Melania trump, pro-choicer.

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i. Don Trump’s wife supports abortion 241003 {post•1}

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa inserts info on Melania Trump:

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,”​
“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes."​

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Don Trump cannot control his own woman anymore.

What kind of white Christian Republican male is Trump’s white Christian.MAGA base trying to put in God’s White House?

i. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: We see the benefits right away from the reversal of Roe v Wade. Babies are being saved. Hearts and minds are being turned AWAY from abortion. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

ii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 pSittfda: These Catholic justices should keep right on going, Repeal the poorly decided Obergefell case legalizing gay marriage. •¥•. Then its onto a repeal of state funded birth control. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

iii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: The ultimate prize would be to declare personhood for the unborn and outlaw all abortions as murder. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Will Saint Mashmont vote for a baby killer to represent the Catholic Church in the White House again?

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa:What about all the rest of the USMB white Trump Bible voters? Will you vote for such a weak Christian man or just ban Melanie’s book and hope for the best for the last great white Christian hope for America?

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Donald the Metropolitan Atheist obviously agrees with her.

But he needs the Jesusboi vote to stay out of prison.
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i. Don Trump’s wife supports abortion 241003 {post•1}

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa inserts info on Melania Trump:

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,”​
“Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes."​

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Don Trump cannot control his own woman anymore.

What kind of white Christian Republican male is Trump’s white Christian.MAGA base trying to put in God’s White House?

i. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: We see the benefits right away from the reversal of Roe v Wade. Babies are being saved. Hearts and minds are being turned AWAY from abortion. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

ii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 pSittfda: These Catholic justices should keep right on going, Repeal the poorly decided Obergefell case legalizing gay marriage. •¥•. Then its onto a repeal of state funded birth control. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

iii. It’s time to formally declare America a Christian Nation 220714 {adv669 post•2262}. Mashmont Jul’22 Sittfda: The ultimate prize would be to declare personhood for the unborn and outlaw all abortions as murder. Mshmnt 220714 Sittfd02262:

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa: Will Saint Mashmont vote for a baby killer to represent the Catholic Church in the White House again?

NotfooledbyW Oct’24 Vdtwsa:What about all the rest of the USMB white Trump Bible voters? Will you vote for such a weak Christian man or just ban Melanie’s book and hope for the best for the last great white Christian hope for America?

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So what you pussy , is she running for president you pussy ?
Fckn idiot, you're too stupid to deal with. You're ignorant and ignored. Buh bye little one
I can tell the truth really hurts you,,

dont let it get you down,, baby killers like you seem to be a little thin skinned and short of personal responsibility..

personal responsibility means you dont blame other people for what happens to you by your own actions,,
I can tell the truth really hurts you,,

dont let it get you down,, baby killers like you seem to be a little thin skinned and short of personal responsibility..

personal responsibility means you dont blame other people for what happens to you by your own actions,,

I'm absolutely pro life you comical sack of crap.

Just shut up ya fckn dumbass. You're once again looking to troll for attention and that's it. Nothing more nothing less. Now sit down like a good lap pup and stop annoying me
I'm absolutely pro life you comical sack of crap.

Just shut up ya fckn dumbass. You're once again looking to troll for attention and that's it. Nothing more nothing less. Now sit down like a good lap pup and stop annoying me
personal responsibility means you dont blame other people for what happens to you by your own actions,,

if youre so pro life why are you making excuses to justify killing the child??

personal responsibility means you dont blame other people for what happens to you by your own actions,,
personal responsibility means you dont blame other people for what happens to you by your own actions,,

if youre so pro life why are you making excuses to justify killing the child??

personal responsibility means you dont blame other people for what happens to you by your own actions,,

Missed shut up and sit didn't you. Next time I'll end it with one keystroke
Missed shut up and sit didn't you. Next time I'll end it with one keystroke
personal responsibility means you dont blame other people for what happens to you by your own actions,,

why re you blaming others for what happened to you??

personal responsibility means you dont blame other people for what happens to you by your own actions,,

Well this girl will not let this go.
Fair play to her. She is beating up these oddballs with a big stick.
Trump looks like a big fat CUCK in the face of this assault. Who wears the pants in that relationship ?

This sounds llike the end of Americas abbsurd obsession with denying rights to women.

Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I safeguard

Says Mrs Trump. Amen sister !!

