Megyn Kelly Is Receiving Death Threats From Rabid Donald Trump Supporters: Report

Ba-ha-ha! :lol:

Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine has a lengthy report about Donald Trump’s tense relationship with Fox News and its star anchor Megyn Kelly, whom Trump recently accused of unfairly targeting him during last Thursday’s televised debate (during which, Trump seemed to allege, Kelly had been menstruating). The internal conflict—placing Kelly and Trump in competition for the approval of Fox boss Roger Ailes—has apparently gotten so toxic that Trump supporters have begun threatening Kelly’s life:

For a few days, Ailes didn’t know how to handle Trump’s full-throated attack on Kelly, who accused Trump of sexism during the debate. Eventually, as I reported yesterday, he made the same choice he always does: follow the ratings, and mend fences with Trump. But that process has meant that Fox has had to mute its defense of Kelly, who is now watching uneasily as the Fox audience turns on her: According to one high-level source, Kelly has told Fox producers that she’s been getting death threats from Trump supporters.

Megyn Kelly ranks among Fox’s most prized talent, both publicly and within the channel’s pecking order; it would require extraordinary circumstances for Ailes not to vociferously defend her integrity or her ability to interrogate presidential candidates. But now we know the circumstances under which Ailes won’t go to bat for Kelly: When Donald Trump is attacking her. “Fox’s famously aggressive PR apparatus has not gone after Trump to defend Kelly,” Sherman notes, referring to the notoriously cruel tactics of Fox publicist Irena Briganti. Ailes’ initial defense of Fox News—“I’m extremely proud of all of the moderators”—didn’t even mention Kelly’s name.

More: Megyn Kelly Is Receiving Death Threats From Rabid Donald Trump Supporters: Report

How Fox News Picked Trump Over Megyn Kelly -- NYMag

I am really surprised that Fox viewers would turn on Megyn Kelly so quickly over one debate. Actually, I thought she conducted herself quite professionally. She could have asked Trump about what his ex-wife Ivana said under oath about being raped and having her hair pulled out - but she didn't.
I have a statement from a high level authority that Barack Obama has called you the biggest idiot on this board.
Sadly death threats come with being in the public eye and in case no one has noticed Kelly has not whined or complained about the blowback nor has she gotten into war of words with Trump she has responded like a professional.
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Ha, more ratings hype. Man, when will the Sheeple grow tired of being suckas? Chick's just setting herself up for her next contract. She'll likely end up at a Communist/Progressive network like CNN, NBC, CBS, and so on. It's a sham.
Most likely any threats were not from 'Trump supporters. They were more likely from commie nutjobs.
Most likely any threats were not from 'Trump supporters. They were more likely from commie nutjobs.

I'm going with ratings hype. She's hemorrhaging loyal viewers. My prediction is she'll end up at a Communist/Progressive network like CNN, NBC, CBS, and so on.
Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine has a lengthy report about Donald Trump’s tense relationship with Fox News and its star anchor Megyn Kelly, whom Trump recently accused of unfairly targeting him during last Thursday’s televised debate (during which, Trump seemed to allege, Kelly had been menstruating). The internal conflict—placing Kelly and Trump in competition for the approval of Fox boss Roger Ailes—has apparently gotten so toxic that Trump supporters have begun threatening Kelly’s life:

For a few days, Ailes didn’t know how to handle Trump’s full-throated attack on Kelly, who accused Trump of sexism during the debate. Eventually, as I reported yesterday, he made the same choice he always does: follow the ratings, and mend fences with Trump. But that process has meant that Fox has had to mute its defense of Kelly, who is now watching uneasily as the Fox audience turns on her: According to one high-level source, Kelly has told Fox producers that she’s been getting death threats from Trump supporters.

Megyn Kelly ranks among Fox’s most prized talent, both publicly and within the channel’s pecking order; it would require extraordinary circumstances for Ailes not to vociferously defend her integrity or her ability to interrogate presidential candidates. But now we know the circumstances under which Ailes won’t go to bat for Kelly: When Donald Trump is attacking her. “Fox’s famously aggressive PR apparatus has not gone after Trump to defend Kelly,” Sherman notes, referring to the notoriously cruel tactics of Fox publicist Irena Briganti. Ailes’ initial defense of Fox News—“I’m extremely proud of all of the moderators”—didn’t even mention Kelly’s name.

More: Megyn Kelly Is Receiving Death Threats From Rabid Donald Trump Supporters: Report

How Fox News Picked Trump Over Megyn Kelly -- NYMag

I am really surprised that Fox viewers would turn on Megyn Kelly so quickly over one debate. Actually, I thought she conducted herself quite professionally. She could have asked Trump about what his ex-wife Ivana said under oath about being raped and having her hair pulled out - but she didn't.
Death threats are a joke. Glenn Beck got them constantly. Trump got them after he said McCain wasn't a hero.

