badge of honor not to need government help in the 4th quarter of your's all about self-respect.
Look dopey I make the money you quoted, why should I get no benefits while paying for others.

Closet liberal exposed

I doubt that. The people that actually make that kind of money don't need the benefits, PERIOD. Should that change at some point in their life, they'd qualify...otherwise, no.
Me and the wife make almost 200 grand not counting investment income. I just had a 40 thousand dollar knee operation.

You need to grow up poor boy
This would also make companies want to hire people that age. One reason companies don't hire old people is they cost a lot in medical. If a person at 50 is on medicare then the employer doesn't have to insure them.

Most companies' insurance programs are optional so that's no reason not to hire seasoned citizens. The major problem these days is not knowing how to thumb-fuck a smart phone like some twenty-something or being too old for an insurance company to trust you in a company car. Smart companies welcome older, wiser, less apt to be impetuous, people who know how the world operates.

I'm not talking about hiring senior citizens. I'm talking about hiring people who are 50-66 years old. Retirement is now 67 in case you didn't know. Thank Ronald Reagan.

Companies don't like hiring old fuckers like this because the insurance is too high.

When some colleagues and I started a group a few years ago to help people in our community find work, I was not prepared for the crisis of underemployed or unemployed men and women over 40 — particularly white-collar managers.

The mantra of “overqualified and over 40” is well known among that group. Anecdotally, there seems to be a bias against them, and here are some of the reasons I’ve heard from those in a position to hire:

If we hire an overqualified older person at a salary that is clearly below what she should earn, we’ll lose her as soon as something better comes along

If we hire an overqualified older person at a lower salary than he should be earning, there’s probably something wrong with him

If she’s over 40, we interview her, and we don’t give her the job, she may sue for age discrimination

We want someone to hang around for a long time, and if he’s over 40, he might retire sooner than we want

They’re set in their ways

If You’re Over 50, Chances Are the Decision to Leave a Job Won’t be Yours
A new data analysis by ProPublica and the Urban Institute shows more than half of older U.S. workers are pushed out of longtime jobs before they choose to retire, suffering financial damage that is often irreversible.

However, employers have to plan for an aging work force in several ways, including the costs of providing benefits to older workers.

Me and the wife make almost 200 grand not counting investment income. I just had a 40 thousand dollar knee operation.

You need to grow up poor boy

Suck it, faggot...I could buy your entire portfolio with what I have in my checking accounts.. You're a greedy little turd who never felt the sting of being make real conservatives like me sick to our stomachs.
I write checks to buy new cars. That said I am still not going to have to pay health insurance for your illegal immigrant family....

Are you really an injun
I'm not talking about hiring senior citizens. I'm talking about hiring people who are 50-66 years old. Retirement is now 67 in case you didn't know. Thank Ronald Reagan.

Companies don't like hiring old fuckers like this because the insurance is too high.

When some colleagues and I started a group a few years ago to help people in our community find work, I was not prepared for the crisis of underemployed or unemployed men and women over 40 — particularly white-collar managers.

The mantra of “overqualified and over 40” is well known among that group. Anecdotally, there seems to be a bias against them, and here are some of the reasons I’ve heard from those in a position to hire:

If we hire an overqualified older person at a salary that is clearly below what she should earn, we’ll lose her as soon as something better comes along

If we hire an overqualified older person at a lower salary than he should be earning, there’s probably something wrong with him

If she’s over 40, we interview her, and we don’t give her the job, she may sue for age discrimination

We want someone to hang around for a long time, and if he’s over 40, he might retire sooner than we want

They’re set in their ways

If You’re Over 50, Chances Are the Decision to Leave a Job Won’t be Yours

A new data analysis by ProPublica and the Urban Institute shows more than half of older U.S. workers are pushed out of longtime jobs before they choose to retire, suffering financial damage that is often irreversible.

However, employers have to plan for an aging work force in several ways, including the costs of providing benefits to older workers.

So you're a communist one day and a Trump fan the I said, insurance with private companies is optional. Most want that insurance as part of their benefits but if you're negotiating for a position and tell them you'd rather have more salary than insurance, you're apt to delight the hiring agent. If you're worried about healthcare, it starts with taking care of yourself instead of eating like a pig, drinking, doping, and then thinking when you hit 50 that eating kale and drinking mineral water is going to save your ass.
I write checks to buy new cars. That said I am still not going to have to pay health insurance for your illegal immigrant family....

Are you really an injun

Hey sissy with a woman's name....ESAD and don't expect any SS survivors benefits.
The retirement age needs to be increased to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, so we should be working longer. Common sense.

When Social Security was instituted in 1935, the average life expectancy was 60. Only 5.4% of the population was over 65. SS was intended for people who beat the odds, it was not intended for everyone to collect.

When Medicare was added in 1965, average life expectancy was 70. United States - Life expectancy at birth 1965

At that time, 9 percent of the population was over 65.

Today, 15 percent of the population is over 65. A smaller and smaller percentage of the population is carrying a larger and larger percentage. This is unsustainable.

If you think a retirement age of 70 is unfair, just imagine how unfair a retirement age of 65 was in 1935.
I write checks to buy new cars. That said I am still not going to have to pay health insurance for your illegal immigrant family....

