Meet The Press Throws Spitball at Romney....

I think you may want to marry him. :D

I'm sorry. I'm just teasing you a little. :)

Barry and Laugher sittin in a tree....K.I.S.S.I.N.G. :suck:

Seriously though, the man gave some good speeches, but that was all I really got from him. I don't hate Obama, although I think he's an arrogant douche at times. I just don't get why people like him so much. It's a mystery to me! I remember his first go-round, and I was wondering who is this guy, where did he come from, and why does everyone seem to love him so much? I found it to be a very strange phenomenon. All I could think was that maybe it's because he was that it was because he was a minority candidate, but then so was Herman Cain! Nobody liked him though! :lol: Anyway, Obama adoration, it's kind of weird.

If you don't hate Obama, you probably don't know him enough and/or just hate to hate people. His morals are bad and his motives are sinister. Who he is is a puppet boy who has a cult of personality. It's too complex of a puzzle for me to lay it all out in one paragraph though. As for who he is to the common shlub like Lone Laugher; he is whomever he has romanticized him to be. It's easy to see Obama in a great light when you're not a truth seeker.
Seriously though, the man gave some good speeches, but that was all I really got from him. I don't hate Obama, although I think he's an arrogant douche at times. I just don't get why people like him so much. It's a mystery to me! I remember his first go-round, and I was wondering who is this guy, where did he come from, and why does everyone seem to love him so much? I found it to be a very strange phenomenon. All I could think was that maybe it's because he was that it was because he was a minority candidate, but then so was Herman Cain! Nobody liked him though! :lol: Anyway, Obama adoration, it's kind of weird.

There's a reason why no one liked Herman Cain. No one has any use for a sorry-ass Uncle Tom who tells white people how shiftless his fellow blacks are.

I think Obama has benefitted from a cult of personality, but what put him over the top was that Bush had messed up everything so badly, we were happy to try anything for relief.
If you don't hate Obama, you probably don't know him enough and/or just hate to hate people. His morals are bad and his motives are sinister. Who he is is a puppet boy who has a cult of personality. It's too complex of a puzzle for me to lay it all out in one paragraph though. As for who he is to the common shlub like Lone Laugher; he is whomever he has romanticized him to be. It's easy to see Obama in a great light when you're not a truth seeker.

Okay, now this is the kind of dumb racist shit we've seen over the last six years, the meltdown that white people have when they have to share power. It's like asking a four year old to share toys.

I do think that there were a lot of people who voted for Obama in 2008 because he represented a fresh face and people were hopeful that we had advanced past our darker history of racism. Then the Right Wing Completely lost it's shit over the black guy. Hey, remember in 2008 when Evangelicals wouldn't ote for Romney because he was a Mormon Cultist? Well fuck that in 2012! He could be sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you'd be glad he got the n****r out of the white house.
It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).

Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.
If you don't hate Obama, you probably don't know him enough and/or just hate to hate people. His morals are bad and his motives are sinister. Who he is is a puppet boy who has a cult of personality. It's too complex of a puzzle for me to lay it all out in one paragraph though. As for who he is to the common shlub like Lone Laugher; he is whomever he has romanticized him to be. It's easy to see Obama in a great light when you're not a truth seeker.

Okay, now this is the kind of dumb racist shit we've seen over the last six years, the meltdown that white people have when they have to share power. It's like asking a four year old to share toys.

I do think that there were a lot of people who voted for Obama in 2008 because he represented a fresh face and people were hopeful that we had advanced past our darker history of racism. Then the Right Wing Completely lost it's shit over the black guy. Hey, remember in 2008 when Evangelicals wouldn't ote for Romney because he was a Mormon Cultist? Well fuck that in 2012! He could be sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you'd be glad he got the n****r out of the white house.

Yea, it's racist to not even mention race while making a criticism against someone who is part of a race. Okay, guy.
Yea, it's racist to not even mention race while making a criticism against someone who is part of a race. Okay, guy.

i think as much as you try to paint a happy face on it, you guys are all about the racism.

You had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called RomneyCare. In fact, it was "White and Delightsome" to paraphrase the Book of Mormon.

But then the black guy did it!
It's Romney 3.0 who is planning on running. He no longer says 47% of Americans are dead beats or scofflaws - but who is going to believe him? He was born with a silver wingtip in his mouth (apology to the late Molly Ivins for modifying her quip).

Yeah well, Romney was born in the United States and he made his money on his own smarts, not sucking it in off the taxpayers like your Kenyan fake. Molly Ivins was a gross old pig.
Romney's Bain was dead in the water, and about to go under when it received a 10 million dollar bailout.

The Federal Bailout That Saved Mitt Romney Rolling Stone

Wouldn't rising from a Kenyan hut, to become President, be more of a success story, requiring a lot of "smarts?"
Larry J. Sabato s Crystal Ball Three-peat Mitt Romney s New Rating

Yet Romney hasn’t yet said definitively that his hat is in the ring; in that way, he is testing the waters. Based on everything we’ve seen and heard, Romney will find the waters chilly. The party’s ex-nominee is getting blowback from three groups: mainstream Republicans who think he threw away the ’12 election; the conservative base that never trusted his claims of conservatism (though they seem to trust Bush even less); and the news media, which will quickly revive all the controversies that dogged him in past campaigns. Videotape lives forever, and no politician can declare prior gaffes to be old news and off limits.

Romney was a pitiful candidate even against the worst president in history.

Surprise was a reasonable reaction. Romney had repeatedly disavowed any desire to put on his running shoes again, noting that he had had his chance and telling the New York Times a year ago: “Oh, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no.” Eleven no’s — and it turns out they still didn’t add up to a durable Sherman-esque declaration.

