Meet The Press Throws Spitball at Romney....

That's why you don't hear them talking about new blood that's very popular with the conservative base like Ted Cruz.

Cruz is not qualified to drive an ice cream truck when making asinine stupid statements like this:

.“You cannot defeat radical Islamic terrorism if you’re unwilling to utter the words ‘radical Islamic terrorism.’”
Read more at Ted Cruz You Can t Defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism If You Can t Say It

Our military and a coalition of partners in the region will defeat DAIISH even if they call them rubber duckies. What they are called has nothing to do with killing every last one of that scum. Cruz is an idiot.
Aaaaaww.... is the poor little progtard mad because people like the true conservative Ted Cruz?

Well we know Ted pisses you little progtard bubble heads off, that's part of how we know we have the right person. We just keep an eye on who you people hate the most, and that's usually the person we want.

Sorry. Find a way to deal with it, or go fucking bury your head in a toilet, I don't give a fuck, shit for brains.
Guy, the thing was, the last time we gave your party the controls, you crashed the whole country into the wall.

No, Willy had the car was careening down an icy mountain road with no brakes and a stuck accelerator (Toyota).....Willy jumped out and Dubya grabbed the wheel....he skidded past an oncoming semi, slid sideways through a school crossing, missed a dog, didn't miss an armadillo, and finally send us spinning into a cornfield, otherwise none the worse for wear. And now you want to give Hillary the keys because Willy says he taught her how to drive? :ack-1:
Chuck Todd's collection of gypsies, tramps, and thieves launched another preemptive strike for at Mitt. Same old crap....snickering and snide claims "even the GOP thinks he's yesterday's news...blah blah blah. Of course the token Repub on the panel, RINO Michael Steele who paved Hussein's path to the WH by doing nothing more than riding around in limos, smiled and agreed.


Chuck, he of the dead eyes and twitching elbow, seems to enjoy these little circle-jerks immensely since it's less time to figure out what to do with his hands. I've never seen a more uncomfortable stooge in a more contrived and awkward venue...why is this show still on the air?

They need to end this show....
Start a new one,same time period.Why keep the name since it seems viewers bailed on it.
MSNBC is just a branch of the Democrat election committee now.
As for Michael Steele he has crossed over to the Democrats...what a disappointment.

You said: As for Michael Steele he has crossed over to the Democrats...what a disappointment

You only need to stop watching Fox to know that's not true.
Chuck Todd's collection of gypsies, tramps, and thieves launched another preemptive strike for at Mitt. Same old crap....snickering and snide claims "even the GOP thinks he's yesterday's news...blah blah blah. Of course the token Repub on the panel, RINO Michael Steele who paved Hussein's path to the WH by doing nothing more than riding around in limos, smiled and agreed.


Chuck, he of the dead eyes and twitching elbow, seems to enjoy these little circle-jerks immensely since it's less time to figure out what to do with his hands. I've never seen a more uncomfortable stooge in a more contrived and awkward venue...why is this show still on the air?

What world does Mitt Romney live in? He still hasn't figured out that no one likes him, including most of his own party.
Yea, it's racist to not even mention race while making a criticism against someone who is part of a race. Okay, guy.

i think as much as you try to paint a happy face on it, you guys are all about the racism.

You had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called RomneyCare. In fact, it was "White and Delightsome" to paraphrase the Book of Mormon.

But then the black guy did it!

BTW, someone redid the quote and you saying it. But after a fact check, it was my tongue n' cheek response (so, taking it down). All the same, you're pathetic. You (continually) go around calling people racists when they're not even bringing up race. That's just a loser thing to do.

I've never defended Romneycare. I'm not for it; and I have my reservations about Romney's so-called fixes of Obamacare. It's not that I don't believe he won't make good changes. I just don't think he'll truly abolish it. I think the fact that he seems to be on the everyone should have healthcare wagon shows he's no Ron Paul.

Lastly, it's a silly that you paint everyone with your broad racist brush. It's altogether too convenient for you; and it's frankly intellectually lazy at best.
You had no problem with ObamaCare when it was called RomneyCare.