Megyn, took a dump on her loyal viewers with her line of questions......she should have anticipated a backlash. The way she conducted herself wasn't good journalism. It was pure filth and opportunism more akin to yellow-journalism than anything. Taking a very old story out of context and trying to destroy the credibility of the Republican frontrunner was something we could expect from the mainstream media, not Fox News.
Big Brother contestants get death threats too. Kelly needs to pull up her big girl panties. There are crazies everywhere and she knew the repercussions becoming "famous". Comes with the territory.
yep. She's the top news reader on GOP TV (Fox) so she can afford to have minders.
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Most likely any threats were not from 'Trump supporters. They were more likely from commie nutjobs.

I'd put money on it. They would crawl to any low to show the people who disagrees with them in a bad light. Look what they did to the Tea Party. These lowlife Progressives in the Democrat party are a DANGER to all of us who isn't on THEIR SIDE
People better start Waking up to this. Look at the violent thugs they are supporting to go around and Cause riots and looting on the rest of us
Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine has a lengthy report about Donald Trump’s tense relationship with Fox News and its star anchor Megyn Kelly, whom Trump recently accused of unfairly targeting him during last Thursday’s televised debate (during which, Trump seemed to allege, Kelly had been menstruating). The internal conflict—placing Kelly and Trump in competition for the approval of Fox boss Roger Ailes—has apparently gotten so toxic that Trump supporters have begun threatening Kelly’s life:

For a few days, Ailes didn’t know how to handle Trump’s full-throated attack on Kelly, who accused Trump of sexism during the debate. Eventually, as I reported yesterday, he made the same choice he always does: follow the ratings, and mend fences with Trump. But that process has meant that Fox has had to mute its defense of Kelly, who is now watching uneasily as the Fox audience turns on her: According to one high-level source, Kelly has told Fox producers that she’s been getting death threats from Trump supporters.

Megyn Kelly ranks among Fox’s most prized talent, both publicly and within the channel’s pecking order; it would require extraordinary circumstances for Ailes not to vociferously defend her integrity or her ability to interrogate presidential candidates. But now we know the circumstances under which Ailes won’t go to bat for Kelly: When Donald Trump is attacking her. “Fox’s famously aggressive PR apparatus has not gone after Trump to defend Kelly,” Sherman notes, referring to the notoriously cruel tactics of Fox publicist Irena Briganti. Ailes’ initial defense of Fox News—“I’m extremely proud of all of the moderators”—didn’t even mention Kelly’s name.

More: Megyn Kelly Is Receiving Death Threats From Rabid Donald Trump Supporters: Report

How Fox News Picked Trump Over Megyn Kelly -- NYMag

I am really surprised that Fox viewers would turn on Megyn Kelly so quickly over one debate. Actually, I thought she conducted herself quite professionally. She could have asked Trump about what his ex-wife Ivana said under oath about being raped and having her hair pulled out - but she didn't.
Death threats are a joke. Glenn Beck got them constantly. Trump got them after he said McCain wasn't a hero.

Just remember the golden rule folks, Its different when Conservatives do it. Theres a 40 page thread on BLM movement saying they want war. Ohhh scary, but threatening Kelly's life is just a little wit and humor. Har Har, I'mma kill you.
Gabriel Sherman of New York magazine has a lengthy report about Donald Trump’s tense relationship with Fox News and its star anchor Megyn Kelly, whom Trump recently accused of unfairly targeting him during last Thursday’s televised debate (during which, Trump seemed to allege, Kelly had been menstruating). The internal conflict—placing Kelly and Trump in competition for the approval of Fox boss Roger Ailes—has apparently gotten so toxic that Trump supporters have begun threatening Kelly’s life:

For a few days, Ailes didn’t know how to handle Trump’s full-throated attack on Kelly, who accused Trump of sexism during the debate. Eventually, as I reported yesterday, he made the same choice he always does: follow the ratings, and mend fences with Trump. But that process has meant that Fox has had to mute its defense of Kelly, who is now watching uneasily as the Fox audience turns on her: According to one high-level source, Kelly has told Fox producers that she’s been getting death threats from Trump supporters.