Please no.
Romney spit into the wind over and over again and he's got more slobber on his face every time he opened his mouth.

Obama did better in two years on the economy than slobber head said he could do in four years and Russia still ain't our biggest geo-political foe and Romney wouid be getting Americans killed on the ground in Syria and Iraq.

He should go buy an island - kick all the poor folks off and make himself a Mormon king and leave Anericans alone.

.President Barack Obama's approval rating has risen to 50 percent in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll released Monday, his strongest showing in the survey since the spring of 2013.

Forty-four percent disapprove of how he's handling his job as president.

The improving poll numbers come one day before Obama's State of the Union speech, amid positive economic news and complete Republican control of Congress for the first time in his presidency.

By a 40 to 36 percent margin, Americans said they trust Obama over Republicans to "do a better job coping with the main problems the nation faces over the next few years."

Poll Obama Approval Rises To 50
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Can someone...ANYone....(the media)...start focusing more on NEITHER party? Come on already. Enough of repubs and dems. Lets see some fresh meat instead of the continual maggot filled meatcart pulled in front of us every 4 years.
They want to pick your candidates for you, especially the left wing DNC media. They want to pick the candidate for the right because they want to pick someone they know will lose. That's why you don't hear them talking about new blood that's very popular with the conservative base like Ted Cruz.
Well, suck it up and pick your own candidate. We'll enjoy laughing at which ever idiot you choose.
Can someone...ANYone....(the media)...start focusing more on NEITHER party? Come on already. Enough of repubs and dems. Lets see some fresh meat instead of the continual maggot filled meatcart pulled in front of us every 4 years.
They want to pick your candidates for you, especially the left wing DNC media. They want to pick the candidate for the right because they want to pick someone they know will lose. That's why you don't hear them talking about new blood that's very popular with the conservative base like Ted Cruz.
Well, suck it up and pick your own candidate. We'll enjoy laughing at which ever idiot you choose.

And at whatever president gets elected.
That's why you don't hear them talking about new blood that's very popular with the conservative base like Ted Cruz.

Cruz is not qualified to drive an ice cream truck when making asinine stupid statements like this:

.“You cannot defeat radical Islamic terrorism if you’re unwilling to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’”
Read more at Ted Cruz You Can t Defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism If You Can t Say It

Our military and a coalition of partners in the region will defeat DAIISH even if they call them rubber duckies. What they are called has nothing to do with killing every last one of that scum. Cruz is an idiot.
Seriously though, the man gave some good speeches, but that was all I really got from him. I don't hate Obama, although I think he's an arrogant douche at times. I just don't get why people like him so much. It's a mystery to me! I remember his first go-round, and I was wondering who is this guy, where did he come from, and why does everyone seem to love him so much? I found it to be a very strange phenomenon. All I could think was that maybe it's because he was that it was because he was a minority candidate, but then so was Herman Cain! Nobody liked him though! :lol: Anyway, Obama adoration, it's kind of weird.

There's a reason why no one liked Herman Cain. No one has any use for a sorry-ass Uncle Tom who tells white people how shiftless his fellow blacks are.

I think Obama has benefitted from a cult of personality, but what put him over the top was that Bush had messed up everything so badly, we were happy to try anything for relief.

Uncle Tom, huh? Interesting. Are you black?
If you don't hate Obama, you probably don't know him enough and/or just hate to hate people. His morals are bad and his motives are sinister. Who he is is a puppet boy who has a cult of personality. It's too complex of a puzzle for me to lay it all out in one paragraph though. As for who he is to the common shlub like Lone Laugher; he is whomever he has romanticized him to be. It's easy to see Obama in a great light when you're not a truth seeker.

Okay, now this is the kind of dumb racist shit we've seen over the last six years, the meltdown that white people have when they have to share power. It's like asking a four year old to share toys.

I do think that there were a lot of people who voted for Obama in 2008 because he represented a fresh face and people were hopeful that we had advanced past our darker history of racism. Then the Right Wing Completely lost it's shit over the black guy. Hey, remember in 2008 when Evangelicals wouldn't ote for Romney because he was a Mormon Cultist? Well fuck that in 2012! He could be sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you'd be glad he got the n****r out of the white house.

Yea, it's racist to not even mention race while making a criticism against someone who is part of a race. Okay, guy.

He's an idiot, obviously, who sees the racist bogeymen hiding behind every corner.
If you don't hate Obama, you probably don't know him enough and/or just hate to hate people. His morals are bad and his motives are sinister. Who he is is a puppet boy who has a cult of personality. It's too complex of a puzzle for me to lay it all out in one paragraph though. As for who he is to the common shlub like Lone Laugher; he is whomever he has romanticized him to be. It's easy to see Obama in a great light when you're not a truth seeker.

Okay, now this is the kind of dumb racist shit we've seen over the last six years, the meltdown that white people have when they have to share power. It's like asking a four year old to share toys.

I do think that there were a lot of people who voted for Obama in 2008 because he represented a fresh face and people were hopeful that we had advanced past our darker history of racism. Then the Right Wing Completely lost it's shit over the black guy. Hey, remember in 2008 when Evangelicals wouldn't ote for Romney because he was a Mormon Cultist? Well fuck that in 2012! He could be sacrificing virgins to C'Thulhu and you'd be glad he got the n****r out of the white house.

Yea, it's racist to not even mention race while making a criticism against someone who is part of a race. Okay, guy.

He's an idiot, obviously, who sees the racist bogeymen hiding behind every corner.

LOL; more gold from joeb. That one's going in my sig line.

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