Megyn Kelly Is Receiving Death Threats From Rabid Donald Trump Supporters: Report

this thread is about death threats, not your deranged marital arrangement.
Very unfortunate about the death threats. Totally not the way to handle things. However, if she'd been home in a kitchen where she belongs it would never have happened.

i bet you think you're funny.
I don't know why Trump supporters are acting this way. It's unnecessary. I understand their support when most do not, but I can't understand why they act this way.
i bet you think you're funny.

I'm as serious as a heart attack at the South Pole. Men AND women need to start relearning their proper places in the world before our society totally collapses. Those who can't or won't do so need to be eliminated for the betterment of society.
how touching to see the liberals all worried about someone on a News Station they've hated on for years. and why are they for her? because they loved her putting someone down and being an ass. what sick and twisted people

the fox journalist merely asked a legitimate question to a presidential candidate.

loyalty to rethuglicanism trumps loyalty to your own gender..?

she was confronting him for how HE puts women down...

Kelly confronted him with derogatory comments he's made about women, including calling individual women "fat pigs" and "dogs."

"Does that sound to you like the temperament of a man we should elect as president?" Kelly asked.

The real-estate magnate bristled and told Kelly he didn't have the time to be politically correct.

Megyn Kelly reportedly received death threats from Donald Trump supporters
I'm on Kelly's side because.... i wanna' fvck her. And I imagine she wants it too!

That's why I watch FoxNews.

For the babes.
can you imagine? the man who wants to be president throws a tantrum over THAT 'tough question'?

we need a trusted leader who knows HOW to answer tough questions respectably.
There's nothing wrong with killing, so long as the right people are dying.

so you'd really like to follow thru on this ridonkulous war on women theme...


let's make America great again and keep mom in her place!
network anchors are generally good looking people who also have legit credentials, just like she does.
so you'd really like to follow thru on this ridonkulous war on women theme...

My war isn't against women. My war is against Feminists and Metrosexual males who refuse to accept the proper Order of society.

let's make America great again and keep mom in her place!

Dad too. He better be holding up His end of the bargain too.
and by dad's rightful place you mean as the arbiter of proper punishment for keeping mom in her place.
Corporal Discipline/Punishment is part of the 3rd and 4th steps of a 5 step system that my wife and I use, and have used for the entirety of the almost 4 years we've lived together (even before we were married). Please note thst she is free to leave at any time, for any reason, pursuant to the clauses in our prenuptial agreement.

1st Step - Verbal Reminder of Infraction.

2nd Step - Verbal Reminder of Infraction and Loss of Privilege

3rd Step - Verbal Reminder of Infraction and Minor Physical Discipline (less than or equal to 10 Contacts)

4th Step - Verbal Reminder of Infraction and Major Physical Discipline (less than or equal to 20 Contacts)

5th Step - Verbal Reminder of Infraction and Removal from Premises

In nearly 48 months weve reached Step 3 once and Step 2 twice.

just because someone has a degree in something or other does not make them "wordly". We saw that w/ Dr. Carson, Same can apply to Megyn "Santa was white" Kelly
just because someone has a degree in something or other does not make them "wordly". We saw that w/ Dr. Carson, Same can apply to Megyn "Santa was white" Kelly
This I will agree with. See the majority of the totally out of touch with reality Hollywood elite.
and by dad's rightful place you mean as the arbiter of proper punishment for keeping mom in her place.

His proper place is as the Head of Household, breadwinner, and defender of Right and Wrong. If he's doing that job properly then Discipline of ALL members of the family is part of that.
Sadly death threats come with being in the public eye and in case no one has noticed Kelly has not whined or complained about the blowback nor has she gotten into war of words with Trump she has responded like a professional.
Shit! I get a death threat 3 or 4 times a week and I'm not a celebrity. Drunks and idiots abound.
Liar........who the fuck would even care enough about anything you've ever said?
Drunks when I tell them to get their drunk asses out of my bar, and Liberals when they attempt to debate politics with me.
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