Meet the new Red Guard: ‘Justice Democrats’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Revolution within and through the Democratic Party

Meet the new Red Guard: 'Justice Democrats'
I don’t really know how far to the left Nancy Pelosi is, perhaps further than she lets on. But my guess is that she’s not very happy about the radical wing of the Democratic Party, the one whose members stayed seated when President Trump said in his SOTU address that the U.S. will never become a socialist country.
They have a name, too: Justice Democrats. It’s the latest euphemism for the radical left. The American public may have finally caught on to the previous euphemism, “progressive.”
Justice Democrats aren’t fooling around, and they’re not bothered by many of the considerations that dog their more moderate colleagues. Justice Democrats must feel that the time is right to lay at least a few of their cards on the table and to oppose those party members they call “radical conservatives.”
We know the name of the photogenic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but some of the others are quite obscure so far—and by “others,” I include those behind her rise. From Politico:
"“I am talking about the radical conservatives in the Democratic Party,” said Saikat Chakrabarti [AOC’s chief of staff]. “That’s who we need to counter. It’s the same across any number of issues—pay-as-you-go, free college, “Medicare for all.” These are all enormously popular in the party, but they don’t pass because of the radical conservatives who are holding the party hostage.”
If that requires knocking out well-known elected officials and replacing them with more radical newcomers, so be it. And if it ends up ripping apart the Democratic Party in the process—well, that might be the idea.
“There is going to be a war within the party. We are going to lean into it,” said Waleed Shahid, the group’s spokesman.​
Here’s an article by Shahid that maps out the plan. This group means business. I suggest you read it.

“Will they overplay their hand?” They already have. They’ve declared war on the people who control the purse strings, not to mention committee assignments and votes. And they’re planning to push their war when the rest of the party is more focused on the upcoming presidential election.
They should have spent a few years laying the groundwork, building their power base. Instead, they’ve just made a lot of noise and painted targets on themselves. This is not an impressive plan.
Why aren't conservatives doing their part in getting real Constitutionalists elected. Trump can't save this country by himself.
Strangely, today’s youth and much of the younger middle-aged folks do not know the difference between science fiction and demagogic offers of bread and circuses. Progressive Marxist Socialist that for decades have infiltrated our educational system has now revised American History in their myopic vision.
They’ve been essentially “trained” as to how to view their world. And it is a country filled with inequity, prejudice, and serving only the rich. Open only to those who are either connected or work 18 hours a day.
There seems to be a lot of muzz in the Occasional Cortex camp. She's pretty tight with Mullah Omar and Rashida Taliban too. There is a pattern forming here and it is not at all attractive. This is an Islamic operation. The socialists are just the pawns.
The new "Red Guard" is like every freakin public school student since 2008.

Sorry! It is what it is, and something will have to be done about it.

Specifically re-education or they have to be put down.

If someone has another option that doesn't involve the brainwashed dumbasses running things, I'm open to suggestions. These are people's children, after all.

That is unless you want to have those brainwashed dumbasses in charge of your future. I'm not even kidding, that is reality. IDGAF, I did my duty what I had to do, I expect nothing good from these assholes.

It's a different world these days. One where once you're no longer able to work, your usefulness has expired.

Kinda Commie. The state has indoctrinated them to be apathetic pieces of shit.

Tbh, I don't even want to live in a world like that. A world without God, all statist n stuff. Not for me.

It hasn't come to fruition yet, but it's entirely possible.

I know me and a few family and black people that just wouldn't want to live in such a world.

We're the ones from God's America.

God help us. PS: I forgot all the other God-Fearing Americans, I include them as well.
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As much as I despise everything these “Justice Democrats” believe in, I have to give them credit for being brutally honest about their intent, their unwillingness to compromise, and their plan to promote it. The Conservatives throughout the country could learn something from this group
They feel untouchable in their "no go zone" congressional districts.
WTF is the GOP going to do, put up a decorated veteran to run against these commie/Taliban sympathizers?

Revolution within and through the Democratic Party

Meet the new Red Guard: 'Justice Democrats'
I don’t really know how far to the left Nancy Pelosi is, perhaps further than she lets on. But my guess is that she’s not very happy about the radical wing of the Democratic Party, the one whose members stayed seated when President Trump said in his SOTU address that the U.S. will never become a socialist country.
They have a name, too: Justice Democrats. It’s the latest euphemism for the radical left. The American public may have finally caught on to the previous euphemism, “progressive.”
Justice Democrats aren’t fooling around, and they’re not bothered by many of the considerations that dog their more moderate colleagues. Justice Democrats must feel that the time is right to lay at least a few of their cards on the table and to oppose those party members they call “radical conservatives.”
We know the name of the photogenic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but some of the others are quite obscure so far—and by “others,” I include those behind her rise. From Politico:
"“I am talking about the radical conservatives in the Democratic Party,” said Saikat Chakrabarti [AOC’s chief of staff]. “That’s who we need to counter. It’s the same across any number of issues—pay-as-you-go, free college, “Medicare for all.” These are all enormously popular in the party, but they don’t pass because of the radical conservatives who are holding the party hostage.”
If that requires knocking out well-known elected officials and replacing them with more radical newcomers, so be it. And if it ends up ripping apart the Democratic Party in the process—well, that might be the idea.
“There is going to be a war within the party. We are going to lean into it,” said Waleed Shahid, the group’s spokesman.​
Here’s an article by Shahid that maps out the plan. This group means business. I suggest you read it.

“Will they overplay their hand?” They already have. They’ve declared war on the people who control the purse strings, not to mention committee assignments and votes. And they’re planning to push their war when the rest of the party is more focused on the upcoming presidential election.
They should have spent a few years laying the groundwork, building their power base. Instead, they’ve just made a lot of noise and painted targets on themselves. This is not an impressive plan.
Why aren't conservatives doing their part in getting real Constitutionalists elected. Trump can't save this country by himself.
Strangely, today’s youth and much of the younger middle-aged folks do not know the difference between science fiction and demagogic offers of bread and circuses. Progressive Marxist Socialist that for decades have infiltrated our educational system has now revised American History in their myopic vision.
They’ve been essentially “trained” as to how to view their world. And it is a country filled with inequity, prejudice, and serving only the rich. Open only to those who are either connected or work 18 hours a day.
They are a bunch of idiots.

Kyle and the Young Turks started that group like 2 years ago or something.
Progressive Marxist Socialist Sociopaths will control you and they will destroy you. They love power over other people. Justice Democrats or Ministry of Truth or Climate Change or whatever lie works. Royalty will rule over the peasants as it is their “divine” right. This is just a revised version of the old Red Guard.
These people are dangerous to all freedom loving people.
I have to give them credit for being brutally honest about their intent, their unwillingness to compromise, and their plan to promote it. The Conservatives throughout the country could learn something from this group

Anyone who has been successful in politics did it by never forgetting the first lesson. Honesty is over-rated.

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