Meet The Woman Changing The Face Of Gun Ownership In America

It is curious why those on the left want to make women even more vulnerable to rape and violent crime?

Maybe they can explain, I sure can’t.
I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?

You ask questions before providing an answer?

OK, I'll Play:

It appears that I have more of a concern about ending school murder than nearly anyone on this board.

Your theory is the banning AR style rifles will end these murderers.

What, in this theory makes you think that banning Murderer from one type of tool will stop a Murderer from doing what Murderers do? Murderers murder, it's what they do. Limit access to one tool will just make them access that tool in a different way (steal them or buy them from other criminals), or find another way. No AR Style guns, then it's a semi auto pistol or a shotgun, both as, if not more effective tools in a confined space (which is what a school is).

As far as the acceptability of a toddler being killed by a sibling. Most of those are not intentional, and yes, I think the individual that left the weapon accessible to a child should receive severe punishment. But lets look at this statistically, children killed in car "accidents" far exceed those by irresponsible gun owners.

1,600 per year in the United States in car accidents

I've seen the statistics that 7 children die each day by guns, however, 4 of these are the result of criminal assault and the other 3 are suicide. The type of accident you speak of is extremely rare.

But I guess I could include that an incredibly high amount of these Monsters that commit these crimes are on SSRI prescriptions (antidepressants), which 11% of our entire adult population is on, and these drugs makes that population 50% more likely to commit a violent crime. I am not hearing anyone talking about banning SSRI's when their users are involved in these mass murderers at an incredibly disproportional rate.

Now, your turn. What law are you going to offer that stops the killing by murderers who already know that, if caught, which most are, will stop them from murdering other? If memory serves me correctly, the two largest events that killed the most people in single events involved box cutters and rental trucks.

So, knowing all of the above, why do you want to make women more vulnerable to rape (many of the rape victims are also children).?


Is it Drugs Not Guns that Cause Violence? | HuffPost

Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common... and it's not guns

New Evidence that Antidepressants Are Causing an Epidemic of Violence

People who take antidepressants are '50% more likely to be convicted of assault' | Daily Mail Online

"An Oxford University study found that men – and women – in their late teens and early 20s – were almost 50 per cent more likely to be convicted of offences from assault to murder when taking SSRI drugs."

"Meanwhile in the US around 11 per cent of people aged 12 and over take antidepressants, including SSRIs, according to the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. "
You ask questions before providing an answer?
I did. You might not recognize it as such but that is a direct answer to the question posed in your post.

The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere.

What, in this theory makes you think that banning Murderer from one type of tool will stop a Murderer from doing what Murderers do?
What makes you think I claim it will stop a murderer? At best I can hope to limit the damage a murderer can do. It's a often used strawman argument that the left claims that they claim that banning guns will stop violent crimes. I don't even believe that all guns should be banned. If you can demonstrate a actual usefulness for owning a weapon I think you should be allowed to have one. Usefulness being self defense and hunting. Since one, only fires 1 weapon at a time that should be the limit and since an AR15 is not a good weapon to use in that capacity it should be banned. Carrying weapons on your person at all times to me seems like a good way to get yourself and the people around you shot and that outweighs the POSSIBILITY it will safe your life. By the way I'm European and I'm fine with trying to keep weapons strictly regulated. Not for nothing there was an armed officer at Parkland did that safe anybody? How many armed people where present in Vegas? For every hypothetical rape victim you can show, I can show an accidental shooting or a person who still got attacked despite being armed. The only rational way to approach the gun debate is to see what the net effect of restricting gun access is on society as a whole. For the record cause I don't think you got it. I do believe you care when a person gets shot accidentally or on purpose like in Parkland. Just like I care when a someone gets raped. I just want the medicine not be worse then the cure. Especially since you can't establish the cure is all that effective

The only rational way to approach the gun debate is to see what the net effect of restricting gun access is on society as a whole.

Or having a real discussion as to what causes these crimes in the first place

When it comes to mass shootings, which is the basis of this entire discussion, the gun is only the tool used. But what made the person seek out the gun in the first place.

