Meet The Press Throws Spitball at Romney....

Untrue. You can't show me anywhere where Romney advocated for Romneycare at the national level. Nice try, guy.

Social security and medicare are 'popular?' LOL - They're failed systems that have proven to screw people over.

I frankly don't know why you bring up the GOP. I've said time and time again that I don't defend them; and I've never claimed to be a Republican. I have no doubt that they'll go with whatever political winds.....just like your dems. Nice try, guy.

nO, guy, you are just a libertarian weirdo.

So I will leave you with what i usually say to Libertarians.

"Shush, let the grownups talk."

I'm not even sure this counts as a deflection. Looks like a white flag, guy. Yea, you just couldn't show where Romney ever advocated Romneycare at the national level, guy; so you're just breaking out that handkerchief and stick, guy.
So, your company allegedly cheated you; and the rest of us should lose our liberties and freedoms? That's a good one, guy.

Yeah, the thing is, the "Freedom" to get cheated by someone with more power and money isnt "Freedom" at all. The system is already rigged in their favor.

You couldn't have explained everything that is wrong with Obamacare more perfectly. Thanks, guy.
I'm not even sure this counts as a deflection. Looks like a white flag, guy. Yea, you just couldn't show where Romney ever advocated Romneycare at the national level, guy; so you're just breaking out that handkerchief and stick, guy.

other than when Romney said, "This should be a model for the nation"? I mean, you have a point, you really never could trust what Romney ever said, the guy flip-flopped all the time, and you could never tell what the guy stood for.

Was he going to be totally better for Gays than Ted Kennedy like he said in 1994, or was he going to stop gay marriage like he said in 2008? (Forgetting the first state to legalize it was his.)

I didn't spend time sorting out what this guy actually stood for. I just saw "Mormon" and I was done.
So, your company allegedly cheated you; and the rest of us should lose our liberties and freedoms? That's a good one, guy.

Yeah, the thing is, the "Freedom" to get cheated by someone with more power and money isnt "Freedom" at all. The system is already rigged in their favor.

You couldn't have explained everything that is wrong with Obamacare more perfectly. Thanks, guy.

NOt really. But Libertarians just love bending over for the Koch Brothers.
I'm not even sure this counts as a deflection. Looks like a white flag, guy. Yea, you just couldn't show where Romney ever advocated Romneycare at the national level, guy; so you're just breaking out that handkerchief and stick, guy.

other than when Romney said, "This should be a model for the nation"? I mean, you have a point, you really never could trust what Romney ever said, the guy flip-flopped all the time, and you could never tell what the guy stood for.

Was he going to be totally better for Gays than Ted Kennedy like he said in 1994, or was he going to stop gay marriage like he said in 2008? (Forgetting the first state to legalize it was his.)

I didn't spend time sorting out what this guy actually stood for. I just saw "Mormon" and I was done.

Wow! And you call others "bigot?" Pot meet kettle. :lol: Some of you are just a like a caricature for hatred and insanity, I swear. It's just . . . unbelievable that you cannot see your own hypocrisy! It SHOULD be like a big giant fist smashing you in the face, it's so effing obvious.
I'm not even sure this counts as a deflection. Looks like a white flag, guy. Yea, you just couldn't show where Romney ever advocated Romneycare at the national level, guy; so you're just breaking out that handkerchief and stick, guy.

other than when Romney said, "This should be a model for the nation"? I mean, you have a point, you really never could trust what Romney ever said, the guy flip-flopped all the time, and you could never tell what the guy stood for.

Was he going to be totally better for Gays than Ted Kennedy like he said in 1994, or was he going to stop gay marriage like he said in 2008? (Forgetting the first state to legalize it was his.)

I didn't spend time sorting out what this guy actually stood for. I just saw "Mormon" and I was done.

Wow! And you call others "bigot?" Pot meet kettle. :lol: Some of you are just a like a caricature for hatred and insanity, I swear. It's just . . . unbelievable that you cannot see your own hypocrisy! It SHOULD be like a big giant fist smashing you in the face, it's so effing obvious.

