Melania Trump ask's us to Forgive Trump's Old Behavior, like you forgave Bill Clinton...

Has Bill & Hillary apologized yet?

...didn't think so.
For what? A great economy? For 8 million children getting healthcare? What?
Great economy -

Almost 7 trillion in new debt in 4 years, record number of Americans of Food Stamps, Welfare, record number out of work force and not owning a home...

Health Care....collapsing, cost sky-rocketing, 'lie of the year'...

All which have to do with Barry, not Hillary...

Have the Clintons apologized for 4 Americans dead needlessly, 2 Un-aurhorized wars to help terrorists, running weapons to ISIS through Benghazi, victimizing women for decades...?

Yeah, didn't think so...
Benghazi - 4 dead - 8 investigations by the GOP with no wrongdoing found.

90 dead at US embassies under Reagan. No wrongdoing - no investigations.

60 dead at US embassies under Bush. No wrongdoing - no investigations.

GOP partisan politics is sickening. Don't you agree?
Has Hillary apologized for using an arms dealer to run weapons to ISIS in Syria through Benghazi?

Yeah, didn't think so.
Now be honest here. Knowing trump, can you imagine a president trump apologizing for selling weapons to some pretty bad guys in order to fight our enemy? Or him losing sleep because a handful of Americans died in the middle East?

You just know a trump/Chris Christie administration will be the most corrupt, borderline illegal.

Trump would make Gw look like a boyscout. Think dick Chaney
OMG you are still defending a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile and his ENABLER.
No Hillary's running and btw you just described trump
OMG you are still defending a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile and his ENABLER.

So every wife who sticks with a wandering husband is an enabler?

What do you think Trump's first wife says about the next two? Good things?
"Melania Trump ask's us to Forgive Trump's Old Behavior, like you forgave Bill Clinton..."

OK – Trump is forgiven.

But Trump is still unfit to be president, he remains a bigot, is hostile to sound, responsible governance, and is fundamentally wrong on the issues.

He deserves no one’s vote.
Has Bill & Hillary apologized yet?

...didn't think so.
For what? A great economy? For 8 million children getting healthcare? What?
Great economy -

Almost 7 trillion in new debt in 4 years, record number of Americans of Food Stamps, Welfare, record number out of work force and not owning a home...

Health Care....collapsing, cost sky-rocketing, 'lie of the year'...

All which have to do with Barry, not Hillary...

Have the Clintons apologized for 4 Americans dead needlessly, 2 Un-aurhorized wars to help terrorists, running weapons to ISIS through Benghazi, victimizing women for decades...?

Yeah, didn't think so...
Benghazi - 4 dead - 8 investigations by the GOP with no wrongdoing found.

90 dead at US embassies under Reagan. No wrongdoing - no investigations.

60 dead at US embassies under Bush. No wrongdoing - no investigations.

GOP partisan politics is sickening. Don't you agree?
You LIE, as usual...

Unless you call rejecting over 60 pleas for additional security and stripping the Ambassador of 14 security members after 2 terrorist attacks, and abandoning Americans to die 'nothing'...

Unless you call running weapons to ISIS from Benghazi to Syria 'nothing'...

Unless you cally allying herself with Al Qaeida and dragging the US to UN-AUTHORIZED WAR to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 (& 12) take over their own nation 'nothing'...

Unless you call lying about a video, calling grieving parents liars, and being caught perjuring herself 'nothing'...

...which I believe pathetic libs like you do.
OMG you are still defending a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile and his ENABLER.

So every wife who sticks with a wandering husband is an enabler?

What do you think Trump's first wife says about the next two? Good things?
It just amazes me the fake outrage all these years about bill Clinton and then when dozens of Republicans get caught being cheaters or liars Republicans pretend those are just a few bad apples and "we got rid of our bad apples" but here they are trying to put a bad apple in the Whitehouse with the knowledge trumps the scumbag we've all thought he was.

And literally 40 years they got nothing on the Clinton's.

It's this simple. The Clinton and Obama years were better than the bush years and we don't want to go back
OMG you are still defending a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile and his ENABLER.

So every wife who sticks with a wandering husband is an enabler?

What do you think Trump's first wife says about the next two? Good things?
Now that I'm old enough to be privy to some of the family secrets, I'm amazed at the number of wives who stick with a wandering husband--most of them, if they're in their golden years. It takes a lot of strength. And the people who are criticizing Hillary for being mean to those women who fooled around with her husband? She showed restraint.
"Melania Trump ask's us to Forgive Trump's Old Behavior, like you forgave Bill Clinton..."

OK – Trump is forgiven.

But Trump is still unfit to be president, he remains a bigot, is hostile to sound, responsible governance, and is fundamentally wrong on the issues.