Are you really an injun

Hey sissy with a woman's name....ESAD and don't expect any SS survivors benefits.
No one ever gave me anything and I expect less than that. Which is why I invested.
I'm not talking about hiring senior citizens. I'm talking about hiring people who are 50-66 years old. Retirement is now 67 in case you didn't know. Thank Ronald Reagan.

Companies don't like hiring old fuckers like this because the insurance is too high.

When some colleagues and I started a group a few years ago to help people in our community find work, I was not prepared for the crisis of underemployed or unemployed men and women over 40 — particularly white-collar managers.

The mantra of “overqualified and over 40” is well known among that group. Anecdotally, there seems to be a bias against them, and here are some of the reasons I’ve heard from those in a position to hire:

If we hire an overqualified older person at a salary that is clearly below what she should earn, we’ll lose her as soon as something better comes along

If we hire an overqualified older person at a lower salary than he should be earning, there’s probably something wrong with him

If she’s over 40, we interview her, and we don’t give her the job, she may sue for age discrimination

We want someone to hang around for a long time, and if he’s over 40, he might retire sooner than we want

They’re set in their ways

If You’re Over 50, Chances Are the Decision to Leave a Job Won’t be Yours

A new data analysis by ProPublica and the Urban Institute shows more than half of older U.S. workers are pushed out of longtime jobs before they choose to retire, suffering financial damage that is often irreversible.

However, employers have to plan for an aging work force in several ways, including the costs of providing benefits to older workers.

So you're a communist one day and a Trump fan the I said, insurance with private companies is optional. Most want that insurance as part of their benefits but if you're negotiating for a position and tell them you'd rather have more salary than insurance, you're apt to delight the hiring agent. If you're worried about healthcare, it starts with taking care of yourself instead of eating like a pig, drinking, doping, and then thinking when you hit 50 that eating kale and drinking mineral water is going to save your ass.
You are just being stubborn, ignorant, close minded and you are not listening. You also need to get into the real world. I just saw you telling someone who makes $200,000 K a year that you could buy and sell them. So, Mr. Rich guy, piss off with your judgement. Yes, I'm a commy. I hate Trump. I can't wait till the criminal is out of office. I have real great healthcare now but unlike you, I may not be this rich forever. Something could go wrong and I could find myself needing a job somewhere else and run into the same trouble I showed you people over 40 have. Companies do discriminate against us.

So it would be nice to know that if you reach 50 and you still have to work, you can go on medicare. AND, those companies can legally hire you but refuse you healthcare. That's what we need to do. We need to tell companies if you hire a person over 50, you do not have to buy them healthcare. If they want to they can of course but they can also hire that older person knowing that the person has their own healthcare.

Yes insurance is optional. You can turn it down. But who's going to do that?
The retirement age needs to be increased to 70, and indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living longer than our ancestors, so we should be working longer. Common sense.

When Social Security was instituted in 1935, the average life expectancy was 60. Only 5.4% of the population was over 65. SS was intended for people who beat the odds, it was not intended for everyone to collect.

When Medicare was added in 1965, average life expectancy was 70. United States - Life expectancy at birth 1965

At that time, 9 percent of the population was over 65.

Today, 15 percent of the population is over 65. A smaller and smaller percentage of the population is carrying a larger and larger percentage. This is unsustainable.

If you think a retirement age of 70 is unfair, just imagine how unfair a retirement age of 65 was in 1935.

Most people in their 50's can't wait to retire. And most people who work at age 68 do so because they have to.

How about this. How about you can't draw social security until you are 70 but you can get medicare at 60?
You are just being stubborn, ignorant, close minded and you are not listening. You also need to get into the real world. I just saw you telling someone who makes $200,000 K a year that you could buy and sell them. So, Mr. Rich guy, piss off with your judgement. Yes, I'm a commy. I hate Trump. I can't wait till the criminal is out of office. I have real great healthcare now but unlike you, I may not be this rich forever. Something could go wrong and I could find myself needing a job somewhere else and run into the same trouble I showed you people over 40 have. Companies do discriminate against us.

So it would be nice to know that if you reach 50 and you still have to work, you can go on medicare. AND, those companies can legally hire you but refuse you healthcare. That's what we need to do. We need to tell companies if you hire a person over 50, you do not have to buy them healthcare. If they want to they can of course but they can also hire that older person knowing that the person has their own healthcare.

Yes insurance is optional. You can turn it down. But who's going to do that?

First off, that clown doesn't know enough to end a question with a "?" and you believe he's making $200K a year? I ain't rich but I am proud enough to take care of myself without Uncle Sam holding my dick to piss. I was making less than $300 a month to shoot communists when I was 20 so if anybody has a case for payback that would be me but I don't think that way. Don't know why you're so mad at me....I just believe anybody who's doing well and doesn't need government benefits shouldn't get them....I do have a right to my opinion...I've earned it (pun).
That’s wrong. These people paid into the system same as you did. It’s the damn people who don’t pay into it that shouldn’t get it.

You paid for every other kind of insurance during your life, why should SS and Medicare be forced to reimburse you for what you paid to be covered? It's very simple....neither program has any money dedicated to they must find a way to remain solvent...nobody wants higher taxes to pay for it so means-testing is the only solution. It should be a badge of honor not to need government help in the 4th quarter of your's all about self-respect.
I will tell you why. They don’t ask if you wish to participate. They reach into your paycheck without your permission and take the funds out with the promise that you will receive medical care upon age 65. I signed no contracts asked for nothing. They took my money same as the wealthy guy. Got it now?

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