melting Robert E. Satute in Charlottesville

Good real Americans have always been quite protective of their history
Yes. We are.
you book burners wouldn’t understand.
Oh, I understand, you dust monkey. I just believe you have become really fucking deranged by your extremist political ideology. A person to be neutralized.
“Education” “pretending to be American”….WTF? Are you sure you’re okay TDS’er
I'm fine. Did I hit your pathetic magaturd sensibilities too on the nose for you to react (IE you're a racist piece of shit)?
Does your head hurt from banging around all the hypocrisy in your miserable life? Or are you too much of a fucking weakling to actually admit you're too ignorant to participate in meaningful discussion?

Imma going to go with the latter. :113:
There will be room for a statue of George Floyd, or perhaps Trayvon Martin or maybe even a Honky liberal hero like Joseph Rosenbaum
It's expected a sufficient number of dissatisfied and obviously forgetful centrists plan to elect more trump Nazis like Boebert, Taylor Greene, Gaetz, etc. in next year's Mid-term Elections.

Following closely after that, the newly elected congressional majority of trumpublican extremists will begin their previously announced "impeachment fest".

There is a high likelihood the trumpublicans' cheeto-in-chief will be appointed führer soon after the current presidential line of succession has been imprisoned or executed. There would be no remaining official opposition to the congressional trumpublicans' fascism.

Led by Joe Manchin, the "moderate" Democrats have already prepared to fall in line behind der führer, and with the trumpublicans, will be the "legislature" of spineless yes-men to standup and cheer whenever der führer so much as farts. So why wait until January 20, 2023?

The future monuments and statues to be built and revered by the trump Nazis will be first and foremost of Thomas Carlyle, the father of fascism. Without his "wisdom" fascists like Hitler and Mussolini would have lacked the blueprint for their deadly regimes.

So, the Carlyle monument will be flanked by statues of Adolf Hitler and Bennito Mussolini, the fascist murderers trump aspires to emulate.

So far, he has nearly 800,000 deaths to his credit, and if the "legislature" of spineless yes-men has their way, those 800,000 are just the beginning.

Yes, the "new order" that will be the trump Nazis' "trumptopia" will rank up there with North Korea. Der führer trump will have become an equal with his hero Kim Jong-un. (The trump Nazis will be eager to please der führer, by honoring the North Korean dictator with the many statues they will build across the former United States. Also, it goes without saying, the trump Nazis will have statues, plaques, banners, etc. of der führer on every street corner, in every city, town, and Podunk. Being a malignant narcissist der führer will order it.)

The Confederate statues will soon become an insignificant issue with the trump Nazis. They will be much too busy watching der führer's military parades, hanging on his every word during his daily broadcasts on his social media networks, and all the other duties required of loyal trump Nazis in trumptopia.

Unfortunately, Lee is not the REAL target of Charlottesville. Monticello is just right down the road.

Don't let these freedom-hating communist shits fool you. They want to destroy anything and anyone who supports or supported individual liberty.

The are pure evil and must die.
Except your slaver heroes didn't support individual liberty for anyone but themselves.
Who's defending slavery?

Argumentum ad absurdum.

Part of the peace between the parts of the country was allowing the losers to remember the loss as they saw fit. Now some SJW losers have decided to violate those terms.

What we are doing is asking a black man going to the courthouse to pay his taxes to first walk by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery.

Maybe people years ago were unable to get over their loss, but it's long past time to do so.
It's a start. Next up, blow up the Stone Mountain carvings. All true Republicans should support the destruction of these monuments to treason.

As Sheridan might say "shove it up their treasonous asses!"
That is the problem.

You start by removing the mass produced confederate memorials put up years later during times of racial upheaval to remind them of ”their place”….war memorials usually are put in cemeteries or battleground sites anyway…

But then it becomes a free for all, and they start clamoring to destroy anything that represents the confederacy including actual works of art, not mass produced stuff. Stone Mountain is a beautiful carving.
What we are doing is asking a black man going to the courthouse to pay his taxes to first walk by a statue honoring someone that fought to keep his ancestors in slavery.

Maybe people years ago were unable to get over their loss, but it's long past time to do so.

From what I have seen it's mostly angry white people pushing for all this.
I have room for it but I'd have to have a pad poured first, the original pedestal would be a bit much. ;)

It would be historically correct too as R. E. Lee once rode past my property and stayed at a local home (Bel-Air) after Gettysburg.....I'd be very proud to host it. :)

Problem solved.
While it may be hard for some to believe, white people can understand how wrong it is to honor people who fought to keep others in slavery.

Maybe we should concentrate on what people alive today are doing and not try to impose our morals on people from the past.

Slavery was a dying but still acceptable practice at the time.
Maybe we should concentrate on what people alive today are doing and not try to impose our morals on people from the past.

Slavery was a dying but still acceptable practice at the time.

It was, but as I noted, it is wrong to make people go to the courthouse to pay their taxes and have to walk past a monument honoring someone that fought to keep their ancestors in slavery.
It was, but as I noted, it is wrong to make people go to the courthouse to pay their taxes and have to walk past a monument honoring someone that fought to keep their ancestors in slavery.

If the people felt uncomfortable about that, why didn't they just pay their taxes electronically, call in their card numbers or even mail in a check ? No need to ever look at the statue.
If the people felt uncomfortable about that, why didn't they just pay their taxes electronically, call in their card numbers or even mail in a check ? No need to ever look at the statue.

You are losing this one. You can honor the old slave owners in your own home.
It was, but as I noted, it is wrong to make people go to the courthouse to pay their taxes and have to walk past a monument honoring someone that fought to keep their ancestors in slavery.

If that is the biggest concern in your life, you need to re-assess you priorities.

I have to see all sorts of SJW woke bullshit paid for by my taxes, should I be able to bitch enough to get them removed?
If that is the biggest concern in your life, you need to re-assess you priorities.

I have to see all sorts of SJW woke bullshit paid for by my taxes, should I be able to bitch enough to get them removed?

It's not the biggest concern. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be a concern.

Knock yourself out concerning whatever it is you want to complain about.
It's not the biggest concern. That doesn't mean it shouldn't be a concern.

Knock yourself out concerning whatever it is you want to complain about.

When crime is up in Dem cities and their economies are fucked, they should worry about that.

And it's one thing to move the Statue, it's another to give it to someone to be melted down. That's destruction of art.
Removing the statues was a huge symbolic victory

not for the HS history class.....

It certainly underscores the historic reality that nations do not display monuments on their soil to their sworn enemies.

History is about the documented past, not the veneration of effigies.
When crime is up in Dem cities and their economies are fucked, they should worry about that.

And it's one thing to move the Statue, it's another to give it to someone to be melted down. That's destruction of art.

I addressed that in my first post.

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