Meet The Press Throws Spitball at Romney....

Prove that Romney has a serious shot at winning the GOP candidacy in 2016.

Prove he doesn't...

I don't really like Mitt. He's too much of a stuffed suit. He's too much of a polished politician for my liking. :D

It was tough enough to get a black man into the Oval Office. But a guy who wears angel panties and believes in the Celestial Kingdom? NO fucking way.

Are you fucking delusional?

Guy, Bush was the one who decided to go to war on a credit card and turned 200 billion dollar surpluses into 5 trillion in new debt. Bush was the one who refused to regulate the banks and wall street.

Bush was the one who created this huge new bureaucracy that failed to respond to Katrina in an intelligent way.

There were no "surpluses" after Willy got us into NAFTA and the WTO and then handed Dubya the $1T loss from the swindles. And by not taking bin-Laden into custody, gave us 9/11. It was Greenspan not Bush who regulated the banks. Bush tried to get into the Freddy/Fanny CRA loans, (another Clinturd fiasco) but Maxine Water called him a "racist" and Dodd and Franks cooked the books. Katrina was Nagin's baby not Dubya's.....

You can come in here with your moonbat theories and lies but don't expect not to be treated like a pinata.

The stats and facts, datelines and numbers don't lie. But you do. You could get away with spouting this bullshit 8 years ago. But not now. History shows you to be the idiot.
WTF is the matter with you? You can't win a duel with me...I've already caught you lying and distorting events. Clinturd was offered OBL TWICE and didn't have the nuts to take him...after he'd openly declared war on the US...."legal standing"....

That's simply NOT TRUE. THe Sudan offered him to the Saudis. He was a Saudi citizen, the Saudis had legal jurisdiction. They didn't want him. Probably because he had too many supporters in their country.

As to NAFTA, take a look at the trade balance with mehico before and after NAFTA....a NAFTA Clinturd and Gore lied their asses off to get for Newt, the Newt who was running the economy....Clinturd didn't know a fucking thing about budgets and deficits...his first act in office was to try to send billion$ to cities who's blacks voted for him....

Mexico and Canada were our biggest trade partners before NAFTA and After.

And sorry, the economy under Clinotn was awesome.
Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton

When President Barack Obama made the historic announcement in the White House East Room about the killing of Osama bin Laden, the air was thick with irony. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was there, and her husband’s notorious narcissism and cavalier attitude about governance had allowed bin Laden to escape–in 1998, three years before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

In his stunning 2003 book Dereliction of Duty, Air Force Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, a presidential aide and carrier of the “nuclear football,” describes President Clinton’s gross irresponsibility toward national security. Patterson tells how, in the fall of 1998, the watch officer in the White House Situation Room notified the president’s national security adviser, Sandy Berger, that they had located bin Laden and had “a two-hour window to strike.”

Here is Patterson’s chilling account:

Berger ambled down the stairwell and entered the Sit[uation] Room. He picked up the phone at one of the busy controller consoles and called the president. Amazingly, President Clinton was not available. Berger tried again and again. Bin Laden was within striking distance. The window of opportunity was closing fast. The plan of attack was set and the Tomahawk [missile] crews were ready. For about an hour Berger couldn’t get the commander in chief on the line. Though the president was always accompanied by military aides and the Secret Service, he was somehow unavailable. Berger stalked the Sit Room, anxious and impatient.

Patterson continues:

Finally, the president accepted Berger’s call. There was discussion, there were pauses – and no decision. The president wanted to talk with his secretaries of Defense and State. He wanted to study the issue further. Berger was forced to wait. The clock was ticking. The president eventually called back. He was still indecisive. He wanted more discussion. Berger alternated between phone calls and watching the clock.

The dithering continued until it was too late–and bin Laden lived to fight another day. And to plot the Sept. 11 attacks.

That was not an isolated incident. On Sept. 13, 1996, while on the golf course with his lawyer friend Vernon Jordan, President Clinton had refused to take repeated urgent phone calls from Berger, who needed the president’s approval for air strikes on Iraq. Patterson wrote: “Pilots were in the cockpits, waiting to launch, targets were identified, everything was in place, all [Berger] needed was the go-ahead.”

He never got it. The protective cover of night lifted, and the mission was aborted.

