Megyn Kelly Goes Off On Trump Supporters: "Enough, Seriously!"

Fuck that sullen, arrogant, establishment bitch, and that little bubble headed pussy progtard leftist pajama boy hack, Up Chuck Todd. I hope ta' hell they're offended, put off, insulted, etc. It's about time they get a taste of their own medicine. God knows the nation has had to listen to enough of their ultra partisan bull shit.
"God knows the nation has had to listen to enough of their ultra partisan bull shit." Wanna bet they, and much of 'the nation', think the very same of you?
Oh Jilly...we can always count on you to get things wrong.

The media and the establishment can't believe Trump's success and have tried many times to derail him without success. Unfortunately, due to your mental condition, you are incapable to comprehending the truth.

The media wants nothing more than a Donald Trump GOP nomination. Thinking otherwise is an excercise in stupid.
Oh really... man I did not know that... I thought that spending $220M on trashing him meant something completely different. I guess they just like to throw money away.

Ridiculous. The media coddles him and gives him unheard of free advertising. Try to gain a little perspective.
It is hard to believe one can be so to believe negative reporting is advertising.

something "selling papers" is not "advertising". it's hard to believe that you are confused by the concept that certain things get readership and certain things don't. that's why "if it bleeds, it leads".
duped again....

The New York Times vendetta against Donald Trump continues with its latest theme that The Donald is “vulgar.” This highly newsworthy charge recently made it to the front page with the headline, “With a Slur for Ted Cruz, Donald Trump Further Splits Voters.” The Times tells us that the slur involved a “vulgar word.” How this “splits voters” is not made clear – but never mind.

Not until paragraph ten, after a boring slog through nine paragraphs of gratuitous anti-Trump invective do the two intrepid reporters required to track down this momentous story inform us what the “”vulgar word” is, thus: “In New Hampshire on Monday, Mr. Trump shared with an audience a supporter’s comment about Mr. Cruz. “She said, ‘He’s a pussy’, he told the crowd.

Turning quickly to Wikipedia we find: “Common meanings of the noun include ‘cat,’ ‘coward or weakling’ and ‘the human vulva or vagina.’” Leaving ‘cat’ out of the matter, we can turn to the idea of “weakling” to describe Cruz although that lets him off lightly. This is clearly the idea that Trump’s supporter meant to convey. Not especially vulgar to the mind of this writer.
Fuck that sullen, arrogant, establishment bitch, and that little bubble headed pussy progtard leftist pajama boy hack, Up Chuck Todd. I hope ta' hell they're offended, put off, insulted, etc. It's about time they get a taste of their own medicine. God knows the nation has had to listen to enough of their ultra partisan bull shit.
Pardon me if I push your Tough Shit button
Cruz - DEFINITELY anti establishment. When he'll stand on the senate floor and call the PARTY LEADER a LIAR, that's DEFINITELY, ANTI establishment, and it takes guts.
That's what I thought!
Will Cruz be able to get anything done if he's elected, though? I know he has a lot of support, but not from the people who make the laws. How does he do all he promised?
Why not?

There will be one of two scenarios, one, he'll have a republican controlled congress, so for the most part he'll have favorable sailing.

Or two, if either house of the congress, or both falls to the dems, he'll still have a "pen and phone" and the option to abuse his power like the asshole junior Hitler we have now.

So whoever is president, they should be able to do just about whatever the hell they want.
Fuck that sullen, arrogant, establishment bitch, and that little bubble headed pussy progtard leftist pajama boy hack, Up Chuck Todd. I hope ta' hell they're offended, put off, insulted, etc. It's about time they get a taste of their own medicine. God knows the nation has had to listen to enough of their ultra partisan bull shit.
Pardon me if I push your Tough Shit button
Pardon me if I report you for a Zone II violation of the rules.

Now GFY.
Fuck that sullen, arrogant, establishment bitch, and that little bubble headed pussy progtard leftist pajama boy hack, Up Chuck Todd. I hope ta' hell they're offended, put off, insulted, etc. It's about time they get a taste of their own medicine. God knows the nation has had to listen to enough of their ultra partisan bull shit.
Pardon me if I push your Tough Shit button
Pardon me if I report you for a Zone II violation of the rules.