You'll find JoeB131 to be the most ironic cariciature on here. Everything he espouses, he goes against, over and over.
So, your company allegedly cheated you; and the rest of us should lose our liberties and freedoms? That's a good one, guy.

Yeah, the thing is, the "Freedom" to get cheated by someone with more power and money isnt "Freedom" at all. The system is already rigged in their favor.

You couldn't have explained everything that is wrong with Obamacare more perfectly. Thanks, guy.

NOt really. But Libertarians just love bending over for the Koch Brothers.

I don't know much about the Koch Bro's except that libtards pretend that everybody on the so-called right is battery operated by them. But for the fun of it, JoeB, go ahead and tell me all about these evil Koch Bro's.
I'm not even sure this counts as a deflection. Looks like a white flag, guy. Yea, you just couldn't show where Romney ever advocated Romneycare at the national level, guy; so you're just breaking out that handkerchief and stick, guy.

other than when Romney said, "This should be a model for the nation"? I mean, you have a point, you really never could trust what Romney ever said, the guy flip-flopped all the time, and you could never tell what the guy stood for.

Was he going to be totally better for Gays than Ted Kennedy like he said in 1994, or was he going to stop gay marriage like he said in 2008? (Forgetting the first state to legalize it was his.)

I didn't spend time sorting out what this guy actually stood for. I just saw "Mormon" and I was done.

Wow! And you call others "bigot?" Pot meet kettle. :lol: Some of you are just a like a caricature for hatred and insanity, I swear. It's just . . . unbelievable that you cannot see your own hypocrisy! It SHOULD be like a big giant fist smashing you in the face, it's so effing obvious.

You'll find JoeB131 to be the most ironic cariciature on here. Everything he espouses, he goes against, over and over.

I just find it difficult to believe that so-called "adults" can be so ignorant. I guess that's just the nature of things online. Lots of ignorant and strange people like to post on message boards apparently.
I didn't spend time sorting out what this guy actually stood for. I just saw "Mormon" and I was done.

Wow! And you call others "bigot?" Pot meet kettle. :lol: Some of you are just a like a caricature for hatred and insanity, I swear. It's just . . . unbelievable that you cannot see your own hypocrisy! It SHOULD be like a big giant fist smashing you in the face, it's so effing obvious.

Not at all. And I realize that being the product of home skuling, you won't understand this even after I explain it to you.

Blacks didn't choose to be black. They didn't create 400 years of institutionalized racism that has kept them down.

Mormons, on the other hand, choose to be Mormons. They get read this bullshit story in the Book of Mormon and they say, "Yup, Joseph Smith was absolutely talking to God!"

Now, most sensible people, including yourself and Fatsby, who aren't rushing out to get your own sets of Magic Underwear, don't think that Joseph Smith was talking to God any more than I do. But Mitt Romney really thinks he was. Mitt romney really thinks that he's going to rule a planet in the afterlife while the rest of us are going to the "outer darkness" (that's Mormon Hell).

and in 2008, I suspect you and Fatsby were the ones voting for other people, but in 2012, you'd have voted for the Mormon even if he worshiped Dread C'Thulhu, because "GOD DAMN, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!"

That's being a bigot.
I don't know much about the Koch Bro's except that libtards pretend that everybody on the so-called right is battery operated by them. But for the fun of it, JoeB, go ahead and tell me all about these evil Koch Bro's.

If you're a puppet too stupid to know who is pulling the strings, that's not my problem.

Thing was, back in the 1980's, Republicans used to LAUGH at Libertarians. But that's before they got themselves some rich sugar daddies promoting their craziness.
I just find it difficult to believe that so-called "adults" can be so ignorant. I guess that's just the nature of things online. Lots of ignorant and strange people like to post on message boards apparently.

So, tell me, yes or no.

Do you think America was inhabited by Hebrews who built a huge civilization that left no archeological traces?