There were other examples of gross and inexcusable incompetence. President Clinton twice managed to lose the nuclear codes that were necessary to activate the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

There is yet another Clinton irony in view of the relentless tracking and eventual killing of bin Laden by the U.S. military and intelligence agencies in a brilliantly executed operation. Patterson relates an incident that occurred during the Clinton administration’s very first week that typified its view of the military. Army Lt. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, the assistant to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, greeted a young aide in a White House hallway with a cheery, “Good Morning.”

The young aide replied, “I don’t talk to the military.” I consider that to be a firing offense for a White House pipsqueak.

Speaking of the military and also of Bill Clinton’s predilections, Patterson describes a sordid incident in which the president–the commander-in-chief–groped a female steward on Air Force One. As an enlisted member of the U.S. Air Force, she opted not to make an issue of it and settled for a personal apology from the president.

This incident troubled Patterson: “I brooded over the fact that if our commander in chief had been actually serving in the armed services, he would have been jailed. His immunity struck me as completely unacceptable.”

Another irony: Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, who would certainly have known about this sorry state of affairs, was none other than Leon Panetta, currently the head of the CIA and the nominee to succeed Robert Gates as secretary of Defense. Panetta was also in the room when Obama made the bin Laden announcement. (During Panetta’s forthcoming confirmation hearings, I hope the senators probe his role in suppressing the various “bimbo eruptions,” as the molester-in-chief’s sexual dalliances were known during the Clinton presidency. As they say in court, it goes to character.)

Just as we will never forget Sept. 11, we should not forget the dereliction of duty by President Clinton and those who were his enablers.

Henry I. Miller is the Robert Wesson fellow in scientific philosophy and public policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. A physician, he was the founding director of the Office of Biotechnology at the FDA.

Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton - Forbes
Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton

When President Barack Obama made the historic announcement in the White House East Room about the killing of Osama bin Laden, the air was thick with irony. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was there, and her husband’s notorious narcissism and cavalier attitude about governance had allowed bin Laden to escape–in 1998, three years before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

In his stunning 2003 book Dereliction of Duty, Air Force Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson, a presidential aide and carrier of the “nuclear football,” describes President Clinton’s gross irresponsibility toward national security. Patterson tells how, in the fall of 1998, the watch officer in the White House Situation Room notified the president’s national security adviser, Sandy Berger, that they had located bin Laden and had “a two-hour window to strike.”

Here is Patterson’s chilling account:

Berger ambled down the stairwell and entered the Sit[uation] Room. He picked up the phone at one of the busy controller consoles and called the president. Amazingly, President Clinton was not available. Berger tried again and again. Bin Laden was within striking distance. The window of opportunity was closing fast. The plan of attack was set and the Tomahawk [missile] crews were ready. For about an hour Berger couldn’t get the commander in chief on the line. Though the president was always accompanied by military aides and the Secret Service, he was somehow unavailable. Berger stalked the Sit Room, anxious and impatient.

Patterson continues:

Finally, the president accepted Berger’s call. There was discussion, there were pauses – and no decision. The president wanted to talk with his secretaries of Defense and State. He wanted to study the issue further. Berger was forced to wait. The clock was ticking. The president eventually called back. He was still indecisive. He wanted more discussion. Berger alternated between phone calls and watching the clock.

The dithering continued until it was too late–and bin Laden lived to fight another day. And to plot the Sept. 11 attacks.

That was not an isolated incident. On Sept. 13, 1996, while on the golf course with his lawyer friend Vernon Jordan, President Clinton had refused to take repeated urgent phone calls from Berger, who needed the president’s approval for air strikes on Iraq. Patterson wrote: “Pilots were in the cockpits, waiting to launch, targets were identified, everything was in place, all [Berger] needed was the go-ahead.”

He never got it. The protective cover of night lifted, and the mission was aborted.

There were other examples of gross and inexcusable incompetence. President Clinton twice managed to lose the nuclear codes that were necessary to activate the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

There is yet another Clinton irony in view of the relentless tracking and eventual killing of bin Laden by the U.S. military and intelligence agencies in a brilliantly executed operation. Patterson relates an incident that occurred during the Clinton administration’s very first week that typified its view of the military. Army Lt. Gen. Barry McCaffrey, the assistant to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, greeted a young aide in a White House hallway with a cheery, “Good Morning.”

The young aide replied, “I don’t talk to the military.” I consider that to be a firing offense for a White House pipsqueak.