Now GFY.
you must be a republican ,,,,yellow coward I'm gonna tell momie lol
Looks like Megyn Kelly's tenure as President of the Conservative Spank Bank is over. :lol:
I remember the murder accusations made by the left against Romney. Currently the left is calling Trump every name in the book, simply because he wants border security and a halt to moving Syrian refugees here to the US so they can murder and rape like they're doing in Europe. A cop shooting knife-welding assailants is now called murder by racist cops.

Trump wouldn't be doing so well if it wasn't for the prime time riots we saw in Baltimore. His support comes from people that have simply said "ENOUGH!!!!!!"
It would be much easier to follow this if they'd just split into two parties.

This is like watching a football game where both teams are wearing the same uniform.
Does any of these idiots know that they will need Megyn Kelly's support in a general election
I'm not really sure how this works.

If I'm understanding this, Kelly is an enemy of the conservatives (but not the Republicans). So maybe they won't want her help if a conservative (but not a Republican) is nominated.

I think.

When you have both establishments telling you the same thing..........Trump can't win, Cruz can't win, Sanders can't becomes pretty obvious what they want; or should I say, what they don't want.

So what if it ends up being Trump or Cruz V Sanders in the election? Well then, the whole establishment is wrong because on of them has to get elected, lol.

Forget Sanders for a bad are Trump and Cruz in all honesty? A highly successful billionaire businessperson, and a constitutional lawyer. And they would be replacing a 1st term senator who's claim to fame was being a community organizer!

Now, forget the policies......................can they LEAD the country as well as Obama did or better? I do not see anything in their resumes that say they can't! In fact, of all the candidates left on both sides, the least likely to be able to lead would be Carson and Sanders.

When people attack Trump, Cruz, or Clinton; they are attacking their PERSONALITIES.............which is really just a way of attacking their agendas. They try to diminish them in the eyes of the voters, since attacking their agenda is a loser for almost 50% of the voting population. An attack on personality or character in politics, is NOT an attempt to get someone to change to your side, but rather a thinly veiled attack to get you not to vote, thus increasing their candidates prospects, by addition through subtraction. They attempt to tie you to that candidate, then claim the candidate is a racist, a homophobe, or a crook.

It works, and always has, until you are told what it is they are actually trying to do-) The GOP has done it with Hillary; and it shows by how much trouble she is having with Bernie. Done it with Cruz, and you see it showing in his numbers. They would have done it with Trump, but they thought he would implode by himself and had far less warning than they did with the other 2.

Now watch what happens! You are going to get the full court press on Trump from the GOP and Dems since it is obvious, he is not going away unless they make him. They wanted Bush v Clinton, but are willing to go to plan b, which is Rubio V Clinton. Politics is a full contact sport, lol. The Washington establishment on both sides want who/what they want, and they will work together to get this done. Fox and the rest of the MSM media will help, trust me, lol. The last thing these entities want is to allow the people of this country to choose anyone who will see things their way. Why? Because if they do, the people take back power, and there is only so much power to go around, and right now, the Washington establishment has all of it!
If anything, Trump has revealed that we have been a one party system for a long time. Loong time.
no one is in panic mode about anything.

it's so funny how scared you are of anyone telling the truth about the donald.

no doubt you love him because his dad was arrested at a kkk rally and he and his people spew bigotry..

btw, trump's mother was born in scotland. maybe to your little mind, he isn't a natural born citizen, kkk'er. :cuckoo:
Ridiculous. The media coddles him and gives him unheard of free advertising. Try to gain a little perspective.

Oh Jilly...we can always count on you to get things wrong.

The media and the establishment can't believe Trump's success and have tried many times to derail him without success. Unfortunately, due to your mental condition, you are incapable to comprehending the truth.

The media wants nothing more than a Donald Trump GOP nomination. Thinking otherwise is an excercise in stupid.
Oh really... man I did not know that... I thought that spending $220M on trashing him meant something completely different. I guess they just like to throw money away.

Ridiculous. The media coddles him and gives him unheard of free advertising. Try to gain a little perspective.
It is hard to believe one can be so to believe negative reporting is advertising.
Of course it is. It's foolish to think it is not.
It would be much easier to follow this if they'd just split into two parties.

This is like watching a football game where both teams are wearing the same uniform.
Does any of these idiots know that they will need Megyn Kelly's support in a general election
I'm not really sure how this works.

If I'm understanding this, Kelly is an enemy of the conservatives (but not the Republicans). So maybe they won't want her help if a conservative (but not a Republican) is nominated.

I think.

When you have both establishments telling you the same thing..........Trump can't win, Cruz can't win, Sanders can't becomes pretty obvious what they want; or should I say, what they don't want.

