People who vote for this disaster are ignorant beyond reason, but there are plenty of idiots just like her who are white. Should we deport them too? Why do you have to make it about her ethnicity? You’re one of the reasons the left thinks Trump voters are racist and bigoted—thanks a lot.

Nah, the left doesn't care about any of that....they use their trolls and stalkers to take our eye off the prize and deal with them instead of the real menace their masters have brought us. This woman is a product of the lies and tribalism the left is using to destroy American capitalism....nothing new about her or them....we just have to stay on our toes and recognize it when it morphs into a different lie with a different face. BTW, I was a democrat for years, fought in LBJ's war, before the party abandoned me and Ronald Reagan came along.

LOL...the only thing you ever fought for was seconds in the chow line. The only good thing that came out of that post is this means that you are old and will not be around for much longer.

To generalize tens of millions of people - as you do - shows a distinct lack of intelligence and an extreme amount of ignorance/hatred.

Bye bye old man.

Hey....look at you....a real tough mean guy on the internet.

Go fuck yourself. You obviously could not qualify for the military.
Yo Tommy
Ms Ocasio- Cortez is absolutely wrong , not because she is Hispanic but because she is a socialist.

Let's be clear...she's no socialist...she's a communist same as Bernie...known not for what they say, but what they don't say. I won't bother denying your assertion this is racial with me...waste of my time. I've seen what these people are capable of around the world and know, despite the gender, age, or income-bracket these vermin belong to, they hate everything America stands for.
LOL...the only thing you ever fought for was seconds in the chow line. man.

Ate mostly the first MRE's, junior...and delicious Degar dishes between bouts of taking the ears off your commie heroes....wanna buy some?

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you did old man.

Anyway, back to the thread that you created...

Why don't you leave the thread ?

You've made no contribution whatsoever.

It's obvious you could not quality for the military and are taking it out on someone who served.
Now I'm in deficit-spending again....lost 5 more points (15 total) off a trophy I already claimed, dang it. :eusa_doh:
I don't see what has you so worried that you have to start dismissing her for her heritage and her honest work to feed herself.

Politics is the furthest thing from "honest work" going. I once owned a nightclub and have no problem with her slinging drinks for a living; what I do have a problem with is her rapid ascent to fame and fortune while singing the praises of Mao and Che.....don't think for a moment that toothy smile of hers doesn't disappear behind closed doors. She's the hot body version of Stalinism in Trump's America and hopefully she'll get pissed and say what she's really about in front of a microphone.
As it happens, there is, and it’s right there near the top of the monthly jobless report. Only 59.6 percent of the United States population was employed in January. On the other side of that, a whopping 40.4 percent of the population is not employed.
The Real Jobless Rate Is 42 Percent? Donald Trump Has a Point, Sort Of
Keep in mind that the population number BLS uses is the adult civilian non-institutional population: those are 16 an older not in the military or in prison or other institutions (nursing home, or other long term mental or physical health care). So the actual number employed is a little higher if you add the military but the number not employed is a lot higher adding in children, prisoners, mental patients, and those too old or disabled to look after themselves.

How many people above 18 in the USA in 2016?
why 18??

So was Trump wrong? NOPE! Was 100 million a fake number? NOPE!
Yes he was wrong: "not employed" is different from "unemployed.".
not employed means not working .
unemployed means willing and able to work but cannot find a job.

So the 100 million is mostly people who do not want to work, or cannot work, and so not unemployed, and it doesn't include millions more who cannot work so far short of the total number not employed. However you look at it be was just wrong.

As for the OP, since the unemployment rate counts individuals regardless of number of jobs, the number of people working multiple jobs would never have any effect on the unemployment rate.
You want to deport people born in the USA of Hispanic descent, no surprise..
----------------------------------------- country needs to be cleaned up for Americans , MAGA Moonglow .
Tell that to the injuns...
----------------------------------------------- you are living in the PAST and the diverse and fecked up future is for you and your kids Moonglow .
Being part injun I can tell you that white folks is fucked and will never regain the stranglehold they once did in the nation..Pax non mein friend..
You want to deport people born in the USA of Hispanic descent, no surprise..
----------------------------------------- country needs to be cleaned up for Americans , MAGA Moonglow .
Tell that to the injuns...
----------------------------------------------- you are living in the PAST and the diverse and fecked up future is for you and your kids Moonglow .
Being part injun I can tell you that white folks is fucked and will never regain the stranglehold they once did in the nation..Pax non mein friend..
------------------------------------------------------------ i'm just looking for Americans to prevail . You and yer kids and 'elizabeth POCHAHANTUS warren ' can form your tribe though Moonglow . :afro:
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I've lived in the American southwest for 44 years and have enjoyed the latin influences in American society...their food, their beer, their chicas,(mmmmmmm) their bravery...all of it. But this is America and while they are welcome to share in it, they ain't going to run it...not now, not ever. The commiecrats may as well run her for presidente and settle this thing once and for all time....either we win or the invaders win and they ain't going to win....not now, now ever....BUILD THE WALL, DEPORT EM ALL...MAGA! :eusa_angel:

Racist much?

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