There is a link to prescription use of SSRI's and mass shootings. I will post the links again:

Is it Drugs Not Guns that Cause Violence? | HuffPost

Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common... and it's not guns

New Evidence that Antidepressants Are Causing an Epidemic of Violence

People who take antidepressants are '50% more likely to be convicted of assault' | Daily Mail Online

From the links:

11% or roughly 35,000,000 Americans are on these medications that makes that population 50% more likely to commit violent crimes. This population is only 1/3rd of the total that are diagnosed with depression or severe depression, but the 2/3rds that are NOT taking these drugs RARELY commit a violent crime.

The 1/3rd of those on these antidepressants account for nearly all mass shootings in the United States.

That connection is clear and is not being addressed.

There is no evidence that a Murderous Monster will not murder large numbers of people if AR style weapons are banned, nor if all guns are banned. They murder, and if they are intent on killing a massive amount of people, there are more tools that can accomplish that than I care to get into. If I know that, a murderous monster, who by their nature, contemplates how to murder, will figure it out much faster then me or you.
Name any advanced western nation which has much stricter gun control than we have, and I guarantee I would still be able to legally purchase a gun there if I was a citizen of that country.

This isn't about keeping law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. This is about mitigating our homicide rate which far exceeds any other advanced western nation's.

Is it Drugs Not Guns that Cause Violence? | HuffPost

Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common... and it's not guns

New Evidence that Antidepressants Are Causing an Epidemic of Violence

People who take antidepressants are '50% more likely to be convicted of assault' | Daily Mail Online

Then talk about what really needs banned. You know this is about mass shootings, and it appears it's not the guns that are causing them.
I only missed expert by two points in basic. I enjoyed firing weapons, and strangely enough cleaning them. Don't know what that was about.

I've taught many people to shoot over the last 30 years. Women are always--always the better students. They consistently score better right off the bat. It took me a while to figure it out but when I did, it made sense.

Women listen to instructions. A woman's objective in learning to shoot is to put a hole in the target as close to the aim point as possible. The firearm is just a tool to make a hole.

Men on the other hand....sigh. Men want to play with a gadget and hear it, feel it go bang. They want the experience right now.

When you start a class with men or just one male, they are fixated on the firearm. They want to play with it and shoot it right now. They are distracted by the new toy and don't listen. It's only much later, when the new wears off that they develop a desire to improve their accuracy. Then they will listen.

I learned over time when teaching a male, to have the firearm out of sight. Men are fascinated with mechanical gadgets to the point of distraction.

That's awesome. :) I wonder if the same applies in basic training. I will never forget hearing "and while you are exhaling, slowly pull the trigger," And et voila I was hitting a target!! Not only that, but now that I'm older I wonder if the focus on the breathing is the same thing as when anxious people do square breathing, to a certain extent.
Seems like she understands the need for self defense. Which makes her smarter than half the country.
Not sure how she is changing anything though..

Well, she's raising her profile, so when she does that, more people are reached. If they hear her voice, as I did, then they hear what she has to say, and it may be a paradigm shift for people who are adamant anti-guns.

I'm going to be frank here (shut up, Frank) and say I was very surprised that a great many black women are armed/getting armed. Like, per the video, 60% of the NAAGA membership is female.I don't know if that is good or not because while I've heard a great many mouths running, - .... is it true that if a woman being beaten/abused by her significant other pulls a weapon, it's likely she will be disarmed and it will be used against her?
I've taught many people to shoot over the last 30 years.

Oops. Typo. I meant 40 years. How time flies.

Not only that, but now that I'm older I wonder if the focus on the breathing is the same thing as when anxious people do square breathing, to a certain extent.

As you get better over the years and your patterns are getting smaller, you can get an unrealistic impression of what you can do under stress. A technique to simulate fear/stress is to do a set of jumping jacks then immediately pick up the pistol/rifle and fire at a target next to a target you just printed while relaxed using breath control, grip, stance, sight picture, etc....

With your heart rate up and breathing heavily from the jumping jacks, your new pattern may be significantly worse. It's fun to see them side-by-side. But that's what you should expect under a stressful, life or death situation. If you're still printing a good pattern after the jumping jacks, well done!
It is curious why those on the left want to make women even more vulnerable to rape and violent crime?

Maybe they can explain, I sure can’t.
I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.
I've taught many people to shoot over the last 30 years.

Oops. Typo. I meant 40 years. How time flies.