So what if it ends up being Trump or Cruz V Sanders in the election? Well then, the whole establishment is wrong because on of them has to get elected, lol.

Forget Sanders for a bad are Trump and Cruz in all honesty? A highly successful billionaire businessperson, and a constitutional lawyer. And they would be replacing a 1st term senator who's claim to fame was being a community organizer!

Now, forget the policies......................can they LEAD the country as well as Obama did or better? I do not see anything in their resumes that say they can't! In fact, of all the candidates left on both sides, the least likely to be able to lead would be Carson and Sanders.

When people attack Trump, Cruz, or Clinton; they are attacking their PERSONALITIES.............which is really just a way of attacking their agendas. They try to diminish them in the eyes of the voters, since attacking their agenda is a loser for almost 50% of the voting population. An attack on personality or character in politics, is NOT an attempt to get someone to change to your side, but rather a thinly veiled attack to get you not to vote, thus increasing their candidates prospects, by addition through subtraction. They attempt to tie you to that candidate, then claim the candidate is a racist, a homophobe, or a crook.

It works, and always has, until you are told what it is they are actually trying to do-) The GOP has done it with Hillary; and it shows by how much trouble she is having with Bernie. Done it with Cruz, and you see it showing in his numbers. They would have done it with Trump, but they thought he would implode by himself and had far less warning than they did with the other 2.

Now watch what happens! You are going to get the full court press on Trump from the GOP and Dems since it is obvious, he is not going away unless they make him. They wanted Bush v Clinton, but are willing to go to plan b, which is Rubio V Clinton. Politics is a full contact sport, lol. The Washington establishment on both sides want who/what they want, and they will work together to get this done. Fox and the rest of the MSM media will help, trust me, lol. The last thing these entities want is to allow the people of this country to choose anyone who will see things their way. Why? Because if they do, the people take back power, and there is only so much power to go around, and right now, the Washington establishment has all of it!
Agree, except for the comment about attacking Cankles has to do with her personality. She has a long record of lying, failure, and corruption. Her record sucks.

I do not care much for Trump, but the fact that the Washington establishment hates him so much, makes me like him. I guess it is a matter of disliking and distrusting the establishment much more.
Cruz - DEFINITELY anti establishment. When he'll stand on the senate floor and call the PARTY LEADER a LIAR, that's DEFINITELY, ANTI establishment, and it takes guts.
That's what I thought!
Will Cruz be able to get anything done if he's elected, though? I know he has a lot of support, but not from the people who make the laws. How does he do all he promised?
Why not?

There will be one of two scenarios, one, he'll have a republican controlled congress, so for the most part he'll have favorable sailing.

Or two, if either house of the congress, or both falls to the dems, he'll still have a "pen and phone" and the option to abuse his power like the asshole junior Hitler we have now.

So whoever is president, they should be able to do just about whatever the hell they want.
OK. What I was referring to was the report that Republicans don't like him either, so even with a Repub controlled congress, he might have trouble getting things accomplished. I suppose once he's President, people will try harder. Things have been a bit fractious in Congress of late.
It was just a few years ago, the rubes were on their knees worshipping Megyn Kelly.

Now look at them. :lol:

I wonder how far Trump the pied piper can lead these rubes. Will he get them all the way into the cave?

This is fascinating to watch.
The people just need to remember, most of these medias have been taken over by far leftwing and even some of the Lamestream like: Abc,Cbs, Cnn especially. and have become pretty much an enemy to all the people not radical left, progressives/ dem. their reporting is so Biased and one sided to the dems. Megan Kelly needs to get over herself and report the news not her Oponions

It was just a few years ago, the rubes were on their knees worshipping Megyn Kelly.

Now look at them. :lol:

I wonder how far Trump the pied piper can lead these rubes. Will he get them all the way into the cave?

This is fascinating to watch.
Fascinating, but scary. If we end up in the cave, what then?
It was just a few years ago, the rubes were on their knees worshipping Megyn Kelly.

Now look at them. :lol:

I wonder how far Trump the pied piper can lead these rubes. Will he get them all the way into the cave?

This is fascinating to watch.
Fascinating, but scary. If we end up in the cave, what then?

Ooooo.... then maybe we can call a bugle boy and we can boogie oogie together. :biggrin:
Is it possible that Kelly's comment "enough seriously" was directed at the liberal media with their constant barrage of inane reports rather than Trump supporters"?

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