Speaking of the military and also of Bill Clinton’s predilections, Patterson describes a sordid incident in which the president–the commander-in-chief–groped a female steward on Air Force One. As an enlisted member of the U.S. Air Force, she opted not to make an issue of it and settled for a personal apology from the president.

This incident troubled Patterson: “I brooded over the fact that if our commander in chief had been actually serving in the armed services, he would have been jailed. His immunity struck me as completely unacceptable.”

Another irony: Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, who would certainly have known about this sorry state of affairs, was none other than Leon Panetta, currently the head of the CIA and the nominee to succeed Robert Gates as secretary of Defense. Panetta was also in the room when Obama made the bin Laden announcement. (During Panetta’s forthcoming confirmation hearings, I hope the senators probe his role in suppressing the various “bimbo eruptions,” as the molester-in-chief’s sexual dalliances were known during the Clinton presidency. As they say in court, it goes to character.)

Just as we will never forget Sept. 11, we should not forget the dereliction of duty by President Clinton and those who were his enablers.

Henry I. Miller is the Robert Wesson fellow in scientific philosophy and public policy at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. A physician, he was the founding director of the Office of Biotechnology at the FDA.

Bin Laden Lived To Fight Another Day--Thanks To Bill Clinton - Forbes

Too bad the actual intelligence doesn't support those claims!

Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda link allegations timeline - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Bin Laden was never in Iraq and let's not forget that every time Clinton did authorize the use of missiles the rabid crotch sniffing Republicans would screech "wag the dog".
I'm not the so-called right wing. Frankly, you are much closer to what you think is 'right wing' Republicans than I. And again, calm down on you black guy nonsense. It's not an adequate refutation when it comes to politics. Obama doesn't get cart blanch to do what he wants just cos you want to cast him as the poor picked on (rich) black guy.

Nobody said to give him "Carte blanche". But when your side fight against your own ideas, shut down the government, wreck the country's credit rating, and even go around claiming he wasn't born in this country, it goes beyond the regular give and take of politics. You see, I kind of what the GOP and Dems to meet somewhere in the middle on problems.

I'm guessing you're taking Romney out of context and that he referred to it as "a good model for the nation" at the state level. He has been pretty clear about his national stance. But I guess you want to do 'brain-numbing' semantics.

I'm not taking him "out of context". Romney called his plan "A Model for the Nation".

Romney in 2007 RomneyCare will be a model for the nation RedState

…During a speech in Baltimore on Feb. 2, 2007, Romney outlined his ambitions for the Massachusetts plan. “I’m proud of what we’ve done,” he said. “If Massachusetts succeeds in implementing it, then that will be a model for the nation.” Last month Romney’s dream came true. If Republicans knew what was good for them, they would stop treating it as a nightmare…

In an interview with CNN in 2009, as Washington was debating President Barack Obama’s health care proposal, Romney said portions of the Massachusetts law could serve as a model for the country.

“I think there are a number of features in the Massachusetts plan that could inform Washington on ways to improve health care for all Americans,” Romney told CNN. “The fact that we were able to get people insured without a government option is a model I think they can learn from.”

And then the Black Guy Did It.


I don't have a side, guy. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that. Anyhow, yes you give Obama a pass on anything and everything (except when pressed when you throw out your token face value issues to the contrary). The alleged middle is a simple mind's dream. That just gives politicians the opportunity to plot out any point they want. There's good solutions and better solutions and then there's the antithesis of said solutions. Obamacare is crap and no so-called middling changes that reality.


Yes, you did take Romney out of context. Romney was calling it a model at the state level and not the federal level in that instance and throughout. Nice try, guy. But some of us pay the fuck attention to simple details.
The problem is not with the health care bill itself, but the fact that it was passed off as a "tax" and is forced upon the American people. You do not have a choice without a "punishment" doled out in the form of an alleged tax. It is unconstitutional for the government and the IRS to force the American people to buy a product from a company/corporation. Don't you agree?

Nope, I don't get hung up on stupid technicalities. You guys are the ones who want to keep the insurance companies involved, I'd prefer to go to single payer.

Yea, freedoms and liberties are stupid technicalities to you. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, FDR, etc would be proud of your promotion.
Bin Laden was never in Iraq and let's not forget that every time Clinton did authorize the use of missiles the rabid crotch sniffing Republicans would screech "wag the dog".