Feel free to show me where I've ever said that. THE ONLY (FUNDAMENTAL) DEFENSE of Romneycare that I've ever made is that it is at least arguably Constitutional at a state level. Even then, I have been a staunch advocate of free market medicine otherwise and have not sought to excuse Romneycare in the least. So, stop trying to oversimplify like a bitch.
No, Willy had the car was careening down an icy mountain road with no brakes and a stuck accelerator (Toyota).....Willy jumped out and Dubya grabbed the wheel....he skidded past an oncoming semi, slid sideways through a school crossing, missed a dog, didn't miss an armadillo, and finally send us spinning into a cornfield, otherwise none the worse for wear. And now you want to give Hillary the keys because Willy says he taught her how to drive?

Are you fucking delusional?

Guy, Bush was the one who decided to go to war on a credit card and turned 200 billion dollar surpluses into 5 trillion in new debt. Bush was the one who refused to regulate the banks and wall street.

Bush was the one who created this huge new bureaucracy that failed to respond to Katrina in an intelligent way.
Feel free to show me where I've ever said that. THE ONLY (FUNDAMENTAL) DEFENSE of Romneycare that I've ever made is that it is at least arguably Constitutional at a state level. Even then, I have been a staunch advocate of free market medicine otherwise and have not sought to excuse Romneycare in the least. So, stop trying to oversimplify like a bitch.

When I say, "you", I mean the right wing collectively. Not what you personally were for or against before the Black Guy Did It.

Because keeping track of your flip-flopping would be brain-numbing.

Point was, before the Black Guy Did It, the Right wing first proposed a private sector universal plan under Nixon. Democrats shot it down then because they felt a single payer system run by the government would be better because that's what all the cool democracies were doing.

Then the Heritage Foundation proposed the same thing as an alternative to HillaryCare.

Then your Boy Romney implemented it on a state level and called it "A good Model for the Nation".

And then the Black Guy Did It. Then it became, "That socialist scheme that is going to destroy America!!!"
BTW, someone redid the quote and you saying it. But after a fact check, it was my tongue n' cheek response (so, taking it down). All the same, you're pathetic. You (continually) go around calling people racists when they're not even bringing up race. That's just a loser thing to do.

Well, except the GOP Has been appealing to racism to get working class whites to vote against their own economic interests for 50 years now. Nixon's Southern Strategy, Reagan's Welfare Queens, Bush's Willy Horton ads... And when the Democrats did manage to get a black g uy elected, you all went completely nuts.

Yes, it is about the racism.

I've never defended Romneycare. I'm not for it; and I have my reservations about Romney's so-called fixes of Obamacare. It's not that I don't believe he won't make good changes. I just don't think he'll truly abolish it. I think the fact that he seems to be on the everyone should have healthcare wagon shows he's no Ron Paul.

You mean he's not a crazy person who screams "Let Him Die?" Well, yes, while Romney has shown nothing but contempt for poor and working people, even he wasn't willing to go THAT far.
Feel free to show me where I've ever said that. THE ONLY (FUNDAMENTAL) DEFENSE of Romneycare that I've ever made is that it is at least arguably Constitutional at a state level. Even then, I have been a staunch advocate of free market medicine otherwise and have not sought to excuse Romneycare in the least. So, stop trying to oversimplify like a bitch.

When I say, "you", I mean the right wing collectively. Not what you personally were for or against before the Black Guy Did It.

Because keeping track of your flip-flopping would be brain-numbing.

Point was, before the Black Guy Did It, the Right wing first proposed a private sector universal plan under Nixon. Democrats shot it down then because they felt a single payer system run by the government would be better because that's what all the cool democracies were doing.

Then the Heritage Foundation proposed the same thing as an alternative to HillaryCare.

Then your Boy Romney implemented it on a state level and called it "A good Model for the Nation".

And then the Black Guy Did It. Then it became, "That socialist scheme that is going to destroy America!!!"

I'm not the so-called right wing. Frankly, you are much closer to what you think is 'right wing' Republicans than I. And again, calm down on you black guy nonsense. It's not an adequate refutation when it comes to politics. Obama doesn't get cart blanch to do what he wants just cos you want to cast him as the poor picked on (rich) black guy.

