Melania Has Yet To Reach Out To Mooch

And replaced it with..................?
I just cant beleive the so called conservatives elected a pussy grabber and a first lady whoshowed her boobs and ass to the world...morals and family values they said LOL

The alternative was a carpet munching, corrupt old hag
Smart gal that Melania.

Funniest comment I read on it.....

“Hi Michelle, Melania here. Listen, I’ve been looking for that table cloth that goes in the east kitchen…last time I saw it, you were wearing it during a State Dinner to host foreign dignitaries. Do you happen to know where it is? Thanks!

Melania Has Yet To Seek Advice From Michelle

In an exclusive interview on ABC Sunday night with Michelle Obama, Robin Roberts touched on an excerpt from Michelle Obama’s book in which she discusses how her predecessor, Laura Bush, told her that she was just “a phone call away.”

In turn, Obama has offered the same assistance to the current first lady. But when Roberts asked, “Has [Trump] reached out to you and asked for any help?” Michelle Obama responded, “No, she hasn’t.”

Melania Has Yet To Seek Advice From Michelle

Considering Michelle Obama is much more popular and respected than Melania.68%-54%
Maybe that's why Melania uses Michelle's examples she set so frequently. Donald, would crap in his bid ass pants if Michelle was asked for advice by Melania.
I have nothing against Melania, but that woman has to smile once in awhile.
Trump is absolutely NOT on par with Obama’s golfing. He’s outpaced Obama’s golfing to the point that I think he’s doing it to laugh in our faces at how he can get away with it.

I'm sure his trips to Hawaii weren't cheap. And he took loads of those.

Trump has 42 people that the SS has to cover. Not cheap. Though Trump doesn't take a pay check which has to help some.

Its expensive to provide for the POTUS when he travels. Any POTUS. This one happens to have more family members than most.
Obama had 8 vacations in Hawaii over Christmas, you despicable hack. “Loads” my ass. This whole thread you’ve been telling me Trump’s family never travels. Now you claim his weekly vacations with up to 42 family members travelling is perfectly fine. Ridiculous.

Nope. His family does travel a lot. Not their fault they have to have SS along.

Its just a fact Jack.

Light a candle.
Obama’s Hawaii vacations over 8 years cost taxpayers $35 million. Trump weekly golf vacations over less than 2 years have cost taxpayers almost $80 million. Light a candle to that.

Can't do a thing about it but you can complain all you want.

Its a fact jack. Light a candle.
Sure I can do something about it. Just voted and took the House. Voting again in 2 years to oust either Trump or whoever has replaced him.
I'm sure his trips to Hawaii weren't cheap. And he took loads of those.

Trump has 42 people that the SS has to cover. Not cheap. Though Trump doesn't take a pay check which has to help some.

Its expensive to provide for the POTUS when he travels. Any POTUS. This one happens to have more family members than most.
Obama had 8 vacations in Hawaii over Christmas, you despicable hack. “Loads” my ass. This whole thread you’ve been telling me Trump’s family never travels. Now you claim his weekly vacations with up to 42 family members travelling is perfectly fine. Ridiculous.

Nope. His family does travel a lot. Not their fault they have to have SS along.

Its just a fact Jack.

Light a candle.
Obama’s Hawaii vacations over 8 years cost taxpayers $35 million. Trump weekly golf vacations over less than 2 years have cost taxpayers almost $80 million. Light a candle to that.

Can't do a thing about it but you can complain all you want.

Its a fact jack. Light a candle.
Sure I can do something about it. Just voted and took the House. Voting again in 2 years to oust either Trump or whoever has replaced him.

What ever floats your boat. Light a candle.
Smart gal that Melania.

Funniest comment I read on it.....

“Hi Michelle, Melania here. Listen, I’ve been looking for that table cloth that goes in the east kitchen…last time I saw it, you were wearing it during a State Dinner to host foreign dignitaries. Do you happen to know where it is? Thanks!

Melania Has Yet To Seek Advice From Michelle

In an exclusive interview on ABC Sunday night with Michelle Obama, Robin Roberts touched on an excerpt from Michelle Obama’s book in which she discusses how her predecessor, Laura Bush, told her that she was just “a phone call away.”

In turn, Obama has offered the same assistance to the current first lady. But when Roberts asked, “Has [Trump] reached out to you and asked for any help?” Michelle Obama responded, “No, she hasn’t.”