Not only that, but now that I'm older I wonder if the focus on the breathing is the same thing as when anxious people do square breathing, to a certain extent.

As you get better over the years and your patterns are getting smaller, you can get an unrealistic impression of what you can do under stress. A technique to simulate fear/stress is to do a set of jumping jacks then immediately pick up the pistol/rifle and fire at a target next to a target you just printed while relaxed using breath control, grip, stance, sight picture, etc....

With your heart rate up and breathing heavily from the jumping jacks, your new pattern may be significantly worse. It's fun to see them side-by-side. But that's what you should expect under a stressful, life or death situation. If you're still printing a good pattern after the jumping jacks, well done!

Wow, that is the first I have seen this in here. You are correct. Not all the way. But when you get into a stressful situation other things also happen. The Adreniline starts to flow, confusion sets in and you may be slow to react at first. After that first freeze, what you say is correct. In order to react right now in that situtation it takes training. Lay off that training even for a month or so and you lose it. This is why Combat Soldiers train every day both physically and mentally. Even cops don't have that luxury unless they are Swat.
It is curious why those on the left want to make women even more vulnerable to rape and violent crime?

Maybe they can explain, I sure can’t.
I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.

I have pretty much two reasons for not being armed (and a plethora of secondary): I don't own my home, I rent from my sister, and it's a no-gun house, and 2) I have tremors. Sometimes severe, left hand worse than right and I am left-handed. We are currently testing medication to try to reduce the tremors - not much in the way of results. However, If I shake just regularly, on a daily basis, how well am I going to do with a gun in my hand? How serious is the person at the other end going to take me?

Anyway. I'd love to go to a firing range again, any time. I'd just probably end up shooting the target two rows over. :(
I made expert but what's the point? We have all these deaths because we have all these guns and I have nothing against owning a gun but glorifying them seems off the wall to me.

Guns kill 1,300 US children every year, study finds
Guns kill 1,300 US children every year

A day in America
"3 adults, 1 child found shot to death inside Alaska hotel room
Police: Man shot dead while trying to stop man from beating woman
3 shot while hanging Christmas lights amid fight with driver
Good Samaritan fatally shot outside Northwest Side Walmart
Accused Charleston church shooter Dylann Roof competent to stand trial"

He had been researching other school shooters for months and, determined to outdo them, learned exactly how many people they'd murdered: 13 at Columbine High; 26 at Sandy Hook Elementary; 32 at Virginia Tech." "I think ill probably most likely kill around 50 or 60," Jesse declared. "If I get lucky maybe 150."

Accused S.C. teen wanted to outdo other school shootings. The problem, he explained, was the weapon.

Columbine shooters came from two parent families too. This is more complicated than the fluff from right wing apologists.
"I would have been a school shooter if I could’ve gotten a gun"

Perspective | I would have been a school shooter if I could’ve gotten a gun

"In an era of incredible division and political polarization, military killing is the most thoroughly bipartisan of all policy initiatives. Drone murders spiked tenfold under Obama, and Trump has supposedly already upped the Obama rate by a factor of eight. The new president apparently killed more civilians in his first seven months in office than Obama did overall, making use of our growing capacity for mechanized murder.""Giant militarized countries, "he said, "breed violent populations.""

Taibbi: If We Want Kids to Stop Killing, the Adults Have to Stop, Too

"The shooter is almost always male. Of the past 129 mass shootings in the United States, all but three have been men. The shooter is socially alienated, and he can’t get laid. Every time you scratch the surface of the latest mass killing, in a movie theatre, a school, the streets of Paris or an abortion clinic, you find the weaponised loser. From Jihadi John of ISIS to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris at Columbine, these men are invariably stuck in the emotional life of an adolescent. They always struggle with self-esteem – especially regarding women – and sometimes they give up entirely on the possibility of amorous fulfilment. There are different levels of tactical coordination, different ostensible grievances and different access to firearms, but the psyche beneath is invariably the same."

Humiliation and rage: how toxic masculinity fuels mass shootings | Aeon Essays
I have found that shooting is easy if compared to dating so what is the point or did I miss something.
It is curious why those on the left want to make women even more vulnerable to rape and violent crime?

Maybe they can explain, I sure can’t.
I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.