Well this girl will not let this go.
Fair play to her. She is beating up these oddballs with a big stick.
Trump looks like a big fat CUCK in the face of this assault. Who wears the pants in that relationship ?

This sounds llike the end of Americas abbsurd obsession with denying rights to women.

Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I safeguard

Says Mrs Trump. Amen sister !!

I'll be sure not to vote for her.

Well this girl will not let this go.
Fair play to her. She is beating up these oddballs with a big stick.
Trump looks like a big fat CUCK in the face of this assault. Who wears the pants in that relationship ?

This sounds llike the end of Americas abbsurd obsession with denying rights to women.

Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I safeguard

Says Mrs Trump. Amen sister !!
It's a huge boost to women, and far reaching even outside their borders. And it couldn't be coming from a better place.

Trump was already close to going over the edge and this is going to hit him so close to home that it may destroy him.
Bulldog is now on record saying women shouldn't be able to have their own thoughts and opinions.

No. I realize that might be the way childish MAGA might interpret what I wrote, but they aren't very bright anyway.
No it didn't. No matter how many times it's pointed out that the courts simply ruled it was not a right enshrined in the Constitution but that the federal government could pass laws concerning abortion, it seems to matter none.

Dobbs could also prompt consideration of federal abortion legislation. Those who oppose the decisionand support a right to abortion may promote legislation that would establish such a right in statute. Ifenacted, the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2021 (H.R. 3755/S. 4132), introduced in the 117thCongress, would guarantee health care providers a statutory right to provide abortion services andpreempt any state law that would limit or restrict that right. The bill would also establish a correspondingright for patients to obtain abortion services unimpeded by state law restrictions, such as pre-viabilityabortion prohibitions. The House passed the bill in September 2021, but the Senate has twice rejectedcloture motions to proceed with consideration of the bill. A second bill introduced this Congress, theReproductive Choice Act (S. 3713), would codify the “essential holdings” of Roe and Casey and providesthat a state may not impose an undue burden on a woman’s ability to have an abortion before fetalviability. If enacted, it appears that the bill would allow abortion restrictions to be evaluated under thestandard established by Casey. It is possible, as well, that Congress might consider legislation of morelimited scope that seeks to protect abortion access in specific circumstances.

Following the Court’s decision to overrule Roe and Casey, Congress could consider legislation thatprohibits the performance of abortion at any point during a woman’s pregnancy. Bills like Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act have passed the House in the 113th, 114th, and 115th Congresses. The Pain-CapableUnborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 1080/S. 61), introduced in the 117th Congress, would generallyprohibit the performance or attempted performance of an abortion once the probable post-fertilization ageof the fetus is 20 weeks or greater. The bill states that it would further a “compelling governmentalinterest in protecting the lives of unborn children from the stage at which substantial medical evidenceindicates that they are capable of feeling pain.”Legal and policy issues raised by the Dobbs decision, including considerations that may inform legislativeproposals at both the state and federal levels made in response, may be addressed in more depth andspecificity by future CRS products.


At least read the decision: From page 85 of the PDF.

Under our precedents, rational-basis review is the appropriate standard for such challenges. As we have explained, procuring an abortion is not a fundamental constitutional right because such a right has no basis in the Constitution’s text or in our Nation’s history. See supra, at 8–39.It follows that the States may regulate abortion for legitimate reasons, and when such regulations are challenged under the Constitution, courts cannot “substitute their social and economic beliefs for the judgment of legislative bodies.”

That respect for a legislature’s judgment applies even when the laws at issue concern matters of great social significance and moral substance. See, e.g., Board of Trustees of Univ. of Ala. v. Garrett, 531 U. S. 356, 365–368 (2001) (“treatment of the disabled”); Glucksberg, 521 U. S., at 728 (“assisted suicide”); San Antonio Independent School Dist. v. Rodriguez, 411 U. S. 1, 32–35, 55 (1973) (“financing public education”).A law regulating abortion, like other health and welfare laws, is entitled to a “strong presumption of validity.” Heller v. Doe, 509 U. S. 312, 319 (1993). It must be sustained if there is a rational basis on which the legislature could have thought that it would serve legitimate state interests.

Also if you're familiar with the language of the Constitution, State "legislatures" are never used synonymously with "congress".

Congress has no more constitutional authority to impose abortion on the nation than the court did.

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