Melania Has Yet To Seek Advice From Michelle

Considering Michelle Obama is much more popular and respected than Melania.68%-54%
Maybe that's why Melania uses Michelle's examples she set so frequently. Donald, would crap in his bid ass pants if Michelle was asked for advice by Melania.
I have nothing against Melania, but that woman has to smile once in awhile.

That's nice...I suppose
No more single payer. You pay for your own now.

Oh trust me decent people are paying for the leeches health insurance
I just cant beleive the so called conservatives elected a pussy grabber and a first lady whoshowed her boobs and ass to the world...morals and family values they said LOL

The alternative was a carpet munching, corrupt old hag

Aleged Prostitute Melania has no clue as to how to act as a First Lady

The First Escort is just for show....just like any escort
And replaced it with..................?
And they are? When did tiny trump write them up?
Sanctions :iyfyus.jpg:

Google it, you've used up my five responses allotted to morons for the day really don't know. Quelle surprise. :abgg2q.jpg:

UN sanctions against Iran
Main article: List of United Nations resolutions concerning Iran
The UN Security Council passed a number of resolutions imposing sanctions on Iran, following the report by the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors regarding Iran's non-compliance with its safeguards agreement and the Board's finding that Iran's nuclear activities raised questions within the competency of the Security Council. Sanctions were first imposed when Iran rejected the Security Council's demand that Iran suspend all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities. Sanctions will be lifted when Iran meets those demands and fulfills the requirements of the IAEA Board of Governors. Iran sanctions are the toughest the world community has imposed on any country. However, in August 2018, EU High Representative Mogherini, speaking at a briefing with New Zealand's Foreign Minister Winston Peters Mogherini challenged U.S. sanctions on Iran, stating that the EU are encouraging small and medium size enterprises in particular to increase business with and in Iran as part of something that is for the EU a "Security Priority".[12][13]

  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1696passed on 31 July 2006. Demanded that Iran suspend all enrichment-related and reprocessing activities and threatened sanctions.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1737passed on 23 December 2006 in response to the proliferation risks presented by the Iranian nuclear program and, in this context, by Iran's continuing failure to meet the requirements of the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors and to comply with the provisions of Security Council resolution 1696 (2006).[14] Made mandatory for Iran to suspend enrichment-related and reprocessing activities and cooperate with the IAEA, imposed sanctions banning the supply of nuclear-related materials and technology, and froze the assets of key individuals and companies related to the program.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1747passed on 24 March 2007. Imposed an arms embargo and expanded the freeze on Iranian assets.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1803passed on 3 March 2008. Extended the asset freezes and called upon states to monitor the activities of Iranian banks, inspect Iranian ships and aircraft, and to monitor the movement of individuals involved with the program through their territory.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1835Passed in 2008.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1929passed on 9 June 2010. Banned Iran from participating in any activities related to ballistic missiles, tightened the arms embargo, travel bans on individuals involved with the program, froze the funds and assets of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines, and recommended that states inspect Iranian cargo, prohibit the servicing of Iranian vessels involved in prohibited activities, prevent the provision of financial services used for sensitive nuclear activities, closely watch Iranian individuals and entities when dealing with them, prohibit the opening of Iranian banks on their territory and prevent Iranian banks from entering into relationship with their banks if it might contribute to the nuclear program, and prevent financial institutions operating in their territory from opening offices and accounts in Iran.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 1984passed on 9 June 2011. This resolution extended the mandate of the panel of experts that supports the Iran Sanctions Committee for one year.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 2049passed on 7 June 2012. Renewed the mandate of the Iran Sanctions Committee’s Panel of Experts for 13 months.
  • United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231passed on 20 July 2015. Sets out a schedule for suspending and eventually lifting UN sanctions, with provisions to reimpose UN sanctions in case of non-performance by Iran, in accordance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

So....tell us, which one of these Sanctions did tiny trump create?
Obama's picnics were during the 1% GDP years, when the country could ill afford them.

The Don's 3.5% GDP has helped the entire country.
Let's not forget the Obama's $200 million a day trip to India.
The Don's 3.5% GDP more than makes up for it, Droopy.
Trump's 2017 annual GDP was 3.5% and nobody told me?

Or are you confusing quarterly GDP's with annual?

Either way, it matters not --- Obama inherited the worst recession in 70 yrs, Trump didn't...the end

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