I have pretty much two reasons for not being armed (and a plethora of secondary): I don't own my home, I rent from my sister, and it's a no-gun house, and 2) I have tremors. Sometimes severe, left hand worse than right and I am left-handed. We are currently testing medication to try to reduce the tremors - not much in the way of results. However, If I shake just regularly, on a daily basis, how well am I going to do with a gun in my hand? How serious is the person at the other end going to take me?

Anyway. I'd love to go to a firing range again, any time. I'd just probably end up shooting the target two rows over. :(
Just the fact of a girl with a gun scares the hell out of me.
P.S.: Apropos of nothing, but it still kind of cracks me up. I had to learn how to fire right-handed, because I can't wink with my left eye. So I couldn't sight as a left-handed shooter. Huh. So I just realized, if I trained and fired right-handed before, I would continue to do so now, and as I just stated: My left hand shakes worse.


Edited to reflect: I can’t wink with my RIGHT eye, therefore and etc.
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It is curious why those on the left want to make women even more vulnerable to rape and violent crime?

Maybe they can explain, I sure can’t.
I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.

I have pretty much two reasons for not being armed (and a plethora of secondary): I don't own my home, I rent from my sister, and it's a no-gun house, and 2) I have tremors. Sometimes severe, left hand worse than right and I am left-handed. We are currently testing medication to try to reduce the tremors - not much in the way of results. However, If I shake just regularly, on a daily basis, how well am I going to do with a gun in my hand? How serious is the person at the other end going to take me?

Anyway. I'd love to go to a firing range again, any time. I'd just probably end up shooting the target two rows over. :(
Just the fact of a girl with a gun scares the hell out of me.

Cmon now. This is a pretty good discussion we got going here, IMO.
It is curious why those on the left want to make women even more vulnerable to rape and violent crime?

Maybe they can explain, I sure can’t.
I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.

I have pretty much two reasons for not being armed (and a plethora of secondary): I don't own my home, I rent from my sister, and it's a no-gun house, and 2) I have tremors. Sometimes severe, left hand worse than right and I am left-handed. We are currently testing medication to try to reduce the tremors - not much in the way of results. However, If I shake just regularly, on a daily basis, how well am I going to do with a gun in my hand? How serious is the person at the other end going to take me?

Anyway. I'd love to go to a firing range again, any time. I'd just probably end up shooting the target two rows over. :(

Now, there is a comedy here somewhere. Do you own a good dog? He could care less about your shaking and tremorous hands. And a large sounding barking dog works very well in deterring home invaders. A Gun is not always the answer. The Dog doesn't have to be very big, just sound big.
P.S.: Apropos of nothing, but it still kind of cracks me up. I had to learn how to fire right-handed, because I can't wink with my left eye. So I couldn't sight as a left-handed shooter. Huh. So I just realized, if I trained and fired right-handed before, I would continue to do so now, and as I just stated: My left hand shakes worse.


I have it just as bad. My Index Eye is my Left Eye but I am right handed. I had to learn how to fire keeping both eyes open and shift the index to the right eye. Believe it or not, that made it work better with a scope since I could see through the scope and see what is in the surrounding area as well with zero eye fatigue. Before I learned this, when I went varmint hunting with a 22 cal I had to drape a scarf over my left eye. But an old Gunny that converted to the USAF taught me the trick. He also taught me to Double Tap, to Spot Shoot instead of Site Shoot, Never pull it unless you are going to fire it, and never fire it unless you are going to kill something. I can't hit the X ring every time. In fact, I rarely hit the X ring at all. But I will consistently hit the 9 ring every time with no thought of what is happening once the decision to draw the weapon is made. Many of you will think that this is cold blooded and just wrong. But the decision to pull the weapon is the hardest decision I will make in my life and I will make damned sure it's the right thing to do.

Try it with both eyes open and learn to spot shoot. I use a modified weaver stance and hold the weapon exactly the same way every time. I don't aim the gun, I aim the body. It will take a bit of time on the range to get it that way and you will start out site shooting until you are comfortable with your weapon to body placement. AFter that, who cares if you missed the exact center mass by 2 inches. My Index Left Eye is doing it's job and it's not getting in the way. So your right hand shooting with a left index eye can be gotten around pretty easy. With a bit of work, that is. If you love to shoot, shoot.
It is curious why those on the left want to make women even more vulnerable to rape and violent crime?

