^^^ this idiot plays the race card there's a shocker.

Seems to me the OP played it first. It's not like he's even being subtle about it.

Maybe people will stop pulling the race card on y'all if you ... ya know ... stopped being racists?

Shut up you hack race card playing liberal drone, nobody is talking about her race. We are talking about her socialist policies and how the American people will tell her to shove it up her ass.
I've lived in the American southwest for 44 years and have enjoyed the latin influences in American society...their food, their beer, their chicas,(mmmmmmm) their bravery...all of it. But this is America and while they are welcome to share in it, they ain't going to run it...not now, not ever. The commiecrats may as well run her for presidente and settle this thing once and for all time....either we win or the invaders win and they ain't going to win....not now, now ever....BUILD THE WALL, DEPORT EM ALL...MAGA! :eusa_angel:


Uh, care to repeat that, buddy?

"Nobody is talking about her race".
- See above. Literally the first post.

"We are talking about her socialist policies"
- Not even mentioned in the OP. Nothing about policy mentioned.

You played the race card on me and called me a racist because of what someone else said. Goddamn you liberals are gutless cowards. Why don't you just admit you were trolling and calling people racists, grow a pair if you want to be a liberal race card playing troll then proudly admit it.

I didn't mention you once in my original reply, actually.

Though I'm sure I've seen you up to some similar racist shenanigans in the past anyway.

Oh look a liberal called out for playing the race card tries to squirm out of it, then plays the race card again. Return when you are less stupid then maybe we can continue discussing.
You want to deport people born in the USA of Hispanic descent, no surprise..
----------------------------------------- country needs to be cleaned up for Americans , MAGA Moonglow .
Tell that to the injuns...
----------------------------------------------- you are living in the PAST and the diverse and fecked up future is for you and your kids Moonglow .
Being part injun I can tell you that white folks is fucked and will never regain the stranglehold they once did in the nation..Pax non mein friend..
---------------------------------------- as i have often said , third world is coming for you and yours and young people . The USA's people have had it made and that will come to an end in my opinion Moonglow .
You want to deport people born in the USA of Hispanic descent, no surprise..
----------------------------------------- country needs to be cleaned up for Americans , MAGA Moonglow .
Tell that to the injuns...
----------------------------------------------- you are living in the PAST and the diverse and fecked up future is for you and your kids Moonglow .
Being part injun I can tell you that white folks is fucked and will never regain the stranglehold they once did in the nation..Pax non mein friend..
---------------------------------------- as i have often said , third world is coming for you and yours and young people . The USA's people have had it made and that will come to an end in my opinion Moonglow .
And yet when Rome fell there twasn't a damn thing a guy like me could do about it but continue to exist, just like now in all this supposed glory..
I've lived in the American southwest for 44 years and have enjoyed the latin influences in American society...their food, their beer, their chicas,(mmmmmmm) their bravery...all of it. But this is America and while they are welcome to share in it, they ain't going to run it...not now, not ever. The commiecrats may as well run her for presidente and settle this thing once and for all time....either we win or the invaders win and they ain't going to win....not now, now ever....BUILD THE WALL, DEPORT EM ALL...MAGA! :eusa_angel:


All in all just another brick, in the wall-)

They have cooked their own goose.

Do not believe me?

Go off this site, and look around. They are done, forget about it, put a fork in it-)
well , Indians and all people in the USA have had it made under American style Western principles of Governing Moonglow .
has alex ever brought up the national debt vs the 35 Trillion in free stuff that she if offering?
well , Indians and all people in the USA have had it made under American style Western principles of Governing Moonglow .
So the US is concentric to the dimensions of power on Earth?
------------------------------------- don't know what that means or asks , -------------- but concerning Indians , Most of the flood of invaders coming to the USA are Indians , Maya , Inca , Aztec and others plus peasants and mestizo from mexico and south america . There are not many 'spanish' european Conquerors in the ranks of the third world invaders of the USA . So ,looks like these invading Indians know a good system when they see it . One problem with these invading Indians and other third worlders is that they will wreck what exists or existed in the USA Moonglow .
well , Indians and all people in the USA have had it made under American style Western principles of Governing Moonglow .
So the US is concentric to the dimensions of power on Earth?
------------------------------------- don't know what that means or asks , -------------- but concerning Indians , Most of the flood of invaders coming to the USA are Indians , Maya , Inca , Aztec and others plus peasants and mestizo from mexico and south america . There are not many 'spanish' european Conquerors in the ranks of the third world invaders of the USA . So ,looks like these invading Indians know a good system when they see it . One problem with these invading Indians and other third worlders is that they will wreck what exists or existed in the USA Moonglow .
Which is what humans do..
She's smart enough to know that socialist leaders have the best shot at becoming a billionaire without doing a stitch of productive work
if ALLOWED ------------------- but my point was that MOST foreign Indian and other foreign invaders recognize the superiority of the USA while some Indians in the USA don't recognize how good they already have things . Course its these same newly arriving invaders and other Third Worlders that will feck up the Greatest Nation that has ever existed . -------------- just my observation and as i have said many times , probably won't matter to me as i am an Old Guy . But i think that these invaders are really going to mess up new and young NATIVE generations in the USA Moonglow .
As it happens, there is, and it’s right there near the top of the monthly jobless report. Only 59.6 percent of the United States population was employed in January. On the other side of that, a whopping 40.4 percent of the population is not employed.
The Real Jobless Rate Is 42 Percent? Donald Trump Has a Point, Sort Of
Keep in mind that the population number BLS uses is the adult civilian non-institutional population: those are 16 an older not in the military or in prison or other institutions (nursing home, or other long term mental or physical health care). So the actual number employed is a little higher if you add the military but the number not employed is a lot higher adding in children, prisoners, mental patients, and those too old or disabled to look after themselves.

