Meet The Woman Changing The Face Of Gun Ownership In America

I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.

I have pretty much two reasons for not being armed (and a plethora of secondary): I don't own my home, I rent from my sister, and it's a no-gun house, and 2) I have tremors. Sometimes severe, left hand worse than right and I am left-handed. We are currently testing medication to try to reduce the tremors - not much in the way of results. However, If I shake just regularly, on a daily basis, how well am I going to do with a gun in my hand? How serious is the person at the other end going to take me?

Anyway. I'd love to go to a firing range again, any time. I'd just probably end up shooting the target two rows over. :(

Do it. The point is, just showing a weapon will scare off most. Shooting is only the second option

WRong answer. If the bad guy is armed, you are now in a gun fight and so is everyone else around you. If you don't plan on wasting the SOB, don't pull it. Don't take a non lethal situation and propel it into a lethal situation by your actions. If it turns lethal then and only then, pull your weapon and waste the SOB.

Are you fucking kidding me?

If the other guy is armed? What, make him pinky swear he’s not going to hurt you?

Of course fire, even if your not trained, but don’t leave the gun because you aren’t a marksman either.
And that is where my prior experience is, M-16. I'd have my entire upper body to brace with, as opposed to just my hands/arms

Yep. There you go. Positive training/experience transfer. You can easily find a shotgun with a pistol grip like the M-16 you trained on. Wifey says make sure to get the right shoes and accessories. Have no idea what she's talking about.

Shotgun Buying Guide - How to Choose a Shotgun | TopGunReview

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I'll try to explain. First you make an appeal to emotion instead of an actual argument. I'll demonstrate. Explain why you don't care about kids getting shot in schools? Explain why you find it acceptable that toddlers get shot by their siblings in accidental shootings? It's a fallacy because it goes by a dishonest presumption. The argument is that the damage done by the lack of gun control outweighs the negative effects of not allowing people to carry guns everywhere. I'm willing to argue the correctness of that argument but this means that you will have to be able to back up your claims. So please can you back up that not wanting people to carry defense weapons means I don't care about them being attacked ?
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.

I have pretty much two reasons for not being armed (and a plethora of secondary): I don't own my home, I rent from my sister, and it's a no-gun house, and 2) I have tremors. Sometimes severe, left hand worse than right and I am left-handed. We are currently testing medication to try to reduce the tremors - not much in the way of results. However, If I shake just regularly, on a daily basis, how well am I going to do with a gun in my hand? How serious is the person at the other end going to take me?

Anyway. I'd love to go to a firing range again, any time. I'd just probably end up shooting the target two rows over. :(

Now, there is a comedy here somewhere. Do you own a good dog? He could care less about your shaking and tremorous hands. And a large sounding barking dog works very well in deterring home invaders. A Gun is not always the answer. The Dog doesn't have to be very big, just sound big.

I love dogs. Not an option where I currently live, sadly.
Simple solution.
What else could it mean? Simply put if you don't want the law abiding to be able to carry defensive weapons then you don't care about them getting hurt or killed by criminals. If you want to end school shootings, put people in the schools who can shoot the shooters.

You want to carry a defensive weapon on the street? Attend a CCW class. Get that license. It's not the license that makes you safe, it's the education that goes with it. It make makes you stop and think before you pull that weapon out and start blasting away. Question: Do I wish to allow a bloodless Armed Robbery to progress or do I wish to elevate it immediately to a fatal situation where innocents will get killed. Sometimes, oftentimes it's better to just let the robbers have the money and let the cops pursue the bad guys outside the store. Rambo is a Movie.

I have pretty much two reasons for not being armed (and a plethora of secondary): I don't own my home, I rent from my sister, and it's a no-gun house, and 2) I have tremors. Sometimes severe, left hand worse than right and I am left-handed. We are currently testing medication to try to reduce the tremors - not much in the way of results. However, If I shake just regularly, on a daily basis, how well am I going to do with a gun in my hand? How serious is the person at the other end going to take me?

Anyway. I'd love to go to a firing range again, any time. I'd just probably end up shooting the target two rows over. :(

Do it. The point is, just showing a weapon will scare off most. Shooting is only the second option

WRong answer. If the bad guy is armed, you are now in a gun fight and so is everyone else around you. If you don't plan on wasting the SOB, don't pull it. Don't take a non lethal situation and propel it into a lethal situation by your actions. If it turns lethal then and only then, pull your weapon and waste the SOB.

Are you fucking kidding me?

If the other guy is armed? What, make him pinky swear he’s not going to hurt you?

Of course fire, even if your not trained, but don’t leave the gun because you aren’t a marksman either.

Good way to get yourself and others killed. While I don't give a rats ass about you, I do care about the others. It's better to control the situation even when the bad guy has no idea you have control over the situation.
And that is where my prior experience is, M-16. I'd have my entire upper body to brace with, as opposed to just my hands/arms

Yep. There you go. Positive training/experience transfer. You can easily find a shotgun with a pistol grip like the M-16 you trained on. Wifey says make sure to get the right shoes and accessories. Have no idea what she's talking about.

Shotgun Buying Guide - How to Choose a Shotgun | TopGunReview


Tell Wifey thanks. :)
And that is where my prior experience is, M-16. I'd have my entire upper body to brace with, as opposed to just my hands/arms

Yep. There you go. Positive training/experience transfer. You can easily find a shotgun with a pistol grip like the M-16 you trained on. Wifey says make sure to get the right shoes and accessories. Have no idea what she's talking about.

Shotgun Buying Guide - How to Choose a Shotgun | TopGunReview


Tell Wifey thanks. :)

Why am I having a huge urge to burn my old comedy records. :08621: Andrew Dice Clay is the first to get it.:th_thc136:

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