I'm guessing you're taking Romney out of context and that he referred to it as "a good model for the nation" at the state level. He has been pretty clear about his national stance. But I guess you want to do 'brain-numbing' semantics.
I'm not the so-called right wing. Frankly, you are much closer to what you think is 'right wing' Republicans than I. And again, calm down on you black guy nonsense. It's not an adequate refutation when it comes to politics. Obama doesn't get cart blanch to do what he wants just cos you want to cast him as the poor picked on (rich) black guy.

Nobody said to give him "Carte blanche". But when your side fight against your own ideas, shut down the government, wreck the country's credit rating, and even go around claiming he wasn't born in this country, it goes beyond the regular give and take of politics. You see, I kind of what the GOP and Dems to meet somewhere in the middle on problems.

I'm guessing you're taking Romney out of context and that he referred to it as "a good model for the nation" at the state level. He has been pretty clear about his national stance. But I guess you want to do 'brain-numbing' semantics.

I'm not taking him "out of context". Romney called his plan "A Model for the Nation".

Romney in 2007 RomneyCare will be a model for the nation RedState

…During a speech in Baltimore on Feb. 2, 2007, Romney outlined his ambitions for the Massachusetts plan. “I’m proud of what we’ve done,” he said. “If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be a model for the nation.” Last month Romney’s dream came true. If Republicans knew what was good for them, they would stop treating it as a nightmare…

In an interview with CNN in 2009, as Washington was debating President Barack Obama’s health care proposal, Romney said portions of the Massachusetts law could serve as a model for the country.

“I think there are a number of features in the Massachusetts plan that could inform Washington on ways to improve health care for all Americans,” Romney told CNN. “The fact that we were able to get people insured without a government option is a model I think they can learn from.”

And then the Black Guy Did It.

I'm not the so-called right wing. Frankly, you are much closer to what you think is 'right wing' Republicans than I. And again, calm down on you black guy nonsense. It's not an adequate refutation when it comes to politics. Obama doesn't get cart blanch to do what he wants just cos you want to cast him as the poor picked on (rich) black guy.

Nobody said to give him "Carte blanche". But when your side fight against your own ideas, shut down the government, wreck the country's credit rating, and even go around claiming he wasn't born in this country, it goes beyond the regular give and take of politics. You see, I kind of what the GOP and Dems to meet somewhere in the middle on problems.

I'm guessing you're taking Romney out of context and that he referred to it as "a good model for the nation" at the state level. He has been pretty clear about his national stance. But I guess you want to do 'brain-numbing' semantics.

I'm not taking him "out of context". Romney called his plan "A Model for the Nation".

Romney in 2007 RomneyCare will be a model for the nation RedState

…During a speech in Baltimore on Feb. 2, 2007, Romney outlined his ambitions for the Massachusetts plan. “I’m proud of what we’ve done,” he said. “If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be a model for the nation.” Last month Romney’s dream came true. If Republicans knew what was good for them, they would stop treating it as a nightmare…

In an interview with CNN in 2009, as Washington was debating President Barack Obama’s health care proposal, Romney said portions of the Massachusetts law could serve as a model for the country.

“I think there are a number of features in the Massachusetts plan that could inform Washington on ways to improve health care for all Americans,” Romney told CNN. “The fact that we were able to get people insured without a government option is a model I think they can learn from.”

And then the Black Guy Did It.


The problem is not with the health care bill itself, but the fact that it was passed off as a "tax" and is forced upon the American people. You do not have a choice without a "punishment" doled out in the form of an alleged tax. It is unconstitutional for the government and the IRS to force the American people to buy a product from a company/corporation. Don't you agree?
Are you fucking delusional?

Guy, Bush was the one who decided to go to war on a credit card and turned 200 billion dollar surpluses into 5 trillion in new debt. Bush was the one who refused to regulate the banks and wall street.

Bush was the one who created this huge new bureaucracy that failed to respond to Katrina in an intelligent way.