How many people above 18 in the USA in 2016?
why 18??

So was Trump wrong? NOPE! Was 100 million a fake number? NOPE!

Yes he was wrong: "not employed" is different from "unemployed.".
not employed means not working .
unemployed means willing and able to work but cannot find a job.

So the 100 million is mostly people who do not want to work, or cannot work, and so not unemployed, and it doesn't include millions more who cannot work so far short of the total number not employed. However you look at it be was just wrong.

As for the OP, since the unemployment rate counts individuals regardless of number of jobs, the number of people working multiple jobs would never have any effect on the unemployment rate.

You may want to see the correct definitions of "not employed" and "unemployed" from the people that actually do the work of keeping track of the unemployed/not employed.

nd as the How the Government Measures Unemployment defines..
There are about 60,000 eligible households in the sample for this survey. This translates into approximately 110,000 individuals each month, a large sample compared to public opinion surveys, which usually cover fewer than 2,000 people. The CPS sample is selected so as to be representative of the entire population of the United States. In order to select the sample, all of the counties and independent cities in the country first are grouped into approximately 2,000 geographic areas (sampling units). The Census Bureau then designs and selects a sample of about 800 of these geographic areas to represent each state and the District of Columbia. The sample is a state-based design and reflects urban and rural areas, different types of industrial and farming areas, and the major geographic divisions of each state.
Who is counted as unemployed?
People are classified as unemployed if they do not have a job, have actively looked for work in the prior 4 weeks, and are currently available for work. Actively looking for work may consist of any of the following activities:

To summarize, the employed are:
  • All those who did any work for pay or profit during the survey reference week.
  • All those who did at least 15 hours of unpaid work in a business or farm operated by a family member with whom they live.
  • All those who were temporarily absent from their regular jobs because of illness, vacation, bad weather, labor dispute, or various personal reasons, whether or not they were paid for the time off.
The unemployed are:
  • All those who did not have a job at all during the survey reference week, made at least one specific active effort to find a job during the prior 4 weeks, and were available for work (unless temporarily ill).
  • All those who were not working and were waiting to be called back to a job from which they had been laid off. (They need not be looking for work to be classified as unemployed.)

Trump was referencing the "unemployed" that tried to find work but couldn't.
In May 2016, there were 151 million employed people among the 253 million that made up the civilian noninstitutional population.
Employment–population ratio, 59.7 percent; unemployment rate, 4.7 percent in May : The Economics Daily: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

There are more jobs than people out of work, something the American economy has never experienced before
  • There are 6.7 million job openings and just 6.4 million available workers to fill them, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • April marked the second month in a row that there were more vacancies than available hires, a phenomenon that had not happened before 2018.
  • Despite the mismatch, sizeable wage gains remain elusive, with average hourly earnings up just 2.7 percent over the past year.
There are more jobs than people out of work, something the American economy has never experienced before

That's what Trump was talking about.
People being able to work because there were jobs.

And this was what Trump was talking about.
Seventy may be the new 60, and 80 may be the new 70, but 85 is still pretty old to work in America. Yet in some ways, it is the era of the very old worker in America.

Overall, 255,000 Americans 85 years old or older were working over the past 12 months. That's 4.4 percent of Americans that age, up from 2.6 percent in 2006, before the recession. It’s the highest number on record.
Analysis | A record number of folks age 85 and older are working. Here’s what they’re doing.

So whatever the nomenclature Trump used, it seems to be working as there are NOW more people than jobs...something that has never happened before.
Today's most popular American Socialist. I say drop her off in some Socialist country like Venezuela and see how long it takes her to beg to come home. Let her experience what she it trying to pawn off on America. Oh yeah, and send Bernie Sanders with her.
Today's most popular American Socialist. I say drop her off in some Socialist country like Venezuela and see how long it takes her to beg to come home. Let her experience what she it trying to pawn off on America. Oh yeah, and send Bernie Sanders with her.
/----/.She would simply say the wrong socialists are running Venezuela.
Today's most popular American Socialist. I say drop her off in some Socialist country like Venezuela and see how long it takes her to beg to come home. Let her experience what she it trying to pawn off on America. Oh yeah, and send Bernie Sanders with her.
/----/.She would simply say the wrong socialists are running Venezuela.
Yeah, socialists are famous for saying that...."If we just did it differently"....Yeah right, the death toll for Socialism is far above whatever Hitler did.
I say keep putting her on T. V. as often as possible up to the November Election.
Today's most popular American Socialist. I say drop her off in some Socialist country like Venezuela and see how long it takes her to beg to come home. Let her experience what she it trying to pawn off on America. Oh yeah, and send Bernie Sanders with her.
/----/.She would simply say the wrong socialists are running Venezuela.

The old "it just wasn't implemented correctly".

You guys have me worried she could be a political force. I mean, guys, you're America, what the f...

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