Megachurch pastor and ex-Trump adviser admits child sexual abuse

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Trump should keep these charlatans at aems length, Anybody in that line of work is suspect and now we know he is a nonce..
How does america protect its kids from megachurch pastors ? Protest at drag show story hour thats how!

Trump should keep these charlatans at aems length, Anybody in that line of work is suspect and now we know he is a nonce..
How does america protect its kids from megachurch pastors ? Protest at drag show story hour thats how!
Tho$e mega so called churche$ are be$t to be avoided. Corruption has plagued these money pits for decades. The ball really got rolling @ speed with Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker & that mega whore house of debauchery they were foisting on the GG's(gully gullibles). Known as the "god squad" they were but one of many mega money pit frauds circulating back then.

Calvary Chapel is just another one of many "meggies" that whore housed their way into corruption;

It would be sad if not for being so comical like give them enough rope & they'll hang themselves every time!

Trump should keep these charlatans at aems length, Anybody in that line of work is suspect and now we know he is a nonce..
How does america protect its kids from megachurch pastors ? Protest at drag show story hour thats how!
big deal someone will just put up democrats busted for the same thing....

Trump should keep these charlatans at aems length, Anybody in that line of work is suspect and now we know he is a nonce..
How does america protect its kids from megachurch pastors ? Protest at drag show story hour thats how!
Execute them, problem solved. You agree?

Trump should keep these charlatans at aems length, Anybody in that line of work is suspect and now we know he is a nonce..
How does america protect its kids from megachurch pastors ? Protest at drag show story hour thats how!

Morris was never a member of NAMBLA, like your beloved faggot rights founders, so please keep your gloating to yourselves; you faggots and deviants have no grounds to be pointing fingers at anybody.

Meet Harry Hay, Progressive Hero!


Harry Hay is the founder of gay liberation. This lovely interview with Hay by Anne-Marie Cusac was published in the September 1998 issue of The Progressive magazine. Then-editor Matt Rothschild called Hay "a hero of ours," writing that he should be a household name. He wrote: "This courageous and visionary man launched the modern gay-rights movement even in the teeth of McCarthyism." In 1950 Hay started the first modern gay-rights organization, the underground Mattachine Society, which took its name from a dance performed by masked, unmarried peasant men in Renaissance France, often to protest oppressive landlords. According to Hay's 1996 book, Radically Gay, the performances of these fraternities satirized religious and political power.

The 'Progressive'(snicker) somehow failed to mention good ole Harry's love of NAMBLA in their article for some reason.

NAMBLA was a long time member of the ILGA, a gang of kiddie rapers Clinton was going to approve NGO status for at the UN, until Jesse Helms got that plan crushed, then suddenly faggots decided to start lying and peddling a new myth about themselves and their love of kiddie raping.

See also the left's favorite people on how they love and admire kiddie rapers like NAMBLA. Link is to a pdf file, for those who don't or can't do those on their phones.

Pages 4 and 5 are the relevant ones.

Meet his great friend and bleoved 'gay rights activist' David Thorstad, founder of NAMBLA and beloves by all the gay leaders.

David Thorstad (October 15, 1941 – August 1, 2021)[1][2] was an American political activist who co-founded or ran a number of homosexual rights groups following the Stonewall riots in 1969, including as a former president of New York's Gay Activists Alliance.[3] He later engaged in pedophilia and pederasty activism with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), of which he was a founding member.[4]

lol, the faggot propaganda sites have suddenly 'lost' their gushing worship of good ole David'; the link is dead now, conveniently.

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Morris was never a member of NAMBLA, like your beloved faggot rights founders, so please keep your gloating to yourselves; you faggots and deviants have no grounds to be pointing fingers at anybody.

Meet Harry Hay, Progressive Hero!