Who said anything about bin-Laden being in Iraq, fool? No GOP ever sniffed Clinturd's crotch...too many rape victims for a DNA match...and yeah, Willy bombed a bunch of empty al Qaida tents and an aspirin factory in SUDAN to scare Monica out of testifying....that's what wag the dog means ya lying sack of shit.
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Prove that Romney has a serious shot at winning the GOP candidacy in 2016.
Democrats would welcome another Romney run, as it would mean easy pickings in 2016. If he runs, don't say that people didn't warn you, as Romney is more trouble than he's worth. He is one of those candidates that will get so close to winning, then make big blunders near the end.
I don't have a side, guy. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that. Anyhow, yes you give Obama a pass on anything and everything (except when pressed when you throw out your token face value issues to the contrary). The alleged middle is a simple mind's dream. That just gives politicians the opportunity to plot out any point they want. There's good solutions and better solutions and then there's the antithesis of said solutions. Obamacare is crap and no so-called middling changes that reality.


Yes, you did take Romney out of context. Romney was calling it a model at the state level and not the federal level in that instance and throughout. Nice try, guy. But some of us pay the fuck attention to simple details.

guy, I didn't take him out of context. Your boy was all for doing RomneyCare nationally until Obama did it.

Hey, not to worry, when ObamaCare is popular in a few years, the GOP will go back to claiming it was their idea all along. Just like they claim they supported Social Security and Medicare when in fact they fought them tooth and nail.

And you fuck head Paulbots will be screaming 'Let him die" and wondering why you don't get more than that 10% of the GOP vote.
Yea, freedoms and liberties are stupid technicalities to you. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, FDR, etc would be proud of your promotion.

Well, guy, the freedom of my last job to cheat me out of health insurance while I was in the middle of getting very expensive treatments is a freedom I could pretty much do without.

Whenever one of you fuckwads talk about 'Liberty" or "Freedom", it's usually because you want to act like a douchebag and some government person makes you do the right thing.
I don't have a side, guy. I don't know how many times I have to tell you that. Anyhow, yes you give Obama a pass on anything and everything (except when pressed when you throw out your token face value issues to the contrary). The alleged middle is a simple mind's dream. That just gives politicians the opportunity to plot out any point they want. There's good solutions and better solutions and then there's the antithesis of said solutions. Obamacare is crap and no so-called middling changes that reality.


Yes, you did take Romney out of context. Romney was calling it a model at the state level and not the federal level in that instance and throughout. Nice try, guy. But some of us pay the fuck attention to simple details.

guy, I didn't take him out of context. Your boy was all for doing RomneyCare nationally until Obama did it.

Hey, not to worry, when ObamaCare is popular in a few years, the GOP will go back to claiming it was their idea all along. Just like they claim they supported Social Security and Medicare when in fact they fought them tooth and nail.

And you fuck head Paulbots will be screaming 'Let him die" and wondering why you don't get more than that 10% of the GOP vote.

Untrue. You can't show me anywhere where Romney advocated for Romneycare at the national level. Nice try, guy.

Social security and medicare are 'popular?' LOL - They're failed systems that have proven to screw people over.

I frankly don't know why you bring up the GOP. I've said time and time again that I don't defend them; and I've never claimed to be a Republican. I have no doubt that they'll go with whatever political winds.....just like your dems. Nice try, guy.
Yea, freedoms and liberties are stupid technicalities to you. Stalin, Hitler, Mao, FDR, etc would be proud of your promotion.

Well, guy, the freedom of my last job to cheat me out of health insurance while I was in the middle of getting very expensive treatments is a freedom I could pretty much do without.

Whenever one of you fuckwads talk about 'Liberty" or "Freedom", it's usually because you want to act like a douchebag and some government person makes you do the right thing.

So, your company allegedly cheated you; and the rest of us should lose our liberties and freedoms? That's a good one, guy.
Untrue. You can't show me anywhere where Romney advocated for Romneycare at the national level. Nice try, guy.

Social security and medicare are 'popular?' LOL - They're failed systems that have proven to screw people over.

I frankly don't know why you bring up the GOP. I've said time and time again that I don't defend them; and I've never claimed to be a Republican. I have no doubt that they'll go with whatever political winds.....just like your dems. Nice try, guy.

nO, guy, you are just a libertarian weirdo.

So I will leave you with what i usually say to Libertarians.

"Shush, let the grownups talk."

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