Medvedev suggested that Ukraine shall be renamed as The Pig Bandera Reich


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
He's back on the line. Short, tough, and scathing. The Supreme Nazi in Kiev instructed to work on the issue of renaming Russia into Moskovia. What can I say... Our answer? No, not Khokhlyandia, of course. And certainly not Malorossia. Only Schweinisch Bandera-Reich. Exakt!

For those who missed it all, earlier Kiev's hoary dwarf junkie instructed his prime minister to look into renaming Russia Moskovia. On a Ukrainian petition site, the proposal gathered the necessary number of signatures to make its way to the Ukrainian president for consideration.



We need to rename Ukraine…….”The Place Russians go to Die”
Of course Ukraine is a place where hundred of thousands Russians ( Russians and Ukrainians ) going die, for NATO interests.

Lets be honest

They are dying for Putins interest
Lets be honest

They are dying for Putins interest
They do it for more than thousand years since Oleg of Novgorod captured Kiev back in 882.
Actually, Putin just continue this good old tradition.
As they say - "Glory for Konung, wine for his Army! "
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They do it for more than thousand years since Oleg of Novgorod captured Kiev back in 882.
Actually, Putin just continue this good old tradition.
As they say - "Glory for Konung, wine for his Army! "

I doubt most of the Army cares if they capture Ukraine
... "Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "
Oleg of Novgorod
what connection your mongol semi-muslim ulus had to do with our European Novgorod Republic ? didn´t you commit genocide against this great republic once you occupied it in 16c ? Mongol , do you think you are an European :icon_lol: you papauan with snow🇷🇺 ?


... "Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "
what connection your mongol semi-muslim ulus had to do with our European Novgorod Republic ? didn´t you commit genocide against this great republic once you occupied it in 16c ? Mongol , do you think you are an European :icon_lol: you papauan with snow🇷🇺 ?


... "Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "
Actually, no. Ivan The Terrible executed only à part of Novgorod's oligarchie, so called 'golden belts'. Most of ordinary citizens willingly joined to the Great Duchy of Moscow, at least because it was much more rich and safe.
He's back on the line. Short, tough, and scathing. The Supreme Nazi in Kiev instructed to work on the issue of renaming Russia into Moskovia. What can I say... Our answer? No, not Khokhlyandia, of course. And certainly not Malorossia. Only Schweinisch Bandera-Reich. Exakt!

For those who missed it all, earlier Kiev's hoary dwarf junkie instructed his prime minister to look into renaming Russia Moskovia. On a Ukrainian petition site, the proposal gathered the necessary number of signatures to make its way to the Ukrainian president for consideration.




Listening to Medvedev and Putin threaten everyone raises the question, are all Russians compensating for having small dicks?
Ukranian soldiers are fighting for their country
Russian soldiers just want to save their ass
Actually, situation is much more nuanced. First of all, Russian soldiers are fighting for their country and for liberation of their own kind.
Second - many so called 'Ukrainians' don't want to defend country that hate and discriminate them.
Actually, situation is much more nuanced. First of all, Russian soldiers are fighting for their country and for liberation of their own kind.
Second - many so called 'Ukrainians' don't want to defend country that hate and discriminate them.
Don't be silly. Russia is trying to colonize Ukraine and after suffering for 45 years with the Russian boot on their throats Ukraine is fighting to free itself from the Russian empire.
Don't be silly. Russia is trying to colonize Ukraine and after suffering for 45 years with the Russian boot on their throats Ukraine is fighting to free itself from the Russian empire.
You see, Russia already colonized those lands more than thousand years ago. Kiev was one of the first Russian cities mentioned in Arabic chroniques. In fact, Moscow was founded as a colony of Kiev. So, they are suffering under Russian lapot' long before the very term 'Ukraine' (Borderlands) was mentioned in Polish documents.
There are plenty of Russian speakers there, and many of them really hate to be discriminated.
Ivan The Terrible
you are a mongol , so lying for you very natural . you have 0 connection to my white EU civilization. you committed a terrible genocide over N. P. EU REPUBLICS ! COS YOU ARE DIRTY MONGOLS , ASIATIC SEMI - MUSLIM HORDESMEN

BY THE WAY ITS BELONG TO YOUR pederast KHAN of Muscovy with "Allah Muhammad" on it, you are semi - muslim as well ivan


You see, Russia already colonized those lands more than thousand years ago. Kiev was one of the first Russian cities mentioned in Arabic chroniques. In fact, Moscow was founded as a colony of Kiev. So, they are suffering under Russian lapot' long before the very term 'Ukraine' (Borderlands) was mentioned in Polish documents.
There are plenty of Russian speakers there, and many of them really hate to be discriminated.
What happened a thousand years ago is irrelevant. In 1991, Ukraine had the same legal status as an independent sovereign state as Russia and Russia recognized what the international community considers Ukraine's borders and pledged to never violate them in 2004, but since then Russian has violated every relevant law and treaty in its efforts to colonize Ukraine and as the recent vote at the UNGA to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine most of the world considers Russia to be an abomination.
What happened a thousand years ago is irrelevant. In 1991, Ukraine had the same legal status as an independent sovereign state as Russia and Russia recognized what the international community considers Ukraine's borders and pledged to never violate them in 2004, but since then Russian has violated every relevant law and treaty in its efforts to colonize Ukraine and as the recent vote at the UNGA to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine most of the world considers Russia to be an abomination.
Actually, it's the same thing that the USA made with Iraq, Serbia, Libya and other countries. Ukraine started discrimination and genocide of local Russians (what is, may be, even more important - they had started NATO integration) - and Russia have no other choice than to react. The USA had violated laws - and since 1999 there is no more laws. Nothing to violate. The law must work for everyone or it doesn't work at all.

And anyway, practical question is not "Are the Russians lawful ( good/evil, civilized/barbaric, faithful or atheistic) ? " No. It is irrelevant now. The practical question is "Why they started this war? What is their motivation, and what is their goal? What they will consider as victory, and what price of it is acceptable for them? "
you are a mongol , so lying for you very natural . you have 0 connection to my white EU civilization. you committed a terrible genocide over N. P. EU REPUBLICS ! COS YOU ARE DIRTY MONGOLS , ASIATIC SEMI - MUSLIM HORDESMEN

BY THE WAY ITS BELONG TO YOUR pederast KHAN of Muscovy with "Allah Muhammad" on it, you are semi - muslim as well ivan


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You see... There is a problem. The real problem is that the Russians from Moscow has no any practical difference from the Russians from Novgorod, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kiev, Lvov or Vilno.

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