Megyn Kelly Claims Trump Is Losing His Mind


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
This is just another phase of the media's attempt to get rid of Trump as a threat. First they claim that Niki Haley leads Biden by 17 points, and now they're claiming Trump is too old and losing his mind.

It's bogus of course. Some folks can retain all of their mental faculties into their 90s.....but they're trying to raise doubt in Trump's competence. Megyn Kelly pretty much lost her credibility when she tried to torpedo Trump when she was working at Fox News. Lately she's been trying to act as a cheerleader for Trump to gain some of it back, but I seriously doubt she can.

"Conservative commentator Megyn Kelly declared that former President Donald Trump has lost ā€œmultiple stepsā€ mentally during a recent appearance on Glenn Beckā€˜s show, rejecting his excuses for recent misstatements.

ā€œDo you think that Donald Trump has faded from where he was in 2020?ā€ asked Beck.

ā€œYeah, I do,ā€ replied Kelly. ā€œI mean, Iā€™d take him over Joe Biden any day of the week. I donā€™t think heā€™s going to, you know, fill out this term, never mind a second. But thereā€™s no question Trump has lost a step- or multiple steps.ā€"

She continued:

He is confusing Joe Biden for [Barack] Obama. I know heā€™s now saying he intentionally did that; go back and look at the clips. It wasnā€™t intentional, it was very- Look, any of us could have a slip of the tongue, but itā€™s happening to him repeatedly. The reference about how somebody is going to get us into World War Two, confusing countries, confusing cities where he is, and itā€™s happening more and more. With all due respect to Trump: This is what happens when youā€™re 77-years-old. Trump seems inhuman, but heā€™s not inhuman. Heā€™s a human. Heā€™s a man. DeSantisā€™s line about Father Time spares no one was a good one. So, look, if itā€™s between Trump and Biden, I donā€™t think thereā€™s any question whoā€™s more fit and more capable. But are we really going to pretend that Donald Trump is just as vibrant and mentally sharp as he was in ā€™16?

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Brilliant! This is laughable, Trump is unfit because, umm he is old and has mental impairments! But Biden, an elderly plagiarist liar that walks around the white house naked, stairs challenge him and can't speak coherent sentences IS a great candidate! What?
She's trying to get back in the good graces of the powers that be.
She's willing to tell any lie or do whatever it takes to get back to making bigtime money again.
Iā€™m not quite so quick to assume the worst in peopleā€™s motivations.

I think itā€™s better to take a wait and see attitude.

Overall, though, I really donā€™t much care. I see some snippets of some of her podcasts. Generally, she still seems pretty smart. But if she does some positioning to get her gigs, I really donā€™t care because I donā€™t make decisions based on what talking heads say, regardless.
Iā€™m not quite so quick to assume the worst in peopleā€™s motivations.

I think itā€™s better to take a wait and see attitude.

Overall, though, I really donā€™t much care. I see some snippets of some of her podcasts. Generally, she still seems pretty smart. But if she does some positioning to get her gigs, I really donā€™t care because I donā€™t make decisions based on what talking heads say, regardless.
The thing is you have to understand her history and her motivations.

Money and fame is her motivation.

The truth is....Trump knows Biden isn't running the White House. Obama is.
This is just another phase of the media's attempt to get rid of Trump as a threat. First they claim that Niki Haley leads Biden by 17 points, and now they're claiming Trump is too old and losing his mind.

It's bogus of course. Some folks can retain all of their mental faculties into their 90s.....but they're trying to raise doubt in Trump's competence. Megyn Kelly pretty much lost her credibility when she tried to torpedo Trump when she was working at Fox News. Lately she's been trying to act as a cheerleader for Trump to gain some of it back, but I seriously doubt she can.

"Conservative commentator Megyn Kelly declared that former President Donald Trump has lost ā€œmultiple stepsā€ mentally during a recent appearance on Glenn Beckā€˜s show, rejecting his excuses for recent misstatements.

ā€œDo you think that Donald Trump has faded from where he was in 2020?ā€ asked Beck.

ā€œYeah, I do,ā€ replied Kelly. ā€œI mean, Iā€™d take him over Joe Biden any day of the week. I donā€™t think heā€™s going to, you know, fill out this term, never mind a second. But thereā€™s no question Trump has lost a step- or multiple steps.ā€"

She continued:

She only said it because it's true.
She's trying to get back in the good graces of the powers that be.
She's willing to tell any lie or do whatever it takes to get back to making bigtime money again.

They have compromising information o so many of these people.

Why do people think they spy on us for?
The comparison between Trump 2023 and Trump 2016 is shocking. Trump now slurs, stumbles, babbles nonsense, goes into random fits of rage.

So, will Trump last until the election, or will the nice orderly be fixing Trump's bib and serving him pudding before then?

Biden? He's sharp, which makes the Trump cultists even more hysterical. The contrast between the two makes Trump look that much worse.

And no, Trump cult losers, lying about Biden won't save Trump from his onrushing senility. But since it's all you're capable of, please proceed.
Iā€™m not quite so quick to assume the worst in peopleā€™s motivations.

I think itā€™s better to take a wait and see attitude.

Overall, though, I really donā€™t much care. I see some snippets of some of her podcasts. Generally, she still seems pretty smart. But if she does some positioning to get her gigs, I really donā€™t care because I donā€™t make decisions based on what talking heads say, regardless.

so you missed the fact she was the Original ā€œNever-Trumperā€ in the MSM? First debate, first question was an attack. This AFTER the cheerleader wanna-be had months to prepare? Right, now shes better you say? SMH!
so you missed the fact she was the Original ā€œNever-Trumperā€ in the MSM? First debate, first question was an attack. This AFTER the cheerleader wanna-be had months to prepare? Right, now shes better you say? SMH!
Meh. She has her faults too. Trumpā€™s comment about her menstruation wasnā€™t exactly an exemplar of noteworthy Presidential level oratory.

The fact is, I donā€™t believe that our far leftist commentators believe half the insane shit they spew. I have reason to recognize that some of our more eloquent conservative commentators have said some stuff which they donā€™t believe, either.

Plus, people evolve and their minds can change.

If she thinks she perceives that Trumpā€™s mental sharpness has been blunted a bit, I donā€™t care. I say we need to make up our own minds on such matters.
The comparison between Trump 2023 and Trump 2016 is shocking. Trump now slurs, stumbles, babbles nonsense, goes into random fits of rage.

So, will Trump last until the election, or will the nice orderly be fixing Trump's bib and serving him pudding before then?

Biden? He's sharp, which makes the Trump cultists even more hysterical. The contrast between the two makes Trump look that much worse.

And no, Trump cult losers, lying about Biden won't save Trump from his onrushing senility. But since it's all you're capable of, please proceed.

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