Megyn Kelly ranks among Fox’s most prized talent, both publicly and within the channel’s pecking order; it would require extraordinary circumstances for Ailes not to vociferously defend her integrity or her ability to interrogate presidential candidates. But now we know the circumstances under which Ailes won’t go to bat for Kelly: When Donald Trump is attacking her. “Fox’s famously aggressive PR apparatus has not gone after Trump to defend Kelly,” Sherman notes, referring to the notoriously cruel tactics of Fox publicist Irena Briganti. Ailes’ initial defense of Fox News—“I’m extremely proud of all of the moderators”—didn’t even mention Kelly’s name.

More: Megyn Kelly Is Receiving Death Threats From Rabid Donald Trump Supporters: Report

How Fox News Picked Trump Over Megyn Kelly -- NYMag

I am really surprised that Fox viewers would turn on Megyn Kelly so quickly over one debate. Actually, I thought she conducted herself quite professionally. She could have asked Trump about what his ex-wife Ivana said under oath about being raped and having her hair pulled out - but she didn't.
Death threats are a joke. Glenn Beck got them constantly. Trump got them after he said McCain wasn't a hero.

Just remember the golden rule folks, Its different when Conservatives do it. Theres a 40 page thread on BLM movement saying they want war. Ohhh scary, but threatening Kelly's life is just a little wit and humor. Har Har, I'mma kill you.
Until she helped you out you wouldn't have given a damn.

She's not in danger........and telling everyone she's getting death threats is just an attempt to gain sympathy.

And your golden rule is a bit suspect....considering the fact Democrats expect double-standards as a rule......not an exception.
Until she helped you out you wouldn't have given a damn.

She's not in danger........and telling everyone she's getting death threats is just an attempt to gain sympathy.

And your golden rule is a bit suspect....considering the fact Democrats expect double-standards as a rule......not an exception.

Hey buddy, Death threats arent jokes. YOU said that, not me. Tee Hee
Until she helped you out you wouldn't have given a damn.

She's not in danger........and telling everyone she's getting death threats is just an attempt to gain sympathy.

And your golden rule is a bit suspect....considering the fact Democrats expect double-standards as a rule......not an exception.

Hey buddy, Death threats arent jokes. YOU said that, not me. Tee Hee
Nope....but you are......a joke.

Still ......Megyn essentially gave Fox viewers the bird......not surprisingly......some of them are pissed about it.
Until she helped you out you wouldn't have given a damn.

She's not in danger........and telling everyone she's getting death threats is just an attempt to gain sympathy.

And your golden rule is a bit suspect....considering the fact Democrats expect double-standards as a rule......not an exception.

Hey buddy, Death threats arent jokes. YOU said that, not me. Tee Hee
Nope....but you are......a joke.

Still ......Megyn essentially gave Fox viewers the bird......not surprisingly......some of them are pissed about it.

Me and Death Threats are jokes. Got it!
Until she helped you out you wouldn't have given a damn.

She's not in danger........and telling everyone she's getting death threats is just an attempt to gain sympathy.

And your golden rule is a bit suspect....considering the fact Democrats expect double-standards as a rule......not an exception.

Hey buddy, Death threats arent jokes. YOU said that, not me. Tee Hee
Nope....but you are......a joke.

Still ......Megyn essentially gave Fox viewers the bird......not surprisingly......some of them are pissed about it.
I don't think so. She was just being playful.
Until she helped you out you wouldn't have given a damn.

She's not in danger........and telling everyone she's getting death threats is just an attempt to gain sympathy.

And your golden rule is a bit suspect....considering the fact Democrats expect double-standards as a rule......not an exception.

Hey buddy, Death threats arent jokes. YOU said that, not me. Tee Hee
Nope....but you are......a joke.

Still ......Megyn essentially gave Fox viewers the bird......not surprisingly......some of them are pissed about it.

Me and Death Threats are jokes. Got it!
Sadly death threats come with being in the public eye and in case no one has noticed Kelly has not whined or complained about the blowback nor has she gotten into war of words with Trump she has responded like a professional.
Shit! I get a death threat 3 or 4 times a week and I'm not a celebrity. Drunks and idiots abound.
Or on her back aiming for a new gig.

You're either flaming - or you're one really sick bitch. You're obviously a rabid Trump supporter.
I support having balls to say what others are afraid to say. She was skanky before the debates and she is skanky now, in my opinion.

I believe you are the real skank. Megyn is highly educated, pretty, rich and famous. And you are...
Highly educated, pretty, rich and famous. Yes and a Conservative. And you? Ignorant, ugly, dirt poor and unknown.

I love watching you idiots scramble to criticize each and every Republican candidate that shows some ability to beat the criminal you guys want to sit at the same desk where her husband got a hummer.

We won't let you select our candidate this time, squaw.

Meanwhile TV producers cannot give trump enough free air time. Congratulate us...we're [picking your candidate for you once more.

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