Harry Hay is the founder of gay liberation. This lovely interview with Hay by Anne-Marie Cusac was published in the September 1998 issue of The Progressive magazine. Then-editor Matt Rothschild called Hay "a hero of ours," writing that he should be a household name. He wrote: "This courageous and visionary man launched the modern gay-rights movement even in the teeth of McCarthyism." In 1950 Hay started the first modern gay-rights organization, the underground Mattachine Society, which took its name from a dance performed by masked, unmarried peasant men in Renaissance France, often to protest oppressive landlords. According to Hay's 1996 book, Radically Gay, the performances of these fraternities satirized religious and political power.

The 'Progressive'(snicker) somehow failed to mention good ole Harry's love of NAMBLA in their article for some reason.

NAMBLA was a long time member of the ILGA, a gang of kiddie rapers Clinton was going to approve NGO status for at the UN, until Jesse Helms got that plan crushed, then suddenly faggots decided to start lying and peddling a new myth about themselves and their love of kiddie raping.

See also the left's favorite people on how they love and admire kiddie rapers like NAMBLA. Link is to a pdf file, for those who don't or can't do those on their phones.

Pages 4 and 5 are the relevant ones.

Meet his great friend and bleoved 'gay rights activist' David Thorstad, founder of NAMBLA and beloves by all the gay leaders.

David Thorstad (October 15, 1941 – August 1, 2021)[1][2] was an American political activist who co-founded or ran a number of homosexual rights groups following the Stonewall riots in 1969, including as a former president of New York's Gay Activists Alliance.[3] He later engaged in pedophilia and pederasty activism with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), of which he was a founding member.[4]

lol, the faggot propaganda sites have suddenly 'lost' their gushing worship of good ole David'; the link is dead now, conveniently.

Why did you feel a need to defend the guy in the OP?
Why did you feel a need to defend the guy in the OP?

Why do you feel a need to deflect from your pedophile fan clubs? Your entire PArty advocates all kinds of sick shit to do to children, from murdering babies to extreme sexual mutilations, and of course the ever popular grooming school children to let old faggots rape them as something 'normal'.

Your idiot dreams of making this one guy out of a couple million some sort of poster boy for da evul xians is just silly and infantile. You're going to lose the White House,; get over it.
Why do you feel a need to deflect from your pedophile fan clubs? Your entire PArty advocates all kinds of sick shit to do to children, from murdering babies to extreme sexual mutilations, and of course the ever popular grooming school children to let old faggots rape them as something 'normal'.

Your idiot dreams of making this one guy out of a couple million some sort of poster boy for da evul xians is just silly and infantile. You're going to lose the White House,; get over it.

So you decide to double down in defense.
For every "pastor" linked to pedophilia you can easily counter with someone from education, athletics, Boy Scouts, etc.l etc

Pedophiles infest anything children are involved in and available
Is there a limitation on how long one can be charged on rape charges?

I doubt it. He admitted to it. Arrest and charge him.
You should have read the article instead of just the headline

Because your question was answered there
For every "pastor" linked to pedophilia you can easily counter with someone from education, athletics, Boy Scouts, etc.l etc

Pedophiles infest anything children are involved in and available
The abuse happened 35 years ago

The pastor confessed and according to the story he has repented and not done it again
You're asking the wrong person, I fully support every pedo being shot in the forehead
The victim in the story does not support that

She forgives him

I think the man is paying for his sin by having his reputation ruined

And like it or not he is an example to everyone that when God commands us what to do and not do its for our own good
Maybe we shouldn’t let GOP members or Pastors read to children in Libraries anymore. It should definitely be a crime to bring a child to a GOP event or Church. Didn’t Desantis just pass some law providing easier access in schools for these types of groomers?

Statistically these types of molesters do not stop.
Lefties have short memories so let me remind them about the Rev. Jim Jones. Jones was the darling of the democrat party and it isn't hard to find photos of him posing with high profile democrats and even 1st Lady Roslyn Carter. Jones was truly influential in the democrat party but pretending that an obscure Dallas, Tx. Rev. was an adviser to Trump is a sign of desperation for the desperate left.

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