.BTW - I suggest to spend more time reading a dictionary so you actually can know what words mean.

"I suggest to"? :lol:

Sorry...meant 'I suggest you'.

Thanks for letting me know.

BTW - whenever I see someone post a 'funny' emoticon? I then know that a) they cannot intelligently respond to my post - so they have to resort to the childish 'funny' face And b) they probably are stupid (IQ under 90) and lack education.

Nice to know that someone like you lacks education and is not very bright.
You'll notice nobody on the left is willing to answer the question:

Why is she running for Federal office ?

Why didn't she stay local if her focus is New York ?
You'll notice nobody on the left is willing to answer the question:

Why is she running for Federal office ?

Why didn't she stay local if her focus is New York ?

How the hell would anyone know why she did either...unless they knew her personally?

C'mon left wingers....

Answer the question.....why is she running for federal and not local office.
You'll notice nobody on the left is willing to answer the question:

Why is she running for Federal office ?

Why didn't she stay local if her focus is New York ?

How the hell would anyone know why she did either...unless they knew her personally?


Meaning you have not got the wit to understand her actions don't align with her statements of purpose.

Got it.
C'mon left wingers....

Answer the question.....why is she running for federal and not local office.

That's right folks.

Sun Devil 92 expects liberals - whom do NOT personally know this woman - to know EXACTLY what her emotional reasons/justificiations were for running for federal and not local office.


No doubt, to be followed by demanding people answer why Trump is apparently racist and why Bernie Sanders refuses to comb his hair.
I've lived in the American southwest for 44 years and have enjoyed the latin influences in American society...their food, their beer, their chicas,(mmmmmmm) their bravery...all of it. But this is America and while they are welcome to share in it, they ain't going to run it...not now, not ever. The commiecrats may as well run her for presidente and settle this thing once and for all time....either we win or the invaders win and they ain't going to win....not now, now ever....BUILD THE WALL, DEPORT EM ALL...MAGA! :eusa_angel:


Yo Tommy

Ms Ocasio- Cortez is absolutely wrong , not because she is Hispanic but because she is a socialist.

Fascism/Socialism was adopted in these USA in the early 1900's by the progressives. No evidence of Hispanic influence.

Fascism/socialism was cemented by FDR - I believe he was a New Yorker not of Mexican. or Hispanic descent.

.Ms Ocasio-Cortez will be elected by a landslide because her constituents are as stupid as she is. We can thank the educational octopus for that:

"Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state."

–Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)

C'mon left wingers....

Answer the question.....why is she running for federal and not local office.

That's right folks.

Sun Devil 92 expects liberals - whom do NOT personally know this woman - to know EXACTLY what her emotional reasons/justificiations were for running for federal and not local office.


No doubt, to be followed by demanding people answer why Trump is apparently racist and why Bernie Sanders refuses to comb his hair.

Please show me where I asked for that.

Like any left winger...you think you know something...when you really don't.

And you can't analyze the inconsistencies in her message and answer for them.

Please come back to the board when you've graduated high school.
C'mon left wingers....

Answer the question.....why is she running for federal and not local office.
Maybe you should ask her...

Nice dodge.

Of course, this represents a fundamental flaw in the thinking of the left and right.

All issues are fought at the federal level, when in reality it is state and local legislatures that have the real influence in your life.

But you keep thinking you can make everyone bow to a single form of regulation and you'll get folks like Trump elected time after time.

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