He deserves no one’s vote.
Melania is going to leave him after the election. He just gave her an out. She just got paid. He never really loved her anyways and she sure didn't marry him for love. Maybe she has a great personality and let's be honest, ID marry an ugly millionaire too. He's not even a good person. More like a dr evil character.
So every wife who sticks with a wandering husband is an enabler?
You're trying to call Bill Clinton - the life-long predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, RAPING, adulterous PEDOPHILE - a 'Wanderer' while trying to compare Hillary - the woman who for decades demonized, bullied, threatened and silenced his victims - to other NORMAL, non-criminal non-ENABLING women?
OMG you are still defending a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile and his ENABLER.

So every wife who sticks with a wandering husband is an enabler?

What do you think Trump's first wife says about the next two? Good things?
Now that I'm old enough to be privy to some of the family secrets, I'm amazed at the number of wives who stick with a wandering husband--most of them, if they're in their golden years. It takes a lot of strength. And the people who are criticizing Hillary for being mean to those women who fooled around with her husband? She showed restraint.
Ok let's be honest. How many women if they had their own $10 million would stay?

In other words a lot of women don't have the financial freedom to bail ship. Leaving him would be a financial set back.

So a lot stay because they can't afford to leave. Guys too. That's why they call it being tied down to the old ball and chain
Has the WHITE BILL COSBY and his ENABLER apologized yet?

...yeah, didn't think so.
Conservatives, the 'judges' of humanity. Judge not lest ye be judged, he who casts the first stone...

They cast the first stone then carry around their sack of rocks and follow people around stoning them constantly. Hypocrites United best describes them. They've screamed for years 'why bring up Bush that was a long time ago, why bring up Reagan that is old history'. But as soon as it suits them they'll go back a thousand years for dirt and the opportunity to stone someone they stoned over and over before. These people get pleasure out of the misery of others.
Double standard? Bill Clinton spent his entire political career sexually abusing vulnerable women. He barely evaded an indictment for rape because of the statute of limitations and Hillary enabled his abuses every step of the way. Comparing a five year old sound bite to a career of physical sexual abuse is ludicrous.
OMG you are still defending a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile and his ENABLER.

So every wife who sticks with a wandering husband is an enabler?

What do you think Trump's first wife says about the next two? Good things?
Now that I'm old enough to be privy to some of the family secrets, I'm amazed at the number of wives who stick with a wandering husband--most of them, if they're in their golden years. It takes a lot of strength. And the people who are criticizing Hillary for being mean to those women who fooled around with her husband? She showed restraint.
Bill isn't a 'Wanderer'...he is a criminal predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer and pedophile.

Calling Bill a 'Wanderer' is like calling Jack the Ripper a 'barber'.
So every wife who sticks with a wandering husband is an enabler?
You're trying to call Bill Clinton - the life-long predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, RAPING, adulterous PEDOPHILE - a 'Wanderer' while trying to compare Hillary - the woman who for decades demonized, bullied, threatened and silenced his victims - to other NORMAL, non-criminal non-ENABLING women?
We don't accept your premise.

Let's be honest bill and trump are the same only now you are showing your hypocracy.

We know you don't care like we don't care. I want a liberal supreme Court nominee and were going to get one.

And here's why I don't like hillary. Ready? Because her appointee won't be liberal enough!
Double standard? Bill Clinton spent his entire political career sexually abusing vulnerable women. He barely evaded an indictment for rape because of the statute of limitations and Hillary enabled his abuses every step of the way. Comparing a five year old sound bite to a career of physical sexual abuse is ludicrous.
Wow you republicans, who for the record believe Obama wasnt born in America, have convicted bill Clinton of rape. Wow.
OMG you are still defending a predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer, and pedophile and his ENABLER.

So every wife who sticks with a wandering husband is an enabler?

What do you think Trump's first wife says about the next two? Good things?
Now that I'm old enough to be privy to some of the family secrets, I'm amazed at the number of wives who stick with a wandering husband--most of them, if they're in their golden years. It takes a lot of strength. And the people who are criticizing Hillary for being mean to those women who fooled around with her husband? She showed restraint.
Bill isn't a 'Wanderer'...he is a criminal predatory sexual assaulter, sexual harasser, rapist, adulterer and pedophile.

Calling Bill a 'Wanderer' is like calling Jack the Ripper a 'barber'.
Right wing bullshit.

And trump just takes the pussy too. You don't mind now why?
Liberals haven't learned anything. You are outraged by Trumps words but you want to put a sexual predator back into the white house.

Trump's deeds are what matters. A man who brags about being rich and famous enough to grope women at will is not the best role model.
After your continuing support for Clinton after all his sexual assaults. Leaves you with no credibility what so ever.

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