Do you think that the Native Americans were cursed by God with dark skin?

Do you think blacks were cursed by God with Dark skin?

Do you think it's possible that your underwear can protect you from evil?

Well, hot damn, this is EXACTLY what Mitt Romney believes. And you know what, if he really thinks these things are true, it completely disqualifies him from higher office.
I didn't spend time sorting out what this guy actually stood for. I just saw "Mormon" and I was done.

Wow! And you call others "bigot?" Pot meet kettle. :lol: Some of you are just a like a caricature for hatred and insanity, I swear. It's just . . . unbelievable that you cannot see your own hypocrisy! It SHOULD be like a big giant fist smashing you in the face, it's so effing obvious.

Not at all. And I realize that being the product of home skuling, you won't understand this even after I explain it to you.

Blacks didn't choose to be black. They didn't create 400 years of institutionalized racism that has kept them down.

Mormons, on the other hand, choose to be Mormons. They get read this bullshit story in the Book of Mormon and they say, "Yup, Joseph Smith was absolutely talking to God!"

Now, most sensible people, including yourself and Fatsby, who aren't rushing out to get your own sets of Magic Underwear, don't think that Joseph Smith was talking to God any more than I do. But Mitt Romney really thinks he was. Mitt romney really thinks that he's going to rule a planet in the afterlife while the rest of us are going to the "outer darkness" (that's Mormon Hell).

and in 2008, I suspect you and Fatsby were the ones voting for other people, but in 2012, you'd have voted for the Mormon even if he worshiped Dread C'Thulhu, because "GOD DAMN, THERE'S A NEGRO IN THE WHITE HOUSE!"

That's being a bigot.

I wasn't home SCHOOLED you ugly little piece of shit clownboy.
I just find it difficult to believe that so-called "adults" can be so ignorant. I guess that's just the nature of things online. Lots of ignorant and strange people like to post on message boards apparently.

So, tell me, yes or no.

Do you think America was inhabited by Hebrews who built a huge civilization that left no archeological traces?

Do you think that the Native Americans were cursed by God with dark skin?

Do you think blacks were cursed by God with Dark skin?

Do you think it's possible that your underwear can protect you from evil?

Well, hot damn, this is EXACTLY what Mitt Romney believes. And you know what, if he really thinks these things are true, it completely disqualifies him from higher office.

I think you're a douchebag . . . Does that help?
I just find it difficult to believe that so-called "adults" can be so ignorant. I guess that's just the nature of things online. Lots of ignorant and strange people like to post on message boards apparently.

So, tell me, yes or no.

Do you think America was inhabited by Hebrews who built a huge civilization that left no archeological traces?

Do you think that the Native Americans were cursed by God with dark skin?

Do you think blacks were cursed by God with Dark skin?

Do you think it's possible that your underwear can protect you from evil?

Well, hot damn, this is EXACTLY what Mitt Romney believes. And you know what, if he really thinks these things are true, it completely disqualifies him from higher office.

You have no idea what anyone else believes. Now, I am going to use this against you and say the same about the Muslims. I assume you would never vote for a Muslim either.
You have no idea what anyone else believes. Now, I am going to use this against you and say the same about the Muslims. I assume you would never vote for a Muslim either.

Probably not. I realistically believe that I'm going to have to vote for some believer in a magic sky fairy, but I have to gauge the level of crazy when I do.

Not that there's any danger of a Muslim ever getting elected in this country.
You have no idea what anyone else believes. Now, I am going to use this against you and say the same about the Muslims. I assume you would never vote for a Muslim either.

Probably not. I realistically believe that I'm going to have to vote for some believer in a magic sky fairy, but I have to gauge the level of crazy when I do.

Not that there's any danger of a Muslim ever getting elected in this country.

Just because a person has some religious beliefs does not mean that they would incorporate those beliefs while leading the country. Pretty much ALL of our presidents have been Christians of one denomination or another. I don't like Mitt either, but I don't think his religious beliefs would make a LICK of difference.

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