There were no "surpluses" after Willy got us into NAFTA and the WTO and then handed Dubya the $1T loss from the swindles. And by not taking bin-Laden into custody, gave us 9/11. It was Greenspan not Bush who regulated the banks. Bush tried to get into the Freddy/Fanny CRA loans, (another Clinturd fiasco) but Maxine Water called him a "racist" and Dodd and Franks cooked the books. Katrina was Nagin's baby not Dubya's.....

You can come in here with your moonbat theories and lies but don't expect not to be treated like a pinata.
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Well, I do have to say that the media (or at least some of them) seemed to be totally in Obama's corner. A lot of them still do seem to just adore that man. I never did get that.

Not really. They are knowledgeable about the subject matter. They want a race.....a tight race. That's all.

Obama didn't get any better press than Romney did. It was about even and Romney was given a ton of leeway.

Do you remember what Romney said the economy would be like by 2015 if he were elected POTUS? How about what he said it would be like if Obama got reelected?

When NBC does a feature on that.....I'll eat my daughter's cooking.

I disagree. I remember some news reporters were actually close to, if not actually crying tears of joy when Obama was elected during round 1.

Come now, he is a media darling. :)

That's not what we are discussing. That was an historical election.....don't you think? But in the head to head with a Romney.......he wasn't given any favoritism. Pew did an exhaustive study on it. It shouldn't be hard to find.

Hilary seemed to think he was shown favoritism. :D

Every candidate bitches about the press favoring the other candidate. They are all whining bitches. That doesn't make it true.

Hillary ran a shitty campaign. Obama ran an excellent one.
Hillary is White. BOBO is Black. What % of Blacks voted for Obama compared to Hillary?
There were no "surpluses" after Willy got us into NAFTA and the WTO and then handed Dubya the $1T loss from the swindles.

so it took NAFTA 7 years to create a recession after record breaking prosperity? dude, turn off the Hate Radio.

And by not taking bin-Laden into custody, gave us 9/11.

Uh, we didn't have legal standing to "take bin Laden into custody". Sudan offered him to Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia didn't want him.
The problem is not with the health care bill itself, but the fact that it was passed off as a "tax" and is forced upon the American people. You do not have a choice without a "punishment" doled out in the form of an alleged tax. It is unconstitutional for the government and the IRS to force the American people to buy a product from a company/corporation. Don't you agree?

Nope, I don't get hung up on stupid technicalities. You guys are the ones who want to keep the insurance companies involved, I'd prefer to go to single payer.
so it took NAFTA 7 years to create a recession after record breaking prosperity? dude, turn off the Hate Radio.
Uh, we didn't have legal standing to "take bin Laden into custody". Sudan offered him to Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia didn't want him.

WTF is the matter with you? You can't win a duel with me...I've already caught you lying and distorting events. Clinturd was offered OBL TWICE and didn't have the nuts to take him...after he'd openly declared war on the US...."legal standing"....:badgrin:

As to NAFTA, take a look at the trade balance with mehico before and after NAFTA....a NAFTA Clinturd and Gore lied their asses off to get for Newt, the Newt who was running the economy....Clinturd didn't know a fucking thing about budgets and deficits...his first act in office was to try to send billion$ to cities who's blacks voted for him....
Chuck Todd's collection of gypsies, tramps, and thieves launched another preemptive strike for at Mitt. Same old crap....snickering and snide claims "even the GOP thinks he's yesterday's news...blah blah blah. Of course the token Repub on the panel, RINO Michael Steele who paved Hussein's path to the WH by doing nothing more than riding around in limos, smiled and agreed.


Chuck, he of the dead eyes and twitching elbow, seems to enjoy these little circle-jerks immensely since it's less time to figure out what to do with his hands. I've never seen a more uncomfortable stooge in a more contrived and awkward venue...why is this show still on the air?

They need to end this show....
Start a new one,same time period.Why keep the name since it seems viewers bailed on it.
MSNBC is just a branch of the Democrat election committee now.
As for Michael Steele he has crossed over to the Democrats...what a disappointment.

Except that MTP is on NBC, not MSNBC.
If you don't know the difference between an FCC-regulated network program vs. cable, then I suggest you ed-ja-macate yourself.

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