Maybe they can explain, I sure can’t.
I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.

I have pretty much two reasons for not being armed (and a plethora of secondary): I don't own my home, I rent from my sister, and it's a no-gun house, and 2) I have tremors. Sometimes severe, left hand worse than right and I am left-handed. We are currently testing medication to try to reduce the tremors - not much in the way of results. However, If I shake just regularly, on a daily basis, how well am I going to do with a gun in my hand? How serious is the person at the other end going to take me?

Anyway. I'd love to go to a firing range again, any time. I'd just probably end up shooting the target two rows over. :(

Do it. The point is, just showing a weapon will scare off most. Shooting is only the second option
It is curious why those on the left want to make women even more vulnerable to rape and violent crime?

Maybe they can explain, I sure can’t.
I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.

I have pretty much two reasons for not being armed (and a plethora of secondary): I don't own my home, I rent from my sister, and it's a no-gun house, and 2) I have tremors. Sometimes severe, left hand worse than right and I am left-handed. We are currently testing medication to try to reduce the tremors - not much in the way of results. However, If I shake just regularly, on a daily basis, how well am I going to do with a gun in my hand? How serious is the person at the other end going to take me?

Anyway. I'd love to go to a firing range again, any time. I'd just probably end up shooting the target two rows over. :(

Do it. The point is, just showing a weapon will scare off most. Shooting is only the second option

WRong answer. If the bad guy is armed, you are now in a gun fight and so is everyone else around you. If you don't plan on wasting the SOB, don't pull it. Don't take a non lethal situation and propel it into a lethal situation by your actions. If it turns lethal then and only then, pull your weapon and waste the SOB.
It is curious why those on the left want to make women even more vulnerable to rape and violent crime?

Maybe they can explain, I sure can’t.
I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.

I have pretty much two reasons for not being armed (and a plethora of secondary): I don't own my home, I rent from my sister, and it's a no-gun house, and 2) I have tremors. Sometimes severe, left hand worse than right and I am left-handed. We are currently testing medication to try to reduce the tremors - not much in the way of results. However, If I shake just regularly, on a daily basis, how well am I going to do with a gun in my hand? How serious is the person at the other end going to take me?

Anyway. I'd love to go to a firing range again, any time. I'd just probably end up shooting the target two rows over. :(

Now, there is a comedy here somewhere. Do you own a good dog? He could care less about your shaking and tremorous hands. And a large sounding barking dog works very well in deterring home invaders. A Gun is not always the answer. The Dog doesn't have to be very big, just sound big.

I love dogs. Not an option where I currently live, sadly.
williepete and Daryl Hunt thank you. It’s been a pleasure picking your brains.

I’m going to talk to my BFF about maybe hitting the range. I know she was out there a year or so ago, and she enjoyed it. I’m also wondering about the cost, the fact that I don’t actually have a gun, etc. Looks like I have some research to do, even if it’s only for reconnecting with something I enjoyed as oppossed to actually getting licensed and making a purchase.
Looks like I have some research to do,

You're being smart about it. With your tremors, sounds to me like you're a shotgun gal. Not too much aiming. Don't need as much regular practice. It's fun as all get out to kick an empty gallon milk jug around the yard with blasts from a shotgun.

H&R makes a little .410 or .20 gauge popper that's quite popular. Very affordable even new. As stated above, the sight of a gal with a firearm should give any sane person pause. You may have to shoot if he's crazy or drugged.

For a bit more money, you could get a small, semiauto shotgun for multiple shots without having to reload. With your tremors, you could walk your shots to their target.

Looks like I have some research to do,

You're being smart about it. With your tremors, sounds to me like you're a shotgun gal. Not too much aiming. Don't need as much regular practice. It's fun as all get out to kick an empty gallon milk jug around the yard with blasts from a shotgun.

H&R makes a little .410 or .20 gauge popper that's quite popular. Very affordable even new. As stated above, the sight of a gal with a firearm should give any sane person pause. You may have to shoot if he's crazy or drugged.

For a bit more money, you could get a small, semiauto shotgun for multiple shots without having to reload. With your tremors, you could walk your shots to their target.


And that is where my prior experience is, M-16. I'd have my entire upper body to brace with, as opposed to just my hands/arms

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